Charlotte Burning: Latest City To Be Destroyed By The Democrats...


And so another once great city falls. It's very sad. You would think folks would have learned by now. Charlotte now joins the ranks of other Third World Democrat disasters like Chicago, Detroit, Flint, and so on. Remember people, all of our communities are just one or two Democrats away from becoming miserable Hellholes. Don't allow it to happen to your community. Peace.

democrats shot a man just for being black?

nice try. :cuckoo:
well damn I'd burn the city too for that. What color was the shooter?

And so another once great city falls. It's very sad. You would think folks would have learned by now. Charlotte now joins the ranks of other Third World Democrat disasters like Chicago, Detroit, Flint, and so on. Remember people, all of our communities are just one or two Democrats away from becoming miserable Hellholes. Don't allow it to happen to your community. Peace.

democrats shot a man just for being black?

nice try. :cuckoo:

I think of some that enslaved quite a few. Why don't you ever apoligize for slavery?

nice deflection. a total non-sequitur and downright stupid, but a deflection nonetheless

fwiw, my family didn't get here til 1912 and after by way of Belarus.

what on earth would I apologize for, dum dum.
why would many of us don't you think? I mean, it was democrats.

And so another once great city falls. It's very sad. You would think folks would have learned by now. Charlotte now joins the ranks of other Third World Democrat disasters like Chicago, Detroit, Flint, and so on. Remember people, all of our communities are just one or two Democrats away from becoming miserable Hellholes. Don't allow it to happen to your community. Peace.

democrats shot a man just for being black?

nice try. :cuckoo:
well damn I'd burn the city too for that. What color was the shooter?

She probably doesn't know. She's a typical low-information Clinton Bootlicker. Once she realizes she's lost again, she'll quickly scamper off to go hide in her 'Safe Space.' That's how she rolls. So don't waste too much time trying to reason with her. She's all-in for the corrupt witch and her serial rapist husband. And that's that.

And so another once great city falls. It's very sad. You would think folks would have learned by now. Charlotte now joins the ranks of other Third World Democrat disasters like Chicago, Detroit, Flint, and so on. Remember people, all of our communities are just one or two Democrats away from becoming miserable Hellholes. Don't allow it to happen to your community. Peace.

democrats shot a man just for being black?

nice try. :cuckoo:
well damn I'd burn the city too for that. What color was the shooter?

She probably doesn't know. She's a typical low-information Clinton Bootlicker. Once she realizes she's lost again, she'll quickly scamper off to go hide in her 'Safe Space.' That's how she rolls. So don't waste too much time trying to reason with her. She's all-in for the corrupt witch and her serial rapist husband. And that's that.
me, I can't stand uninformed folks like her.

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