Charlottesville To Remove confederate Statues That Helped Spark Deadly Rally

Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The Alamo was a last stand

Lee thought he could just win battles with no "macro" strategy to win the war and got his ass kicked for it.

They could have done much better than they did. Most obviously pulling in the British to support them as their best play. But just crushing Northern industry instead of focusing on winning irrelevant battles would have went a long way to the South having a chance.

I'm not sure if those at the Alamo had a lot of strategic options on the table. The South may have fought brilliant battles but they never even attempted to win the war.

The South was fighting a defensive war against an invader.

They were not trying to conquer anything, just hold their own.

They simply did not have the resources to do it. Sad but that is what happen.

The concept of Liberty is what was lost with the Union victory. Nowadays the tremendous over reach of the Federal government is the legacy of the Union victory.

"The South was fighting a defensive war against an invader."



"That reason was [the North's] fixed purpose to limit, restrain, and finally abolish slavery in the States where it exists. The South with great unanimity declared her purpose to resist the principle of prohibition to the last extremity."

You ignorance is amazing.

My Great, Great, Great Grandfather was a Confederate soldier. Served in the 9th Florida Regiment. Fought at Olustee and Cold Harbor.

During the time he was serving he wrote almost 200 letters. The letters were donated to the Library at the University of Florida and is part of the true historical file of the war.

If you read the letters you will know why he served. He was not a slave owner. He was farmer/rancher from Polk County Florida and a Libertarian that just wanted to be left alone. He was not going to fight so that some rich man could own slaves. He stated in the letters that the reason he joined was to fight against the Yankee invaders. That is the real history without any political bullshit.

The first major battle he fought in was Olustee, near the present day town of Lake City. The filthy ass Union sent a bunch of murderous Negro troops to Florida to kill Floridians. The same shithead regiment you saw in the movie "Glory". Fortunately the sonofabitches were slaughtered by the Confederates. Just like they were slaughtered at Ft Wagner depicted in the silly ass movie.

I suggest that if you are going to spout your ignorance of the war then at least read up on it a little bit so that you won't make an ass out of yourself.

Go read my grandfather's letters if you want to know why the Confederates fought. Those letters are a much better source of History than a stupid Jr High School History textbook written by the winners.
"My Great, Great, Great Grandfather was a Confederate soldier."

He was an inbred peckawood that got his ass kicked. Most of the losers that attacked were not slave owners. You cant be left alone when you support the owning of other human beings. He was taught a lesson he never forgot. I'm not going to read anything a racist wrote unless it serves my purposes to do so.

Which Presidential election do you think MOST demonstrates the "southern strategy" and why?
Goldwater started it (Operation Dixie), Nixon perfected it with coded language ("silent majority" "law and order") and Reagan dabbled in it ("welfare queens in Cadillacs"). Again, you seem to think it was a lever that was thrown in the 60s and the people just switched sides. It took decades for it to take firm hold...which it has now. And it wasn't solely racial unease that fueled the switch. It was a fusion of religion, women's role in society and the role of government in the economy.

If Nixon becomes president, he has promised that he won’t enforce either the Civil Rights or the Voting Rights Acts. Stick with him.” ~ Strom Thurmond
The gop's problem with racism in the South is a continuing wound.
You would be hard-pressed to find a Republican figure anywhere in the country in 1954 who engaged in the kind of race-baiting Atwater described. The evolution he outlines did in fact occur, but it was the Dixiecrats fleeing the Democratic Party, not traditional Republicans, who brought that legacy and underwent that transformation.

There’s hubris in characterizing Republicans as having “courted” Southern voters into a new alliance. In reality, late 20th century Republicans hoping to shape an appeal in the South were foolishly trying to ride an avalanche. What’s left of the Republican Party as it once existed is buried somewhere beneath tons of noxious debris as the active racism of Jim Crow’s defenders has become the quiet racism of the culture wars.

Our myths of the Southern Strategy are dangerous for the way they obscure the Republican Party’s central problem – its new, unintended role as the vehicle of white supremacy in the 21st century. History denied is history repeated. Republicans will not shake this burden without first confronting it.

Of course race was a issue in Ga and SC senate races. And it was when Bob Corker defeated Harold Ford. It is what it is. Race plays in the North too

But here the gop is left with trying to sell to black voters an agenda of cutting taxes and ending welfare, and ending minority-majority districts. That's not gonna sell. But it's the national gop message. The state legislature is tying to end the state income tax

The most affluent suburb around me is Madison County, and it's 60% white and 35% black, which is pretty close to the entire state demographic.
Atwater didn't do any race baiting, asshole, and the leftwing media is solely responsible for the so-called "wound" because they continue to lie about it.
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The Alamo was a last stand

Lee thought he could just win battles with no "macro" strategy to win the war and got his ass kicked for it.

They could have done much better than they did. Most obviously pulling in the British to support them as their best play. But just crushing Northern industry instead of focusing on winning irrelevant battles would have went a long way to the South having a chance.

I'm not sure if those at the Alamo had a lot of strategic options on the table. The South may have fought brilliant battles but they never even attempted to win the war.

The South was fighting a defensive war against an invader.

They were not trying to conquer anything, just hold their own.

They simply did not have the resources to do it. Sad but that is what happen.

The concept of Liberty is what was lost with the Union victory. Nowadays the tremendous over reach of the Federal government is the legacy of the Union victory.

"The South was fighting a defensive war against an invader."



"That reason was [the North's] fixed purpose to limit, restrain, and finally abolish slavery in the States where it exists. The South with great unanimity declared her purpose to resist the principle of prohibition to the last extremity."

You ignorance is amazing.

My Great, Great, Great Grandfather was a Confederate soldier. Served in the 9th Florida Regiment. Fought at Olustee and Cold Harbor.

During the time he was serving he wrote almost 200 letters. The letters were donated to the Library at the University of Florida and is part of the true historical file of the war.

If you read the letters you will know why he served. He was not a slave owner. He was farmer/rancher from Polk County Florida and a Libertarian that just wanted to be left alone. He was not going to fight so that some rich man could own slaves. He stated in the letters that the reason he joined was to fight against the Yankee invaders. That is the real history without any political bullshit.

The first major battle he fought in was Olustee, near the present day town of Lake City. The filthy ass Union sent a bunch of murderous Negro troops to Florida to kill Floridians. The same shithead regiment you saw in the movie "Glory". Fortunately the sonofabitches were slaughtered by the Confederates. Just like they were slaughtered at Ft Wagner depicted in the silly ass movie.

I suggest that if you are going to spout your ignorance of the war then at least read up on it a little bit so that you won't make an ass out of yourself.

Go read my grandfather's letters if you want to know why the Confederates fought. Those letters are a much better source of History than a stupid Jr High School History textbook written by the winners.
"My Great, Great, Great Grandfather was a Confederate soldier."

He was an inbred peckawood that got his ass kicked. Most of the losers that attacked were not slave owners. You cant be left alone when you support the owning of other human beings. He was taught a lesson he never forgot. I'm not going to read anything a racist wrote unless it serves my purposes to do so.
The Union attacked, jackass.
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The Alamo was a last stand

Lee thought he could just win battles with no "macro" strategy to win the war and got his ass kicked for it.

They could have done much better than they did. Most obviously pulling in the British to support them as their best play. But just crushing Northern industry instead of focusing on winning irrelevant battles would have went a long way to the South having a chance.

I'm not sure if those at the Alamo had a lot of strategic options on the table. The South may have fought brilliant battles but they never even attempted to win the war.

The South was fighting a defensive war against an invader.

They were not trying to conquer anything, just hold their own.

They simply did not have the resources to do it. Sad but that is what happen.

The concept of Liberty is what was lost with the Union victory. Nowadays the tremendous over reach of the Federal government is the legacy of the Union victory.

"The South was fighting a defensive war against an invader."



"That reason was [the North's] fixed purpose to limit, restrain, and finally abolish slavery in the States where it exists. The South with great unanimity declared her purpose to resist the principle of prohibition to the last extremity."

You ignorance is amazing.

My Great, Great, Great Grandfather was a Confederate soldier. Served in the 9th Florida Regiment. Fought at Olustee and Cold Harbor.

During the time he was serving he wrote almost 200 letters. The letters were donated to the Library at the University of Florida and is part of the true historical file of the war.

If you read the letters you will know why he served. He was not a slave owner. He was farmer/rancher from Polk County Florida and a Libertarian that just wanted to be left alone. He was not going to fight so that some rich man could own slaves. He stated in the letters that the reason he joined was to fight against the Yankee invaders. That is the real history without any political bullshit.

The first major battle he fought in was Olustee, near the present day town of Lake City. The filthy ass Union sent a bunch of murderous Negro troops to Florida to kill Floridians. The same shithead regiment you saw in the movie "Glory". Fortunately the sonofabitches were slaughtered by the Confederates. Just like they were slaughtered at Ft Wagner depicted in the silly ass movie.

I suggest that if you are going to spout your ignorance of the war then at least read up on it a little bit so that you won't make an ass out of yourself.

Go read my grandfather's letters if you want to know why the Confederates fought. Those letters are a much better source of History than a stupid Jr High School History textbook written by the winners.
"My Great, Great, Great Grandfather was a Confederate soldier."

He was an inbred peckawood that got his ass kicked. Most of the losers that attacked were not slave owners. You cant be left alone when you support the owning of other human beings. He was taught a lesson he never forgot. I'm not going to read anything a racist wrote unless it serves my purposes to do so.
The Union attacked, jackass.
I agree. The Union attacked a bunch of jackasses after they attacked Ft Sumter.
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The Alamo was a last stand

Lee thought he could just win battles with no "macro" strategy to win the war and got his ass kicked for it.

They could have done much better than they did. Most obviously pulling in the British to support them as their best play. But just crushing Northern industry instead of focusing on winning irrelevant battles would have went a long way to the South having a chance.

I'm not sure if those at the Alamo had a lot of strategic options on the table. The South may have fought brilliant battles but they never even attempted to win the war.

The South was fighting a defensive war against an invader.

They were not trying to conquer anything, just hold their own.

They simply did not have the resources to do it. Sad but that is what happen.

The concept of Liberty is what was lost with the Union victory. Nowadays the tremendous over reach of the Federal government is the legacy of the Union victory.

"The South was fighting a defensive war against an invader."



"That reason was [the North's] fixed purpose to limit, restrain, and finally abolish slavery in the States where it exists. The South with great unanimity declared her purpose to resist the principle of prohibition to the last extremity."

You ignorance is amazing.

My Great, Great, Great Grandfather was a Confederate soldier. Served in the 9th Florida Regiment. Fought at Olustee and Cold Harbor.

During the time he was serving he wrote almost 200 letters. The letters were donated to the Library at the University of Florida and is part of the true historical file of the war.

If you read the letters you will know why he served. He was not a slave owner. He was farmer/rancher from Polk County Florida and a Libertarian that just wanted to be left alone. He was not going to fight so that some rich man could own slaves. He stated in the letters that the reason he joined was to fight against the Yankee invaders. That is the real history without any political bullshit.

The first major battle he fought in was Olustee, near the present day town of Lake City. The filthy ass Union sent a bunch of murderous Negro troops to Florida to kill Floridians. The same shithead regiment you saw in the movie "Glory". Fortunately the sonofabitches were slaughtered by the Confederates. Just like they were slaughtered at Ft Wagner depicted in the silly ass movie.

I suggest that if you are going to spout your ignorance of the war then at least read up on it a little bit so that you won't make an ass out of yourself.

Go read my grandfather's letters if you want to know why the Confederates fought. Those letters are a much better source of History than a stupid Jr High School History textbook written by the winners.
"murderous negros"?
Well you made the case.
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The Alamo was a last stand

Lee thought he could just win battles with no "macro" strategy to win the war and got his ass kicked for it.

They could have done much better than they did. Most obviously pulling in the British to support them as their best play. But just crushing Northern industry instead of focusing on winning irrelevant battles would have went a long way to the South having a chance.

I'm not sure if those at the Alamo had a lot of strategic options on the table. The South may have fought brilliant battles but they never even attempted to win the war.

"Better"? Easy to say after the fact. The numbers starting out were pretty clear. The North had tremendous advantages in numbers of men and numbers of cannons and machine guns and industry and ability to feed and arm troops and the majority of the professional army, and I don't even know what else.

There is no shame is fighting bravely against great odds, but still losing.

"There is no shame is fighting bravely against great odds, but still losing."

But there is a huge amount of shame for being a traitor, attempting to hold onto slavery, starting a fight, and getting your ass kicked by some of the people you were trying to enslave.

Funny, the vets that actually won that war, didn't feel a need to gloat and had no problem with their former foes, now fellow Americans celebrating their history.

Who the fuck are you to renege on the decision of those heroes to accept southern pride as part of the larger American Patriotism?
I dont care who did or did not need to gloat. I'm gloating.

I'm me. I dont accept traitors and slave ownership supporting losers as someone to hold in honor.

ANd who teh fuck are you, to make such a call, when the vets that fought that war, made the opposite call?
I'm me. Why did you ask the same question again?

So, you've got no moral authority at all, to give you the right to make such a call.

As I figured.

Or, do you imagine that your black skin gives you the right to pass judgement on white people, because wacism?
No I have all the moral authority in the world to make that call which is why I did it.

You have jack shit. You've got nothing.

America as a whole, moved on generations before you were born.

You are just a jive talking asshole, talking shit about a battle that better men won long before you were a glint in your daddy's eye.
"America as a whole, moved on generations before you were born."

Not true. We are on a thread right now that proves your statement is false.

Yes I am talking shit about the losers.
We know woke assholes like you haven't moved on. You need racism so you can push your commie agenda.

Which Presidential election do you think MOST demonstrates the "southern strategy" and why?
Goldwater started it (Operation Dixie), Nixon perfected it with coded language ("silent majority" "law and order") and Reagan dabbled in it ("welfare queens in Cadillacs"). Again, you seem to think it was a lever that was thrown in the 60s and the people just switched sides. It took decades for it to take firm hold...which it has now. And it wasn't solely racial unease that fueled the switch. It was a fusion of religion, women's role in society and the role of government in the economy.

If Nixon becomes president, he has promised that he won’t enforce either the Civil Rights or the Voting Rights Acts. Stick with him.” ~ Strom Thurmond
The gop's problem with racism in the South is a continuing wound.
You would be hard-pressed to find a Republican figure anywhere in the country in 1954 who engaged in the kind of race-baiting Atwater described. The evolution he outlines did in fact occur, but it was the Dixiecrats fleeing the Democratic Party, not traditional Republicans, who brought that legacy and underwent that transformation.

There’s hubris in characterizing Republicans as having “courted” Southern voters into a new alliance. In reality, late 20th century Republicans hoping to shape an appeal in the South were foolishly trying to ride an avalanche. What’s left of the Republican Party as it once existed is buried somewhere beneath tons of noxious debris as the active racism of Jim Crow’s defenders has become the quiet racism of the culture wars.

Our myths of the Southern Strategy are dangerous for the way they obscure the Republican Party’s central problem – its new, unintended role as the vehicle of white supremacy in the 21st century. History denied is history repeated. Republicans will not shake this burden without first confronting it.

Of course race was a issue in Ga and SC senate races. And it was when Bob Corker defeated Harold Ford. It is what it is. Race plays in the North too

But here the gop is left with trying to sell to black voters an agenda of cutting taxes and ending welfare, and ending minority-majority districts. That's not gonna sell. But it's the national gop message. The state legislature is tying to end the state income tax

The most affluent suburb around me is Madison County, and it's 60% white and 35% black, which is pretty close to the entire state demographic.

That makes no sense. YOu dismiss the traditional view of the Southern Strategy, for obvious reasons, and then just hold hte gop accountable anyways, based on, nothing.
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The Alamo was a last stand

Lee thought he could just win battles with no "macro" strategy to win the war and got his ass kicked for it.

They could have done much better than they did. Most obviously pulling in the British to support them as their best play. But just crushing Northern industry instead of focusing on winning irrelevant battles would have went a long way to the South having a chance.

I'm not sure if those at the Alamo had a lot of strategic options on the table. The South may have fought brilliant battles but they never even attempted to win the war.

The South was fighting a defensive war against an invader.

They were not trying to conquer anything, just hold their own.

They simply did not have the resources to do it. Sad but that is what happen.

The concept of Liberty is what was lost with the Union victory. Nowadays the tremendous over reach of the Federal government is the legacy of the Union victory.

"The South was fighting a defensive war against an invader."



"That reason was [the North's] fixed purpose to limit, restrain, and finally abolish slavery in the States where it exists. The South with great unanimity declared her purpose to resist the principle of prohibition to the last extremity."

You ignorance is amazing.

My Great, Great, Great Grandfather was a Confederate soldier. Served in the 9th Florida Regiment. Fought at Olustee and Cold Harbor.

During the time he was serving he wrote almost 200 letters. The letters were donated to the Library at the University of Florida and is part of the true historical file of the war.

If you read the letters you will know why he served. He was not a slave owner. He was farmer/rancher from Polk County Florida and a Libertarian that just wanted to be left alone. He was not going to fight so that some rich man could own slaves. He stated in the letters that the reason he joined was to fight against the Yankee invaders. That is the real history without any political bullshit.

The first major battle he fought in was Olustee, near the present day town of Lake City. The filthy ass Union sent a bunch of murderous Negro troops to Florida to kill Floridians. The same shithead regiment you saw in the movie "Glory". Fortunately the sonofabitches were slaughtered by the Confederates. Just like they were slaughtered at Ft Wagner depicted in the silly ass movie.

I suggest that if you are going to spout your ignorance of the war then at least read up on it a little bit so that you won't make an ass out of yourself.

Go read my grandfather's letters if you want to know why the Confederates fought. Those letters are a much better source of History than a stupid Jr High School History textbook written by the winners.
"My Great, Great, Great Grandfather was a Confederate soldier."

He was an inbred peckawood that got his ass kicked. Most of the losers that attacked were not slave owners. You cant be left alone when you support the owning of other human beings. He was taught a lesson he never forgot. I'm not going to read anything a racist wrote unless it serves my purposes to do so.
The Union attacked, jackass.
I agree. The Union attacked a bunch of jackasses after they attacked Ft Sumter.
How can you attack your own territory?
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The Alamo was a last stand

Lee thought he could just win battles with no "macro" strategy to win the war and got his ass kicked for it.

They could have done much better than they did. Most obviously pulling in the British to support them as their best play. But just crushing Northern industry instead of focusing on winning irrelevant battles would have went a long way to the South having a chance.

I'm not sure if those at the Alamo had a lot of strategic options on the table. The South may have fought brilliant battles but they never even attempted to win the war.

The South was fighting a defensive war against an invader.

They were not trying to conquer anything, just hold their own.

They simply did not have the resources to do it. Sad but that is what happen.

The concept of Liberty is what was lost with the Union victory. Nowadays the tremendous over reach of the Federal government is the legacy of the Union victory.

"The South was fighting a defensive war against an invader."



"That reason was [the North's] fixed purpose to limit, restrain, and finally abolish slavery in the States where it exists. The South with great unanimity declared her purpose to resist the principle of prohibition to the last extremity."

You ignorance is amazing.

My Great, Great, Great Grandfather was a Confederate soldier. Served in the 9th Florida Regiment. Fought at Olustee and Cold Harbor.

During the time he was serving he wrote almost 200 letters. The letters were donated to the Library at the University of Florida and is part of the true historical file of the war.

If you read the letters you will know why he served. He was not a slave owner. He was farmer/rancher from Polk County Florida and a Libertarian that just wanted to be left alone. He was not going to fight so that some rich man could own slaves. He stated in the letters that the reason he joined was to fight against the Yankee invaders. That is the real history without any political bullshit.

The first major battle he fought in was Olustee, near the present day town of Lake City. The filthy ass Union sent a bunch of murderous Negro troops to Florida to kill Floridians. The same shithead regiment you saw in the movie "Glory". Fortunately the sonofabitches were slaughtered by the Confederates. Just like they were slaughtered at Ft Wagner depicted in the silly ass movie.

I suggest that if you are going to spout your ignorance of the war then at least read up on it a little bit so that you won't make an ass out of yourself.

Go read my grandfather's letters if you want to know why the Confederates fought. Those letters are a much better source of History than a stupid Jr High School History textbook written by the winners.
"My Great, Great, Great Grandfather was a Confederate soldier."

He was an inbred peckawood that got his ass kicked. Most of the losers that attacked were not slave owners. You cant be left alone when you support the owning of other human beings. He was taught a lesson he never forgot. I'm not going to read anything a racist wrote unless it serves my purposes to do so.
The Union attacked, jackass.
I agree. The Union attacked a bunch of jackasses after they attacked Ft Sumter.
How can you attack your own territory?
You cant. The loser confeds attacked US territory.
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The Alamo was a last stand

Lee thought he could just win battles with no "macro" strategy to win the war and got his ass kicked for it.

They could have done much better than they did. Most obviously pulling in the British to support them as their best play. But just crushing Northern industry instead of focusing on winning irrelevant battles would have went a long way to the South having a chance.

I'm not sure if those at the Alamo had a lot of strategic options on the table. The South may have fought brilliant battles but they never even attempted to win the war.

The South was fighting a defensive war against an invader.

They were not trying to conquer anything, just hold their own.

They simply did not have the resources to do it. Sad but that is what happen.

The concept of Liberty is what was lost with the Union victory. Nowadays the tremendous over reach of the Federal government is the legacy of the Union victory.

"The South was fighting a defensive war against an invader."



"That reason was [the North's] fixed purpose to limit, restrain, and finally abolish slavery in the States where it exists. The South with great unanimity declared her purpose to resist the principle of prohibition to the last extremity."

You ignorance is amazing.

My Great, Great, Great Grandfather was a Confederate soldier. Served in the 9th Florida Regiment. Fought at Olustee and Cold Harbor.

During the time he was serving he wrote almost 200 letters. The letters were donated to the Library at the University of Florida and is part of the true historical file of the war.

If you read the letters you will know why he served. He was not a slave owner. He was farmer/rancher from Polk County Florida and a Libertarian that just wanted to be left alone. He was not going to fight so that some rich man could own slaves. He stated in the letters that the reason he joined was to fight against the Yankee invaders. That is the real history without any political bullshit.

The first major battle he fought in was Olustee, near the present day town of Lake City. The filthy ass Union sent a bunch of murderous Negro troops to Florida to kill Floridians. The same shithead regiment you saw in the movie "Glory". Fortunately the sonofabitches were slaughtered by the Confederates. Just like they were slaughtered at Ft Wagner depicted in the silly ass movie.

I suggest that if you are going to spout your ignorance of the war then at least read up on it a little bit so that you won't make an ass out of yourself.

Go read my grandfather's letters if you want to know why the Confederates fought. Those letters are a much better source of History than a stupid Jr High School History textbook written by the winners.
"My Great, Great, Great Grandfather was a Confederate soldier."

He was an inbred peckawood that got his ass kicked. Most of the losers that attacked were not slave owners. You cant be left alone when you support the owning of other human beings. He was taught a lesson he never forgot. I'm not going to read anything a racist wrote unless it serves my purposes to do so.

Takes a real loser to gloat about a war someone else won, long before you were born.

Which Presidential election do you think MOST demonstrates the "southern strategy" and why?
Goldwater started it (Operation Dixie), Nixon perfected it with coded language ("silent majority" "law and order") and Reagan dabbled in it ("welfare queens in Cadillacs"). Again, you seem to think it was a lever that was thrown in the 60s and the people just switched sides. It took decades for it to take firm hold...which it has now. And it wasn't solely racial unease that fueled the switch. It was a fusion of religion, women's role in society and the role of government in the economy.

If Nixon becomes president, he has promised that he won’t enforce either the Civil Rights or the Voting Rights Acts. Stick with him.” ~ Strom Thurmond
The gop's problem with racism in the South is a continuing wound.
You would be hard-pressed to find a Republican figure anywhere in the country in 1954 who engaged in the kind of race-baiting Atwater described. The evolution he outlines did in fact occur, but it was the Dixiecrats fleeing the Democratic Party, not traditional Republicans, who brought that legacy and underwent that transformation.

There’s hubris in characterizing Republicans as having “courted” Southern voters into a new alliance. In reality, late 20th century Republicans hoping to shape an appeal in the South were foolishly trying to ride an avalanche. What’s left of the Republican Party as it once existed is buried somewhere beneath tons of noxious debris as the active racism of Jim Crow’s defenders has become the quiet racism of the culture wars.

Our myths of the Southern Strategy are dangerous for the way they obscure the Republican Party’s central problem – its new, unintended role as the vehicle of white supremacy in the 21st century. History denied is history repeated. Republicans will not shake this burden without first confronting it.

Of course race was a issue in Ga and SC senate races. And it was when Bob Corker defeated Harold Ford. It is what it is. Race plays in the North too

But here the gop is left with trying to sell to black voters an agenda of cutting taxes and ending welfare, and ending minority-majority districts. That's not gonna sell. But it's the national gop message. The state legislature is tying to end the state income tax

The most affluent suburb around me is Madison County, and it's 60% white and 35% black, which is pretty close to the entire state demographic.

That makes no sense. YOu dismiss the traditional view of the Southern Strategy, for obvious reasons, and then just hold hte gop accountable anyways, based on, nothing.
I don't agree that Goldwater's intent was to cozy up to a bunch of racist assholes. And I'm sure that today's gop in Mississippi is not a bunch of racist assholes. But your post about "murderous negros" is one of several posts you've made that makes me question your views.
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The Alamo was a last stand

Lee thought he could just win battles with no "macro" strategy to win the war and got his ass kicked for it.

They could have done much better than they did. Most obviously pulling in the British to support them as their best play. But just crushing Northern industry instead of focusing on winning irrelevant battles would have went a long way to the South having a chance.

I'm not sure if those at the Alamo had a lot of strategic options on the table. The South may have fought brilliant battles but they never even attempted to win the war.

"Better"? Easy to say after the fact. The numbers starting out were pretty clear. The North had tremendous advantages in numbers of men and numbers of cannons and machine guns and industry and ability to feed and arm troops and the majority of the professional army, and I don't even know what else.

There is no shame is fighting bravely against great odds, but still losing.

"There is no shame is fighting bravely against great odds, but still losing."

But there is a huge amount of shame for being a traitor, attempting to hold onto slavery, starting a fight, and getting your ass kicked by some of the people you were trying to enslave.

Funny, the vets that actually won that war, didn't feel a need to gloat and had no problem with their former foes, now fellow Americans celebrating their history.

Who the fuck are you to renege on the decision of those heroes to accept southern pride as part of the larger American Patriotism?
I dont care who did or did not need to gloat. I'm gloating.

I'm me. I dont accept traitors and slave ownership supporting losers as someone to hold in honor.

ANd who teh fuck are you, to make such a call, when the vets that fought that war, made the opposite call?
I'm me. Why did you ask the same question again?

So, you've got no moral authority at all, to give you the right to make such a call.

As I figured.

Or, do you imagine that your black skin gives you the right to pass judgement on white people, because wacism?
No I have all the moral authority in the world to make that call which is why I did it.

You have jack shit. You've got nothing.

America as a whole, moved on generations before you were born.

You are just a jive talking asshole, talking shit about a battle that better men won long before you were a glint in your daddy's eye.
"America as a whole, moved on generations before you were born."

Not true. We are on a thread right now that proves your statement is false.

Yes I am talking shit about the losers.
We know woke assholes like you haven't moved on. You need racism so you can push your commie agenda.
Inbred whites such as yourself dont know what woke means so please stop using words where the meaning eludes you. When you peckaheads stop glorifying the loser confeds then I will move on.
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The Alamo was a last stand

Lee thought he could just win battles with no "macro" strategy to win the war and got his ass kicked for it.

They could have done much better than they did. Most obviously pulling in the British to support them as their best play. But just crushing Northern industry instead of focusing on winning irrelevant battles would have went a long way to the South having a chance.

I'm not sure if those at the Alamo had a lot of strategic options on the table. The South may have fought brilliant battles but they never even attempted to win the war.

The South was fighting a defensive war against an invader.

They were not trying to conquer anything, just hold their own.

They simply did not have the resources to do it. Sad but that is what happen.

The concept of Liberty is what was lost with the Union victory. Nowadays the tremendous over reach of the Federal government is the legacy of the Union victory.

"The South was fighting a defensive war against an invader."



"That reason was [the North's] fixed purpose to limit, restrain, and finally abolish slavery in the States where it exists. The South with great unanimity declared her purpose to resist the principle of prohibition to the last extremity."

You ignorance is amazing.

My Great, Great, Great Grandfather was a Confederate soldier. Served in the 9th Florida Regiment. Fought at Olustee and Cold Harbor.

During the time he was serving he wrote almost 200 letters. The letters were donated to the Library at the University of Florida and is part of the true historical file of the war.

If you read the letters you will know why he served. He was not a slave owner. He was farmer/rancher from Polk County Florida and a Libertarian that just wanted to be left alone. He was not going to fight so that some rich man could own slaves. He stated in the letters that the reason he joined was to fight against the Yankee invaders. That is the real history without any political bullshit.

The first major battle he fought in was Olustee, near the present day town of Lake City. The filthy ass Union sent a bunch of murderous Negro troops to Florida to kill Floridians. The same shithead regiment you saw in the movie "Glory". Fortunately the sonofabitches were slaughtered by the Confederates. Just like they were slaughtered at Ft Wagner depicted in the silly ass movie.

I suggest that if you are going to spout your ignorance of the war then at least read up on it a little bit so that you won't make an ass out of yourself.

Go read my grandfather's letters if you want to know why the Confederates fought. Those letters are a much better source of History than a stupid Jr High School History textbook written by the winners.
"My Great, Great, Great Grandfather was a Confederate soldier."

He was an inbred peckawood that got his ass kicked. Most of the losers that attacked were not slave owners. You cant be left alone when you support the owning of other human beings. He was taught a lesson he never forgot. I'm not going to read anything a racist wrote unless it serves my purposes to do so.

Takes a real loser to gloat about a war someone else won, long before you were born.
Since you're a loser I'm going to take that as a compliment.
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The Alamo was a last stand

Lee thought he could just win battles with no "macro" strategy to win the war and got his ass kicked for it.

They could have done much better than they did. Most obviously pulling in the British to support them as their best play. But just crushing Northern industry instead of focusing on winning irrelevant battles would have went a long way to the South having a chance.

I'm not sure if those at the Alamo had a lot of strategic options on the table. The South may have fought brilliant battles but they never even attempted to win the war.

The South was fighting a defensive war against an invader.

They were not trying to conquer anything, just hold their own.

They simply did not have the resources to do it. Sad but that is what happen.

The concept of Liberty is what was lost with the Union victory. Nowadays the tremendous over reach of the Federal government is the legacy of the Union victory.

"The South was fighting a defensive war against an invader."



"That reason was [the North's] fixed purpose to limit, restrain, and finally abolish slavery in the States where it exists. The South with great unanimity declared her purpose to resist the principle of prohibition to the last extremity."

You ignorance is amazing.

My Great, Great, Great Grandfather was a Confederate soldier. Served in the 9th Florida Regiment. Fought at Olustee and Cold Harbor.

During the time he was serving he wrote almost 200 letters. The letters were donated to the Library at the University of Florida and is part of the true historical file of the war.

If you read the letters you will know why he served. He was not a slave owner. He was farmer/rancher from Polk County Florida and a Libertarian that just wanted to be left alone. He was not going to fight so that some rich man could own slaves. He stated in the letters that the reason he joined was to fight against the Yankee invaders. That is the real history without any political bullshit.

The first major battle he fought in was Olustee, near the present day town of Lake City. The filthy ass Union sent a bunch of murderous Negro troops to Florida to kill Floridians. The same shithead regiment you saw in the movie "Glory". Fortunately the sonofabitches were slaughtered by the Confederates. Just like they were slaughtered at Ft Wagner depicted in the silly ass movie.

I suggest that if you are going to spout your ignorance of the war then at least read up on it a little bit so that you won't make an ass out of yourself.

Go read my grandfather's letters if you want to know why the Confederates fought. Those letters are a much better source of History than a stupid Jr High School History textbook written by the winners.
"My Great, Great, Great Grandfather was a Confederate soldier."

He was an inbred peckawood that got his ass kicked. Most of the losers that attacked were not slave owners. You cant be left alone when you support the owning of other human beings. He was taught a lesson he never forgot. I'm not going to read anything a racist wrote unless it serves my purposes to do so.
You confusion still continues.

Slavery was legal in the US for 80 years before the war, all during the war and for almost a year after the war.

The US was a slave nation during the Civil War.

You don't know why the Confederate soldiers really fought because you have never bothered to find out.

Go to the University of Florida and go to the Libary and read the letters and you will then understand why a Confederate solder put his life at risk. It was to protect his home. Until you do then you have nothing but your ignorance.
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The Alamo was a last stand

Lee thought he could just win battles with no "macro" strategy to win the war and got his ass kicked for it.

They could have done much better than they did. Most obviously pulling in the British to support them as their best play. But just crushing Northern industry instead of focusing on winning irrelevant battles would have went a long way to the South having a chance.

I'm not sure if those at the Alamo had a lot of strategic options on the table. The South may have fought brilliant battles but they never even attempted to win the war.

The South was fighting a defensive war against an invader.

They were not trying to conquer anything, just hold their own.

They simply did not have the resources to do it. Sad but that is what happen.

The concept of Liberty is what was lost with the Union victory. Nowadays the tremendous over reach of the Federal government is the legacy of the Union victory.

"The South was fighting a defensive war against an invader."



"That reason was [the North's] fixed purpose to limit, restrain, and finally abolish slavery in the States where it exists. The South with great unanimity declared her purpose to resist the principle of prohibition to the last extremity."

You ignorance is amazing.

My Great, Great, Great Grandfather was a Confederate soldier. Served in the 9th Florida Regiment. Fought at Olustee and Cold Harbor.

During the time he was serving he wrote almost 200 letters. The letters were donated to the Library at the University of Florida and is part of the true historical file of the war.

If you read the letters you will know why he served. He was not a slave owner. He was farmer/rancher from Polk County Florida and a Libertarian that just wanted to be left alone. He was not going to fight so that some rich man could own slaves. He stated in the letters that the reason he joined was to fight against the Yankee invaders. That is the real history without any political bullshit.

The first major battle he fought in was Olustee, near the present day town of Lake City. The filthy ass Union sent a bunch of murderous Negro troops to Florida to kill Floridians. The same shithead regiment you saw in the movie "Glory". Fortunately the sonofabitches were slaughtered by the Confederates. Just like they were slaughtered at Ft Wagner depicted in the silly ass movie.

I suggest that if you are going to spout your ignorance of the war then at least read up on it a little bit so that you won't make an ass out of yourself.

Go read my grandfather's letters if you want to know why the Confederates fought. Those letters are a much better source of History than a stupid Jr High School History textbook written by the winners.
"murderous negros"?
Well you made the case.
The 54th Colored Regiment was sent to Florida to kill Floridians and to destroy Florida cities, homes and farms.

They deserved to get their Black asses kicked.
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The Alamo was a last stand

Lee thought he could just win battles with no "macro" strategy to win the war and got his ass kicked for it.

They could have done much better than they did. Most obviously pulling in the British to support them as their best play. But just crushing Northern industry instead of focusing on winning irrelevant battles would have went a long way to the South having a chance.

I'm not sure if those at the Alamo had a lot of strategic options on the table. The South may have fought brilliant battles but they never even attempted to win the war.

The South was fighting a defensive war against an invader.

They were not trying to conquer anything, just hold their own.

They simply did not have the resources to do it. Sad but that is what happen.

The concept of Liberty is what was lost with the Union victory. Nowadays the tremendous over reach of the Federal government is the legacy of the Union victory.

"The South was fighting a defensive war against an invader."



"That reason was [the North's] fixed purpose to limit, restrain, and finally abolish slavery in the States where it exists. The South with great unanimity declared her purpose to resist the principle of prohibition to the last extremity."

You ignorance is amazing.

My Great, Great, Great Grandfather was a Confederate soldier. Served in the 9th Florida Regiment. Fought at Olustee and Cold Harbor.

During the time he was serving he wrote almost 200 letters. The letters were donated to the Library at the University of Florida and is part of the true historical file of the war.

If you read the letters you will know why he served. He was not a slave owner. He was farmer/rancher from Polk County Florida and a Libertarian that just wanted to be left alone. He was not going to fight so that some rich man could own slaves. He stated in the letters that the reason he joined was to fight against the Yankee invaders. That is the real history without any political bullshit.

The first major battle he fought in was Olustee, near the present day town of Lake City. The filthy ass Union sent a bunch of murderous Negro troops to Florida to kill Floridians. The same shithead regiment you saw in the movie "Glory". Fortunately the sonofabitches were slaughtered by the Confederates. Just like they were slaughtered at Ft Wagner depicted in the silly ass movie.

I suggest that if you are going to spout your ignorance of the war then at least read up on it a little bit so that you won't make an ass out of yourself.

Go read my grandfather's letters if you want to know why the Confederates fought. Those letters are a much better source of History than a stupid Jr High School History textbook written by the winners.
"My Great, Great, Great Grandfather was a Confederate soldier."

He was an inbred peckawood that got his ass kicked. Most of the losers that attacked were not slave owners. You cant be left alone when you support the owning of other human beings. He was taught a lesson he never forgot. I'm not going to read anything a racist wrote unless it serves my purposes to do so.
You confusion still continues.

Slavery was legal in the US for 80 years before the war, all during the war and for almost a year after the war.

The US was a slave nation during the Civil War.

You don't know why the Confederate soldiers really fought because you have never bothered to find out.

Go to the University of Florida and go to the Libary and read the letters and you will then understand why a Confederate solder put his life at risk. It was to protect his home. Until you do then you have nothing but your ignorance.

"You don't know why the Confederate soldiers really fought because you have never bothered to find out."

False. I read the Cornerstone speech and all the articles of secession. I know exactly why they fought.
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The Alamo was a last stand

Lee thought he could just win battles with no "macro" strategy to win the war and got his ass kicked for it.

They could have done much better than they did. Most obviously pulling in the British to support them as their best play. But just crushing Northern industry instead of focusing on winning irrelevant battles would have went a long way to the South having a chance.

I'm not sure if those at the Alamo had a lot of strategic options on the table. The South may have fought brilliant battles but they never even attempted to win the war.

The South was fighting a defensive war against an invader.

They were not trying to conquer anything, just hold their own.

They simply did not have the resources to do it. Sad but that is what happen.

The concept of Liberty is what was lost with the Union victory. Nowadays the tremendous over reach of the Federal government is the legacy of the Union victory.

"The South was fighting a defensive war against an invader."



"That reason was [the North's] fixed purpose to limit, restrain, and finally abolish slavery in the States where it exists. The South with great unanimity declared her purpose to resist the principle of prohibition to the last extremity."

You ignorance is amazing.

My Great, Great, Great Grandfather was a Confederate soldier. Served in the 9th Florida Regiment. Fought at Olustee and Cold Harbor.

During the time he was serving he wrote almost 200 letters. The letters were donated to the Library at the University of Florida and is part of the true historical file of the war.

If you read the letters you will know why he served. He was not a slave owner. He was farmer/rancher from Polk County Florida and a Libertarian that just wanted to be left alone. He was not going to fight so that some rich man could own slaves. He stated in the letters that the reason he joined was to fight against the Yankee invaders. That is the real history without any political bullshit.

The first major battle he fought in was Olustee, near the present day town of Lake City. The filthy ass Union sent a bunch of murderous Negro troops to Florida to kill Floridians. The same shithead regiment you saw in the movie "Glory". Fortunately the sonofabitches were slaughtered by the Confederates. Just like they were slaughtered at Ft Wagner depicted in the silly ass movie.

I suggest that if you are going to spout your ignorance of the war then at least read up on it a little bit so that you won't make an ass out of yourself.

Go read my grandfather's letters if you want to know why the Confederates fought. Those letters are a much better source of History than a stupid Jr High School History textbook written by the winners.
"My Great, Great, Great Grandfather was a Confederate soldier."

He was an inbred peckawood that got his ass kicked. Most of the losers that attacked were not slave owners. You cant be left alone when you support the owning of other human beings. He was taught a lesson he never forgot. I'm not going to read anything a racist wrote unless it serves my purposes to do so.
You confusion still continues.

Slavery was legal in the US for 80 years before the war, all during the war and for almost a year after the war.

The US was a slave nation during the Civil War.

You don't know why the Confederate soldiers really fought because you have never bothered to find out.

Go to the University of Florida and go to the Libary and read the letters and you will then understand why a Confederate solder put his life at risk. It was to protect his home. Until you do then you have nothing but your ignorance.

"You don't know why the Confederate soldiers really fought because you have never bothered to find out."

False. I read the Cornerstone speech and all the articles of secession. I know exactly why they fought.
The Southern States seceded on slavery. The historical record is not in debate because the states issued documents. But the motivations of individual soldiers, most of who did not have slaves or at least ones worth dying to keep, may simply have been about not having to compete with blacks for small plots to farm and livestock. The North didn't want a bunch of "freed slaves" in their neighborhoods either.

Flash is an embarresment to humanit and Correll is barley above that. But we knew that previously.
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The Alamo was a last stand

Lee thought he could just win battles with no "macro" strategy to win the war and got his ass kicked for it.

They could have done much better than they did. Most obviously pulling in the British to support them as their best play. But just crushing Northern industry instead of focusing on winning irrelevant battles would have went a long way to the South having a chance.

I'm not sure if those at the Alamo had a lot of strategic options on the table. The South may have fought brilliant battles but they never even attempted to win the war.

"Better"? Easy to say after the fact. The numbers starting out were pretty clear. The North had tremendous advantages in numbers of men and numbers of cannons and machine guns and industry and ability to feed and arm troops and the majority of the professional army, and I don't even know what else.

There is no shame is fighting bravely against great odds, but still losing.
Machine guns??

Please. Just shut up

Yes, machine guns, you drooling moron.

View attachment 513475
Gatling guns were neither tactically nor strategically significant in the Civil War you fucking moron.


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