Charles Barkley called Ferguson looters 'scumbags'

Facts do not matter to the left and their media.

This must keep us divided.

So what about the fact that 12 witnesses testified that MB had his hands up when fired upon?


It's very tough to get 12 people to say the same thing under oath with the threat of felony perjury over their heads. But they are all lying right?
Why is Charles Barkley's opinion more credible than anyone else's?
Why is his opinion less important then those that also were not there claiming otherwise?
Because his opinion does not support the victim narrative. Being "black", he's no doubt an "Unka Tom" and dead to the black population that has bought into this bogus race narrative. How long before the bimbo eruption begins and dozens of wimmins surface, accusing Barclay of all manner of sexual abuses?
Facts do not matter to the left and their media.

This must keep us divided.

So what about the fact that 12 witnesses testified that MB had his hands up when fired upon?


It's very tough to get 12 people to say the same thing under oath with the threat of felony perjury over their heads. But they are all lying right?
But wait, all those witnesses testifying differently...we all know eye witness accounts are notoriously inaccurate, right?
Why is Charles Barkley's opinion more credible than anyone else's?
Why is his opinion less important then those that also were not there claiming otherwise?

It's not, but my opinion isn't in the news, is it
Become someone important or a former Sports Star. Why is Sharpton, Jackson or those other race baiters allowed to express an opinion and I am not?
Are you white? Are you famous? Are you a notorious race-baiter making millions off such division?
Facts do not matter to the left and their media.

This must keep us divided.

So what about the fact that 12 witnesses testified that MB had his hands up when fired upon?


It's very tough to get 12 people to say the same thing under oath with the threat of felony perjury over their heads. But they are all lying right?
Look at some of the other things they said... "he was kneeling when he was shot", nope, forensics proves that is a lie, so anyone who said that is immediately thrown into the liar catagory. "Did he repeatedly fire his gun at Brown while he was down?" Nope, forensics proves that is a lie, therefore they are put into the liar catagory. "Did he charge at officer Wilson?" Yep, he sure did, and there was a trail of blood to prove it. More proven liars thrown into the liar catagory. How many credible witnesses do you have now?

Use your brain dummy.
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Why is Charles Barkley's opinion more credible than anyone else's?
Why is his opinion less important then those that also were not there claiming otherwise?
Because his opinion does not support the victim narrative. Being "black", he's no doubt an "Unka Tom" and dead to the black population that has bought into this bogus race narrative. How long before the bimbo eruption begins and dozens of wimmins surface, accusing Barclay of all manner of sexual abuses?
Ding ding ding! Winner winner chicken dinner!
Why is Charles Barkley's opinion more credible than anyone else's?

Because he's black.

Most blacks won't speak the truth about their "community" (at least not in public). They ignore the epidemic of murders committed by their own, but if a cop shoots a black man all hell breaks loose. it's rank hypocrisy and frankly, sickening.
Why is Charles Barkley's opinion more credible than anyone else's?

Because he's black.

Most blacks won't speak the truth about their "community" (at least not in public). They ignore the epidemic of murders committed by their own, but if a cop shoots a black man all hell breaks loose. it's rank hypocrisy and frankly, sickening.
And what is just as sickening, if even more so, are the non black enablers that keep this shit stinky.
Facts do not matter to the left and their media.

This must keep us divided.

So what about the fact that 12 witnesses testified that MB had his hands up when fired upon?


It's very tough to get 12 people to say the same thing under oath with the threat of felony perjury over their heads. But they are all lying right?

Yes. They were all lying. The Physical evidence does not match the bullshit story concocted and sold by Dorian Johnson (Brown's friend) and then parroted by 11 other liars. Several of the 12 liar witnesses later changed their testimony, with some admitting that they really didn’t see the incident. They just heard about it and "wanted to help". Others corroborated the officer’s account.

PS- The threat of "perjury" is empty and everyone knows it.....Police and witnesses lie every day in every court room in the world.
Former NBA star Charles Barkley recently called Ferguson looters "scumbags," praised police officers who work in black neighborhoods, and said he supports the decision made by the grand jury not to indict officer Darren Wilson in the Michael Brown shooting.

Why Charles Barkley supports the Ferguson grand jury decision - Yahoo News

oh no, what happens now?

Carefull!!! You will certainly incur the rath of the board "liberals".

Nevermind that three of the members of the grand jury were black.

I doubt this would have ever gone to a grand jury if the policeman was black.

It's clear from the physical evidense that Brown made an attempt to get ahold of Wilson's service pistol.

I don't see how Brown could have had his hands up and still be trying to snatch Wilson's weapon.
Facts do not matter to the left and their media.

This must keep us divided.

So what about the fact that 12 witnesses testified that MB had his hands up when fired upon?


It's very tough to get 12 people to say the same thing under oath with the threat of felony perjury over their heads. But they are all lying right?

Yes. They were all lying. The Physical evidence does not match the bullshit story concocted and sold by Dorian Johnson (Brown's friend) and then parroted by 11 other liars. Several of the 12 liar witnesses later changed their testimony, with some admitting that they really didn’t see the incident. They just heard about it and "wanted to help". Others corroborated the officer’s account.

PS- The threat of "perjury" is empty and everyone knows it.....Police and witnesses lie every day in every court room in the world.

They all lied for what reason? And not everyone parroted Dorian Johnson's story with many of them saying DW didn't fire at him when he was on the ground or when he was kneeling. And some of them testified that they saw MB charged DW's car. So do you believe them fully or just the testimony that YOU agree with?

And did you notice the number of the witnesses? Some of the witnesses did not testify in front of the grand jury. Probably the ones you are talking about that didn't see the incident. The physical evidence was inconclusive if he had his hands up, only conclusive that he wasn't shot in the back. So why would 12 different people, under oath and subject to perjury, lie? Because the truth that he had his hands up is inconvenient to your narrative?
Facts do not matter to the left and their media.

This must keep us divided.

So what about the fact that 12 witnesses testified that MB had his hands up when fired upon?


It's very tough to get 12 people to say the same thing under oath with the threat of felony perjury over their heads. But they are all lying right?

The physical evidence says that yes they were lying.

A few things to, when eyewitnesses ALL tell a similar story that is NOT backed up by evidence , they have almost ALWAYS got together to concoct a story.

Human nature is such that no two humans ever remember things exactly the same, that is why eyewitness testimony just isn't very reliable. No two people will give the same version of events unrehearsed. It's just a fact of nature.

Secondly, telling ONE lie under oath isn't actually a crime, You must tell TWO , or more, lies to be guilty of a crime.

18 U.S. Code 1623 - False declarations before grand jury or court LII Legal Information Institute

Plus, very rarely to we see perjury convictions in criminal court.
Facts do not matter to the left and their media.

This must keep us divided.

So what about the fact that 12 witnesses testified that MB had his hands up when fired upon?


It's very tough to get 12 people to say the same thing under oath with the threat of felony perjury over their heads. But they are all lying right?

Yes. They were all lying. The Physical evidence does not match the bullshit story concocted and sold by Dorian Johnson (Brown's friend) and then parroted by 11 other liars. Several of the 12 liar witnesses later changed their testimony, with some admitting that they really didn’t see the incident. They just heard about it and "wanted to help". Others corroborated the officer’s account.

PS- The threat of "perjury" is empty and everyone knows it.....Police and witnesses lie every day in every court room in the world.

They all lied for what reason? And not everyone parroted Dorian Johnson's story with many of them saying DW didn't fire at him when he was on the ground or when he was kneeling. And some of them testified that they saw MB charged DW's car. So do you believe them fully or just the testimony that YOU agree with?

And did you notice the number of the witnesses? Some of the witnesses did not testify in front of the grand jury. Probably the ones you are talking about that didn't see the incident. The physical evidence was inconclusive if he had his hands up, only conclusive that he wasn't shot in the back. So why would 12 different people, under oath and subject to perjury, lie? Because the truth that he had his hands up is inconvenient to your narrative?

Again, I believe the ones who's testimony agrees with the physical evidence.

Take for instance the morons who claimed that Brown was already on the ground when Wilson shot him, that's plainly not true. Ballistics proves that.

I thought you liberals believed in science?
Facts do not matter to the left and their media.

This must keep us divided.

So what about the fact that 12 witnesses testified that MB had his hands up when fired upon?


It's very tough to get 12 people to say the same thing under oath with the threat of felony perjury over their heads. But they are all lying right?

Yes. They were all lying. The Physical evidence does not match the bullshit story concocted and sold by Dorian Johnson (Brown's friend) and then parroted by 11 other liars. Several of the 12 liar witnesses later changed their testimony, with some admitting that they really didn’t see the incident. They just heard about it and "wanted to help". Others corroborated the officer’s account.

PS- The threat of "perjury" is empty and everyone knows it.....Police and witnesses lie every day in every court room in the world.

They all lied for what reason? And not everyone parroted Dorian Johnson's story with many of them saying DW didn't fire at him when he was on the ground or when he was kneeling. And some of them testified that they saw MB charged DW's car. So do you believe them fully or just the testimony that YOU agree with?

And did you notice the number of the witnesses? Some of the witnesses did not testify in front of the grand jury. Probably the ones you are talking about that didn't see the incident. The physical evidence was inconclusive if he had his hands up, only conclusive that he wasn't shot in the back. So why would 12 different people, under oath and subject to perjury, lie? Because the truth that he had his hands up is inconvenient to your narrative?

Again, I believe the ones who's testimony agrees with the physical evidence.

Take for instance the morons who claimed that Brown was already on the ground when Wilson shot him, that's plainly not true. Ballistics proves that.

I thought you liberals believed in science?

It is very clear that many poor blacks who witness a white cop shooting a black, will lie in an effort to incriminate the white cop.
Facts do not matter to the left and their media.

This must keep us divided.

So what about the fact that 12 witnesses testified that MB had his hands up when fired upon?


It's very tough to get 12 people to say the same thing under oath with the threat of felony perjury over their heads. But they are all lying right?

Yes. They were all lying. The Physical evidence does not match the bullshit story concocted and sold by Dorian Johnson (Brown's friend) and then parroted by 11 other liars. Several of the 12 liar witnesses later changed their testimony, with some admitting that they really didn’t see the incident. They just heard about it and "wanted to help". Others corroborated the officer’s account.

PS- The threat of "perjury" is empty and everyone knows it.....Police and witnesses lie every day in every court room in the world.

They all lied for what reason? And not everyone parroted Dorian Johnson's story with many of them saying DW didn't fire at him when he was on the ground or when he was kneeling. And some of them testified that they saw MB charged DW's car. So do you believe them fully or just the testimony that YOU agree with?

And did you notice the number of the witnesses? Some of the witnesses did not testify in front of the grand jury. Probably the ones you are talking about that didn't see the incident. The physical evidence was inconclusive if he had his hands up, only conclusive that he wasn't shot in the back. So why would 12 different people, under oath and subject to perjury, lie? Because the truth that he had his hands up is inconvenient to your narrative?

Again, I believe the ones who's testimony agrees with the physical evidence.

Take for instance the morons who claimed that Brown was already on the ground when Wilson shot him, that's plainly not true. Ballistics proves that.

I thought you liberals believed in science?

Yes HOWEVER, the autopsy did not prove MB did NOT have his hands up. An autopsy can't prove that, only how the person died and in what manner did the bullets enter the body.

And DW was never asked or did not know he had is hands up. It could just be as plausible that MB was putting his hands up and a few second later, DW started shooting. That's possible that he didn't see it because of tunnel vision. That could be a reasonable mistake, but that doesn't negate others seeing MB putting his hands up.

This insanity that black people are out to get white people is a stake to drive us further apart and you are race baiting in favor of white people by saying black people are out to get white people. To have white people fear black people so you can justify not understanding them as human beings and feeling no empathy towards what they go through as human beings because you fail to see them as humans.
Facts do not matter to the left and their media.

This must keep us divided.

So what about the fact that 12 witnesses testified that MB had his hands up when fired upon?


It's very tough to get 12 people to say the same thing under oath with the threat of felony perjury over their heads. But they are all lying right?

Yes. They were all lying. The Physical evidence does not match the bullshit story concocted and sold by Dorian Johnson (Brown's friend) and then parroted by 11 other liars. Several of the 12 liar witnesses later changed their testimony, with some admitting that they really didn’t see the incident. They just heard about it and "wanted to help". Others corroborated the officer’s account.

PS- The threat of "perjury" is empty and everyone knows it.....Police and witnesses lie every day in every court room in the world.

They all lied for what reason? And not everyone parroted Dorian Johnson's story with many of them saying DW didn't fire at him when he was on the ground or when he was kneeling. And some of them testified that they saw MB charged DW's car. So do you believe them fully or just the testimony that YOU agree with?

And did you notice the number of the witnesses? Some of the witnesses did not testify in front of the grand jury. Probably the ones you are talking about that didn't see the incident. The physical evidence was inconclusive if he had his hands up, only conclusive that he wasn't shot in the back. So why would 12 different people, under oath and subject to perjury, lie? Because the truth that he had his hands up is inconvenient to your narrative?

I don't have a narrative. The grand jury heard the evidence, they concluded the shooting was justified.
Charles Barkley is a moron. I do happen to agree with him in this case, and I applaud him for being courageous enough to speak out against the majority view in his own community.

This is for a laugh
Facts do not matter to the left and their media.

This must keep us divided.

So what about the fact that 12 witnesses testified that MB had his hands up when fired upon?


It's very tough to get 12 people to say the same thing under oath with the threat of felony perjury over their heads. But they are all lying right?

Yes. They were all lying. The Physical evidence does not match the bullshit story concocted and sold by Dorian Johnson (Brown's friend) and then parroted by 11 other liars. Several of the 12 liar witnesses later changed their testimony, with some admitting that they really didn’t see the incident. They just heard about it and "wanted to help". Others corroborated the officer’s account.

PS- The threat of "perjury" is empty and everyone knows it.....Police and witnesses lie every day in every court room in the world.

They all lied for what reason? And not everyone parroted Dorian Johnson's story with many of them saying DW didn't fire at him when he was on the ground or when he was kneeling. And some of them testified that they saw MB charged DW's car. So do you believe them fully or just the testimony that YOU agree with?

And did you notice the number of the witnesses? Some of the witnesses did not testify in front of the grand jury. Probably the ones you are talking about that didn't see the incident. The physical evidence was inconclusive if he had his hands up, only conclusive that he wasn't shot in the back. So why would 12 different people, under oath and subject to perjury, lie? Because the truth that he had his hands up is inconvenient to your narrative?

Again, I believe the ones who's testimony agrees with the physical evidence.

Take for instance the morons who claimed that Brown was already on the ground when Wilson shot him, that's plainly not true. Ballistics proves that.

I thought you liberals believed in science?

Yes HOWEVER, the autopsy did not prove MB did NOT have his hands up. An autopsy can't prove that, only how the person died and in what manner did the bullets enter the body.

And DW was never asked or did not know he had is hands up. It could just be as plausible that MB was putting his hands up and a few second later, DW started shooting. That's possible that he didn't see it because of tunnel vision. That could be a reasonable mistake, but that doesn't negate others seeing MB putting his hands up.

This insanity that black people are out to get white people is a stake to drive us further apart and you are race baiting in favor of white people by saying black people are out to get white people. To have white people fear black people so you can justify not understanding them as human beings and feeling no empathy towards what they go through as human beings because you fail to see them as humans.

Again, you people are so stupid.


Autopsies certainly can prove TONS of stuff, including whether a suspect had is hands up or not.

From the ME who performed the autopsy.

A sixth shot that hit the forearm traveled from the back of the arm to the inner arm, which means Brown’s palms could not have been facing Officer Wilson, Dr. Melinek told the paper.

Read more: Autopsy shows Michael Brown shot at close range did not have hands up report - Washington Times
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