Zone1 Charleston White says Chinese women and babies should be raped and used as alligator bait.

They were given Israel.

You were given Liberia.

Take a look at the current state of Israel and the current state of Liberia and reflect on my previous comment.
That is a bit inaccurate. The foundings of those two nations were completely different. Tons of money poured in from outside sources both private and from other nations to help Israel especially after the Holocaust. The people who immigrated had a culture and religion and purpose in common and a connection to the land. Liberia was never set up to be anything but a place to “repatriate” freed slaves and free born blacks (ethnic cleansing) many of whom did not want to go, had no connection with the place or the cultures there.

Better check that. Because you're wrong.

It's mostly white people. So now, ask yourself how you could have been so far off. "Almost exclusively black" vs. "Mostly white". That's a country mile, my man.
I think that view has come from a few incidents that went viral on social media in an already overcharged racial and political climate.

Like I said, this skinhead tactic was tired in the 80s. It won't work for you.
Nobody likes you. Nobody moves to black countries or hoods unless they seek a profit to move you out. You are a racist loser. Nobody likes you.
No, you mean you haven't suffered any injustice.
I meant exactly what I said. However since you mentioned it. I've seen qualified people passed over because of race and the minority was given the job based solely on race.
A five second Google search would have cleared that up for you, right? But, that wasn't your motive for your interjection, was it.
My point stands. No one know who the hell this is. Maybe OPs next post is about his uncle Ernie
I meant exactly what I said. However since you mentioned it. I've seen qualified people passed over because of race and the minority was given the job based solely on race.
Of course you have, but you have never seen a black person deal with racism or discrimination on the job. Smfh.
Of course you have, but you have never seen a black person deal with racism or discrimination on the job. Smfh.
It's called hiring quota I'm sure you've heard of it. More than likely benefited from it and later fired because you were under qualified for the job.
I agree with some of what White has to say and I think some of what he has to say is bullshit. Tell me how much you disagree with Jesse Lee Peterson or Jason Whitlock or Candace Owens.
What parts do you agree with White?
I only know of Candace Owens, and from what I have heard, she speaks eloquently and addresses many of the issues in the black community by asking the black community to begin to take responsibility for their own actions.
What parts do you agree with White?
I only know of Candace Owens, and from what I have heard, she speaks eloquently and addresses many of the issues in the black community by asking the black community to begin to take responsibility for their own actions.
What you've heard, lol. She is a boot licking hag that attacks black. one thinks there's something very odd going on when people can say stuff like this (dividing America trash talk, explicit implied harm to others, racist extremism from a black man) and not a peep from authorities.

But let a white man dare to say the "N" word in public or take down an LGBTQ flag and you're in felony trouble instantly......

This is the cost of doing nothing. Prediction....You ain't seen nothing yet.

Traditional conservatism doesn’t sell in America and it‘s all the fault of traditional conservatives as they never conserved or preserved a damn thing.
I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spineless, big mouth pieces of worthless dogshit that ever were. They sat on their hands and turned a blind eye to the emergence of fucked in the head leftists. They empowered the Left, they allowed them to write and enforce the PC programming.
The Left told them what they could say, how and what to think and they rolled over and complied with a smile. “Conservatives” didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christian males cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christian males.
The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....FUCK traditional Conservatives!

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