Chaos Caucus Cannot Govern

Bro I am so pissed. I had a scheduled appointment for a basement finish estimate that was a 45 minute drive. I got there, rang the bell at the driveway gate and THEN got a message that he wasn't going to make it home something came up. 2 hours wasted and I refrained from drinking all day for the meet.

Fuck Ukraine
This is why you stash alcohol in your truck - for the drive home!

Those situations suck. You would love to act like any other professional - a doctor, dentist, etc. - who bills you if you don't keep your appointment or don't cancel within a set time. But you or I do it and we lose the gig.
You are a VOTER, You are in this Country.
What is so difficult for you to understand.

You cannot remove yourself from the group you call retarded.
You call voters 'retarded'
Therefore you are "RETARDED"

Pretty simple dude.
I don't vote for this stupid shit, you idiot. So, yes, I can omit myself from this retardation.
In this spending bill, it most certainly is one side - the House Chaos Caucus of Republicans.
If the shoe was on the other foot and the gop wanted funding for something only they thought was worthy and democrats were against it would you have the same attitude, like asy extra money for Israel? Spending bills should be clean. Hell, all bills should be clean. But especially the ones that take tax dollars from Americans and reallocate them to foreigners.
Congressman Andy Biggs made the very same claim against McCarthy just over a week ago. The Freedom Caucus is pissed at McCarthy for going back on promises made during the Speaker of House fight. At the 30 second mark he gets into it.

who's in charge? Doesn't the buck stop at the top? or the sniff in this instance?
Hey dumbfuck, the spending process goes House, then Senate, then they get together and iron out differences, then it goes to the president to sign or veto.

If you don't know basic government procedure the shut the fuck up.
Even Matt Gaetz knows Republicans should be blamed for any potential government shutdown.
Who do you blame for a porous border where criminal/terrorist/invader males are flooding this country? Who's fault is that. What will the value of ruling power be for demorats when the whole country is in ruins and they have to have armed security to get to the office. Where will their illgotten gains come from then from a populace who prefers pillaging to employment.
Who do you blame for a porous border where criminal/terrorist/invader males are flooding this country? Who's fault is that. What will the value of ruling power be for demorats when the whole country is in ruins and they have to have armed security to get to the office. Where will their illgotten gains come from then from a populace who prefers pillaging to employment.

Both parties since neither party has made a serious attempt at an immigration reform since even before Raygun!

‘Dead on Departure’: Shutdown Odds Skyrocket As House Republicans Flail

House Republicans worked late into the night Wednesday to craft a short-term spending bill that has a chance of passing through the chamber.

What they emerged with seems unlikely — at best — to garner enough support. And even if it does, it’s dead on arrival in the Senate, making a shutdown all but inevitable.

“I don’t know how much clearer we can make it to McCarthy that what he’s looking at is dead on arrival,” Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) told TPM of the new bill.

“I don’t think it’s even going to arrive — dead on departure,” Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) added.

“Speaker McCarthy is genuinely struggling to rein in his Republican caucus,” Coons told TPM. “I have some empathy for the fact that he’s dealing with folks so far to the right that they are determined to demand concessions so extreme that the rest of his party can’t vote for them. And I think the odds of a shutdown caused by the dysfunction in the House Republican caucus are steadily increasing.”


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