Charges filed in shooting of Kansas City teen who rang wrong doorbell

Owning a gun has its own risks
You shoot someone without cause you pay the consequences

Responsible gun owners should be calling for this guys head

Like you vermin hold George Floyd the gun slinging home invader in such great reverence? lol yeah sure you care about that stuff. liar.
Another common tragedy is kids and old people found dead in home fires , their bodies piled up under windows where they couldn't get out of their houses before the smoke got them due to 'burglar proofing' their barred windows. Every time that happens the state needs to tack on murder charges automatically to all burglary sentences as accomplices in those kids and peoples deaths.
Blacks can never really be considered patriots.....I am sure some could be honorary patriots if they do what they are told and try hard to be accepted by the majority.....but let's be honest, when we think of patriots, nobody thinks of those blacks....

So I say, we should hold auditions and give the good blacks a chance to show they are worthy...and if they do a good enough job, they can stay....the others should be shipped back to Africa...

Why won't the GOP lead on this?
The GOP won't lead on this because the people who think this way are a tiny Klanklave of ex-Democrats. Blacks didn't ask to be ripped out of their homeland and brought to the Americas as slaves. And most of them have ancestry lines of people born in the Americas longer than many Americans, whose ancestors came to America in the 20th Century.

If true historic justice would be done, both whites and Blacks would leave, and the continent returned to those who originally settled it, the Native Americans.

But here we all are, and we've got to live together ... unless the coming disintegration of America makes national self determination a possibility -- although it won't be pretty if it happens.
The kid was trying to open the old man's door, after all. Few in the rest of the neighborhood opened their doors either, so obviously a high crime area wary of guess who?

It was not that the kid was just knocking on the door. As far as the old man was concerned it was a Negro trying to break into his home.

It is obviously a justified shooting.
You're just triggered because you projected cowardice and everyone laughed at you.


You're the one that keeps projecting, don't be dragging me into your deranged, diseased fantasies.
Just like that fist you have for your icon.........cause you love to get fisted by your Demonicreep overlords.

It was not that the kid was just knocking on the door. As far as the old man was concerned it was a Negro trying to break into his home.

It is obviously a justified shooting.
The Civil War has been over for quite some time and your side lost. :206:
I don't think he shot Yarl just because Yarl was black, but it was almost certainly a factor.

The underlying issue here is that this is a homeowner who had a gun and overreacted. Like we've never seen this before in America. :rolleyes:

p.s. It's the fucking guns, stupid.

So we should have taken his gun away. I mean, if "it's the fucking guns".
So we should have taken his gun away. I mean, if "it's the fucking guns".

My point was that guns change the way people think and they influence the decisions that people make. If this guy didn't have a gun, he probably wouldn't have opened the door and attacked this kid who went to the wrong house.

If George Zimmerman hadn't had a concealed gun, he probably wouldn't have stalked Trayvon Martin around the neighborhood before getting into a physical altercation with him and killing him. For the record, I agreed that the law was on GZ's side, but it shouldn't have been. He instigated that entire conflict.

If Michael Dunn hadn't been armed, he wouldn't have gotten into an altercation with 4 black teenagers and shot Jordan Davis to death.

People who think they can just legally shoot someone think and act differently than people who are unarmed and face the possibility of getting knuckles to the face. Or people who think they can legally shoot someone think and act differently than those who think they might get into legal trouble if they shoot without sufficient justification. States like Florida and Missouri have made it easier for the average paranoid, angry white male to shoot someone. Consequently, they're more likely to behave like vigilantes.

So yeah, as I said, it's the fucking guns.
The Missouri man who shot a teenager who rang the wrong doorbell while trying to pick up his younger brothers was charged Monday with two felony counts, officials said.

A white man in his 80s, Andrew Lester, has been charged with two crimes in the April 13 shooting of Ralph Yarl, 16, who is Black: assault in the first degree and armed criminal action, Clay County Prosecuting Attorney Zachary Thompson said Monday.

He is 84, according to police documents. Earlier, authorities had given Lester’s age as 85.

An arrest warrant was issued for Lester, who is not in custody, Thompson said, adding that he didn't know where Lester was.

Lester's bond was set at $200,000, Thompson said.

You can thank the Democrats for this! This is exactly what they want....all of us at each other, trying to kill each other, so it will be easier for them to take over. They've created this hate and animosity through their vile propagandas, and backing those who go out and destroy, such as BLM and QAnon.

As long as there are Democrats, RINOS, and other anti-American politicians........American citizens will be under deadly attack from them.
It sounds to me like a charge of voluntary manslaughter would be more appropriate.
There's an easy fix: don't shoot at people for ringing a doorbell.
For once, I agree with you. Ringing a doorbell isn’t a Capital crime. Now, kicking in the door would take things to a lethal level, but in neither of the recent shootings did things come to that extent.
The cases in question involve no robbing, raping, or stabbing, just mistakenly going to the wrong address. One black kid badly wounded, and one white girl shot dead. All because idiots with guns used guns as their first line of defense when they should have taken time to assess the perceived threat and made it their last line of defense.

Not in any way a defense, but I almost wonder if the 85-year-old guy has some form of dementia. I suspect that is what his defense team could try to determine and argue. There's probably a 50/50 chance that he indeed does have it. It's just a question then of whether this could be used as a defense in the state of Missouri.
If he has dementia, he has a solid defense that will result in him being institutionalized until he dies. I’m normally against the “not guilty by reason of insanity defense”. Ive always thought that insane killers should be institutionalixed until they are cured, then transferred to prison to serve out the sentence for their crimes, not released into the population at large.
My point was that guns change the way people think and they influence the decisions that people make. If this guy didn't have a gun, he probably wouldn't have opened the door and attacked this kid who went to the wrong house.

If George Zimmerman hadn't had a concealed gun, he probably wouldn't have stalked Trayvon Martin around the neighborhood before getting into a physical altercation with him and killing him. For the record, I agreed that the law was on GZ's side, but it shouldn't have been. He instigated that entire conflict.

If Michael Dunn hadn't been armed, he wouldn't have gotten into an altercation with 4 black teenagers and shot Jordan Davis to death.

People who think they can just legally shoot someone think and act differently than people who are unarmed and face the possibility of getting knuckles to the face. Or people who think they can legally shoot someone think and act differently than those who think they might get into legal trouble if they shoot without sufficient justification. States like Florida and Missouri have made it easier for the average paranoid, angry white male to shoot someone. Consequently, they're more likely to behave like vigilantes.

So yeah, as I said, it's the fucking guns.
Unlike the 3 Georgia hillbillies who are spending the rest of their lives in jail for murdering a man who was jogging while Black, Zimmerman had the sense to not take a film crew on his negro hunt.

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