Characteristics of a great leader


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Characteristics of a great leader
I have never heard of a great leader go out every day and tell their constituents all the great things they have done.
In fact, just the opposite. Great leaders focus on doing great things for their constituents. Spending a lot of time telling constituents how great one does, takes away from doing great things.
Trump is not a great leader.
Characteristics of a great leader
I have never heard of a great leader go out every day and tell their constituents all the great things they have done.
In fact, just the opposite. Great leaders focus on doing great things for their constituents. Spending a lot of time telling constituents how great one does, takes away from doing great things.
Trump is not a great leader.

Fess up.

You were crying hard when you wrote this, weren't you?
Characteristics of a great leader
I have never heard of a great leader go out every day and tell their constituents all the great things they have done.
In fact, just the opposite. Great leaders focus on doing great things for their constituents. Spending a lot of time telling constituents how great one does, takes away from doing great things.
Trump is not a great leader.

The only people, after three years in office, who still think Trump is a great leader, are quite simply, idiots.

They can like Trump all they want, but don't call him a leader, because he only cares for himself.
You hear them do that every election cycle and since the reelection campigan seasons start about a week after politicans are sworn in from the last one you hear them do this all the time.
Characteristics of a great leader
I have never heard of a great leader go out every day and tell their constituents all the great things they have done.

That's because great leaders get their props from a properly-functioning press. If he didn't blow his own horn people would know only what the enemy tells them.

I love seeing the mental gymnastics of his loyalists carrying his water.

Do continue.
Characteristics of a great leader
I have never heard of a great leader go out every day and tell their constituents all the great things they have done.

That's because great leaders get their props from a properly-functioning press. If he didn't blow his own horn people would know only what the enemy tells them.

I love seeing the mental gymnastics of his loyalists carrying his water.

Do continue.
What are you waiting for scum? Start your war.
Characteristics of a great leader
I have never heard of a great leader go out every day and tell their constituents all the great things they have done.
In fact, just the opposite. Great leaders focus on doing great things for their constituents. Spending a lot of time telling constituents how great one does, takes away from doing great things.
Trump is not a great leader.
Characteristics of a great leader
I have never heard of a great leader go out every day and tell their constituents all the great things they have done.

That's because great leaders get their props from a properly-functioning press. If he didn't blow his own horn people would know only what the enemy tells them.

I love seeing the mental gymnastics of his loyalists carrying his water.

Do continue.

You people once asked what the meaning of "is" is.

I just told you.
Characteristics of a great leader
I have never heard of a great leader go out every day and tell their constituents all the great things they have done.
In fact, just the opposite. Great leaders focus on doing great things for their constituents. Spending a lot of time telling constituents how great one does, takes away from doing great things.
Trump is not a great leader.

Fess up.

You were crying hard when you wrote this, weren't you?
No but I am laughing reading all of the Trump cult minions justifying the worst President in the history of the US.
Characteristics of a great leader
I have never heard of a great leader go out every day and tell their constituents all the great things they have done.
In fact, just the opposite. Great leaders focus on doing great things for their constituents. Spending a lot of time telling constituents how great one does, takes away from doing great things.
Trump is not a great leader.
Obama - Ima be the most,
Characteristics of a great leader
I have never heard of a great leader go out every day and tell their constituents all the great things they have done.

That's because great leaders get their props from a properly-functioning press. If he didn't blow his own horn people would know only what the enemy tells them.

He has to take contol of the narrative as best he can. There's no question that considering the Russa/Russia investigation, Kavanaugh, impeachment and constant interference, that he has had one hand tied behind his back. Regardless, he address some of the mot pressing needs of Americans, including fair trade deals, defense of the southern border (even as they basically tried to over run it), China in particular where NO leader had the courage to go, and, justice reform.

Throw in deregulation and tax cuts, and America should rebound stronger than mot countries. What more could he have achieved if he didn't have to deal with them? Well, let's see if he lets re-election n take back the House. With Paul Ryan gone, a second term for him will be more on his terms if these outcomes occur.
Characteristics of a great leader
I have never heard of a great leader go out every day and tell their constituents all the great things they have done.
In fact, just the opposite. Great leaders focus on doing great things for their constituents. Spending a lot of time telling constituents how great one does, takes away from doing great things.
Trump is not a great leader.

The only people, after three years in office, who still think Trump is a great leader, are quite simply, idiots.

They can like Trump all they want, but don't call him a leader, because he only cares for himself.

Oooo.. great post, Mumbleface.

I'll call him what I please and your sorry ass message board burblings won't stop me.

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