Charlottesville To Remove confederate Statues That Helped Spark Deadly Rally

They start taking down the statue later today.

It will go into storage until the city can decide who gets it. There have been requests for the statue some out of the state and some in the state.

Thank goodness that statue and the one of stonewall jackson are coming down.

It is long overdue. The statues never should have been erected in the first place.

Sorry to hear the city is caving in to the left wing bigots who caused the disturbance. Bad idea to reward evil.
And yet these far Left Communist pricks would have ZERO problem erecting statues of Lenin, Trotsky, Mao, and other "heroes" they worship.

Well, that is alarming.
However, I personally know of no Trotsky, Mao, or Lenin statues in my market and local travel area.
Are they plentiful in GCM's locale?
If so, I wonder why?
Where does he live for such?

"What is racist about Lewis and Clark?"

You know, poster, I do not know about L&C' racism.....if, indeed, there was some.

But more to the point of the, ah, 'controversy', over that Charlottesville statue was the depiction of Sacagawea in a 'cowering' posture......... submissive, a 'lesser' player.

Accordingly, many folks, most especially native Americans, thought it was inappropriate and demeaning.

A bronze....of a 'white-male-ethos' where Lewis & Clark were portrayed heroically, muscular, assertive, forward visioned. Not so for the Shoshone woman who played such a pivotal role in the Corps of Discovery Expedition.

Think of it as a 'credits' issue......where the 'stars' get all the credit, and the important an critical 'co-star' is buried deep down in the credit-scroll at the end of the movie.

She requires more than a 'participation'-trophy.
And yet these far Left Communist pricks would have ZERO problem erecting statues of Lenin, Trotsky, Mao, and other "heroes" they worship.

Well, that is alarming.
However, I personally know of no Trotsky, Mao, or Lenin statues in my market and local travel area.
Are they plentiful in GCM's locale?
If so, I wonder why?
Where does he live for such?

"What is racist about Lewis and Clark?"

You know, poster, I do not know about L&C' racism.....if, indeed, there was some.

But more to the point of the, ah, 'controversy', over that Charlottesville statue was the depiction of Sacagawea in a 'cowering' posture......... submissive, a 'lesser' player.

Accordingly, many folks, most especially native Americans, thought it was inappropriate and demeaning.

A bronze....of a 'white-male-ethos' where Lewis & Clark were portrayed heroically, muscular, assertive, forward visioned. Not so for the Shoshone woman who played such a pivotal role in the Corps of Discovery Expedition.

Think of it as a 'credits' issue......where the 'stars' get all the credit, and the important an critical 'co-star' is buried deep down in the credit-scroll at the end of the movie.

She requires more than a 'participation'-trophy.
That is so desperate.
Or they know you're a racist and aren't worth responding to.

Yes, Joe, blacks are the same, which means any who defy that sameness are "Uncle Toms." The racist has spoken. That's you, Joe

Nothing wrong with being unique.
Everything wrong with selling out to please people who hate you anyway.

If fish have wings, then how is it that goats are able to fly?
If Magic Underwear protects you from Covid, then how are you able to get to the Outer Darkness?

Lincoln did start the war, and Trump did everything your sainted Dr. Fauci advised him to do.
No, the Southern States seceded before he was sworn in.

Fauci wanted to close down the entire country, which Trump refused to do.

Big fucking lie, asshole

You need to read up on the Southern Strategy, and how Nixon won over the former racists for the GOP.
I've read the Marxist propaganda on the so-called "Southern Strategy." That was just a sleazy tactic designed to paint Nixon as a racist even thoug his Dim NAZI opponents didn't have a shred of evidence that he was.
We do now.
Or they know you're a racist and aren't worth responding to.

Yes, Joe, blacks are the same, which means any who defy that sameness are "Uncle Toms." The racist has spoken. That's you, Joe

Nothing wrong with being unique.
Everything wrong with selling out to please people who hate you anyway.

If fish have wings, then how is it that goats are able to fly?
If Magic Underwear protects you from Covid, then how are you able to get to the Outer Darkness?

Lincoln did start the war, and Trump did everything your sainted Dr. Fauci advised him to do.
No, the Southern States seceded before he was sworn in.

Fauci wanted to close down the entire country, which Trump refused to do.

Big fucking lie, asshole

You need to read up on the Southern Strategy, and how Nixon won over the former racists for the GOP.
I've read the Marxist propaganda on the so-called "Southern Strategy." That was just a sleazy tactic designed to paint Nixon as a racist even thoug his Dim NAZI opponents didn't have a shred of evidence that he was.
We do now.

Lies are not evidence. That you lie a lot, is just evidence that you are a liar.

IN the real world, Nixon supported the bi-partisan consensus on civil rights, just like Johnson before him and Ford After him.

No wonder you’re such a fan…

So, to support your idea of Nixon supposedly pandering to southern wacists, you cite secret recordings that only came out today, 50 years later?

Wow. That's..... breath takingly stupid. Or, is it literally insane?

Nixon supported the bi-partisan consensus on civil rights, just like Johnson before him and Ford after him.
No, that isn’t what I said. I simply said we now know that he absolutely was a racist. Even if they were prognosticating back then, they were right.

The Southern Strategy is based on the idea that Nixon publicly pandered to southern wacists, so that they would have a reason to vote for him and the gop.

Secret recordings that didn't come out till decades after Nixon and hte majority of the voters were dead, would not be a reason for any voters to do anything.

You can't support the Southern Strategy, because it's not true.
I have already provided proof that the Southern strategy was a real thing. ....

That is you lying. You've provided ZERO evidence to support your position.

The reality is that Nixon shared the bi-partisan consensus in favor of civil rights for blacks that both parties supported during the time of his presidency.

His policies proved that. And by proved, I mean, actually proved it, by putting his money where his mouth was, by actual policy, implemented and enforced.

You want to ignore that and focus on secret recordings that were not even public at the time as though.... what? NOTHING.
I provided you plenty. Just because you ignored it doesn’t mean I didn’t provide it.

Secret recordings that were not released until decades after Nixon was dead, and even more decades after his elections, do not support the southern strategy conspiracy theory.

To support the theory's claims, you have to show that he pandered for wacist votes, successfully. Some major policies, that helped keep the South segregated or gave special rights to whites over blacks.

That you think a secret recording that no one knew about would convince voters, who never heard it, to vote for Nixon, makes no sense.
I never said the secret recordings that proved what everyone thought about Nixon's racism had anything to do with the Southern Strategy. They are two separate things that, although both deal with Nixon's racism, are unrelated.

The Southern Strategy was real. Just ask Republicans.

The strongest evidence of the Southern strategy comes directly from Republicans at the time.
That includes Clarence Townes, who served as director of the Minorities Division of the Republican National Committee in the 1960s. Harvard professor Leah Wright Rigueur wrote about Townes in her book "The Loneliness of the Black Republican."
When Nixon disbanded the division, Townes told reporters in 1970, "There’s a total fear of what’s called the Southern strategy. Blacks understand that their wellbeing is being sacrificed to political gain. There has to be some moral leadership from the president on the race question, and there just hasn’t been any."
In 1969, Nixon White House aide Lamar Alexander, who now represents Tennessee in the U.S. Senate, wrote about the Southern strategy in a memo following the unsuccessful Supreme Court nomination of Clement Haynsworth, who was opposed by civil rights groups.
"SOUTHERN STRATEGY — we flat out invited the kind of political battle that ultimately erupted when we named a Democrat-turned-Republican conservative from South Carolina. This confirmed the Southern strategy just at a time when it was being nationally debated," Alexander wrote.
Nixon strategist Kevin Phillips openly discussed the Southern strategy in a newspaper article in 1973:
"If the New Washington liberal crowd could tear themselves away from Watergate ecstasy and the lionizing of Daniel Ellsberg for a little look-see below the Mason-Dixon line, they might glean a useful political insight, namely that the GOP 'Southern Strategy' seems to be rolling along — and rolling up local victories — just as if G. Gordon Liddy had never existed." (Ellsberg released the Pentagon papers in 1971 while Liddy was an FBI agent convicted of illegal wiretapping.)
Phillips told the New York Times in 1970 that the Republicans were never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the "Negro vote and they don't need any more than that."
"The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans," he wrote. "That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats."
Ultimately, winning over white Southern voters required using coded language, as campaign consultant Lee Atwater, who worked on Reagan’s 1980 campaign, explained in an interview 1981. In audio, he can be heard describing how in 1954, a racial slur could be used to describe black Americans, but that "backfired" by 1968 — requiring a pivot to use more abstract language.
"So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites," he said.
Reagan used language such as "states’ rights" and "welfare queens," which critics said was coded racist language.
"The partisan shift in the South from the 1960s to George W. Bush is the greatest partisan shift in all of American history," Maxwell said.
In 2005, Republican National Committee chairman Ken Mehlman told the NAACP national convention in Milwaukee that using race as a wedge issue was "wrong."
"By the ‘70s and into the ‘80s and ‘90s, the Democratic Party solidified its gains in the African American community, and we Republicans did not effectively reach out. Some Republicans gave up on winning the African American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization. I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong."

Now watch Correll's response be "nuh uh". :lol:

You didn’t throw them out. They died off…….and your current ruler called that KKK Leader his mentor. Your party has always been the party of racists, and always will be.

You are just to racist to see it.

You are too stupid to know the difference between "to" and "too". Also you ignore all the good stuff Robert Byrd did After he was in the Klan for like five minutes in the 1950's.

So Robert Byrd realized the error of his ways, but Strom Thurmond got welcomed into the GOP with open arms.
No statue broke the law.
No statue threw the 1st punch or threw bottles/jugs of urine on anyone.
No statue bragged about initiating violence in Charlottesville.
That was ANTIFA.

Really? So did Antifa put out these posters.

What about leaving civil war statues up would prevent someone from being a good person to support that exactly?

Can you speak in big boy words? I may insult you, but I tell you why coherently

Good people don't murder folks in the streets because they want to take down racist statues...

That Trump called these folks "Good People" says a lot. Then again, he's calling the Jan. 6 rioters good people.
State's right's is a bad cause?

Absolutely. Frankly, it's been used to justify all sorts of bad behaviors, usually when the rest of the country has changed it's mind on an issue and a state wants to continue with some bad behavior.

Right after we put a big old line through the Second Amendment, we need to put a big old line through the tenth.
This is divisive and harmful to America. Selecting out certain groups that are not allowed to be proud of their heritage, is bigotry and divisive.
Should Germans be proud of their Nazi heritage?

Different situation. My point stands. THis is divisive and harmful to America.
Different situation. My point stands. THis is divisive and harmful to America.
Now you get a little taste of the divisiveness black folks have felt for a century with those statues looming large above them and you cry foul immediately. White fragility is a bitch.

What a crock of shit. Those statues were not "looming over" anyone. They were quietly sitting in the park, where blacks either didn't give a fuck about them or liked them because of the shared American heritage.
Bullshit. I flew out to NC for a graduation and saw one of the those damn traitor statues at a park while I was at a restaurant. I got up, walked across the street...........and spit a whole mouthful of chewed up food on it.

What a weirdo. DId the statue seem properly chastised?
I dont know but it sure offended some of the crackas that witnessed it. They turned beet red and lowered their eyes like they always do though.

If they would have said shit, you would have kicked their asses, wouldn't you?
Depends on what they said. I believe if they had said something it would have been mild and I would have told them to go fuck themselves.

Aw come on. YOu know they would have said something terribly wacist, and you would have kicked their white asses.

Sorry, their "cracka asses", since you know, making racial slurs directed at white people is cool.

AND if you lost, then you could have had them arrested for defending themselves, since it is a dem stronghold.

So, to summarize, it is cool for you to make racial slurs at white people, it is cool for you to express contempt for white people culture or heritage, if they say shit, you will violently beat them, like a violent thug and if you lose, you will have them arrested for defending themselves.

This is the future white liberals like Biden and Old Lady and mac1958 are building.
You're whining again. Please stop.

Nope. I'm talking real shit here. That you don't like it, is YOU whining.
You don't know what real is. You're just whining.

I know that you would have deep back up, in fucking NYC, and a bully like you, would enjoy using that advantage to throw your weight around and have a good old time, terrifying some white people.

Or, " crackas" as you like to call them.

And, it's "real" to bring your behavior to the attention of the stupid white libs that support you and yours in this type of behavior.

I mean, you did do what you claim you did, right? And you certainly did intimidate those "crackas" and you were prepared to get violent, if they gave you a reason, weren't you?

You are the one giving me the facts of the case. I'm just talking about what you told me.

And trying to share your words with other white people.

That doesn't bother you any, does it?
There's absolutely nothing you can do or say that would bother me. You're just some insignificant cracka on a forum. If you are so frightened of me, or the thought of me then keep your racist comments to yourself while in public. I might not be in NY but I guarantee you there is someone like me there.

I'm not trying to bother you. I'm just trying to share your words and actions with some of the stupid white libs who support people like you.

It amuses me, to imagine then actively trying to make excuses for or ignore your behavior, and the idea that someday, the behavior from people like you, will come back and bite them on the ass, and they will remember how I TOLD THEM SO.

I fills me with bitter glee.

They deserve what they have coming.

Oh, I have no doubt that people like you are around and that you have back up from people like Old Lady and mac1958.

I don't want to end up one of the people doing time for defending myself.
I didnt say you were trying to bother me. I was answering this question. "That doesn't bother you any, does it?"

I disagree. The people you claim "support" me are safe from people like me. Are you curious as to why? Actually I don't care if you're curious or not I'm still going to tell you.

Those people would never exhibit the behavior necessary to provoke me simply because they understand simple respect.

Maybe. Maybe they can get though their whole lives, not making the black guy(s) angry, never disagreeing or voicing a contrary opinion, and thus being spared from violence from bullying thugs like yourself.

But I think that people like you, need to have people to demonstrate your.... dominance or what have you,

you NEED to demonstrate it, every now and then, to keep up the mob mentality that you crave.

So, every now and then, someone has to be thrown to the wolves. And let's face it, people like you, don't really care whether or not the accusation(s) are true, you just want a victim.

So, their lives, if they get their way, will be those of sheep, keeping their heads down and hoping that the mob takes their guy standing next to them, and not them.

Like I said, great future they are building and they will richly deserve it.
This is divisive and harmful to America. Selecting out certain groups that are not allowed to be proud of their heritage, is bigotry and divisive.
Should Germans be proud of their Nazi heritage?

Different situation. My point stands. THis is divisive and harmful to America.
Different situation. My point stands. THis is divisive and harmful to America.
Now you get a little taste of the divisiveness black folks have felt for a century with those statues looming large above them and you cry foul immediately. White fragility is a bitch.

What a crock of shit. Those statues were not "looming over" anyone. They were quietly sitting in the park, where blacks either didn't give a fuck about them or liked them because of the shared American heritage.
What a crock of shit. Those statues were not "looming over" anyone. They were quietly sitting in the park, where blacks either didn't give a fuck about them or liked them because of the shared American heritage.
Says Whitey. Whitey always knows what’s good for the Negro. What helps or hurts the negro. Whitey is always generous to the negro despite the negros’ continued ingratitude.

You making racial slurs, is not a counter argument.

My point stands.

Those statues were not "looming over" anyone. They were quietly sitting in the park, where blacks either didn't give a fuck about them or liked them because of the shared American heritage.
You making racial slurs, is not a counter argument.

My point stands.

Those statues were not "looming over" anyone. They were quietly sitting in the park, where blacks either didn't give a fuck about them or liked them because of the shared American heritage.
You certainly can’t know how they made people feel. The very least and first division you felt regarding their removal caused your knees to buckle and you to cry out to your lord in anguish. By all means though. Continue to suggest their presence had no ill effects on black folks.

I think I can, based on the DECADES of no discussion of them, at all, until the Leftards ran low on pretend wacism and had to dig DEEP to find some shit to pretend to be upset about.
I think I can, based on the DECADES of no discussion of them, at all, until the Leftards ran low on pretend wacism and had to dig DEEP to find some shit to pretend to be upset about
Of course you think you can know. Whitey always knows what’s best for the negro.
It’s the natural order of things. ;)

I already noted your use of racial slurs. Do you need me to be clearer and call you a racist?

Beyond that, my point stands. THe decades of no discussion on the issue, even during the 70s and 80s and 90s, and 00s, when such discussions would have been completely safe to have,

kind of shows that no one gave a damn until just recently.

Why is that? THe statues didn't change? What did change?

I offered my opinion on that. You've called me some racial slurs. So, I take you have nothing, other than being a retarded asshole counter my argument with.

My point stands. No one cared for generations. This issue is ginned up bullshit from modern day leftard assholes.
"My point stands. No one cared for generations."

You never had a point. Blacks have always resented those cracka statues of traitors being paid for with their tax money.

Bullshit. Generations of not caring and not saying shit about them.

It only became an issue, very recently cause you leftards got real desperate for wacism to pretend to be upset over.

Got to keep the hate flowing.
As usual you have no clue what youre talking about. Its amusing you think you know how Black people felt about the loser traitor statues up until recently. :)

Why? I was here. I could see that black communities and populations in their millions, had real shit to worry about, rather than some statues in the park.

I remember.
You obviously weren't anywhere except holed up in your bunker. Theres a reason southern states often forced Black prisoners to create a ring around traitor statues in the 60's. Youre so full of shit. :)

I was here, living in this nation, and paying attention. Plenty of blacks getting plenty of screen time on tv, and in newspapers, and news magazine, and none of them ever spent it, whining about the statues.

Your denial is retarded.
We are a band of brothers and native to the soil
Fighting for our Liberty, With treasure, blood and toil
And when our rights were threatened, the cry rose near and far
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star!
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Southern rights, hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

As long as the Union was faithful to her trust
Like friends and like brethren, kind we were, and just
But now, when Northern treachery attempts our rights to mar
We'll hoist on high the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Southern rights, hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

First gallant South Carolina nobly made the stand
Then came Alabama and took her by the hand
Next, quickly Mississippi, Georgia, Florida
All raised on high the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Southern rights, hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

Ye men of valor gather around the banner of the right
Texas and fair Louisiana 've join us in the fight
Davis, our loved President, and Stephens statesmen are
Now rally behind the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Southern rights, hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

And here's to brave Virginia, the Old Dominion State.
With the young Confederacy at length has linked her fate.
Impelled by her example, now other States prepare
To hoist on high the Bonnie Blue flag that bears a single star.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Southern rights, hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

Then cheer, boys, cheer, and raise a joyous shout
For Arkansas and North Carolina now have both gone out;
And let another rousing cheer for Tennessee be given
The single star of the Bonnie Blue Flag has grown to be eleven!
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Southern rights, hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

Then here's to our Confederacy, strong we are and brave,
Like patriots of old we'll fight, our heritage to save.
And rather than submit to shame, to die we would prefer
So cheer, cheer for the Bonnie Blue flag that bears a single star.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Southern rights, hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Southern rights, hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.​
We are a band of brothers and native to the soil
Fighting for our Liberty, With treasure, blood and toil
And when our rights were threatened, the cry rose near and far
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star!
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Southern rights, hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

As long as the Union was faithful to her trust
Like friends and like brethren, kind we were, and just
But now, when Northern treachery attempts our rights to mar
We'll hoist on high the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Southern rights, hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

First gallant South Carolina nobly made the stand
Then came Alabama and took her by the hand
Next, quickly Mississippi, Georgia, Florida
All raised on high the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Southern rights, hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

Ye men of valor gather around the banner of the right
Texas and fair Louisiana 've join us in the fight
Davis, our loved President, and Stephens statesmen are
Now rally behind the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Southern rights, hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

And here's to brave Virginia, the Old Dominion State.
With the young Confederacy at length has linked her fate.
Impelled by her example, now other States prepare
To hoist on high the Bonnie Blue flag that bears a single star.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Southern rights, hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

Then cheer, boys, cheer, and raise a joyous shout
For Arkansas and North Carolina now have both gone out;
And let another rousing cheer for Tennessee be given
The single star of the Bonnie Blue Flag has grown to be eleven!
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Southern rights, hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

Then here's to our Confederacy, strong we are and brave,
Like patriots of old we'll fight, our heritage to save.
And rather than submit to shame, to die we would prefer
So cheer, cheer for the Bonnie Blue flag that bears a single star.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Southern rights, hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Southern rights, hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.​
The song of the traitor
We are a band of brothers and native to the soil
Fighting for our Liberty, With treasure, blood and toil
And when our rights were threatened, the cry rose near and far
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star!
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Southern rights, hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

As long as the Union was faithful to her trust
Like friends and like brethren, kind we were, and just
But now, when Northern treachery attempts our rights to mar
We'll hoist on high the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Southern rights, hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

First gallant South Carolina nobly made the stand
Then came Alabama and took her by the hand
Next, quickly Mississippi, Georgia, Florida
All raised on high the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Southern rights, hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

Ye men of valor gather around the banner of the right
Texas and fair Louisiana 've join us in the fight
Davis, our loved President, and Stephens statesmen are
Now rally behind the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Southern rights, hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

And here's to brave Virginia, the Old Dominion State.
With the young Confederacy at length has linked her fate.
Impelled by her example, now other States prepare
To hoist on high the Bonnie Blue flag that bears a single star.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Southern rights, hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

Then cheer, boys, cheer, and raise a joyous shout
For Arkansas and North Carolina now have both gone out;
And let another rousing cheer for Tennessee be given
The single star of the Bonnie Blue Flag has grown to be eleven!
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Southern rights, hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

Then here's to our Confederacy, strong we are and brave,
Like patriots of old we'll fight, our heritage to save.
And rather than submit to shame, to die we would prefer
So cheer, cheer for the Bonnie Blue flag that bears a single star.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Southern rights, hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Southern rights, hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.​
The song of the traitor


So is Yankee Doodle.
Or they know you're a racist and aren't worth responding to.

Yes, Joe, blacks are the same, which means any who defy that sameness are "Uncle Toms." The racist has spoken. That's you, Joe

Nothing wrong with being unique.
Everything wrong with selling out to please people who hate you anyway.

If fish have wings, then how is it that goats are able to fly?
If Magic Underwear protects you from Covid, then how are you able to get to the Outer Darkness?

Lincoln did start the war, and Trump did everything your sainted Dr. Fauci advised him to do.
No, the Southern States seceded before he was sworn in.

Fauci wanted to close down the entire country, which Trump refused to do.

Big fucking lie, asshole

You need to read up on the Southern Strategy, and how Nixon won over the former racists for the GOP.
I've read the Marxist propaganda on the so-called "Southern Strategy." That was just a sleazy tactic designed to paint Nixon as a racist even thoug his Dim NAZI opponents didn't have a shred of evidence that he was.
We do now.
Or they know you're a racist and aren't worth responding to.

Yes, Joe, blacks are the same, which means any who defy that sameness are "Uncle Toms." The racist has spoken. That's you, Joe

Nothing wrong with being unique.
Everything wrong with selling out to please people who hate you anyway.

If fish have wings, then how is it that goats are able to fly?
If Magic Underwear protects you from Covid, then how are you able to get to the Outer Darkness?

Lincoln did start the war, and Trump did everything your sainted Dr. Fauci advised him to do.
No, the Southern States seceded before he was sworn in.

Fauci wanted to close down the entire country, which Trump refused to do.

Big fucking lie, asshole

You need to read up on the Southern Strategy, and how Nixon won over the former racists for the GOP.
I've read the Marxist propaganda on the so-called "Southern Strategy." That was just a sleazy tactic designed to paint Nixon as a racist even thoug his Dim NAZI opponents didn't have a shred of evidence that he was.
We do now.

Lies are not evidence. That you lie a lot, is just evidence that you are a liar.

IN the real world, Nixon supported the bi-partisan consensus on civil rights, just like Johnson before him and Ford After him.

No wonder you’re such a fan…

So, to support your idea of Nixon supposedly pandering to southern wacists, you cite secret recordings that only came out today, 50 years later?

Wow. That's..... breath takingly stupid. Or, is it literally insane?

Nixon supported the bi-partisan consensus on civil rights, just like Johnson before him and Ford after him.
No, that isn’t what I said. I simply said we now know that he absolutely was a racist. Even if they were prognosticating back then, they were right.

The Southern Strategy is based on the idea that Nixon publicly pandered to southern wacists, so that they would have a reason to vote for him and the gop.

Secret recordings that didn't come out till decades after Nixon and hte majority of the voters were dead, would not be a reason for any voters to do anything.

You can't support the Southern Strategy, because it's not true.
I have already provided proof that the Southern strategy was a real thing. ....

That is you lying. You've provided ZERO evidence to support your position.

The reality is that Nixon shared the bi-partisan consensus in favor of civil rights for blacks that both parties supported during the time of his presidency.

His policies proved that. And by proved, I mean, actually proved it, by putting his money where his mouth was, by actual policy, implemented and enforced.

You want to ignore that and focus on secret recordings that were not even public at the time as though.... what? NOTHING.
I provided you plenty. Just because you ignored it doesn’t mean I didn’t provide it.

Secret recordings that were not released until decades after Nixon was dead, and even more decades after his elections, do not support the southern strategy conspiracy theory.

To support the theory's claims, you have to show that he pandered for wacist votes, successfully. Some major policies, that helped keep the South segregated or gave special rights to whites over blacks.

That you think a secret recording that no one knew about would convince voters, who never heard it, to vote for Nixon, makes no sense.
I never said the secret recordings that proved what everyone thought about Nixon's racism had anything to do with the Southern Strategy. They are two separate things that, although both deal with Nixon's racism, are unrelated.

The Southern Strategy was real. Just ask Republicans.

The strongest evidence of the Southern strategy comes directly from Republicans at the time.
That includes Clarence Townes, who served as director of the Minorities Division of the Republican National Committee in the 1960s. Harvard professor Leah Wright Rigueur wrote about Townes in her book "The Loneliness of the Black Republican."
When Nixon disbanded the division, Townes told reporters in 1970, "There’s a total fear of what’s called the Southern strategy. Blacks understand that their wellbeing is being sacrificed to political gain. There has to be some moral leadership from the president on the race question, and there just hasn’t been any."...

Nice gish galloping. I will deal with your lead piece, show that it is weak and we can dismiss the rest as ever weaker.

So, the Southern Strategy puts forth the claim that REpublican candidates, after the dems joined the growing national consensus on civil rights for blacks, that the republican candidates somehow "pandered" to the seething pit of wacists that was the South, to flip the region, a dozen states, forever.

Generally liberals used to claim that they pushed racist policies to get southern votes, but that is easily debunked by looking at the policies. Liberals still push that narrative, in settings where no one can question them, but more experienced lefties, when open to questions have dropped the claim of policies.

Which leaves the next line of defense, ie secret code words. This one... is really pathetic. I give seawytch credit for not even trying that one.

She has tried the third line of defense, ie citing other people that say the same thing. Which.... just wow. lol.

NOw, lets look at the leading piece of "Evidence" in her use of the Gish Gallop Fallacy.

The elimination of the Minorities Division of the Republican National Committee.

So, Seawytch, is claiming that in the mid 60s, in an attempt to pander to southern wacist, President Nixon, eliminated an internal republican party sub-committee....

That is you leading piece of evidence to support the Southern Strategy?

IMO, that is not the type of thing that would get a wacist, to switch his vote from one party to the other. Indeed, I can't believe that the vast majority of southern voters ever heard of that sub-committee or that it was eliminated.

And btw, just for historical context, years AFTER the shocking disbanding of that important committee, this happened.


So, even though that GOP sub committee might have been really, really important, it didn't seem to really cement the South as republican, the way that conspiracy theorists claim.

Do you want to argue that Jimmy Carter was a wacist hold over, from the bad old days and the southern voters knew it, while the northern dem voters didn't?
We are a band of brothers and native to the soil
Fighting for our Liberty, With treasure, blood and toil
And when our rights were threatened, the cry rose near and far
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star!
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Southern rights, hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

As long as the Union was faithful to her trust
Like friends and like brethren, kind we were, and just
But now, when Northern treachery attempts our rights to mar
We'll hoist on high the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Southern rights, hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

First gallant South Carolina nobly made the stand
Then came Alabama and took her by the hand
Next, quickly Mississippi, Georgia, Florida
All raised on high the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Southern rights, hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

Ye men of valor gather around the banner of the right
Texas and fair Louisiana 've join us in the fight
Davis, our loved President, and Stephens statesmen are
Now rally behind the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Southern rights, hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

And here's to brave Virginia, the Old Dominion State.
With the young Confederacy at length has linked her fate.
Impelled by her example, now other States prepare
To hoist on high the Bonnie Blue flag that bears a single star.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Southern rights, hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

Then cheer, boys, cheer, and raise a joyous shout
For Arkansas and North Carolina now have both gone out;
And let another rousing cheer for Tennessee be given
The single star of the Bonnie Blue Flag has grown to be eleven!
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Southern rights, hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

Then here's to our Confederacy, strong we are and brave,
Like patriots of old we'll fight, our heritage to save.
And rather than submit to shame, to die we would prefer
So cheer, cheer for the Bonnie Blue flag that bears a single star.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Southern rights, hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Southern rights, hurrah!
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.​
The song of the traitor

A nation wide hit. Rolling Stones, that rightwing rag, listed it as one of the greatest songs of all time. Joan Baez, that right wing wacist, did a hit cover of it.

See, until just recently, America as a whole, had long ago gotten over the civil war. The north and the south kissed, made up and lived happily ever after.

The history of the Confederacy, was accepted as part of the larger American heritage, by BOTH republicans and democrats, conservatives and liberals, whites and blacks.

THIS WHOLE ISSUES, is made up bullshit, created by leftards who need more wacism, to be against, then exists, or has existed in generations.

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