Chaos Caucus Cannot Govern

The OP is a liberal who for once makes a valid point. When we elect Trump in 2024, we also need to get rid of all the RINOs.
The OP is a liberal who for once makes a valid point. When we elect Trump in 2024, we also need to get rid of all the RINOs.
What are you talking about? It's not the "RINOS" who are refusing to pass this bill, it's the Trumptards.
You may not know how a shut down works.
I know exactly how a shutdown works.
Seven Chaos Caucus members are determined to shut down the government, no matter what. Republicans completely own this.

So, you are all right with increasing the budget deficits. Prog politicians are calling Republicans massive murderers and other names. There is so much confusion. All I know is that we have had about 20% inflation since American Joe took power. We love you Joe.....You icon. Privileged employment must be broken. And that can bring violence.
You can't 'both sides' this. The Republican House owns it completely.
You can both sides everything. DC is run by a uniparty out to destroy this country. Anyone who thinks differently is stupid or brainwashed. And that means you.

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