Charlottesville To Remove confederate Statues That Helped Spark Deadly Rally

Generally liberals used to claim that they pushed racist policies to get southern votes,

When you start with a lie...nothing following can be regarded as valuable

Said the woman that heard the President say "not w.s." and insists to this day that he said, "w.s.".
Male here stupid.

Beyond YOU even know what you're talking about?

You're a man?! Mmm, ok.

Sure I do.

Anyhow back to the topic.

The Southern Strategy is a conspiracy theory and one that is easily disproved.

In reality, this nation has had a bi-partisan consensus in favor of civil rights for blacks, since the early 60s.

BOTH parties have had national leaders and national platforms supporting this since them, ELECTED BY MAJORITIES OF THEIR MOSTLY WHITE PARTIES.

THe idea that one party was fighting for it, and the other against it, is just not true.
Or they know you're a racist and aren't worth responding to.

Yes, Joe, blacks are the same, which means any who defy that sameness are "Uncle Toms." The racist has spoken. That's you, Joe

Nothing wrong with being unique.
Everything wrong with selling out to please people who hate you anyway.

If fish have wings, then how is it that goats are able to fly?
If Magic Underwear protects you from Covid, then how are you able to get to the Outer Darkness?

Lincoln did start the war, and Trump did everything your sainted Dr. Fauci advised him to do.
No, the Southern States seceded before he was sworn in.

Fauci wanted to close down the entire country, which Trump refused to do.

Big fucking lie, asshole

You need to read up on the Southern Strategy, and how Nixon won over the former racists for the GOP.
I've read the Marxist propaganda on the so-called "Southern Strategy." That was just a sleazy tactic designed to paint Nixon as a racist even thoug his Dim NAZI opponents didn't have a shred of evidence that he was.
We do now.
Or they know you're a racist and aren't worth responding to.

Yes, Joe, blacks are the same, which means any who defy that sameness are "Uncle Toms." The racist has spoken. That's you, Joe

Nothing wrong with being unique.
Everything wrong with selling out to please people who hate you anyway.

If fish have wings, then how is it that goats are able to fly?
If Magic Underwear protects you from Covid, then how are you able to get to the Outer Darkness?

Lincoln did start the war, and Trump did everything your sainted Dr. Fauci advised him to do.
No, the Southern States seceded before he was sworn in.

Fauci wanted to close down the entire country, which Trump refused to do.

Big fucking lie, asshole

You need to read up on the Southern Strategy, and how Nixon won over the former racists for the GOP.
I've read the Marxist propaganda on the so-called "Southern Strategy." That was just a sleazy tactic designed to paint Nixon as a racist even thoug his Dim NAZI opponents didn't have a shred of evidence that he was.
We do now.

Lies are not evidence. That you lie a lot, is just evidence that you are a liar.

IN the real world, Nixon supported the bi-partisan consensus on civil rights, just like Johnson before him and Ford After him.

No wonder you’re such a fan…

So, to support your idea of Nixon supposedly pandering to southern wacists, you cite secret recordings that only came out today, 50 years later?

Wow. That's..... breath takingly stupid. Or, is it literally insane?

Nixon supported the bi-partisan consensus on civil rights, just like Johnson before him and Ford after him.
No, that isn’t what I said. I simply said we now know that he absolutely was a racist. Even if they were prognosticating back then, they were right.

The Southern Strategy is based on the idea that Nixon publicly pandered to southern wacists, so that they would have a reason to vote for him and the gop.

Secret recordings that didn't come out till decades after Nixon and hte majority of the voters were dead, would not be a reason for any voters to do anything.

You can't support the Southern Strategy, because it's not true.
I have already provided proof that the Southern strategy was a real thing. ....

That is you lying. You've provided ZERO evidence to support your position.

The reality is that Nixon shared the bi-partisan consensus in favor of civil rights for blacks that both parties supported during the time of his presidency.

His policies proved that. And by proved, I mean, actually proved it, by putting his money where his mouth was, by actual policy, implemented and enforced.

You want to ignore that and focus on secret recordings that were not even public at the time as though.... what? NOTHING.
I provided you plenty. Just because you ignored it doesn’t mean I didn’t provide it.

Secret recordings that were not released until decades after Nixon was dead, and even more decades after his elections, do not support the southern strategy conspiracy theory.

To support the theory's claims, you have to show that he pandered for wacist votes, successfully. Some major policies, that helped keep the South segregated or gave special rights to whites over blacks.

That you think a secret recording that no one knew about would convince voters, who never heard it, to vote for Nixon, makes no sense.
I never said the secret recordings that proved what everyone thought about Nixon's racism had anything to do with the Southern Strategy. They are two separate things that, although both deal with Nixon's racism, are unrelated.

The Southern Strategy was real. Just ask Republicans.

The strongest evidence of the Southern strategy comes directly from Republicans at the time.
That includes Clarence Townes, who served as director of the Minorities Division of the Republican National Committee in the 1960s. Harvard professor Leah Wright Rigueur wrote about Townes in her book "The Loneliness of the Black Republican."
When Nixon disbanded the division, Townes told reporters in 1970, "There’s a total fear of what’s called the Southern strategy. Blacks understand that their wellbeing is being sacrificed to political gain. There has to be some moral leadership from the president on the race question, and there just hasn’t been any."...

Nice gish galloping. I will deal with your lead piece, show that it is weak and we can dismiss the rest as ever weaker.

So, the Southern Strategy puts forth the claim that REpublican candidates, after the dems joined the growing national consensus on civil rights for blacks, that the republican candidates somehow "pandered" to the seething pit of wacists that was the South, to flip the region, a dozen states, forever.

Generally liberals used to claim that they pushed racist policies to get southern votes, but that is easily debunked by looking at the policies. Liberals still push that narrative, in settings where no one can question them, but more experienced lefties, when open to questions have dropped the claim of policies.

Which leaves the next line of defense, ie secret code words. This one... is really pathetic. I give seawytch credit for not even trying that one.

She has tried the third line of defense, ie citing other people that say the same thing. Which.... just wow. lol.

NOw, lets look at the leading piece of "Evidence" in her use of the Gish Gallop Fallacy.

The elimination of the Minorities Division of the Republican National Committee.

So, Seawytch, is claiming that in the mid 60s, in an attempt to pander to southern wacist, President Nixon, eliminated an internal republican party sub-committee....

That is you leading piece of evidence to support the Southern Strategy?

IMO, that is not the type of thing that would get a wacist, to switch his vote from one party to the other. Indeed, I can't believe that the vast majority of southern voters ever heard of that sub-committee or that it was eliminated.

And btw, just for historical context, years AFTER the shocking disbanding of that important committee, this happened.

View attachment 513009

So, even though that GOP sub committee might have been really, really important, it didn't seem to really cement the South as republican, the way that conspiracy theorists claim.

Do you want to argue that Jimmy Carter was a wacist hold over, from the bad old days and the southern voters knew it, while the northern dem voters didn't?
:lol: what did I tell you..."nuh uh".

The switch of the white southerner from the Democratic party to the Republican party was not instantaneous, which is why Carter was still able to win the south. Carter looked like them, talked like them and was Baptist like them. Nixon played a part in Carter's win as well. His opponent had pardoned Tricky Dick and folks were still pissed at what Nixon had done.

He lost reelection in no small part because those white southerners realized he wasn't like them. (And Reagan told them about scary black people on welfare driving Cadillacs).
Or they know you're a racist and aren't worth responding to.

Yes, Joe, blacks are the same, which means any who defy that sameness are "Uncle Toms." The racist has spoken. That's you, Joe

Nothing wrong with being unique.
Everything wrong with selling out to please people who hate you anyway.

If fish have wings, then how is it that goats are able to fly?
If Magic Underwear protects you from Covid, then how are you able to get to the Outer Darkness?

Lincoln did start the war, and Trump did everything your sainted Dr. Fauci advised him to do.
No, the Southern States seceded before he was sworn in.

Fauci wanted to close down the entire country, which Trump refused to do.

Big fucking lie, asshole

You need to read up on the Southern Strategy, and how Nixon won over the former racists for the GOP.
I've read the Marxist propaganda on the so-called "Southern Strategy." That was just a sleazy tactic designed to paint Nixon as a racist even thoug his Dim NAZI opponents didn't have a shred of evidence that he was.
We do now.
Or they know you're a racist and aren't worth responding to.

Yes, Joe, blacks are the same, which means any who defy that sameness are "Uncle Toms." The racist has spoken. That's you, Joe

Nothing wrong with being unique.
Everything wrong with selling out to please people who hate you anyway.

If fish have wings, then how is it that goats are able to fly?
If Magic Underwear protects you from Covid, then how are you able to get to the Outer Darkness?

Lincoln did start the war, and Trump did everything your sainted Dr. Fauci advised him to do.
No, the Southern States seceded before he was sworn in.

Fauci wanted to close down the entire country, which Trump refused to do.

Big fucking lie, asshole

You need to read up on the Southern Strategy, and how Nixon won over the former racists for the GOP.
I've read the Marxist propaganda on the so-called "Southern Strategy." That was just a sleazy tactic designed to paint Nixon as a racist even thoug his Dim NAZI opponents didn't have a shred of evidence that he was.
We do now.

Lies are not evidence. That you lie a lot, is just evidence that you are a liar.

IN the real world, Nixon supported the bi-partisan consensus on civil rights, just like Johnson before him and Ford After him.

No wonder you’re such a fan…

So, to support your idea of Nixon supposedly pandering to southern wacists, you cite secret recordings that only came out today, 50 years later?

Wow. That's..... breath takingly stupid. Or, is it literally insane?

Nixon supported the bi-partisan consensus on civil rights, just like Johnson before him and Ford after him.
No, that isn’t what I said. I simply said we now know that he absolutely was a racist. Even if they were prognosticating back then, they were right.

The Southern Strategy is based on the idea that Nixon publicly pandered to southern wacists, so that they would have a reason to vote for him and the gop.

Secret recordings that didn't come out till decades after Nixon and hte majority of the voters were dead, would not be a reason for any voters to do anything.

You can't support the Southern Strategy, because it's not true.
I have already provided proof that the Southern strategy was a real thing. ....

That is you lying. You've provided ZERO evidence to support your position.

The reality is that Nixon shared the bi-partisan consensus in favor of civil rights for blacks that both parties supported during the time of his presidency.

His policies proved that. And by proved, I mean, actually proved it, by putting his money where his mouth was, by actual policy, implemented and enforced.

You want to ignore that and focus on secret recordings that were not even public at the time as though.... what? NOTHING.
I provided you plenty. Just because you ignored it doesn’t mean I didn’t provide it.

Secret recordings that were not released until decades after Nixon was dead, and even more decades after his elections, do not support the southern strategy conspiracy theory.

To support the theory's claims, you have to show that he pandered for wacist votes, successfully. Some major policies, that helped keep the South segregated or gave special rights to whites over blacks.

That you think a secret recording that no one knew about would convince voters, who never heard it, to vote for Nixon, makes no sense.
I never said the secret recordings that proved what everyone thought about Nixon's racism had anything to do with the Southern Strategy. They are two separate things that, although both deal with Nixon's racism, are unrelated.

The Southern Strategy was real. Just ask Republicans.

The strongest evidence of the Southern strategy comes directly from Republicans at the time.
That includes Clarence Townes, who served as director of the Minorities Division of the Republican National Committee in the 1960s. Harvard professor Leah Wright Rigueur wrote about Townes in her book "The Loneliness of the Black Republican."
When Nixon disbanded the division, Townes told reporters in 1970, "There’s a total fear of what’s called the Southern strategy. Blacks understand that their wellbeing is being sacrificed to political gain. There has to be some moral leadership from the president on the race question, and there just hasn’t been any."...

Nice gish galloping. I will deal with your lead piece, show that it is weak and we can dismiss the rest as ever weaker.

So, the Southern Strategy puts forth the claim that REpublican candidates, after the dems joined the growing national consensus on civil rights for blacks, that the republican candidates somehow "pandered" to the seething pit of wacists that was the South, to flip the region, a dozen states, forever.

Generally liberals used to claim that they pushed racist policies to get southern votes, but that is easily debunked by looking at the policies. Liberals still push that narrative, in settings where no one can question them, but more experienced lefties, when open to questions have dropped the claim of policies.

Which leaves the next line of defense, ie secret code words. This one... is really pathetic. I give seawytch credit for not even trying that one.

She has tried the third line of defense, ie citing other people that say the same thing. Which.... just wow. lol.

NOw, lets look at the leading piece of "Evidence" in her use of the Gish Gallop Fallacy.

The elimination of the Minorities Division of the Republican National Committee.

So, Seawytch, is claiming that in the mid 60s, in an attempt to pander to southern wacist, President Nixon, eliminated an internal republican party sub-committee....

That is you leading piece of evidence to support the Southern Strategy?

IMO, that is not the type of thing that would get a wacist, to switch his vote from one party to the other. Indeed, I can't believe that the vast majority of southern voters ever heard of that sub-committee or that it was eliminated.

And btw, just for historical context, years AFTER the shocking disbanding of that important committee, this happened.

View attachment 513009

So, even though that GOP sub committee might have been really, really important, it didn't seem to really cement the South as republican, the way that conspiracy theorists claim.

Do you want to argue that Jimmy Carter was a wacist hold over, from the bad old days and the southern voters knew it, while the northern dem voters didn't?
:lol: what did I tell you..."nuh uh".

The switch of the white southerner from the Democratic party to the Republican party was not instantaneous, which is why Carter was still able to win the south. Carter looked like them, talked like them and was Baptist like them. Nixon played a part in Carter's win as well. His opponent had pardoned Tricky Dick and folks were still pissed at what Nixon had done.

He lost reelection in no small part because those white southerners realized he wasn't like them. (And Reagan told them about scary black people on welfare driving Cadillacs).

So, Carter won despite being strong on civil rights just because he was a southern (and nixon)?

I agree.

But, that really undermines the idea that RACE is the defining issue of southern politics. At least past the mid 60s.

Carter lost, because his weak ass foreign policy was inviting everyone to walk all over US. Hell, he knew it. He was completely changing course, running guns to Afghanistan and building up the military.

Race played no significant role. Because it was moot. BOTH sides were committed to civil rights for blacks and the wacists voters knew it.
Or they know you're a racist and aren't worth responding to.

Yes, Joe, blacks are the same, which means any who defy that sameness are "Uncle Toms." The racist has spoken. That's you, Joe

Nothing wrong with being unique.
Everything wrong with selling out to please people who hate you anyway.

If fish have wings, then how is it that goats are able to fly?
If Magic Underwear protects you from Covid, then how are you able to get to the Outer Darkness?

Lincoln did start the war, and Trump did everything your sainted Dr. Fauci advised him to do.
No, the Southern States seceded before he was sworn in.

Fauci wanted to close down the entire country, which Trump refused to do.

Big fucking lie, asshole

You need to read up on the Southern Strategy, and how Nixon won over the former racists for the GOP.
I've read the Marxist propaganda on the so-called "Southern Strategy." That was just a sleazy tactic designed to paint Nixon as a racist even thoug his Dim NAZI opponents didn't have a shred of evidence that he was.
We do now.
Or they know you're a racist and aren't worth responding to.

Yes, Joe, blacks are the same, which means any who defy that sameness are "Uncle Toms." The racist has spoken. That's you, Joe

Nothing wrong with being unique.
Everything wrong with selling out to please people who hate you anyway.

If fish have wings, then how is it that goats are able to fly?
If Magic Underwear protects you from Covid, then how are you able to get to the Outer Darkness?

Lincoln did start the war, and Trump did everything your sainted Dr. Fauci advised him to do.
No, the Southern States seceded before he was sworn in.

Fauci wanted to close down the entire country, which Trump refused to do.

Big fucking lie, asshole

You need to read up on the Southern Strategy, and how Nixon won over the former racists for the GOP.
I've read the Marxist propaganda on the so-called "Southern Strategy." That was just a sleazy tactic designed to paint Nixon as a racist even thoug his Dim NAZI opponents didn't have a shred of evidence that he was.
We do now.

Lies are not evidence. That you lie a lot, is just evidence that you are a liar.

IN the real world, Nixon supported the bi-partisan consensus on civil rights, just like Johnson before him and Ford After him.

No wonder you’re such a fan…

So, to support your idea of Nixon supposedly pandering to southern wacists, you cite secret recordings that only came out today, 50 years later?

Wow. That's..... breath takingly stupid. Or, is it literally insane?

Nixon supported the bi-partisan consensus on civil rights, just like Johnson before him and Ford after him.
No, that isn’t what I said. I simply said we now know that he absolutely was a racist. Even if they were prognosticating back then, they were right.

The Southern Strategy is based on the idea that Nixon publicly pandered to southern wacists, so that they would have a reason to vote for him and the gop.

Secret recordings that didn't come out till decades after Nixon and hte majority of the voters were dead, would not be a reason for any voters to do anything.

You can't support the Southern Strategy, because it's not true.
I have already provided proof that the Southern strategy was a real thing. ....

That is you lying. You've provided ZERO evidence to support your position.

The reality is that Nixon shared the bi-partisan consensus in favor of civil rights for blacks that both parties supported during the time of his presidency.

His policies proved that. And by proved, I mean, actually proved it, by putting his money where his mouth was, by actual policy, implemented and enforced.

You want to ignore that and focus on secret recordings that were not even public at the time as though.... what? NOTHING.
I provided you plenty. Just because you ignored it doesn’t mean I didn’t provide it.

Secret recordings that were not released until decades after Nixon was dead, and even more decades after his elections, do not support the southern strategy conspiracy theory.

To support the theory's claims, you have to show that he pandered for wacist votes, successfully. Some major policies, that helped keep the South segregated or gave special rights to whites over blacks.

That you think a secret recording that no one knew about would convince voters, who never heard it, to vote for Nixon, makes no sense.
I never said the secret recordings that proved what everyone thought about Nixon's racism had anything to do with the Southern Strategy. They are two separate things that, although both deal with Nixon's racism, are unrelated.

The Southern Strategy was real. Just ask Republicans.

The strongest evidence of the Southern strategy comes directly from Republicans at the time.
That includes Clarence Townes, who served as director of the Minorities Division of the Republican National Committee in the 1960s. Harvard professor Leah Wright Rigueur wrote about Townes in her book "The Loneliness of the Black Republican."
When Nixon disbanded the division, Townes told reporters in 1970, "There’s a total fear of what’s called the Southern strategy. Blacks understand that their wellbeing is being sacrificed to political gain. There has to be some moral leadership from the president on the race question, and there just hasn’t been any."...

Nice gish galloping. I will deal with your lead piece, show that it is weak and we can dismiss the rest as ever weaker.

So, the Southern Strategy puts forth the claim that REpublican candidates, after the dems joined the growing national consensus on civil rights for blacks, that the republican candidates somehow "pandered" to the seething pit of wacists that was the South, to flip the region, a dozen states, forever.

Generally liberals used to claim that they pushed racist policies to get southern votes, but that is easily debunked by looking at the policies. Liberals still push that narrative, in settings where no one can question them, but more experienced lefties, when open to questions have dropped the claim of policies.

Which leaves the next line of defense, ie secret code words. This one... is really pathetic. I give seawytch credit for not even trying that one.

She has tried the third line of defense, ie citing other people that say the same thing. Which.... just wow. lol.

NOw, lets look at the leading piece of "Evidence" in her use of the Gish Gallop Fallacy.

The elimination of the Minorities Division of the Republican National Committee.

So, Seawytch, is claiming that in the mid 60s, in an attempt to pander to southern wacist, President Nixon, eliminated an internal republican party sub-committee....

That is you leading piece of evidence to support the Southern Strategy?

IMO, that is not the type of thing that would get a wacist, to switch his vote from one party to the other. Indeed, I can't believe that the vast majority of southern voters ever heard of that sub-committee or that it was eliminated.

And btw, just for historical context, years AFTER the shocking disbanding of that important committee, this happened.

View attachment 513009

So, even though that GOP sub committee might have been really, really important, it didn't seem to really cement the South as republican, the way that conspiracy theorists claim.

Do you want to argue that Jimmy Carter was a wacist hold over, from the bad old days and the southern voters knew it, while the northern dem voters didn't?
:lol: what did I tell you..."nuh uh".

The switch of the white southerner from the Democratic party to the Republican party was not instantaneous, which is why Carter was still able to win the south. Carter looked like them, talked like them and was Baptist like them. Nixon played a part in Carter's win as well. His opponent had pardoned Tricky Dick and folks were still pissed at what Nixon had done.

He lost reelection in no small part because those white southerners realized he wasn't like them. (And Reagan told them about scary black people on welfare driving Cadillacs).

So, Carter won despite being strong on civil rights just because he was a southern (and nixon)?

I agree.

But, that really undermines the idea that RACE is the defining issue of southern politics. At least past the mid 60s.

Carter lost, because his weak ass foreign policy was inviting everyone to walk all over US. Hell, he knew it. He was completely changing course, running guns to Afghanistan and building up the military.

Race played no significant role. Because it was moot. BOTH sides were committed to civil rights for blacks and the wacists voters knew it.
You base your entire argument on one man Carter?

Give up
If you keep talking about how other people are racists, they may not be the racists
Charlottesville votes dem consistently, and is a pretty good retirement destination. ... if you like living with college kids and retired public service types. It's also surrounded by Trump type voters.

What is that even supposed to mean? Just more of your race whoring?
Charlottesville is like most college towns in the South – islands of freedom and equality surrounded by hateful, bigoted, racist Trump voters.

Yes, you're a total bigot. This is not news

The Southern Strategy is based on the idea that Nixon publicly pandered to southern wacists, so that they would have a reason to vote for him and the gop.

Secret recordings that didn't come out till decades after Nixon and hte majority of the voters were dead, would not be a reason for any voters to do anything.

You can't support the Southern Strategy, because it's not true.
I have already provided proof that the Southern strategy was a real thing. ....

That is you lying. You've provided ZERO evidence to support your position.

The reality is that Nixon shared the bi-partisan consensus in favor of civil rights for blacks that both parties supported during the time of his presidency.

His policies proved that. And by proved, I mean, actually proved it, by putting his money where his mouth was, by actual policy, implemented and enforced.

You want to ignore that and focus on secret recordings that were not even public at the time as though.... what? NOTHING.

That's her whole schtick. You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist!

I'm tired of it from the left. So I give it back. Obviously they don't get it, they are stupid as fuck.

Suppose what crappy people it would make Democrats if Republicans aren't racist, Trump isn't racist and everything Trump ever said that was racist he didn't say, they misquoted him. Well, Republicans aren't racist, Trump isn't racist and everything Trump ever said that was racist he didn't say, they misquoted him.

Democrats think they are fighting Hitler and it justifies whatever they do, silencing their opposition with threats, intimidation and violence, stealing elections. But in reality, Democrats aren't fighting Hitler. They are Hitler
Last edited:

The Southern Strategy is based on the idea that Nixon publicly pandered to southern wacists, so that they would have a reason to vote for him and the gop.

Secret recordings that didn't come out till decades after Nixon and hte majority of the voters were dead, would not be a reason for any voters to do anything.

You can't support the Southern Strategy, because it's not true.
I have already provided proof that the Southern strategy was a real thing. ....

That is you lying. You've provided ZERO evidence to support your position.

The reality is that Nixon shared the bi-partisan consensus in favor of civil rights for blacks that both parties supported during the time of his presidency.

His policies proved that. And by proved, I mean, actually proved it, by putting his money where his mouth was, by actual policy, implemented and enforced.

You want to ignore that and focus on secret recordings that were not even public at the time as though.... what? NOTHING.

That's her whole schtick. You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist!

That's what you do when you have nothing
Triggered huh?

That is you lying. You've provided ZERO evidence to support your position.

The reality is that Nixon shared the bi-partisan consensus in favor of civil rights for blacks that both parties supported during the time of his presidency.

His policies proved that. And by proved, I mean, actually proved it, by putting his money where his mouth was, by actual policy, implemented and enforced.

You want to ignore that and focus on secret recordings that were not even public at the time as though.... what? NOTHING.
I provided you plenty. Just because you ignored it doesn’t mean I didn’t provide it.

Secret recordings that were not released until decades after Nixon was dead, and even more decades after his elections, do not support the southern strategy conspiracy theory.

To support the theory's claims, you have to show that he pandered for wacist votes, successfully. Some major policies, that helped keep the South segregated or gave special rights to whites over blacks.

That you think a secret recording that no one knew about would convince voters, who never heard it, to vote for Nixon, makes no sense.

Our current President, Biden, says overtly racist things now
Or they know you're a racist and aren't worth responding to.

Yes, Joe, blacks are the same, which means any who defy that sameness are "Uncle Toms." The racist has spoken. That's you, Joe

Nothing wrong with being unique.
Everything wrong with selling out to please people who hate you anyway.

If fish have wings, then how is it that goats are able to fly?
If Magic Underwear protects you from Covid, then how are you able to get to the Outer Darkness?

Lincoln did start the war, and Trump did everything your sainted Dr. Fauci advised him to do.
No, the Southern States seceded before he was sworn in.

Fauci wanted to close down the entire country, which Trump refused to do.

Big fucking lie, asshole

You need to read up on the Southern Strategy, and how Nixon won over the former racists for the GOP.
I've read the Marxist propaganda on the so-called "Southern Strategy." That was just a sleazy tactic designed to paint Nixon as a racist even thoug his Dim NAZI opponents didn't have a shred of evidence that he was.
We do now.
Or they know you're a racist and aren't worth responding to.

Yes, Joe, blacks are the same, which means any who defy that sameness are "Uncle Toms." The racist has spoken. That's you, Joe

Nothing wrong with being unique.
Everything wrong with selling out to please people who hate you anyway.

If fish have wings, then how is it that goats are able to fly?
If Magic Underwear protects you from Covid, then how are you able to get to the Outer Darkness?

Lincoln did start the war, and Trump did everything your sainted Dr. Fauci advised him to do.
No, the Southern States seceded before he was sworn in.

Fauci wanted to close down the entire country, which Trump refused to do.

Big fucking lie, asshole

You need to read up on the Southern Strategy, and how Nixon won over the former racists for the GOP.
I've read the Marxist propaganda on the so-called "Southern Strategy." That was just a sleazy tactic designed to paint Nixon as a racist even thoug his Dim NAZI opponents didn't have a shred of evidence that he was.
We do now.

Lies are not evidence. That you lie a lot, is just evidence that you are a liar.

IN the real world, Nixon supported the bi-partisan consensus on civil rights, just like Johnson before him and Ford After him.

No wonder you’re such a fan…

So, to support your idea of Nixon supposedly pandering to southern wacists, you cite secret recordings that only came out today, 50 years later?

Wow. That's..... breath takingly stupid. Or, is it literally insane?

Nixon supported the bi-partisan consensus on civil rights, just like Johnson before him and Ford after him.
No, that isn’t what I said. I simply said we now know that he absolutely was a racist. Even if they were prognosticating back then, they were right.

The Southern Strategy is based on the idea that Nixon publicly pandered to southern wacists, so that they would have a reason to vote for him and the gop.

Secret recordings that didn't come out till decades after Nixon and hte majority of the voters were dead, would not be a reason for any voters to do anything.

You can't support the Southern Strategy, because it's not true.
I have already provided proof that the Southern strategy was a real thing. ....

That is you lying. You've provided ZERO evidence to support your position.

The reality is that Nixon shared the bi-partisan consensus in favor of civil rights for blacks that both parties supported during the time of his presidency.

His policies proved that. And by proved, I mean, actually proved it, by putting his money where his mouth was, by actual policy, implemented and enforced.

You want to ignore that and focus on secret recordings that were not even public at the time as though.... what? NOTHING.
I provided you plenty. Just because you ignored it doesn’t mean I didn’t provide it.

Secret recordings that were not released until decades after Nixon was dead, and even more decades after his elections, do not support the southern strategy conspiracy theory.

To support the theory's claims, you have to show that he pandered for wacist votes, successfully. Some major policies, that helped keep the South segregated or gave special rights to whites over blacks.

That you think a secret recording that no one knew about would convince voters, who never heard it, to vote for Nixon, makes no sense.
I never said the secret recordings that proved what everyone thought about Nixon's racism had anything to do with the Southern Strategy. They are two separate things that, although both deal with Nixon's racism, are unrelated.

The Southern Strategy was real. Just ask Republicans.

The strongest evidence of the Southern strategy comes directly from Republicans at the time.
That includes Clarence Townes, who served as director of the Minorities Division of the Republican National Committee in the 1960s. Harvard professor Leah Wright Rigueur wrote about Townes in her book "The Loneliness of the Black Republican."
When Nixon disbanded the division, Townes told reporters in 1970, "There’s a total fear of what’s called the Southern strategy. Blacks understand that their wellbeing is being sacrificed to political gain. There has to be some moral leadership from the president on the race question, and there just hasn’t been any."...

Nice gish galloping. I will deal with your lead piece, show that it is weak and we can dismiss the rest as ever weaker.

So, the Southern Strategy puts forth the claim that REpublican candidates, after the dems joined the growing national consensus on civil rights for blacks, that the republican candidates somehow "pandered" to the seething pit of wacists that was the South, to flip the region, a dozen states, forever.

Generally liberals used to claim that they pushed racist policies to get southern votes, but that is easily debunked by looking at the policies. Liberals still push that narrative, in settings where no one can question them, but more experienced lefties, when open to questions have dropped the claim of policies.

Which leaves the next line of defense, ie secret code words. This one... is really pathetic. I give seawytch credit for not even trying that one.

She has tried the third line of defense, ie citing other people that say the same thing. Which.... just wow. lol.

NOw, lets look at the leading piece of "Evidence" in her use of the Gish Gallop Fallacy.

The elimination of the Minorities Division of the Republican National Committee.

So, Seawytch, is claiming that in the mid 60s, in an attempt to pander to southern wacist, President Nixon, eliminated an internal republican party sub-committee....

That is you leading piece of evidence to support the Southern Strategy?

IMO, that is not the type of thing that would get a wacist, to switch his vote from one party to the other. Indeed, I can't believe that the vast majority of southern voters ever heard of that sub-committee or that it was eliminated.

And btw, just for historical context, years AFTER the shocking disbanding of that important committee, this happened.

View attachment 513009

So, even though that GOP sub committee might have been really, really important, it didn't seem to really cement the South as republican, the way that conspiracy theorists claim.

Do you want to argue that Jimmy Carter was a wacist hold over, from the bad old days and the southern voters knew it, while the northern dem voters didn't?
:lol: what did I tell you..."nuh uh".

The switch of the white southerner from the Democratic party to the Republican party was not instantaneous, which is why Carter was still able to win the south. Carter looked like them, talked like them and was Baptist like them. Nixon played a part in Carter's win as well. His opponent had pardoned Tricky Dick and folks were still pissed at what Nixon had done.

He lost reelection in no small part because those white southerners realized he wasn't like them. (And Reagan told them about scary black people on welfare driving Cadillacs).

So, Carter won despite being strong on civil rights just because he was a southern (and nixon)?

I agree.

But, that really undermines the idea that RACE is the defining issue of southern politics. At least past the mid 60s.

Carter lost, because his weak ass foreign policy was inviting everyone to walk all over US. Hell, he knew it. He was completely changing course, running guns to Afghanistan and building up the military.

Race played no significant role. Because it was moot. BOTH sides were committed to civil rights for blacks and the wacists voters knew it.

She has a desperate need for Republicans to be racist because it justifies her actions

The Southern Strategy is based on the idea that Nixon publicly pandered to southern wacists, so that they would have a reason to vote for him and the gop.

Secret recordings that didn't come out till decades after Nixon and hte majority of the voters were dead, would not be a reason for any voters to do anything.

You can't support the Southern Strategy, because it's not true.
I have already provided proof that the Southern strategy was a real thing. ....

That is you lying. You've provided ZERO evidence to support your position.

The reality is that Nixon shared the bi-partisan consensus in favor of civil rights for blacks that both parties supported during the time of his presidency.

His policies proved that. And by proved, I mean, actually proved it, by putting his money where his mouth was, by actual policy, implemented and enforced.

You want to ignore that and focus on secret recordings that were not even public at the time as though.... what? NOTHING.

That's her whole schtick. You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist!

That's what you do when you have nothing
Triggered huh?

Awwwww, and little Lush is crying again. Let it out, dear, let it out ...
Again, confederate statues did not spark anything. Antifa showed up intent on initiating violence, and that's what they did.
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The Southern Strategy is based on the idea that Nixon publicly pandered to southern wacists, so that they would have a reason to vote for him and the gop.

Secret recordings that didn't come out till decades after Nixon and hte majority of the voters were dead, would not be a reason for any voters to do anything.

You can't support the Southern Strategy, because it's not true.
I have already provided proof that the Southern strategy was a real thing. ....

That is you lying. You've provided ZERO evidence to support your position.

The reality is that Nixon shared the bi-partisan consensus in favor of civil rights for blacks that both parties supported during the time of his presidency.

His policies proved that. And by proved, I mean, actually proved it, by putting his money where his mouth was, by actual policy, implemented and enforced.

You want to ignore that and focus on secret recordings that were not even public at the time as though.... what? NOTHING.

That's her whole schtick. You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist!

That's what you do when you have nothing
Triggered huh?

Awwwww, and little Lush is crying again. Let it out, dear, let it out ...
That's your idea of crying?

Pointing out the fact that you're going nuts?

The Southern Strategy is based on the idea that Nixon publicly pandered to southern wacists, so that they would have a reason to vote for him and the gop.

Secret recordings that didn't come out till decades after Nixon and hte majority of the voters were dead, would not be a reason for any voters to do anything.

You can't support the Southern Strategy, because it's not true.
I have already provided proof that the Southern strategy was a real thing. ....

That is you lying. You've provided ZERO evidence to support your position.

The reality is that Nixon shared the bi-partisan consensus in favor of civil rights for blacks that both parties supported during the time of his presidency.

His policies proved that. And by proved, I mean, actually proved it, by putting his money where his mouth was, by actual policy, implemented and enforced.

You want to ignore that and focus on secret recordings that were not even public at the time as though.... what? NOTHING.

That's her whole schtick. You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist! You're a racist!

That's what you do when you have nothing
Triggered huh?

Awwwww, and little Lush is crying again. Let it out, dear, let it out ...
That's your idea of crying?

Pointing out the fact that you're going nuts?

OMG, and Lush loses it! Dude, stop throwing things and calm down, you're going to pop a vessel. Maybe you should go out in the back yard and play a while and try to calm down. Shit guy, it's just a message board, get a grip.

Fucking moron
This is divisive and harmful to America. Selecting out certain groups that are not allowed to be proud of their heritage, is bigotry and divisive.
Should Germans be proud of their Nazi heritage?

Different situation. My point stands. THis is divisive and harmful to America.
Different situation. My point stands. THis is divisive and harmful to America.
Now you get a little taste of the divisiveness black folks have felt for a century with those statues looming large above them and you cry foul immediately. White fragility is a bitch.

What a crock of shit. Those statues were not "looming over" anyone. They were quietly sitting in the park, where blacks either didn't give a fuck about them or liked them because of the shared American heritage.
What a crock of shit. Those statues were not "looming over" anyone. They were quietly sitting in the park, where blacks either didn't give a fuck about them or liked them because of the shared American heritage.
Says Whitey. Whitey always knows what’s good for the Negro. What helps or hurts the negro. Whitey is always generous to the negro despite the negros’ continued ingratitude.

You making racial slurs, is not a counter argument.

My point stands.

Those statues were not "looming over" anyone. They were quietly sitting in the park, where blacks either didn't give a fuck about them or liked them because of the shared American heritage.
You making racial slurs, is not a counter argument.

My point stands.

Those statues were not "looming over" anyone. They were quietly sitting in the park, where blacks either didn't give a fuck about them or liked them because of the shared American heritage.
You certainly can’t know how they made people feel. The very least and first division you felt regarding their removal caused your knees to buckle and you to cry out to your lord in anguish. By all means though. Continue to suggest their presence had no ill effects on black folks.

I think I can, based on the DECADES of no discussion of them, at all, until the Leftards ran low on pretend wacism and had to dig DEEP to find some shit to pretend to be upset about.
I think I can, based on the DECADES of no discussion of them, at all, until the Leftards ran low on pretend wacism and had to dig DEEP to find some shit to pretend to be upset about
Of course you think you can know. Whitey always knows what’s best for the negro.
It’s the natural order of things. ;)

I already noted your use of racial slurs. Do you need me to be clearer and call you a racist?

Beyond that, my point stands. THe decades of no discussion on the issue, even during the 70s and 80s and 90s, and 00s, when such discussions would have been completely safe to have,

kind of shows that no one gave a damn until just recently.

Why is that? THe statues didn't change? What did change?

I offered my opinion on that. You've called me some racial slurs. So, I take you have nothing, other than being a retarded asshole counter my argument with.

My point stands. No one cared for generations. This issue is ginned up bullshit from modern day leftard assholes.
Beyond that, my point stands. THe decades of no discussion on the issue, even during the 70s and 80s and 90s, and 00s, when such discussions would have been completely safe to have
There are entire libraries of books and academic concentrations on the subject. Not only has there been discussion , it has never stopped.
Your ignorance, while not surprising, in no way changes that. Whites have always been behind in the understanding of race. Largely by design and by privilege that does not prioritize or even recognize a necessity to study such things.
Thank goodness that statue and the one of stonewall jackson are coming down

I can't imaging having my emotions rule me like you people do.
I see shit EVERY DAY that I think is dumb or offensive or whatever. You know what I do then? I fucking get over it 3 seconds later and move on with my life.

You and people like you are why people stereotype women as too emotional to make rational decisions
I see shit EVERY DAY that I think is dumb or offensive or whatever. You know what I do then? I fucking get over it 3 seconds later and move on with my life.
That’s called privilege. The privilege of not ever having to think about such things or even take them seriously.
This is divisive and harmful to America. Selecting out certain groups that are not allowed to be proud of their heritage, is bigotry and divisive.
Should Germans be proud of their Nazi heritage?

Different situation. My point stands. THis is divisive and harmful to America.
Different situation. My point stands. THis is divisive and harmful to America.
Now you get a little taste of the divisiveness black folks have felt for a century with those statues looming large above them and you cry foul immediately. White fragility is a bitch.

What a crock of shit. Those statues were not "looming over" anyone. They were quietly sitting in the park, where blacks either didn't give a fuck about them or liked them because of the shared American heritage.
What a crock of shit. Those statues were not "looming over" anyone. They were quietly sitting in the park, where blacks either didn't give a fuck about them or liked them because of the shared American heritage.
Says Whitey. Whitey always knows what’s good for the Negro. What helps or hurts the negro. Whitey is always generous to the negro despite the negros’ continued ingratitude.

You making racial slurs, is not a counter argument.

My point stands.

Those statues were not "looming over" anyone. They were quietly sitting in the park, where blacks either didn't give a fuck about them or liked them because of the shared American heritage.
You making racial slurs, is not a counter argument.

My point stands.

Those statues were not "looming over" anyone. They were quietly sitting in the park, where blacks either didn't give a fuck about them or liked them because of the shared American heritage.
You certainly can’t know how they made people feel. The very least and first division you felt regarding their removal caused your knees to buckle and you to cry out to your lord in anguish. By all means though. Continue to suggest their presence had no ill effects on black folks.

I think I can, based on the DECADES of no discussion of them, at all, until the Leftards ran low on pretend wacism and had to dig DEEP to find some shit to pretend to be upset about.
I think I can, based on the DECADES of no discussion of them, at all, until the Leftards ran low on pretend wacism and had to dig DEEP to find some shit to pretend to be upset about
Of course you think you can know. Whitey always knows what’s best for the negro.
It’s the natural order of things. ;)

I already noted your use of racial slurs. Do you need me to be clearer and call you a racist?

Beyond that, my point stands. THe decades of no discussion on the issue, even during the 70s and 80s and 90s, and 00s, when such discussions would have been completely safe to have,

kind of shows that no one gave a damn until just recently.

Why is that? THe statues didn't change? What did change?

I offered my opinion on that. You've called me some racial slurs. So, I take you have nothing, other than being a retarded asshole counter my argument with.

My point stands. No one cared for generations. This issue is ginned up bullshit from modern day leftard assholes.
"My point stands. No one cared for generations."

You never had a point. Blacks have always resented those cracka statues of traitors being paid for with their tax money.

Bullshit. Generations of not caring and not saying shit about them.

It only became an issue, very recently cause you leftards got real desperate for wacism to pretend to be upset over.

Got to keep the hate flowing.
As usual you have no clue what youre talking about. Its amusing you think you know how Black people felt about the loser traitor statues up until recently. :)

Why? I was here. I could see that black communities and populations in their millions, had real shit to worry about, rather than some statues in the park.

I remember.
You remember your experience from your perspective without ever exploring the experiences of others from their perspective. That is willful ignorance and your insistence that you know something you don’t is hubris.
This is divisive and harmful to America. Selecting out certain groups that are not allowed to be proud of their heritage, is bigotry and divisive.
Should Germans be proud of their Nazi heritage?

Different situation. My point stands. THis is divisive and harmful to America.
Different situation. My point stands. THis is divisive and harmful to America.
Now you get a little taste of the divisiveness black folks have felt for a century with those statues looming large above them and you cry foul immediately. White fragility is a bitch.

What a crock of shit. Those statues were not "looming over" anyone. They were quietly sitting in the park, where blacks either didn't give a fuck about them or liked them because of the shared American heritage.
What a crock of shit. Those statues were not "looming over" anyone. They were quietly sitting in the park, where blacks either didn't give a fuck about them or liked them because of the shared American heritage.
Says Whitey. Whitey always knows what’s good for the Negro. What helps or hurts the negro. Whitey is always generous to the negro despite the negros’ continued ingratitude.

You making racial slurs, is not a counter argument.

My point stands.

Those statues were not "looming over" anyone. They were quietly sitting in the park, where blacks either didn't give a fuck about them or liked them because of the shared American heritage.
You making racial slurs, is not a counter argument.

My point stands.

Those statues were not "looming over" anyone. They were quietly sitting in the park, where blacks either didn't give a fuck about them or liked them because of the shared American heritage.
You certainly can’t know how they made people feel. The very least and first division you felt regarding their removal caused your knees to buckle and you to cry out to your lord in anguish. By all means though. Continue to suggest their presence had no ill effects on black folks.

I think I can, based on the DECADES of no discussion of them, at all, until the Leftards ran low on pretend wacism and had to dig DEEP to find some shit to pretend to be upset about.
I think I can, based on the DECADES of no discussion of them, at all, until the Leftards ran low on pretend wacism and had to dig DEEP to find some shit to pretend to be upset about
Of course you think you can know. Whitey always knows what’s best for the negro.
It’s the natural order of things. ;)

I already noted your use of racial slurs. Do you need me to be clearer and call you a racist?

Beyond that, my point stands. THe decades of no discussion on the issue, even during the 70s and 80s and 90s, and 00s, when such discussions would have been completely safe to have,

kind of shows that no one gave a damn until just recently.

Why is that? THe statues didn't change? What did change?

I offered my opinion on that. You've called me some racial slurs. So, I take you have nothing, other than being a retarded asshole counter my argument with.

My point stands. No one cared for generations. This issue is ginned up bullshit from modern day leftard assholes.
"My point stands. No one cared for generations."

You never had a point. Blacks have always resented those cracka statues of traitors being paid for with their tax money.

Bullshit. Generations of not caring and not saying shit about them.

It only became an issue, very recently cause you leftards got real desperate for wacism to pretend to be upset over.

Got to keep the hate flowing.
As usual you have no clue what youre talking about. Its amusing you think you know how Black people felt about the loser traitor statues up until recently. :)

Why? I was here. I could see that black communities and populations in their millions, had real shit to worry about, rather than some statues in the park.

I remember.
You remember your experience from your perspective without ever exploring the experiences of others from their perspective. That is willful ignorance and your insistence that you know something you don’t is hubris.
Charlottesville is 70% white. The median family income is $64K. 20% of the pop had graduate degrees or better. It wasn't "the blacks" who wanted the Daughters of the Confederacy statutes moved to a museum or someplace. LOL

I saw a statue of ML King....I got the shakes, teared up, I thought my head would explode

Not really, I glanced at it and went on about my day....even though he was a womanizer shitstain

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