Charles Barkley called Ferguson looters 'scumbags'

Yes HOWEVER, the autopsy did not prove MB did NOT have his hands up. An autopsy can't prove that, only how the person died and in what manner did the bullets enter the body.

And DW was never asked or did not know he had is hands up. It could just be as plausible that MB was putting his hands up and a few second later, DW started shooting. That's possible that he didn't see it because of tunnel vision. That could be a reasonable mistake, but that doesn't negate others seeing MB putting his hands up.

This insanity that black people are out to get white people is a stake to drive us further apart and you are race baiting in favor of white people by saying black people are out to get white people. To have white people fear black people so you can justify not understanding them as human beings and feeling no empathy towards what they go through as human beings because you fail to see them as humans.

So then is Jesse Jackson and Louis Farrakhan both wrong in saying white people are out to get black people?

“As long as they (whites) kill us (blacks) and go to Wendy’s and have a burger and go to sleep, they’ll keep killing us,” he said. “But when we die and they die, then soon we’re going to sit at a table and talk about it! We’re tired! We want some of this earth or we’ll tear this goddamn country up!”- Louis Farrakhan

I think we have many forces tearing this country apart, not just whites.
Facts do not matter to the left and their media.

This must keep us divided.

So what about the fact that 12 witnesses testified that MB had his hands up when fired upon?


It's very tough to get 12 people to say the same thing under oath with the threat of felony perjury over their heads. But they are all lying right?

It seems to me that with that much disagreement, a court of law would have been a better forum to decide the facts, rather than a closed grand jury. While I believe Wilson told the truth and that he acted in fear of his life, it seems the state's attorney really did not want to charge Wilson from the start. The GJ process was never meant to supplant the judicial process of a court of law.

It is understandable that this process would be questioned. But that does not justify the riots, the looting, the infinite anger, or the recent killing in SL, which I attribute to this Ferguson shooting, even as the local police don't. I pray that time will heal many wounds.
Facts do not matter to the left and their media.

This must keep us divided.

So what about the fact that 12 witnesses testified that MB had his hands up when fired upon?


It's very tough to get 12 people to say the same thing under oath with the threat of felony perjury over their heads. But they are all lying right?
Facts do not matter to the left and their media.

This must keep us divided.

So what about the fact that 12 witnesses testified that MB had his hands up when fired upon?


It's very tough to get 12 people to say the same thing under oath with the threat of felony perjury over their heads. But they are all lying right?

Looks like the left wing media lied again. One should always question their reporting. You should know that by now.

The Mike Brown PBS “Lie Chart” – The False PBS Claims Deconstructed Visually
Posted on December 2, 2014 by sundance
Someone put a lot of work into THIS – A Treeper has been reviewing every piece of testimony in the case and comparing it with the chart that PBS published. Turns out they misrepresented almost all of the statements:
Facts do not matter to the left and their media.

This must keep us divided.

So what about the fact that 12 witnesses testified that MB had his hands up when fired upon?


It's very tough to get 12 people to say the same thing under oath with the threat of felony perjury over their heads. But they are all lying right?
Gee, the grand jury must have missed this.
Facts do not matter to the left and their media.

This must keep us divided.

So what about the fact that 12 witnesses testified that MB had his hands up when fired upon?


It's very tough to get 12 people to say the same thing under oath with the threat of felony perjury over their heads. But they are all lying right?

Looks like the left wing media lied again. One should always question their reporting. You should know that by now.

The Mike Brown PBS “Lie Chart” – The False PBS Claims Deconstructed Visually
Posted on December 2, 2014 by sundance
Someone put a lot of work into THIS – A Treeper has been reviewing every piece of testimony in the case and comparing it with the chart that PBS published. Turns out they misrepresented almost all of the statements:

The Really? Totally more credible than PBS.
The hands up witnesses recanted or were just proven wrong. They didn't see anything. They heard about it from someone else. They were the same kind of witnesses who saw white people blow up the levees in New Orleans.
Facts do not matter to the left and their media.

This must keep us divided.

So what about the fact that 12 witnesses testified that MB had his hands up when fired upon?


It's very tough to get 12 people to say the same thing under oath with the threat of felony perjury over their heads. But they are all lying right?

Looks like the left wing media lied again. One should always question their reporting. You should know that by now.

The Mike Brown PBS “Lie Chart” – The False PBS Claims Deconstructed Visually
Posted on December 2, 2014 by sundance
Someone put a lot of work into THIS – A Treeper has been reviewing every piece of testimony in the case and comparing it with the chart that PBS published. Turns out they misrepresented almost all of the statements:

The Really? Totally more credible than PBS.

The autopsy proved CONCLUSIVELY that Brown could NOT have been shot the way he was if he had had his hands up and palms facing Wilson.

Just deal with the facts here man. Come on, there is PLENTY to be outraged about in this world without making yourself look like an idiot by refusing to acknowledge facts.
I get you're mad that people testified against your narrative but PBS is one of the most credible, unbiased source for news in the country. Better than a site that's lead story has "Obama worship" in it's headline.
I get you're mad that people testified against your narrative but PBS is one of the most credible, unbiased source for news in the country. Better than a site that's lead story has "Obama worship" in it's headline.

Who cares? Do you understand that SCIENCE proved that Brown did not have his hands up when he was shot.

I thought you liberals liked science??
Facts do not matter to the left and their media.

This must keep us divided.

So what about the fact that 12 witnesses testified that MB had his hands up when fired upon?


It's very tough to get 12 people to say the same thing under oath with the threat of felony perjury over their heads. But they are all lying right?

Looks like the left wing media lied again. One should always question their reporting. You should know that by now.

The Mike Brown PBS “Lie Chart” – The False PBS Claims Deconstructed Visually
Posted on December 2, 2014 by sundance
Someone put a lot of work into THIS – A Treeper has been reviewing every piece of testimony in the case and comparing it with the chart that PBS published. Turns out they misrepresented almost all of the statements:

The Really? Totally more credible than PBS.

The autopsy proved CONCLUSIVELY that Brown could NOT have been shot the way he was if he had had his hands up and palms facing Wilson.

Just deal with the facts here man. Come on, there is PLENTY to be outraged about in this world without making yourself look like an idiot by refusing to acknowledge facts.

No it did not CONCLUSIVELY prove that he didn't have his hands up at all. Period. And no, the National Review is not a credible source.
I get you're mad that people testified against your narrative but PBS is one of the most credible, unbiased source for news in the country. Better than a site that's lead story has "Obama worship" in it's headline.

I'm sorry the issue I and many have with PBS, is PBS didn't show the context of the with the testimony was given, it does not show credibility of the witnesses, it does read the body language of the witnesses, all things the Grand Jury was able to weigh and make the decision.
I get you're mad that people testified against your narrative but PBS is one of the most credible, unbiased source for news in the country. Better than a site that's lead story has "Obama worship" in it's headline.

Who cares? Do you understand that SCIENCE proved that Brown did not have his hands up when he was shot.

I thought you liberals liked science??

Again you can't prove in an autopsy report that a person never had their hands up. Just because 1 bullet when in somewhere that MIGHT NOT show he had his hands up DOES NOT MEAN he NEVER had his hands up. That one could have went in at a different time, there are other explanations to multiple situations.
I get you're mad that people testified against your narrative but PBS is one of the most credible, unbiased source for news in the country. Better than a site that's lead story has "Obama worship" in it's headline.

Who cares? Do you understand that SCIENCE proved that Brown did not have his hands up when he was shot.

I thought you liberals liked science??

Again you can't prove in an autopsy report that a person never had their hands up. Just because 1 bullet when in somewhere that MIGHT NOT show he had his hands up DOES NOT MEAN he NEVER had his hands up. That one could have went in at a different time, there are other explanations to multiple situations.

oh shut the fuck up you moron.

How many crime scenes have you worked? How many autopsies have you witnessed?

The ENTIRE incident here was over in under 3 minutes. The round that entered his arm that proved he didn't have his hands up was the 3rd round that hit him, out of 6.

It is unrealistic to believe that at any point he had his arms up during a 3 minute rush when we KNOW for a fact that at one point he didn't.

You are a moron. No doubt one of those idiots who believes that Wilson was 148' from Brown when he shot him.
I get you're mad that people testified against your narrative but PBS is one of the most credible, unbiased source for news in the country. Better than a site that's lead story has "Obama worship" in it's headline.

Who cares? Do you understand that SCIENCE proved that Brown did not have his hands up when he was shot.

I thought you liberals liked science??

Again you can't prove in an autopsy report that a person never had their hands up. Just because 1 bullet when in somewhere that MIGHT NOT show he had his hands up DOES NOT MEAN he NEVER had his hands up. That one could have went in at a different time, there are other explanations to multiple situations.

PS you idiot, there is no might about it, it is physically IMPOSSIBLE For that round to have hit him where it did if he had had his hands up with palms facing Wilson. IMPOSSIBLE.
Facts do not matter to the left and their media.

This must keep us divided.

So what about the fact that 12 witnesses testified that MB had his hands up when fired upon?


It's very tough to get 12 people to say the same thing under oath with the threat of felony perjury over their heads. But they are all lying right?

Yes. They were all lying. The Physical evidence does not match the bullshit story concocted and sold by Dorian Johnson (Brown's friend) and then parroted by 11 other liars. Several of the 12 liar witnesses later changed their testimony, with some admitting that they really didn’t see the incident. They just heard about it and "wanted to help". Others corroborated the officer’s account.

PS- The threat of "perjury" is empty and everyone knows it.....Police and witnesses lie every day in every court room in the world.
Let's not forget all the lip service provided by such notables as J. Jackson, A. Sharpton, E. Holder, and King Barry.
I get you're mad that people testified against your narrative but PBS is one of the most credible, unbiased source for news in the country. Better than a site that's lead story has "Obama worship" in it's headline.

Who cares? Do you understand that SCIENCE proved that Brown did not have his hands up when he was shot.

I thought you liberals liked science??

Again you can't prove in an autopsy report that a person never had their hands up. Just because 1 bullet when in somewhere that MIGHT NOT show he had his hands up DOES NOT MEAN he NEVER had his hands up. That one could have went in at a different time, there are other explanations to multiple situations.

PS you idiot, there is no might about it, it is physically IMPOSSIBLE For that round to have hit him where it did if he had had his hands up with palms facing Wilson. IMPOSSIBLE.

It's not impossible for a person to put up their hands within 3 minutes. It takes 1 second to do it so how can it be impossible to do in 180 seconds? You're just mad that the witnesses don't agree with YOUR narrative.

Not to mention how black people get called on for having their hands in their pocket:

But yeah they are just making this stuff up.
I get you're mad that people testified against your narrative but PBS is one of the most credible, unbiased source for news in the country. Better than a site that's lead story has "Obama worship" in it's headline.

Who cares? Do you understand that SCIENCE proved that Brown did not have his hands up when he was shot.

I thought you liberals liked science??

Again you can't prove in an autopsy report that a person never had their hands up. Just because 1 bullet when in somewhere that MIGHT NOT show he had his hands up DOES NOT MEAN he NEVER had his hands up. That one could have went in at a different time, there are other explanations to multiple situations.

PS you idiot, there is no might about it, it is physically IMPOSSIBLE For that round to have hit him where it did if he had had his hands up with palms facing Wilson. IMPOSSIBLE.

It's not impossible for a person to put up their hands within 3 minutes. It takes 1 second to do it so how can it be impossible to do in 180 seconds? You're just mad that the witnesses don't agree with YOUR narrative.

Not to mention how black people get called on for having their hands in their pocket:

But yeah they are just making this stuff up.

Why are you so full of shit?

There were witnesses who said he did NOT have his hands up to, they were judged more credible by the Grand Jury because the PHYSICAL evidence agreed with them.

The FACT that you are too stupid to understand what ballistics can prove doesn't change that it can.

Not to mention common fucking sense tells you that a guy who just tried to kill a police officer likely wasn't going to surrender.


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