Charles Barkley called Ferguson looters 'scumbags'

I get you're mad that people testified against your narrative but PBS is one of the most credible, unbiased source for news in the country. Better than a site that's lead story has "Obama worship" in it's headline.

Who cares? Do you understand that SCIENCE proved that Brown did not have his hands up when he was shot.

I thought you liberals liked science??

Again you can't prove in an autopsy report that a person never had their hands up. Just because 1 bullet when in somewhere that MIGHT NOT show he had his hands up DOES NOT MEAN he NEVER had his hands up. That one could have went in at a different time, there are other explanations to multiple situations.

PS you idiot, there is no might about it, it is physically IMPOSSIBLE For that round to have hit him where it did if he had had his hands up with palms facing Wilson. IMPOSSIBLE.

It's not impossible for a person to put up their hands within 3 minutes. It takes 1 second to do it so how can it be impossible to do in 180 seconds? You're just mad that the witnesses don't agree with YOUR narrative.

Not to mention how black people get called on for having their hands in their pocket:

But yeah they are just making this stuff up.

Why are you so full of shit?

There were witnesses who said he did NOT have his hands up to, they were judged more credible by the Grand Jury because the PHYSICAL evidence agreed with them.

The FACT that you are too stupid to understand what ballistics can prove doesn't change that it can.

Not to mention common fucking sense tells you that a guy who just tried to kill a police officer likely wasn't going to surrender.


We are not talking about who thought was more credible. Keep up now. I said that 12 people testified under oath that MB had his hands up. It's very unlikely that 12 people who cohort to commit a felony on the stand for no personal gain. That was the whole point. They said he had his hands up. It is a possibility that at some point during the incident that he had his hands up, you just don't want to believe because I guess blacks lives and their witness testimonies don't matter unless they agree with your thoughts.
Who cares? Do you understand that SCIENCE proved that Brown did not have his hands up when he was shot.

I thought you liberals liked science??

Again you can't prove in an autopsy report that a person never had their hands up. Just because 1 bullet when in somewhere that MIGHT NOT show he had his hands up DOES NOT MEAN he NEVER had his hands up. That one could have went in at a different time, there are other explanations to multiple situations.

PS you idiot, there is no might about it, it is physically IMPOSSIBLE For that round to have hit him where it did if he had had his hands up with palms facing Wilson. IMPOSSIBLE.

It's not impossible for a person to put up their hands within 3 minutes. It takes 1 second to do it so how can it be impossible to do in 180 seconds? You're just mad that the witnesses don't agree with YOUR narrative.

Not to mention how black people get called on for having their hands in their pocket:

But yeah they are just making this stuff up.

Why are you so full of shit?

There were witnesses who said he did NOT have his hands up to, they were judged more credible by the Grand Jury because the PHYSICAL evidence agreed with them.

The FACT that you are too stupid to understand what ballistics can prove doesn't change that it can.

Not to mention common fucking sense tells you that a guy who just tried to kill a police officer likely wasn't going to surrender.


We are not talking about who thought was more credible. Keep up now. I said that 12 people testified under oath that MB had his hands up. It's very unlikely that 12 people who cohort to commit a felony on the stand for no personal gain. That was the whole point. They said he had his hands up. It is a possibility that at some point during the incident that he had his hands up, you just don't want to believe because I guess blacks lives and their witness testimonies don't matter unless they agree with your thoughts.

I've already pointed out to you that telling ONE lie under oath is not a crime.

And you're right eyewitness testimony does not mean SHIT if it doesn't agree with the EVIDENCE.

How many cases have you worked in your life? I've worked THOUSANDS and there are ALWAYS , in EVERY single case witnesses who lie. It's just the way it is. Do you see THOUSANDS of people being indicted on perjury charges? No of course not, because they are RARELY arrested for such.

Just because you don't want to believe people lie under oath doesn't make it so.

What's especially hilarious is that you are stupidly calling the people who testified that he did NOT attempt to surrender liars as you cry about your liars being called liars..

You realize there were black witnesses who said "no he did not ever have his hands up" don't you?

I guess they're Uncle Toms and so their testimony is irrelevant to you.

I reiterate, you are a dumb fuck.
Facts do not matter to the left and their media.

This must keep us divided.

So what about the fact that 12 witnesses testified that MB had his hands up when fired upon?


It's very tough to get 12 people to say the same thing under oath with the threat of felony perjury over their heads. But they are all lying right?

Looks like the left wing media lied again. One should always question their reporting. You should know that by now.

The Mike Brown PBS “Lie Chart” – The False PBS Claims Deconstructed Visually
Posted on December 2, 2014 by sundance
Someone put a lot of work into THIS – A Treeper has been reviewing every piece of testimony in the case and comparing it with the chart that PBS published. Turns out they misrepresented almost all of the statements:

The Really? Totally more credible than PBS.

Yes...PBS has no credibility. You believing a media outlet that has a long history of lies and distortions, to promote leftism, is typical.

Leftists have not figured out that most of the MSM cannot be trusted to tell the truth. This is why many leftists are terribly uninformed.
I was just listening to the audio of this on Limbaugh's show.

Absolutely amazing to hear someone in the black community, call other black's out !!
I was just listening to the audio of this on Limbaugh's show.

Absolutely amazing to hear someone in the black community, call other black's out !!

Barkley's career could be in jeopardy. The left always attacks blacks who refuse to stay on their plantation.
Facts do not matter to the left and their media.

This must keep us divided.

So what about the fact that 12 witnesses testified that MB had his hands up when fired upon?


It's very tough to get 12 people to say the same thing under oath with the threat of felony perjury over their heads. But they are all lying right?
Autopsy proved them wrong at the very least, more likely flat out lying.
Facts do not matter to the left and their media.

This must keep us divided.

So what about the fact that 12 witnesses testified that MB had his hands up when fired upon?


It's very tough to get 12 people to say the same thing under oath with the threat of felony perjury over their heads. But they are all lying right?

Yes. They were all lying. The Physical evidence does not match the bullshit story concocted and sold by Dorian Johnson (Brown's friend) and then parroted by 11 other liars. Several of the 12 liar witnesses later changed their testimony, with some admitting that they really didn’t see the incident. They just heard about it and "wanted to help". Others corroborated the officer’s account.

PS- The threat of "perjury" is empty and everyone knows it.....Police and witnesses lie every day in every court room in the world.

They all lied for what reason? And not everyone parroted Dorian Johnson's story with many of them saying DW didn't fire at him when he was on the ground or when he was kneeling. And some of them testified that they saw MB charged DW's car. So do you believe them fully or just the testimony that YOU agree with?

And did you notice the number of the witnesses? Some of the witnesses did not testify in front of the grand jury. Probably the ones you are talking about that didn't see the incident. The physical evidence was inconclusive if he had his hands up, only conclusive that he wasn't shot in the back. So why would 12 different people, under oath and subject to perjury, lie? Because the truth that he had his hands up is inconvenient to your narrative?
Again, he didn't have his hands up! Learn to read.
Facts do not matter to the left and their media.

This must keep us divided.

So what about the fact that 12 witnesses testified that MB had his hands up when fired upon?


It's very tough to get 12 people to say the same thing under oath with the threat of felony perjury over their heads. But they are all lying right?

Yes. They were all lying. The Physical evidence does not match the bullshit story concocted and sold by Dorian Johnson (Brown's friend) and then parroted by 11 other liars. Several of the 12 liar witnesses later changed their testimony, with some admitting that they really didn’t see the incident. They just heard about it and "wanted to help". Others corroborated the officer’s account.

PS- The threat of "perjury" is empty and everyone knows it.....Police and witnesses lie every day in every court room in the world.

They all lied for what reason? And not everyone parroted Dorian Johnson's story with many of them saying DW didn't fire at him when he was on the ground or when he was kneeling. And some of them testified that they saw MB charged DW's car. So do you believe them fully or just the testimony that YOU agree with?

And did you notice the number of the witnesses? Some of the witnesses did not testify in front of the grand jury. Probably the ones you are talking about that didn't see the incident. The physical evidence was inconclusive if he had his hands up, only conclusive that he wasn't shot in the back. So why would 12 different people, under oath and subject to perjury, lie? Because the truth that he had his hands up is inconvenient to your narrative?
Again, he didn't have his hands up! Learn to read.

This terrible event proves how easily the MSM can influence and propagandize left wingers. The MSM spouts lies and the leftist dutifully believes the lies.

Sad....very sad.
I get you're mad that people testified against your narrative but PBS is one of the most credible, unbiased source for news in the country. Better than a site that's lead story has "Obama worship" in it's headline.

Who cares? Do you understand that SCIENCE proved that Brown did not have his hands up when he was shot.

I thought you liberals liked science??

Again you can't prove in an autopsy report that a person never had their hands up. Just because 1 bullet when in somewhere that MIGHT NOT show he had his hands up DOES NOT MEAN he NEVER had his hands up. That one could have went in at a different time, there are other explanations to multiple situations.

PS you idiot, there is no might about it, it is physically IMPOSSIBLE For that round to have hit him where it did if he had had his hands up with palms facing Wilson. IMPOSSIBLE.

It's not impossible for a person to put up their hands within 3 minutes. It takes 1 second to do it so how can it be impossible to do in 180 seconds? You're just mad that the witnesses don't agree with YOUR narrative.

Not to mention how black people get called on for having their hands in their pocket:

But yeah they are just making this stuff up.

And you are mad because the evidence, the witnesses and the Grand Jury don't support your narrative
Epilogue on Ferguson................

When a cop says "STOP" and you resist arrest, you're gonna get your hat knocked off!!:eusa_dance:

If the president was really a leader, he'd promote a campaign where they would plaster posters of the Brown kid's hat laying in the street all over America. Sign would say, 'DONT BE A DICK.......DONT RESIST ARREST!!"

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