Charlottesville To Remove confederate Statues That Helped Spark Deadly Rally

The gop's problem with racism in the South is a continuing wound.
You would be hard-pressed to find a Republican figure anywhere in the country in 1954 who engaged in the kind of race-baiting Atwater described. The evolution he outlines did in fact occur, but it was the Dixiecrats fleeing the Democratic Party, not traditional Republicans, who brought that legacy and underwent that transformation.
Thank You
Robert E. Lee was a great American hero to tens of millions of Americans and your Libtard hate and ignorance of history is despicable.

He was not a hero to the four million people he fought to keep in slavery
You do know that Lee was the first person Lincoln asked to command the Union Army ? Did you also know that there where Black Confederate troops ?

I can’t believe you guys are still pushing that Confederate black troops lie
Wow you fuckers will ignore any history that doesn't conform to your retarded progressive beliefs.

The following is a list of 4 soldiers captured at Ft. Fisher when it fell to Union troops in January 1865:

Charles Dempsey, Private, Company F, 36th NC Regiment, Negro. Captured at Ft. Fisher and confined at Point Lookout, Md., until paroled and exchanged at Coxes Landing, Va. 14-15 Feb 1865. (Taken from North Carolina Troops, Volume I)

Henry Dempsey, Private, Company F, 36th NC Regiment, Negro. Captured at Ft. Fisher and confined at Point Lookout, Md., until paroled at Coxes Landing, Va. 14-15 Feb 1865. (Taken from North Carolina Troops, Volume I)

J. Doyle, Private, Company E, 40th NC Regiment, Negro, Captured at Ft. Fisher and confined at Point Lookout, Md., until paroled at Boulware’s Wharf, Va. On 16 Mar 1865. (Taken from North Carolina Troops, Volume I)

Daniel Herring, Cook, Company F, 36th NC Regiment, Negro. Captured at Ft. Fisher, and confined at Point Lookout, Md. Until released after taking Oath of Allegiance June 19, 1865. (Taken from North Carolina Troops, Volume I)
The sons of confederate veterans? :auiqs.jpg:
Another source.
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The Alamo was a last stand

Lee thought he could just win battles with no "macro" strategy to win the war and got his ass kicked for it.

They could have done much better than they did. Most obviously pulling in the British to support them as their best play. But just crushing Northern industry instead of focusing on winning irrelevant battles would have went a long way to the South having a chance.

I'm not sure if those at the Alamo had a lot of strategic options on the table. The South may have fought brilliant battles but they never even attempted to win the war.

The South was fighting a defensive war against an invader.

They were not trying to conquer anything, just hold their own.

They simply did not have the resources to do it. Sad but that is what happen.

The concept of Liberty is what was lost with the Union victory. Nowadays the tremendous over reach of the Federal government is the legacy of the Union victory.

"The South was fighting a defensive war against an invader."



"That reason was [the North's] fixed purpose to limit, restrain, and finally abolish slavery in the States where it exists. The South with great unanimity declared her purpose to resist the principle of prohibition to the last extremity."

You ignorance is amazing.

My Great, Great, Great Grandfather was a Confederate soldier. Served in the 9th Florida Regiment. Fought at Olustee and Cold Harbor.

During the time he was serving he wrote almost 200 letters. The letters were donated to the Library at the University of Florida and is part of the true historical file of the war.

If you read the letters you will know why he served. He was not a slave owner. He was farmer/rancher from Polk County Florida and a Libertarian that just wanted to be left alone. He was not going to fight so that some rich man could own slaves. He stated in the letters that the reason he joined was to fight against the Yankee invaders. That is the real history without any political bullshit.

The first major battle he fought in was Olustee, near the present day town of Lake City. The filthy ass Union sent a bunch of murderous Negro troops to Florida to kill Floridians. The same shithead regiment you saw in the movie "Glory". Fortunately the sonofabitches were slaughtered by the Confederates. Just like they were slaughtered at Ft Wagner depicted in the silly ass movie.

I suggest that if you are going to spout your ignorance of the war then at least read up on it a little bit so that you won't make an ass out of yourself.

Go read my grandfather's letters if you want to know why the Confederates fought. Those letters are a much better source of History than a stupid Jr High School History textbook written by the winners.
Go read my grandfather's letters if you want to know why the Confederates fought. Those letters are a much better source of History than a stupid Jr High School History textbook written by the winners.
It’s obvious why your supremacist grand pap fought judging by the sensibilities passed on to you.

Which Presidential election do you think MOST demonstrates the "southern strategy" and why?
Goldwater started it (Operation Dixie), Nixon ....

Seriously. WTF is wrong with you?

I asked for your best example and you give me a fucking Gish Galloping list?

ONe more fucking time. You think Carter didn't prove nothing, THAN GIVE ME YOUR FUCKING BEST EXAMPLE.

You don't have ONE GOOD EXAMPLE? The Southern Strategy is the HUGE POWERFUL FORCE, but so subtle that you CAN'T GIVE ONE GOOD EXAMPLE?

Starting to sound like complete bullshit, doesn't it?

You basically asked the question “which drop of water caused the flood”. It wasn’t a single example. It took decades.

And I love the irony of a Trump cultists asking what’s wrong with me…


You have a claim, ie that the GOP has been for "decades" campaigning to get wacist votes in the South, to eventually flip the south from reliably dem to reliably gop.

I've asked you to support that claim. YOu have been mostly unable to do so. Most of your tries have been to cite other people that agree with you, which is not supporting evidence.

You did cite a report that Nixon eliminated a gop sub committee and at least one person believed the reason was wacism, AND, you found a report of secret recordings showing Nixon making wacist comments.

In my attempts to counter your evidence I have been forced to cite the voting records of Republican Presidents, over decades, the policies of hte republican party, over decades, and the voting of hte South for dems with strong civil rights records.

Weak ass shit, I know, when compared to a sub committee being eliminated and the use of inappropriate language behind closed doors.
I’ve given you examples again and again and again. You ignore every one. Every not crazy human being on the planet understand the Southern strategy was a real thing…which leaves you in which category?
Robert E. Lee was a great American hero to tens of millions of Americans and your Libtard hate and ignorance of history is despicable.

He was not a hero to the four million people he fought to keep in slavery
You do know that Lee was the first person Lincoln asked to command the Union Army ? Did you also know that there where Black Confederate troops ?

I can’t believe you guys are still pushing that Confederate black troops lie
Wow you fuckers will ignore any history that doesn't conform to your retarded progressive beliefs.

The following is a list of 4 soldiers captured at Ft. Fisher when it fell to Union troops in January 1865:

Charles Dempsey, Private, Company F, 36th NC Regiment, Negro. Captured at Ft. Fisher and confined at Point Lookout, Md., until paroled and exchanged at Coxes Landing, Va. 14-15 Feb 1865. (Taken from North Carolina Troops, Volume I)

Henry Dempsey, Private, Company F, 36th NC Regiment, Negro. Captured at Ft. Fisher and confined at Point Lookout, Md., until paroled at Coxes Landing, Va. 14-15 Feb 1865. (Taken from North Carolina Troops, Volume I)

J. Doyle, Private, Company E, 40th NC Regiment, Negro, Captured at Ft. Fisher and confined at Point Lookout, Md., until paroled at Boulware’s Wharf, Va. On 16 Mar 1865. (Taken from North Carolina Troops, Volume I)

Daniel Herring, Cook, Company F, 36th NC Regiment, Negro. Captured at Ft. Fisher, and confined at Point Lookout, Md. Until released after taking Oath of Allegiance June 19, 1865. (Taken from North Carolina Troops, Volume I)
The sons of confederate veterans? :auiqs.jpg:
Another source.
That's propaganda not a source. The only Blacks that came close to fighting for the confederates were a bunch of light skinned free Blacks in Louisiana. I forget their names. The confederates were not going to have it for obvious reasons. You must be retarded to think they were going to give guns to enslaved Blacks and they would willingly fight for the loser south. You're a fucking moron. :auiqs.jpg:
Robert E. Lee was a great American hero to tens of millions of Americans and your Libtard hate and ignorance of history is despicable.

He was not a hero to the four million people he fought to keep in slavery
You do know that Lee was the first person Lincoln asked to command the Union Army ? Did you also know that there where Black Confederate troops ?

I can’t believe you guys are still pushing that Confederate black troops lie
Wow you fuckers will ignore any history that doesn't conform to your retarded progressive beliefs.

The following is a list of 4 soldiers captured at Ft. Fisher when it fell to Union troops in January 1865:

Charles Dempsey, Private, Company F, 36th NC Regiment, Negro. Captured at Ft. Fisher and confined at Point Lookout, Md., until paroled and exchanged at Coxes Landing, Va. 14-15 Feb 1865. (Taken from North Carolina Troops, Volume I)

Henry Dempsey, Private, Company F, 36th NC Regiment, Negro. Captured at Ft. Fisher and confined at Point Lookout, Md., until paroled at Coxes Landing, Va. 14-15 Feb 1865. (Taken from North Carolina Troops, Volume I)

J. Doyle, Private, Company E, 40th NC Regiment, Negro, Captured at Ft. Fisher and confined at Point Lookout, Md., until paroled at Boulware’s Wharf, Va. On 16 Mar 1865. (Taken from North Carolina Troops, Volume I)

Daniel Herring, Cook, Company F, 36th NC Regiment, Negro. Captured at Ft. Fisher, and confined at Point Lookout, Md. Until released after taking Oath of Allegiance June 19, 1865. (Taken from North Carolina Troops, Volume I)
The sons of confederate veterans? :auiqs.jpg:
Another source.
That's propaganda not a source. The only Blacks that came close to fighting for the confederates were a bunch of light skinned free Blacks in Louisiana. I forget their names. The confederates were not going to have it for obvious reasons. You must be retarded to think they were going to give guns to enslaved Blacks and they would willingly fight for the loser south. You're a fucking moron. :auiqs.jpg:

The racists keep referring to those blacks in Louisiana who were in the Confederacy for two weeks and then switched to the Union
Robert E. Lee was a great American hero to tens of millions of Americans and your Libtard hate and ignorance of history is despicable.

He was not a hero to the four million people he fought to keep in slavery
You do know that Lee was the first person Lincoln asked to command the Union Army ? Did you also know that there where Black Confederate troops ?

I can’t believe you guys are still pushing that Confederate black troops lie
Wow you fuckers will ignore any history that doesn't conform to your retarded progressive beliefs.

The following is a list of 4 soldiers captured at Ft. Fisher when it fell to Union troops in January 1865:

Charles Dempsey, Private, Company F, 36th NC Regiment, Negro. Captured at Ft. Fisher and confined at Point Lookout, Md., until paroled and exchanged at Coxes Landing, Va. 14-15 Feb 1865. (Taken from North Carolina Troops, Volume I)

Henry Dempsey, Private, Company F, 36th NC Regiment, Negro. Captured at Ft. Fisher and confined at Point Lookout, Md., until paroled at Coxes Landing, Va. 14-15 Feb 1865. (Taken from North Carolina Troops, Volume I)

J. Doyle, Private, Company E, 40th NC Regiment, Negro, Captured at Ft. Fisher and confined at Point Lookout, Md., until paroled at Boulware’s Wharf, Va. On 16 Mar 1865. (Taken from North Carolina Troops, Volume I)

Daniel Herring, Cook, Company F, 36th NC Regiment, Negro. Captured at Ft. Fisher, and confined at Point Lookout, Md. Until released after taking Oath of Allegiance June 19, 1865. (Taken from North Carolina Troops, Volume I)
The sons of confederate veterans? :auiqs.jpg:
Another source.
That's propaganda not a source. The only Blacks that came close to fighting for the confederates were a bunch of light skinned free Blacks in Louisiana. I forget their names. The confederates were not going to have it for obvious reasons. You must be retarded to think they were going to give guns to enslaved Blacks and they would willingly fight for the loser south. You're a fucking moron. :auiqs.jpg:

The racists keep referring to those blacks in Louisiana who were in the Confederacy for two weeks and then switched to the Union
Yeah they were a mostly a bunch of Ben Carson's and Uncle Ruckuses that were told by the confederate losers to disband because they werent going to have no "Negros" fighting for them.

Which Presidential election do you think MOST demonstrates the "southern strategy" and why?
Goldwater started it (Operation Dixie), Nixon ....

Seriously. WTF is wrong with you?

I asked for your best example and you give me a fucking Gish Galloping list?

ONe more fucking time. You think Carter didn't prove nothing, THAN GIVE ME YOUR FUCKING BEST EXAMPLE.

You don't have ONE GOOD EXAMPLE? The Southern Strategy is the HUGE POWERFUL FORCE, but so subtle that you CAN'T GIVE ONE GOOD EXAMPLE?

Starting to sound like complete bullshit, doesn't it?

You basically asked the question “which drop of water caused the flood”. It wasn’t a single example. It took decades.

And I love the irony of a Trump cultists asking what’s wrong with me…


You have a claim, ie that the GOP has been for "decades" campaigning to get wacist votes in the South, to eventually flip the south from reliably dem to reliably gop.

I've asked you to support that claim. YOu have been mostly unable to do so. Most of your tries have been to cite other people that agree with you, which is not supporting evidence.

You did cite a report that Nixon eliminated a gop sub committee and at least one person believed the reason was wacism, AND, you found a report of secret recordings showing Nixon making wacist comments.

In my attempts to counter your evidence I have been forced to cite the voting records of Republican Presidents, over decades, the policies of hte republican party, over decades, and the voting of hte South for dems with strong civil rights records.

Weak ass shit, I know, when compared to a sub committee being eliminated and the use of inappropriate language behind closed doors.
I’ve given you examples again and again and again. You ignore every one. Every not crazy human being on the planet understand the Southern strategy was a real thing…which leaves you in which category?
Only brainwashed leftwing minions "understand" what can't be proven.
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The Alamo was a last stand

Lee thought he could just win battles with no "macro" strategy to win the war and got his ass kicked for it.

They could have done much better than they did. Most obviously pulling in the British to support them as their best play. But just crushing Northern industry instead of focusing on winning irrelevant battles would have went a long way to the South having a chance.

I'm not sure if those at the Alamo had a lot of strategic options on the table. The South may have fought brilliant battles but they never even attempted to win the war.

The South was fighting a defensive war against an invader.

They were not trying to conquer anything, just hold their own.

They simply did not have the resources to do it. Sad but that is what happen.

The concept of Liberty is what was lost with the Union victory. Nowadays the tremendous over reach of the Federal government is the legacy of the Union victory.

"The South was fighting a defensive war against an invader."



"That reason was [the North's] fixed purpose to limit, restrain, and finally abolish slavery in the States where it exists. The South with great unanimity declared her purpose to resist the principle of prohibition to the last extremity."

You ignorance is amazing.

My Great, Great, Great Grandfather was a Confederate soldier. Served in the 9th Florida Regiment. Fought at Olustee and Cold Harbor.

During the time he was serving he wrote almost 200 letters. The letters were donated to the Library at the University of Florida and is part of the true historical file of the war.

If you read the letters you will know why he served. He was not a slave owner. He was farmer/rancher from Polk County Florida and a Libertarian that just wanted to be left alone. He was not going to fight so that some rich man could own slaves. He stated in the letters that the reason he joined was to fight against the Yankee invaders. That is the real history without any political bullshit.

The first major battle he fought in was Olustee, near the present day town of Lake City. The filthy ass Union sent a bunch of murderous Negro troops to Florida to kill Floridians. The same shithead regiment you saw in the movie "Glory". Fortunately the sonofabitches were slaughtered by the Confederates. Just like they were slaughtered at Ft Wagner depicted in the silly ass movie.

I suggest that if you are going to spout your ignorance of the war then at least read up on it a little bit so that you won't make an ass out of yourself.

Go read my grandfather's letters if you want to know why the Confederates fought. Those letters are a much better source of History than a stupid Jr High School History textbook written by the winners.
Go read my grandfather's letters if you want to know why the Confederates fought. Those letters are a much better source of History than a stupid Jr High School History textbook written by the winners.
It’s obvious why your supremacist grand pap fought judging by the sensibilities passed on to you.

You are confused Moon Bat.

I doubt there were any Negroes in Polk County Florida back then.

He was a Libertarian fighting for his home.

If you read the letters you would know that but you haven't read the letters or much of anything else so you don't know jackshit.
Robert E. Lee was a great American hero to tens of millions of Americans and your Libtard hate and ignorance of history is despicable.

He was not a hero to the four million people he fought to keep in slavery
You do know that Lee was the first person Lincoln asked to command the Union Army ? Did you also know that there where Black Confederate troops ?

I can’t believe you guys are still pushing that Confederate black troops lie
Wow you fuckers will ignore any history that doesn't conform to your retarded progressive beliefs.

The following is a list of 4 soldiers captured at Ft. Fisher when it fell to Union troops in January 1865:

Charles Dempsey, Private, Company F, 36th NC Regiment, Negro. Captured at Ft. Fisher and confined at Point Lookout, Md., until paroled and exchanged at Coxes Landing, Va. 14-15 Feb 1865. (Taken from North Carolina Troops, Volume I)

Henry Dempsey, Private, Company F, 36th NC Regiment, Negro. Captured at Ft. Fisher and confined at Point Lookout, Md., until paroled at Coxes Landing, Va. 14-15 Feb 1865. (Taken from North Carolina Troops, Volume I)

J. Doyle, Private, Company E, 40th NC Regiment, Negro, Captured at Ft. Fisher and confined at Point Lookout, Md., until paroled at Boulware’s Wharf, Va. On 16 Mar 1865. (Taken from North Carolina Troops, Volume I)

Daniel Herring, Cook, Company F, 36th NC Regiment, Negro. Captured at Ft. Fisher, and confined at Point Lookout, Md. Until released after taking Oath of Allegiance June 19, 1865. (Taken from North Carolina Troops, Volume I)
The sons of confederate veterans? :auiqs.jpg:
Another source.
That's propaganda not a source. The only Blacks that came close to fighting for the confederates were a bunch of light skinned free Blacks in Louisiana. I forget their names. The confederates were not going to have it for obvious reasons. You must be retarded to think they were going to give guns to enslaved Blacks and they would willingly fight for the loser south. You're a fucking moron. :auiqs.jpg:

The racists keep referring to those blacks in Louisiana who were in the Confederacy for two weeks and then switched to the Union
Yeah they were a mostly a bunch of Ben Carson's and Uncle Ruckuses that were told by the confederate losers to disband because they werent going to have no "Negros" fighting for them.
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The Alamo was a last stand

Lee thought he could just win battles with no "macro" strategy to win the war and got his ass kicked for it.

They could have done much better than they did. Most obviously pulling in the British to support them as their best play. But just crushing Northern industry instead of focusing on winning irrelevant battles would have went a long way to the South having a chance.

I'm not sure if those at the Alamo had a lot of strategic options on the table. The South may have fought brilliant battles but they never even attempted to win the war.

"Better"? Easy to say after the fact. The numbers starting out were pretty clear. The North had tremendous advantages in numbers of men and numbers of cannons and machine guns and industry and ability to feed and arm troops and the majority of the professional army, and I don't even know what else.

There is no shame is fighting bravely against great odds, but still losing.
Machine guns??

Please. Just shut up

Yes, machine guns, you drooling moron.

View attachment 513475
Gatling guns were neither tactically nor strategically significant in the Civil War you fucking moron.


Perhaps. Name me a something significant that the South had more of.
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The Alamo was a last stand

Lee thought he could just win battles with no "macro" strategy to win the war and got his ass kicked for it.

They could have done much better than they did. Most obviously pulling in the British to support them as their best play. But just crushing Northern industry instead of focusing on winning irrelevant battles would have went a long way to the South having a chance.

I'm not sure if those at the Alamo had a lot of strategic options on the table. The South may have fought brilliant battles but they never even attempted to win the war.

"Better"? Easy to say after the fact. The numbers starting out were pretty clear. The North had tremendous advantages in numbers of men and numbers of cannons and machine guns and industry and ability to feed and arm troops and the majority of the professional army, and I don't even know what else.

There is no shame is fighting bravely against great odds, but still losing.
Machine guns??

Please. Just shut up

Yes, machine guns, you drooling moron.

View attachment 513475
Gatling guns were neither tactically nor strategically significant in the Civil War you fucking moron.

In other words, yes.
Robert E. Lee was a great American hero to tens of millions of Americans and your Libtard hate and ignorance of history is despicable.

He was not a hero to the four million people he fought to keep in slavery
You do know that Lee was the first person Lincoln asked to command the Union Army ? Did you also know that there where Black Confederate troops ?

I can’t believe you guys are still pushing that Confederate black troops lie
Wow you fuckers will ignore any history that doesn't conform to your retarded progressive beliefs.

The following is a list of 4 soldiers captured at Ft. Fisher when it fell to Union troops in January 1865:

Charles Dempsey, Private, Company F, 36th NC Regiment, Negro. Captured at Ft. Fisher and confined at Point Lookout, Md., until paroled and exchanged at Coxes Landing, Va. 14-15 Feb 1865. (Taken from North Carolina Troops, Volume I)

Henry Dempsey, Private, Company F, 36th NC Regiment, Negro. Captured at Ft. Fisher and confined at Point Lookout, Md., until paroled at Coxes Landing, Va. 14-15 Feb 1865. (Taken from North Carolina Troops, Volume I)

J. Doyle, Private, Company E, 40th NC Regiment, Negro, Captured at Ft. Fisher and confined at Point Lookout, Md., until paroled at Boulware’s Wharf, Va. On 16 Mar 1865. (Taken from North Carolina Troops, Volume I)

Daniel Herring, Cook, Company F, 36th NC Regiment, Negro. Captured at Ft. Fisher, and confined at Point Lookout, Md. Until released after taking Oath of Allegiance June 19, 1865. (Taken from North Carolina Troops, Volume I)
The sons of confederate veterans? :auiqs.jpg:
Another source.
That's propaganda not a source. The only Blacks that came close to fighting for the confederates were a bunch of light skinned free Blacks in Louisiana. I forget their names. The confederates were not going to have it for obvious reasons. You must be retarded to think they were going to give guns to enslaved Blacks and they would willingly fight for the loser south. You're a fucking moron. :auiqs.jpg:
"Light skinned?" You mean like Obama?

Thanks for proving that you're a racist.
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The Alamo was a last stand

Lee thought he could just win battles with no "macro" strategy to win the war and got his ass kicked for it.

They could have done much better than they did. Most obviously pulling in the British to support them as their best play. But just crushing Northern industry instead of focusing on winning irrelevant battles would have went a long way to the South having a chance.

I'm not sure if those at the Alamo had a lot of strategic options on the table. The South may have fought brilliant battles but they never even attempted to win the war.

"Better"? Easy to say after the fact. The numbers starting out were pretty clear. The North had tremendous advantages in numbers of men and numbers of cannons and machine guns and industry and ability to feed and arm troops and the majority of the professional army, and I don't even know what else.

There is no shame is fighting bravely against great odds, but still losing.
Machine guns??

Please. Just shut up

Yes, machine guns, you drooling moron.

View attachment 513475
Gatling guns were neither tactically nor strategically significant in the Civil War you fucking moron.


Perhaps. Name me a something significant that the South had more of.
Thats easy. They definitely had more hardcore inbred racists. They got their asses kicked and died trying to keep Blacks enslaved.
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The Alamo was a last stand

Lee thought he could just win battles with no "macro" strategy to win the war and got his ass kicked for it.

They could have done much better than they did. Most obviously pulling in the British to support them as their best play. But just crushing Northern industry instead of focusing on winning irrelevant battles would have went a long way to the South having a chance.

I'm not sure if those at the Alamo had a lot of strategic options on the table. The South may have fought brilliant battles but they never even attempted to win the war.

"Better"? Easy to say after the fact. The numbers starting out were pretty clear. The North had tremendous advantages in numbers of men and numbers of cannons and machine guns and industry and ability to feed and arm troops and the majority of the professional army, and I don't even know what else.

There is no shame is fighting bravely against great odds, but still losing.
Machine guns??

Please. Just shut up

Yes, machine guns, you drooling moron.

View attachment 513475
Gatling guns were neither tactically nor strategically significant in the Civil War you fucking moron.


Perhaps. Name me a something significant that the South had more of.
Thats easy. They definitely had more hardcore inbred racists. They got their asses kicked and died trying to keep Blacks enslaved.
Nothing in the Constitution allowed Lincoln to free the slaves, moron.
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The Alamo was a last stand

Lee thought he could just win battles with no "macro" strategy to win the war and got his ass kicked for it.

They could have done much better than they did. Most obviously pulling in the British to support them as their best play. But just crushing Northern industry instead of focusing on winning irrelevant battles would have went a long way to the South having a chance.

I'm not sure if those at the Alamo had a lot of strategic options on the table. The South may have fought brilliant battles but they never even attempted to win the war.

"Better"? Easy to say after the fact. The numbers starting out were pretty clear. The North had tremendous advantages in numbers of men and numbers of cannons and machine guns and industry and ability to feed and arm troops and the majority of the professional army, and I don't even know what else.

There is no shame is fighting bravely against great odds, but still losing.
Machine guns??

Please. Just shut up

Yes, machine guns, you drooling moron.

View attachment 513475
Gatling guns were neither tactically nor strategically significant in the Civil War you fucking moron.


Perhaps. Name me a something significant that the South had more of.
Thats easy. They definitely had more hardcore inbred racists. They got their asses kicked and died trying to keep Blacks enslaved.
Nothing in the Constitution allowed Lincoln to free the slaves, moron.
Nothing in the Constitution allowed southeners to own humans idiot.
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The Alamo was a last stand

Lee thought he could just win battles with no "macro" strategy to win the war and got his ass kicked for it.

They could have done much better than they did. Most obviously pulling in the British to support them as their best play. But just crushing Northern industry instead of focusing on winning irrelevant battles would have went a long way to the South having a chance.

I'm not sure if those at the Alamo had a lot of strategic options on the table. The South may have fought brilliant battles but they never even attempted to win the war.

"Better"? Easy to say after the fact. The numbers starting out were pretty clear. The North had tremendous advantages in numbers of men and numbers of cannons and machine guns and industry and ability to feed and arm troops and the majority of the professional army, and I don't even know what else.

There is no shame is fighting bravely against great odds, but still losing.
Machine guns??

Please. Just shut up

Yes, machine guns, you drooling moron.

View attachment 513475
Gatling guns were neither tactically nor strategically significant in the Civil War you fucking moron.


Perhaps. Name me a something significant that the South had more of.
Thats easy. They definitely had more hardcore inbred racists. They got their asses kicked and died trying to keep Blacks enslaved.
Nothing in the Constitution allowed Lincoln to free the slaves, moron.
Nothing in the Constitution allowed southeners to own humans idiot.
ROFL! Slaves are specifically mentioned in the Constitution, moron. What do you imagine the 3/5ths compromise was about?

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