Charlottesville To Remove confederate Statues That Helped Spark Deadly Rally

Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The Alamo was a last stand

Lee thought he could just win battles with no "macro" strategy to win the war and got his ass kicked for it.

They could have done much better than they did. Most obviously pulling in the British to support them as their best play. But just crushing Northern industry instead of focusing on winning irrelevant battles would have went a long way to the South having a chance.

I'm not sure if those at the Alamo had a lot of strategic options on the table. The South may have fought brilliant battles but they never even attempted to win the war.

"Better"? Easy to say after the fact. The numbers starting out were pretty clear. The North had tremendous advantages in numbers of men and numbers of cannons and machine guns and industry and ability to feed and arm troops and the majority of the professional army, and I don't even know what else.

There is no shame is fighting bravely against great odds, but still losing.
Machine guns??

Please. Just shut up

Yes, machine guns, you drooling moron.

View attachment 513475
Gatling guns were neither tactically nor strategically significant in the Civil War you fucking moron.


Perhaps. Name me a something significant that the South had more of.
Thats easy. They definitely had more hardcore inbred racists. They got their asses kicked and died trying to keep Blacks enslaved.

My point stands. Out numbered adn outgunned, they fought bravely and lost. No shame in that.

Only an asshole would pretend that there was.
and it never says anyone has the right to have a slave either.

Yes and no

No Person held to Service or Labour in one State, under the Laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in Consequence of any Law or Regulation therein, be discharged from such Service or Labour, but shall be delivered up on Claim of the Party to whom such Service or Labour may be due.
That could apply to a prisoner or indentured servant. Its not specific to a slave.
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The Alamo was a last stand

Lee thought he could just win battles with no "macro" strategy to win the war and got his ass kicked for it.

They could have done much better than they did. Most obviously pulling in the British to support them as their best play. But just crushing Northern industry instead of focusing on winning irrelevant battles would have went a long way to the South having a chance.

I'm not sure if those at the Alamo had a lot of strategic options on the table. The South may have fought brilliant battles but they never even attempted to win the war.

"Better"? Easy to say after the fact. The numbers starting out were pretty clear. The North had tremendous advantages in numbers of men and numbers of cannons and machine guns and industry and ability to feed and arm troops and the majority of the professional army, and I don't even know what else.

There is no shame is fighting bravely against great odds, but still losing.
Machine guns??

Please. Just shut up

Yes, machine guns, you drooling moron.

View attachment 513475
Gatling guns were neither tactically nor strategically significant in the Civil War you fucking moron.


Perhaps. Name me a something significant that the South had more of.
Thats easy. They definitely had more hardcore inbred racists. They got their asses kicked and died trying to keep Blacks enslaved.
Nothing in the Constitution allowed Lincoln to free the slaves, moron.
Nothing in the Constitution allowed southeners to own humans idiot.
But yet slavery was legal in the US for 80 years prior to the Civil War, during the war and for almost a year afterwards. Hell, that asshole Lincoln didn't even have the courage to make his infamous Emancipation Proclamation stick because there were several areas exempted.

The US flag is the flag of slavery.

Especially nowadays when the filthy Socialists are making us slaves of the state.
Being legal doesnt mean its in the constitution stupid.

I didn't say it was in the Constitution dipshit. I said that it was legal in the US.

Learn to pay attention.
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The Alamo was a last stand

Lee thought he could just win battles with no "macro" strategy to win the war and got his ass kicked for it.

They could have done much better than they did. Most obviously pulling in the British to support them as their best play. But just crushing Northern industry instead of focusing on winning irrelevant battles would have went a long way to the South having a chance.

I'm not sure if those at the Alamo had a lot of strategic options on the table. The South may have fought brilliant battles but they never even attempted to win the war.

"Better"? Easy to say after the fact. The numbers starting out were pretty clear. The North had tremendous advantages in numbers of men and numbers of cannons and machine guns and industry and ability to feed and arm troops and the majority of the professional army, and I don't even know what else.

There is no shame is fighting bravely against great odds, but still losing.
Machine guns??

Please. Just shut up

Yes, machine guns, you drooling moron.

View attachment 513475
Gatling guns were neither tactically nor strategically significant in the Civil War you fucking moron.


Perhaps. Name me a something significant that the South had more of.
Thats easy. They definitely had more hardcore inbred racists. They got their asses kicked and died trying to keep Blacks enslaved.

My point stands. Out numbered adn outgunned, they fought bravely and lost. No shame in that.

Only an asshole would pretend that there was.
Your point never stood and fell over from its kneel when you first made the claim. Theres is all kind of shame in it. You were a traitor while losing and then got your ass kicked by the people you were trying to keep in slavery.
Slaves are mentioned in the Constitution, but not by that name

The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person
and it never says anyone has the right to have a slave either.
It doesn't say you have the right to own a house either.
I never said it did. You are the one that claimed you had a right to own a slave.
No I didn't. However, the Constitution once did.
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The Alamo was a last stand

Lee thought he could just win battles with no "macro" strategy to win the war and got his ass kicked for it.

They could have done much better than they did. Most obviously pulling in the British to support them as their best play. But just crushing Northern industry instead of focusing on winning irrelevant battles would have went a long way to the South having a chance.

I'm not sure if those at the Alamo had a lot of strategic options on the table. The South may have fought brilliant battles but they never even attempted to win the war.

"Better"? Easy to say after the fact. The numbers starting out were pretty clear. The North had tremendous advantages in numbers of men and numbers of cannons and machine guns and industry and ability to feed and arm troops and the majority of the professional army, and I don't even know what else.

There is no shame is fighting bravely against great odds, but still losing.
Machine guns??

Please. Just shut up

Yes, machine guns, you drooling moron.

View attachment 513475
Gatling guns were neither tactically nor strategically significant in the Civil War you fucking moron.


Perhaps. Name me a something significant that the South had more of.
Thats easy. They definitely had more hardcore inbred racists. They got their asses kicked and died trying to keep Blacks enslaved.
Nothing in the Constitution allowed Lincoln to free the slaves, moron.
Nothing in the Constitution allowed southeners to own humans idiot.
But yet slavery was legal in the US for 80 years prior to the Civil War, during the war and for almost a year afterwards. Hell, that asshole Lincoln didn't even have the courage to make his infamous Emancipation Proclamation stick because there were several areas exempted.

The US flag is the flag of slavery.

Especially nowadays when the filthy Socialists are making us slaves of the state.
Being legal doesnt mean its in the constitution stupid.

I didn't say it was in the Constitution dipshit. I said that it was legal in the US.

Learn to pay attention.
I didn't say you said it stupid. Bri said it and youre trying to help his wrong headed. argument.
Last edited:
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The Alamo was a last stand

Lee thought he could just win battles with no "macro" strategy to win the war and got his ass kicked for it.

They could have done much better than they did. Most obviously pulling in the British to support them as their best play. But just crushing Northern industry instead of focusing on winning irrelevant battles would have went a long way to the South having a chance.

I'm not sure if those at the Alamo had a lot of strategic options on the table. The South may have fought brilliant battles but they never even attempted to win the war.

"Better"? Easy to say after the fact. The numbers starting out were pretty clear. The North had tremendous advantages in numbers of men and numbers of cannons and machine guns and industry and ability to feed and arm troops and the majority of the professional army, and I don't even know what else.

There is no shame is fighting bravely against great odds, but still losing.
Machine guns??

Please. Just shut up

Yes, machine guns, you drooling moron.

View attachment 513475
Gatling guns were neither tactically nor strategically significant in the Civil War you fucking moron.


Perhaps. Name me a something significant that the South had more of.
Thats easy. They definitely had more hardcore inbred racists. They got their asses kicked and died trying to keep Blacks enslaved.
Nothing in the Constitution allowed Lincoln to free the slaves, moron.
Nothing in the Constitution allowed southeners to own humans idiot.
ROFL! Slaves are specifically mentioned in the Constitution, moron. What do you imagine the 3/5ths compromise was about?

"Slaves are specifically mentioned in the Constitution"

No they are not you idiot. Show me where the word "slave" appears in the constitution. I will wait.
Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.
"All other persons" means people who aren't free.
So you cant find the word "slave" Typical of people that dont know the constitution.
People who aren't free are slaves, jackass. It doesn't matter if the word is actually used.
Thats incorrect as well you ignorant jackass. :)
Free blacks, and free former slaves, were included in the 3/5ths.

Article one, section two of the Constitution of the United States declared that any person who was not free would be counted as three-fifths of a free individual for the purposes of determining congressional representation
The 3/5ths also included "indians not taxed"
Only "civilized" indians, those willing to live among the white population, and abide by their laws were counted. All uncivilized indians were counted in the 3/5ths.

States determined whether or not to count free blacks among the people. Some states considered once a slave, always a slave. So it varied by state.
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The Alamo was a last stand

Lee thought he could just win battles with no "macro" strategy to win the war and got his ass kicked for it.

They could have done much better than they did. Most obviously pulling in the British to support them as their best play. But just crushing Northern industry instead of focusing on winning irrelevant battles would have went a long way to the South having a chance.

I'm not sure if those at the Alamo had a lot of strategic options on the table. The South may have fought brilliant battles but they never even attempted to win the war.

"Better"? Easy to say after the fact. The numbers starting out were pretty clear. The North had tremendous advantages in numbers of men and numbers of cannons and machine guns and industry and ability to feed and arm troops and the majority of the professional army, and I don't even know what else.

There is no shame is fighting bravely against great odds, but still losing.
Machine guns??

Please. Just shut up

Yes, machine guns, you drooling moron.

View attachment 513475
Gatling guns were neither tactically nor strategically significant in the Civil War you fucking moron.


Perhaps. Name me a something significant that the South had more of.
Thats easy. They definitely had more hardcore inbred racists. They got their asses kicked and died trying to keep Blacks enslaved.

My point stands. Out numbered adn outgunned, they fought bravely and lost. No shame in that.

Only an asshole would pretend that there was.
Your point never stood and fell over from its kneel when you first made the claim. Theres is all kind of shame in it. You were a traitor while losing and then got your ass kicked by the people you were trying to keep in slavery.

I wasn't there. Neither were you. THe people that actually fought them and won, didn't react like you.

You are pathetic.
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The Alamo was a last stand

Lee thought he could just win battles with no "macro" strategy to win the war and got his ass kicked for it.

They could have done much better than they did. Most obviously pulling in the British to support them as their best play. But just crushing Northern industry instead of focusing on winning irrelevant battles would have went a long way to the South having a chance.

I'm not sure if those at the Alamo had a lot of strategic options on the table. The South may have fought brilliant battles but they never even attempted to win the war.

"Better"? Easy to say after the fact. The numbers starting out were pretty clear. The North had tremendous advantages in numbers of men and numbers of cannons and machine guns and industry and ability to feed and arm troops and the majority of the professional army, and I don't even know what else.

There is no shame is fighting bravely against great odds, but still losing.
Machine guns??

Please. Just shut up

Yes, machine guns, you drooling moron.

View attachment 513475
Gatling guns were neither tactically nor strategically significant in the Civil War you fucking moron.


Perhaps. Name me a something significant that the South had more of.
Thats easy. They definitely had more hardcore inbred racists. They got their asses kicked and died trying to keep Blacks enslaved.

My point stands. Out numbered adn outgunned, they fought bravely and lost. No shame in that.

Only an asshole would pretend that there was.
Your point never stood and fell over from its kneel when you first made the claim. Theres is all kind of shame in it. You were a traitor while losing and then got your ass kicked by the people you were trying to keep in slavery.

I wasn't there. Neither were you. THe people that actually fought them and won, didn't react like you.

You are pathetic.
That could apply to a prisoner or indentured servant. Its not specific to a slave.
While it includes more than just slaves, it still includes slaves as persons (or property) the owner has the right to retain.

Remember there were slave states and free states, and anything in the constitution had to apply equally to both.

So the constitution couldn't either give a right to own slaves, or take away the right to own slaves.
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The Alamo was a last stand

Lee thought he could just win battles with no "macro" strategy to win the war and got his ass kicked for it.

They could have done much better than they did. Most obviously pulling in the British to support them as their best play. But just crushing Northern industry instead of focusing on winning irrelevant battles would have went a long way to the South having a chance.

I'm not sure if those at the Alamo had a lot of strategic options on the table. The South may have fought brilliant battles but they never even attempted to win the war.

"Better"? Easy to say after the fact. The numbers starting out were pretty clear. The North had tremendous advantages in numbers of men and numbers of cannons and machine guns and industry and ability to feed and arm troops and the majority of the professional army, and I don't even know what else.

There is no shame is fighting bravely against great odds, but still losing.
Machine guns??

Please. Just shut up

Yes, machine guns, you drooling moron.

View attachment 513475
Gatling guns were neither tactically nor strategically significant in the Civil War you fucking moron.


Perhaps. Name me a something significant that the South had more of.
Thats easy. They definitely had more hardcore inbred racists. They got their asses kicked and died trying to keep Blacks enslaved.
Nothing in the Constitution allowed Lincoln to free the slaves, moron.
Nothing in the Constitution allowed southeners to own humans idiot.
But yet slavery was legal in the US for 80 years prior to the Civil War, during the war and for almost a year afterwards. Hell, that asshole Lincoln didn't even have the courage to make his infamous Emancipation Proclamation stick because there were several areas exempted.

The US flag is the flag of slavery.

Especially nowadays when the filthy Socialists are making us slaves of the state.
Being legal doesnt mean its in the constitution stupid.

I didn't say it was in the Constitution dipshit. I said that it was legal in the US.

Learn to pay attention.
I didn't say you said it stupid. Bri said it and youre trying to help his wrong headed. argument.
The flag of the US that was supposedly fighting to free the slaves (according to the Jr High School History Books) was the flag of a slave nation.
That could apply to a prisoner or indentured servant. Its not specific to a slave.
While it includes more than just slaves, it still includes slaves as persons (or property) the owner has the right to retain.

Remember there were slave states and free states, and anything in the constitution had to apply equally to both.

So the constitution couldn't either give a right to own slaves, or take away the right to own slaves.

"So the constitution couldn't either give a right to own slaves, or take away the right to own slaves."

Yeah thats exactly what I educated that dumbfuck Bripat about.
Robert E. Lee was a great American hero to tens of millions of Americans and your Libtard hate and ignorance of history is despicable.

He was not a hero to the four million people he fought to keep in slavery
You do know that Lee was the first person Lincoln asked to command the Union Army ? Did you also know that there where Black Confederate troops ?

I can’t believe you guys are still pushing that Confederate black troops lie
Wow you fuckers will ignore any history that doesn't conform to your retarded progressive beliefs.

The following is a list of 4 soldiers captured at Ft. Fisher when it fell to Union troops in January 1865:

Charles Dempsey, Private, Company F, 36th NC Regiment, Negro. Captured at Ft. Fisher and confined at Point Lookout, Md., until paroled and exchanged at Coxes Landing, Va. 14-15 Feb 1865. (Taken from North Carolina Troops, Volume I)

Henry Dempsey, Private, Company F, 36th NC Regiment, Negro. Captured at Ft. Fisher and confined at Point Lookout, Md., until paroled at Coxes Landing, Va. 14-15 Feb 1865. (Taken from North Carolina Troops, Volume I)

J. Doyle, Private, Company E, 40th NC Regiment, Negro, Captured at Ft. Fisher and confined at Point Lookout, Md., until paroled at Boulware’s Wharf, Va. On 16 Mar 1865. (Taken from North Carolina Troops, Volume I)

Daniel Herring, Cook, Company F, 36th NC Regiment, Negro. Captured at Ft. Fisher, and confined at Point Lookout, Md. Until released after taking Oath of Allegiance June 19, 1865. (Taken from North Carolina Troops, Volume I)
The sons of confederate veterans? :auiqs.jpg:
Another source.
That's propaganda not a source. The only Blacks that came close to fighting for the confederates were a bunch of light skinned free Blacks in Louisiana. I forget their names. The confederates were not going to have it for obvious reasons. You must be retarded to think they were going to give guns to enslaved Blacks and they would willingly fight for the loser south. You're a fucking moron. :auiqs.jpg:

The racists keep referring to those blacks in Louisiana who were in the Confederacy for two weeks and then switched to the Union
The racists keep referring to those blacks in Louisiana who were in the Confederacy for two weeks and then switched to the Union
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The Alamo was a last stand

Lee thought he could just win battles with no "macro" strategy to win the war and got his ass kicked for it.

They could have done much better than they did. Most obviously pulling in the British to support them as their best play. But just crushing Northern industry instead of focusing on winning irrelevant battles would have went a long way to the South having a chance.

I'm not sure if those at the Alamo had a lot of strategic options on the table. The South may have fought brilliant battles but they never even attempted to win the war.

"Better"? Easy to say after the fact. The numbers starting out were pretty clear. The North had tremendous advantages in numbers of men and numbers of cannons and machine guns and industry and ability to feed and arm troops and the majority of the professional army, and I don't even know what else.

There is no shame is fighting bravely against great odds, but still losing.
Machine guns??

Please. Just shut up

Yes, machine guns, you drooling moron.

View attachment 513475
Gatling guns were neither tactically nor strategically significant in the Civil War you fucking moron.


Perhaps. Name me a something significant that the South had more of.
Thats easy. They definitely had more hardcore inbred racists. They got their asses kicked and died trying to keep Blacks enslaved.
Nothing in the Constitution allowed Lincoln to free the slaves, moron.
Nothing in the Constitution allowed southeners to own humans idiot.
But yet slavery was legal in the US for 80 years prior to the Civil War, during the war and for almost a year afterwards. Hell, that asshole Lincoln didn't even have the courage to make his infamous Emancipation Proclamation stick because there were several areas exempted.

The US flag is the flag of slavery.

Especially nowadays when the filthy Socialists are making us slaves of the state.
Being legal doesnt mean its in the constitution stupid.

I didn't say it was in the Constitution dipshit. I said that it was legal in the US.

Learn to pay attention.
I didn't say you said it stupid. Bri said it and youre trying to help his wrong headed. argument.
The flag of the US that was supposedly fighting to free the slaves (according to the Jr High School History Books) was the flag of a slave nation.
Not sure what that has to do with you being wrong? Can you explain?
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The Alamo was a last stand

Lee thought he could just win battles with no "macro" strategy to win the war and got his ass kicked for it.

They could have done much better than they did. Most obviously pulling in the British to support them as their best play. But just crushing Northern industry instead of focusing on winning irrelevant battles would have went a long way to the South having a chance.

I'm not sure if those at the Alamo had a lot of strategic options on the table. The South may have fought brilliant battles but they never even attempted to win the war.

"Better"? Easy to say after the fact. The numbers starting out were pretty clear. The North had tremendous advantages in numbers of men and numbers of cannons and machine guns and industry and ability to feed and arm troops and the majority of the professional army, and I don't even know what else.

There is no shame is fighting bravely against great odds, but still losing.
Machine guns??

Please. Just shut up

Yes, machine guns, you drooling moron.

View attachment 513475
Gatling guns were neither tactically nor strategically significant in the Civil War you fucking moron.


Perhaps. Name me a something significant that the South had more of.
Perhaps. Name me a something significant that the South had more of.
Illiterate dumbfucks.
The flag of the US that was supposedly fighting to free the slaves (according to the Jr High School History Books) was the flag of a slave nation.
Being a slave nation is just like being a negro.
If you have even one drop of slavery, your'e a slave nation.

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