Chasten Buttigieg Writes a "Memoir" for "Young Adults"

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
I puked a little in my mouth when I saw this. Now, I am not going to say that all people who practice goofball sex are groomers. But I WILL say that all groomers are practitioners of goofball sex stuff. Have you ever listened to Petey's wife? He is disgusting. He is full-on LGBTSO2EF, and militantly so. Second, his lisps like a Canadian figure skater. Petey is clearly the man in the unit, which is not saying much under the grotesque circumstances. Imagine what it must be like when these two assholes get together cuddling and making pillow talk to each other. I would rip out my eyes and throw myself off a cliff.

Suffice it to say that Chasten is one sick fuck. And a cabinet level official is married to this freak!!! You just know Putin and Xi laugh at us over this shit. I would laugh and make fun of it too if it was happening anywhere but in my own country! He is literally attempting to groom "young adults" to be open to the idea of homosexuality and other deviant sexual behavior. He is trying to normalize the abnormal. In many instances the abnormal also includes pedophilia. This is sick. I would not let me kid go near this asshole's house if he and Petey lived in my neighborhood. They are both unwell and should never, EVER, be around children.

It is not anybody's job to teach your children anything except who the parent chooses. Sex-ed, gender, and sexuality are not appropriate subjects to be going into with other people's children. Plus, who says this Chasten prick is even an authority on this?!? Most likely he is just trying to socialize kids to accept he sexual practice; i.e., GROOMING. I have not read this monstrosity, nor do I intend to. But the worst case scenario is that Chasten's intent (and Petey's) is to normalize sexual contact between underaged kids ("young adults") and freaks like him.

Someone told me several years ago that the left is attempting to normalize pedophilia. I did not believe him. I thought, "Who in the world would try to normalize THAT?!?" Besides, nobody is going to let that become normal. Now here we are today, and the male wife of a cabinet official is writing a book trying to help "young adults" "learn" about sexuality (PUKE!!!!!!). I admit now that I was wrong. This sickness is indeed being employed by the left to destroy us. Chasten is one of those tools, and his subject matter is most likely obscene and felonious.

Chasten . I can tell by the name he likes peters ... and Pete. Did he discuss how awesome his partner is to respond to national emergencies .. multiple times? How qualified his partner is? How does his partner feel about being a diversity hire who struggles to recognized nationally for a chance of the presidency?
I puked a little in my mouth when I saw this. Now, I am not going to say that all people who practice goofball sex are groomers. But I WILL say that all groomers are practitioners of goofball sex stuff. Have you ever listened to Petey's wife? He is disgusting. He is full-on LGBTSO2EF, and militantly so. Second, his lisps like a Canadian figure skater. Petey is clearly the man in the unit, which is not saying much under the grotesque circumstances. Imagine what it must be like when these two assholes get together cuddling and making pillow talk to each other. I would rip out my eyes and throw myself off a cliff.

Suffice it to say that Chasten is one sick fuck. And a cabinet level official is married to this freak!!! You just know Putin and Xi laugh at us over this shit. I would laugh and make fun of it too if it was happening anywhere but in my own country! He is literally attempting to groom "young adults" to be open to the idea of homosexuality and other deviant sexual behavior. He is trying to normalize the abnormal. In many instances the abnormal also includes pedophilia. This is sick. I would not let me kid go near this asshole's house if he and Petey lived in my neighborhood. They are both unwell and should never, EVER, be around children.

It is not anybody's job to teach your children anything except who the parent chooses. Sex-ed, gender, and sexuality are not appropriate subjects to be going into with other people's children. Plus, who says this Chasten prick is even an authority on this?!? Most likely he is just trying to socialize kids to accept he sexual practice; i.e., GROOMING. I have not read this monstrosity, nor do I intend to. But the worst case scenario is that Chasten's intent (and Petey's) is to normalize sexual contact between underaged kids ("young adults") and freaks like him.

Someone told me several years ago that the left is attempting to normalize pedophilia. I did not believe him. I thought, "Who in the world would try to normalize THAT?!?" Besides, nobody is going to let that become normal. Now here we are today, and the male wife of a cabinet official is writing a book trying to help "young adults" "learn" about sexuality (PUKE!!!!!!). I admit now that I was wrong. This sickness is indeed being employed by the left to destroy us. Chasten is one of those tools, and his subject matter is most likely obscene and felonious.

Holy shit Dude! That is quite an over the top unhinged, borderline psychotic screed! You threw up? Did you also shit yourself. I bet it if did not this time you soon will. Get used to the fact that homosexuality has in fact been normalized and you are going to see a lot more of these affirmations by straight people as well as gays. You had better pick up one of those super absorbent packages of diapers because society has changed. Society has evolved and you have apparently been left behind. The anthesis of evolution is stagnation , decay and eventual extinction. Your histrionics are at once pathetic and laughable. Most people have moved on and accepted the reality that gay people live and work among us and are part of the fabric of society.

Just a few more thoughts:

  1. What the hell is “goofball sex? I assume that you mean gay sex. Do you actually not know that straight people do pretty much all of the same kinds of sex as gay people do? Are you saying that a particular sex act with someone of the opposite sex is not “goofball sex” when it is goofball sex with someone of the same sex? What about sex with non binary, transgender and intersexed people.?
  1. All groomers practice goofball sex? Are you fucking serious? Do you have any idea how many seemingly “upright” straight, “family guys” groom little kids-both girls and boys? Are you really that out of touch with reality
  1. Regarding the Buttigieg family. NO ONE IS THE WIFE. How stupid are you anyway?.
  1. Chasten is grooming young adults to be open to homosexuality? What does that atucually mean? Grooming is understood to mean gaining the trust of someone inorder to exploit them sexually. He is not do that. He is teaching them to not grow up to be ignorant bigots who re consumed by fear and hate. To be adults who can function in a diverse and accepting society. I wonder how well you are fairing in life.

That is all for now I am feeling like throwing up trying to deal with this stupidity and hate. You seem to be someone with some serious problems regarding gender and sexuality. Maybe you should try some introspection instead of condemnation and rejection. The world would be a better place without fools like you
Holy shit Dude! That is quite an over the top unhinged, borderline psychotic screed! You threw up? Did you also shit yourself. I bet it if did not this time you soon will. Get used to the fact that homosexuality has in fact been normalized and you are going to see a lot more of these affirmations by straight people as well as gays. You had better pick up one of those super absorbent packages of diapers because society has changed. Society has evolved and you have apparently been left behind. The anthesis of evolution is stagnation , decay and eventual extinction. Your histrionics are at once pathetic and laughable. Most people have moved on and accepted the reality that gay people live and work among us and are part of the fabric of society.

Just a few more thoughts:

  1. What the hell is “goofball sex? I assume that you mean gay sex. Do you actually not know that straight people do pretty much all of the same kinds of sex as gay people do? Are you saying that a particular sex act with someone of the opposite sex is not “goofball sex” when it is goofball sex with someone of the same sex? What about sex with non binary, transgender and intersexed people.?
  2. All groomers practice goofball sex? Are you fucking serious? Do you have any idea how many seemingly “upright” straight, “family guys” groom little kids-both girls and boys? Are you really that out of touch with reality
  3. Regarding the Buttigieg family. NO ONE IS THE WIFE. How stupid are you anyway?.
  4. Chasten is grooming young adults to be open to homosexuality? What does that atucually mean? Grooming is understood to mean gaining the trust of someone inorder to exploit them sexually. He is not do that. He is teaching them to not grow up to be ignorant bigots who re consumed by fear and hate. To be adults who can function in a diverse and accepting society. I wonder how well you are fairing in life.

That is all for now I am feeling like throwing up trying to deal with this stupidity and hate. You seem to be someone with some serious problems regarding gender and sexuality. Maybe you should try some introspection instead of condemnation and rejection. The world would be a better place without fools like you

Is there like some gay alert we don't know about on here?

You're attracted to gay threads like bees to honey
Holy shit Dude! That is quite an over the top unhinged, borderline psychotic screed! You threw up? Did you also shit yourself. I bet it if did not this time you soon will. Get used to the fact that homosexuality has in fact been normalized and you are going to see a lot more of these affirmations by straight people as well as gays. You had better pick up one of those super absorbent packages of diapers because society has changed. Society has evolved and you have apparently been left behind. The anthesis of evolution is stagnation , decay and eventual extinction. Your histrionics are at once pathetic and laughable. Most people have moved on and accepted the reality that gay people live and work among us and are part of the fabric of society.

Just a few more thoughts:

  1. What the hell is “goofball sex? I assume that you mean gay sex. Do you actually not know that straight people do pretty much all of the same kinds of sex as gay people do? Are you saying that a particular sex act with someone of the opposite sex is not “goofball sex” when it is goofball sex with someone of the same sex? What about sex with non binary, transgender and intersexed people.?
  2. All groomers practice goofball sex? Are you fucking serious? Do you have any idea how many seemingly “upright” straight, “family guys” groom little kids-both girls and boys? Are you really that out of touch with reality
  3. Regarding the Buttigieg family. NO ONE IS THE WIFE. How stupid are you anyway?.
  4. Chasten is grooming young adults to be open to homosexuality? What does that atucually mean? Grooming is understood to mean gaining the trust of someone inorder to exploit them sexually. He is not do that. He is teaching them to not grow up to be ignorant bigots who re consumed by fear and hate. To be adults who can function in a diverse and accepting society. I wonder how well you are fairing in life.

That is all for now I am feeling like throwing up trying to deal with this stupidity and hate. You seem to be someone with some serious problems regarding gender and sexuality. Maybe you should try some introspection instead of condemnation and rejection. The world would be a better place without fools like you
Holy shit Dude! That is quite an over the top unhinged, borderline psychotic screed! You threw up? Did you also shit yourself. I bet it if did not this time you soon will. Get used to the fact that homosexuality has in fact been normalized and you are going to see a lot more of these affirmations by straight people as well as gays. You had better pick up one of those super absorbent packages of diapers because society has changed. Society has evolved and you have apparently been left behind. The anthesis of evolution is stagnation , decay and eventual extinction. Your histrionics are at once pathetic and laughable. Most people have moved on and accepted the reality that gay people live and work among us and are part of the fabric of society.

Just a few more thoughts:

  1. What the hell is “goofball sex? I assume that you mean gay sex. Do you actually not know that straight people do pretty much all of the same kinds of sex as gay people do? Are you saying that a particular sex act with someone of the opposite sex is not “goofball sex” when it is goofball sex with someone of the same sex? What about sex with non binary, transgender and intersexed people.?
  1. All groomers practice goofball sex? Are you fucking serious? Do you have any idea how many seemingly “upright” straight, “family guys” groom little kids-both girls and boys? Are you really that out of touch with reality
  1. Regarding the Buttigieg family. NO ONE IS THE WIFE. How stupid are you anyway?.
  1. Chasten is grooming young adults to be open to homosexuality? What does that atucually mean? Grooming is understood to mean gaining the trust of someone inorder to exploit them sexually. He is not do that. He is teaching them to not grow up to be ignorant bigots who re consumed by fear and hate. To be adults who can function in a diverse and accepting society. I wonder how well you are fairing in life.

That is all for now I am feeling like throwing up trying to deal with this stupidity and hate. You seem to be someone with some serious problems regarding gender and sexuality. Maybe you should try some introspection instead of condemnation and rejection. The world would be a better place without fools like you
Society hasn't evolved. It's become degenerate.
Evolution has left you behind. You will soon be extinct.
Herb Steins law. If something cannot continue it will stop. The degeneracy and depravity in this country cannot continue. Rot eventually rots itself. It cannot continue. It won't stop as much as be stopped. This isn't the first nation to eat itself alive. Rome did it. The Weimar Republic of Germany did it. Our enemies laugh at us, our allies don't trust us.

Evolution? You misspelled destruction.

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