Chauvin juror: I didn't want to go thru the rioting

They were satisfied barely due to the Max sentence. If it was anything less they would have likely rioted. You cannot prove me wrong as it is my opinion. You're free to have your own. As to why I have this opinion. The BLM and their allies rioters are feral animals who burned police stations and small businesses to the ground based on something 99% of the country agreed was bad policing without any proof that racism was involved. That is what I base my opinion on. The riots lasted all summer long. Free stuff is free stuff.

Oh, I agree, TRUMP RIOTS(TM) were a lot worse than they needed to be because TRUMP PLAGUE(TM) had already put everyone in a much more anxious state and TRUMP RECESSSION(TM) meant there were a lot of people out of jobs at the time.

But here's the other part of the problem.

There was no major reform of police after Tamir Rice, Laquan McDonald, Eric Garner, Mike Brown, Alton Sterling, Sandra Bland and a whole bunch of names I can't remember right now.

Colin took a knee, and it ruined his career.

People just got tired of asking nicely for justice.
There are 10mil police interactions per year. You gave eight names. You’re such a loser, princess. How do you live with yourself?
One juror: "I did not want to go through rioting and destruction again and I was concerned about people coming to my house if they were not happy with the verdict."

Appeal on the way.

Of course an appeal is on the way but it wont be based on what the alternate juror who didnt even vote said.
And they still are anxious during the Biden plague which is why the Biden riots. There are still fewer jobs, and if the commies dramatically increase taxes on our job creators, there will be many less.

Uh, except we aren't having riots or the kind of plague numbers we had during Trump. Biden is actually SOLVING the problems... what a crazy idea. Doesn't he know the president's job is to write insane tweets at 3 AM in the morning.

Which all took place in commie cities. So what's stopping them from reform, the same thing that stopped them from reform the last ten years?

The police unions...that's what's keeping them from reforming, and all the assholes who show up with Thin Blue Line flags.

He took a knee and is a multi-millionaire because of it. Had he not taken a knee there is no way he'd be worth a tenth of what he's worth today playing football. From what I read, he was less than an average quarterback.

Missed the point entirely. The fact is, he took a knee, and instead of the country saying, "Wow, this is a serious issue, let's engage in police reform", they said, "You bastard, get him off the field."

You get justice by electing the people of your choice to make laws. You don't get justice by burning, looting and assaulting people. That only happens in an uncivilized society...........oh....wait!!

If you can't send you kid out for candy without fear that he can be legally murdered by a racist, then you don't live in a civilized society. I'm all for this civilization stuff. When does it start?

He was probably on Medicaid. That's besides the fact we have great healthcare in this country. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your hospital, you can keep your hospital. And look at the $2,500 a year families are saving on healthcare every year for the last eight years!!!!

God you people are such suckers. Why don't you listen to us when we warn you about people like the Kenyan Klown?

Do you know for a fact he was on Medicaid? I mean, look, Ray, we know you know more about the weflare system than I do....

They moved the Rodney King case out of his area. They moved the OJ case from where the crime was committed. Why? Because they felt they wouldn't be given a fair trial.

Moving the Rodney King case was a mistake.

As for the OJ Trial, the thinking there was that the small county courthouse in Brentwood couldn't accommodate the media circus that was going to follow. It had nothing to do with whether or not he would be given a "fair" trial.

OJ was acquitted because when your star witness takes the fifth about being a racist that frames black people after he's caught on tape being a racist and bragging about framing black people, you don't have much of a hook to hang your hat on.
Say it to my face, princess. LOL


It’s actually brave when you’re protecting your family.

Nope, it's still being a coward. If you are such a chicken shit that you are terrified someone might come after your family, then say so before you are selected for a jury.
They should lose their seats if they don't follow the law. Lucky though, if he loses at the MN Court of Appeals, and State Supreme he can take it to Federal Court, and those Judges aren't elected....

I do agree once it's overturned the DA will likely offer a plea and not have a re-trial.

Um. No.

First, no Federal Judge is going to want to stick their neck out for this guy, either.
Secondly, he's going to run out of appeal money long before that happens. I mean, I guess he could go to the prison law library and file appeals, but that almost never works.
Liberals connect dots that don’t connect

Because other police said he did wrong then it’s murder

Because he died, it was murder

Because a white cop had to vigorously subdue him, its murder

Because he died later on he was murdered beforehand

Because he died from all sorts of complication and the cop was white, he was murdered.

Beacause the tape is hard to look at, its murder.

Because a crowd of people offered suggestions and were ignored, its murder

On and on the same emotional leaps full of time line suppositions and absent of fact
There are 10mil police interactions per year. You gave eight names. You’re such a loser, princess. How do you live with yourself?

Much better than you do, Princess Bignose.

One name is too many. That's kind of the point. This sort of thing shouldn't be happening at all.

The fact the police shoot 1000 Americans every year, and shoot black people at three times their percentage of the population, is the issue here.

but it's bigger than that. No, most people who get pulled over for a DWB are probably going to walk away from the encounter alive, but hte fact that the encounter happened at all is the problem.
Uh, except we aren't having riots or the kind of plague numbers we had during Trump.
Oh yeah. The Dems who stole the elections are coming up with better numbers in the back room.
Biden is actually SOLVING the problems... what a crazy idea.
Biden's too old. It's his politburo of cabinet advisors who are presently running the government.
Doesn't he know the president's job is to write insane tweets at 3 AM in the morning.
Whose job is it to wake the president in case of war or national danger, and whose judgment is it to let the president sleep on his own pillow?
The police unions...that's what's keeping them from reforming, and all the assholes who show up with Thin Blue Line flags.
NO SHIT. The police unions are all gun grabbing Democrats just like you. It's your own brother cops in solid Democrat blue with that damned democrat police union with the Thin Blue Line flags.
One juror: "I did not want to go through rioting and destruction again and I was concerned about people coming to my house if they were not happy with the verdict."

Appeal on the way.

How stupid does a person have to be to not know that alternate jurors don't vote or participate with the deliberations if they have not been used as a replacement for a juror who has left the jury.

Or do you know this and think that everyone else is stupid? Well I guess you're sort of right. The trump people are stupid enough to buy your lies.

There can't be an appeal based on a person who didn't vote or participate in the deliberations and wasn't a formal member of the jury.

Wow you really are stupid.
I watched the interview with her. She clearly said the threat of riots had NOTHING to do with her decision and that he was clearly guilty based upon the evidence and she even covered the evidence.

You race baiters are disgusting.

She didn't vote either.

No alternate juror votes unless someone from the jury has been removed and that alternate has taken the removed person's place.

This didn't happen.

The trump people are liars and believe that the rest of us are even more stupid than they are. Which shows just how down right stupid the trump people are.
One juror: "I did not want to go through rioting and destruction again and I was concerned about people coming to my house if they were not happy with the verdict."

Appeal on the way.

If this is a just World...which it isn't.......then the appeals court would dismiss all 3 verdicts......and free this guy ....

No the court won't.

You are just too lazy to read the article.

The woman is an ALTERNATE juror. She didn't sit in deliberations nor did she participate in the final vote.

The court isn't going to dismiss the case based on an alternate juror who wasn't involved with deliberations or the final vote.

Most of us aren't as stupid and lazy as you are.

Neither is the judge.

All we're doing is laughing at the level of down right stupidity of you and people like you.
The fact the police shoot 1000 Americans every year, and shoot black people at three times their percentage of the population, is the issue here.

Blacks also murder three times their population and robbery even more. Of course they will have more violent interaction with police than white people.
We know what the alternate juror does
Libbies are fearfully dismissive of her because she was at ground zero and her thoughts and feelings are most likely that of most or all juros. Libs must dismiss that fact from discussions
The fact the police shoot 1000 Americans every year, and shoot black people at three times their percentage of the population, is the issue here.

Blacks also murder three times their population and robbery even more. Of course they will have more violent interaction with police than white people.
Gross encounter number are most likely on whites but whites are 7x the population of Blacks and the encounter factor is no where near 7x, not even quite 2X
NO SHIT. The police unions are all gun grabbing Democrats just like you. It's your own brother cops in solid Democrat blue with that damned democrat police union with the Thin Blue Line flags.

The police unions sold out the the right a long time ago...
You need to reconnect with reality. They're all democrat leftists like the AFL-CIO Teamsters Union. Sold out, yes, but don't call that the right. They're not even on the right side of the law.
Say it to my face, princess. LOL

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It’s actually brave when you’re protecting your family.

Nope, it's still being a coward. If you are such a chicken shit that you are terrified someone might come after your family, then say so before you are selected for a jury.
Well I have kids and I worry about them and I would say that. So worrying about my little girls makes me a coward? Say it to my face, resume writer.
There are 10mil police interactions per year. You gave eight names. You’re such a loser, princess. How do you live with yourself?

Much better than you do, Princess Bignose.

One name is too many. That's kind of the point. This sort of thing shouldn't be happening at all.

The fact the police shoot 1000 Americans every year, and shoot black people at three times their percentage of the population, is the issue here.

but it's bigger than that. No, most people who get pulled over for a DWB are probably going to walk away from the encounter alive, but hte fact that the encounter happened at all is the problem.
Nope...there are thousands of positive police interactions but that doesn't sell. You are just a very stupid person and I enjoy mocking you on this board and when you whine to the mods and yet I am still here and not reprimanded. The Mods think you're a moron.

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