Chauvin juror: I didn't want to go thru the rioting

Yeah, you always have an excuse... Point is, there is plenty of work you can do... but my sister really couldn't do anything... you know, being blind and all. They tried to make her work at a computer answering medical questions over the phone... but that didn't work out so well.

But you keep collecting that government Cheese, Welfare Ray.

I will, thank you.

It's not the point of finding work I can do, it's about finding work I could actually make a reasonable living at which can't be done, especially in an environment of 6.5% unemployment. Even in good times when employers are desperate, they avoid hiring older people for reasons that I stated. We can't lift as much as a young person, we can't go nearly as fast, we don't catch on to doing something we've never done before very quickly like younger people can, especially when it comes to technology, and employers assume we will not be sticking around for a very long time. Like I said, you live in your own fantasy world.

Not really. In fact, even with Affirmative Action, blacks are less likely to get hired. The biggest winners with affirmative action have been WHITE WOMEN. You get just as many points for hiring a white chick that you get for hiring a black person, that's the thing... and they really do work for less.

Bullshit. Give me one case where a white woman was hired over a minority and the minority lost the suit against the company.

Affirmative Action for women is against men--not people of different races.
will, thank you.

It's not the point of finding work I can do, it's about finding work I could actually make a reasonable living at which can't be done, especially in an environment of 6.5% unemployment.

Guy, you had lame ass excuses when unemployment was 3.9%. Get real. The problem is, you don't want to work. Hey, I'm fine with that. Just don't pretend you are better than the HUD guys.
Bullshit. Give me one case where a white woman was hired over a minority and the minority lost the suit against the company.

Affirmative Action for women is against men--not people of different races.

Wasn't the point, was it? The point is, white women have been the beneficiaries of AA, more than minorities.
Wasn't the point, was it? The point is, white women have been the beneficiaries of AA, more than minorities.

Sexual discrimination is different than racial discrimination. Even if there was no AA, women had the right to equal opportunity for employment since John Kennedy signed the bill into law in the 60s. AA came much later.
Guy, you had lame ass excuses when unemployment was 3.9%. Get real. The problem is, you don't want to work. Hey, I'm fine with that. Just don't pretend you are better than the HUD guys.

I did apply for other jobs when unemployment was a 3.9% but no offers in spite of my outstanding work and driving record. I got a few interviews, but as soon as they seen I was an older person with medical problems, I never got a call back.

When I tell you that racial discrimination doesn't actually exist, you tell me it does in spite of the laws against it. However there are also laws against age and medical discrimination, but those are obeyed to a tee and I'm not a victim of those practices. You are the ultimate hypocrite.

I dragged my sick old ass to work at 5:30 am every morning to support those physically and mentally capable HUD people who lived next door to me. They had options that I no longer have. When I did have them, I exercised them. That's the difference. The other difference is that they never contributed a dime to the system that supported them then or now because that's funded by federal income tax which they never paid and never will. The support I now get comes from programs that I did support my entire working life; no different than SS retirement or Medicare.
Sexual discrimination is different than racial discrimination. Even if there was no AA, women had the right to equal opportunity for employment since John Kennedy signed the bill into law in the 60s. AA came much later.

They signed equal opportunity laws into place in the 1960's, too. They STILL needed AA to make both work. The problem is, of course, is that White Women have benefited far more than blacks have from Affirmative Action, and they needed it less.

I did apply for other jobs when unemployment was a 3.9% but no offers in spite of my outstanding work and driving record. I got a few interviews, but as soon as they seen I was an older person with medical problems, I never got a call back.

How did they know you had "medical problems"? Did you come in with a walker?

When I tell you that racial discrimination doesn't actually exist, you tell me it does in spite of the laws against it. However there are also laws against age and medical discrimination, but those are obeyed to a tee and I'm not a victim of those practices. You are the ultimate hypocrite.

OH, I agree, there are medical and age discrimination... I've been a victim of both, and it's why I no longer vote Republican.... because the real enemy aren't poor people, it's rich people. But the one thing I didn't do? I didn't give up, like you have.

I dragged my sick old ass to work at 5:30 am every morning to support those physically and mentally capable HUD people who lived next door to me. They had options that I no longer have. When I did have them, I exercised them. That's the difference.

You are white and Male, you STILL Have more options. You just gave up.

The other difference is that they never contributed a dime to the system that supported them then or now because that's funded by federal income tax which they never paid and never will. The support I now get comes from programs that I did support my entire working life; no different than SS retirement or Medicare.

Uh, sorry, man, 40% of HUD recipiants have at least one person in the family with a job, and most families on assistance are on it for less than 6 years. If they haven't paid into it up to that point, they will at some point in the future.

HUD, Medicaid, SNAP, are all things used by the working poor, in order to keep labor cheap for the big corporations... and you are fine with it, unless you have to live next door to it.
How did they know you had "medical problems"? Did you come in with a walker?

Because with driving you have to give them a copy of your medical certificate which I could not get. For people like me, they give us a medical waiver which is different in appearance and information.

OH, I agree, there are medical and age discrimination... I've been a victim of both, and it's why I no longer vote Republican.... because the real enemy aren't poor people, it's rich people. But the one thing I didn't do? I didn't give up, like you have.

Of course I gave up. Seems like every year the filthy bureaucrats kept making it harder and harder for people like us to work. When they made it so hard I could no longer work, that's exactly what I did. I gave up. You win. I hope you're happy now.

You are white and Male, you STILL Have more options. You just gave up.

Being white is actually a disadvantage these days. Race has nothing to do with it. As I've tried to explain to you, employers do have a favorite color, and that color is green.

Uh, sorry, man, 40% of HUD recipiants have at least one person in the family with a job, and most families on assistance are on it for less than 6 years. If they haven't paid into it up to that point, they will at some point in the future.

HUD, Medicaid, SNAP, are all things used by the working poor, in order to keep labor cheap for the big corporations... and you are fine with it, unless you have to live next door to it.

That's because you don't understand what income taxes are. Income taxes are not FICA taxes, SS taxes, Medicare taxes. Those are payroll taxes. Income taxes are paid only by those that make over X amount of money or investment profit. A little less than half our population pay actual income taxes in this country, and those HUD people will never pay a dime of it. Disability, Medicare, Social Security are paid via FICA taxes. SS and Medicare deductions of course go to funding those programs, and local taxes such as city and state go directly to those governments. The top 20% of wage earners in this country pay close to 90% of all federal income taxes collected. That's who funds programs like HUD, Medicaid, and SNAP's; those evil rich people.

Even on disability I still pay some federal income tax on my real estate profits. I will pay federal income tax when I withdraw from my IRA. The thousands I pay in property taxes every year go to fund our schools which again, the HUD people never really paid into. I paid for the education of their three kids that they could never afford in the first place.
Because with driving you have to give them a copy of your medical certificate which I could not get. For people like me, they give us a medical waiver which is different in appearance and information.

Except you said you didn't interview for trucking.. holy shit, can you ever keep your story straight.

Of course I gave up. Seems like every year the filthy bureaucrats kept making it harder and harder for people like us to work. When they made it so hard I could no longer work, that's exactly what I did. I gave up. You win. I hope you're happy now.

Yeah, those fucking bureaucrats, making sure guys who are physically unfit aren't on the road driving large vehicles that could potentially kill a lot of people. What a fucking bunch of bastards.

That's because you don't understand what income taxes are. Income taxes are not FICA taxes, SS taxes, Medicare taxes. Those are payroll taxes. Income taxes are paid only by those that make over X amount of money or investment profit. A little less than half our population pay actual income taxes in this country, and those HUD people will never pay a dime of it.

No, actually, they probably will because they get money withheld from their checks. Also, again, most people on assistance are only on it for a few years. The other years of their lives, they are productive.
Except you said you didn't interview for trucking.. holy shit, can you ever keep your story straight.

You have to bring your credentials when you apply. They make copies of your license and medical card so when they sort through the applicants, they have all the information they need to get you started right away. You can't drive until they provide their insurance company with the proper information.

Yeah, those fucking bureaucrats, making sure guys who are physically unfit aren't on the road driving large vehicles that could potentially kill a lot of people. What a fucking bunch of bastards.

Yeah, the same bureaucrats that are so concerned for sefety they let foreigners come here without being able to read or speak English with no evidence they ever drove a truck before. They don't have to go to school, they don't have to take a written or road test like we Americans do. They just hop in a tractor-trailer and learn as they go along driving right next to you on the highway.

No, actually, they probably will because they get money withheld from their checks. Also, again, most people on assistance are only on it for a few years. The other years of their lives, they are productive.

Payroll taxes are not income taxes. I don't understand what you don't get about that. Outside of local taxes which provide for highways, police, street lighting and other things, everything they contribute from payroll taxes they will get back and more IF they live the average lifespan in the US. So they won't contribute a dime unless they hit the lotto or something. HUD, SNAP's, Medicaid, our military, payroll for politicians, all these bureaucracies are not funded through payroll taxes.
You have to bring your credentials when you apply. They make copies of your license and medical card so when they sort through the applicants, they have all the information they need to get you started right away. You can't drive until they provide their insurance company with the proper information.

So how does this stop you from applying for a non-driving job? Or even one that doesn't involve driving a truck. For instance, why couldn't you take a job as a livery driver?

Yeah, the same bureaucrats that are so concerned for sefety they let foreigners come here without being able to read or speak English with no evidence they ever drove a truck before. They don't have to go to school, they don't have to take a written or road test like we Americans do. They just hop in a tractor-trailer and learn as they go along driving right next to you on the highway.

And oddly, Trump didn't change that law when he renegotiated NAFTA.

Wow, did you get played for a sucker.

Payroll taxes are not income taxes. I don't understand what you don't get about that. Outside of local taxes which provide for highways, police, street lighting and other things, everything they contribute from payroll taxes they will get back and more IF they live the average lifespan in the US. So they won't contribute a dime unless they hit the lotto or something. HUD, SNAP's, Medicaid, our military, payroll for politicians, all these bureaucracies are not funded through payroll taxes.

They pay income taxes as well. Shit, I've been paying income taxes on every job I've had since High School...

Now, I don't know what kind of under the table shit they do at Bottom Feeder Trucking, but I have had income tax deducted on every paycheck I've earned.
So how does this stop you from applying for a non-driving job? Or even one that doesn't involve driving a truck. For instance, why couldn't you take a job as a livery driver?

Because that really doesn't pay anything, at least not enough to make a living at. I love being home all summer because I have a large property for being in the city and it's a lot of work. Winter is rough because I'm cooped up in these four walls unless I have to go to one of my apartments to do some work, but it's still inside. Like my father, I can't stand being inside all the time. I have to be outside when I can.

When we get past this Covid thing, I'm probably going to look for some part-time driving job, at least for the non-global warming months. Maybe delivering auto parts or flowers or something. Perhaps drive a non-CDL straight truck since that doesn't require a medical card. None of it pays a living wage, but I can add to my disability deposits and do okay financially. I know a girl that owns a limo company that says she can give me work when I need it. I only drove a limo once in my life many years ago, but how hard can that be. I mean, I pulled a 53 foot trailer for decades.

And oddly, Trump didn't change that law when he renegotiated NAFTA.

Wow, did you get played for a sucker.

The President probably didn't know (and still doesn't) that is even going on. Again, transportation is regulated by bureaucracies, not the politicians. I am disappointed that Trump didn't go after all these bureaucracies. He should have shutdown at least half if not most of them.

They pay income taxes as well. Shit, I've been paying income taxes on every job I've had since High School...

Now, I don't know what kind of under the table shit they do at Bottom Feeder Trucking, but I have had income tax deducted on every paycheck I've earned.

There is nothing under the table when it comes to driving. There is too much government involved. Over 100 mile air radius, drivers have an electronic log book that keeps track of where the are going. Three axles or more, transportation companies have to pay a road tax for every mile that vehicle goes city or over the road.

While policymakers obsess about the income tax, they often lose sight of an important detail: For two-thirds of households, the levy that matters most is the payroll tax.

According to a new report by the Joint Committee on Taxation,
the 80 million tax filers making $40,000 or less will collectively pay no federal income tax and many will even receive cash payments from the IRS in 2015. But they will pay $121 billion in Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes (including the employer share, which most economists believe falls on workers).

Amazing the number of lib loons who choose to feel that social security and Medicare are gummies programs. We paid over one hundred thousand into the fund dipshits. Light years different than your welfare and housing voucher moochers who paid shit plus take from us who do pay.
One juror: "I did not want to go through rioting and destruction again and I was concerned about people coming to my house if they were not happy with the verdict."

Appeal on the way.

It will be IMPOSSIBLE for him to get a fair trial
Because that really doesn't pay anything,
You always have an excuse

When we get past this Covid thing,
You'll have to come up with another excuse, but I have faith in you.
The President probably didn't know (and still doesn't) that is even going on. Again, transportation is regulated by bureaucracies, not the politicians. I am disappointed that Trump didn't go after all these bureaucracies. He should have shutdown at least half if not most of them.

Oh, come on, Trump's WHOLE SCHTICKLE was that Mean Old Mexicans were taking jobs away from Americans because of this awful trade treaty that Clinton signed. So when he renegotiated it, that really should have been something he fixed. Or at least the people he hired to renegotiate the thing, because Trump only hires the best people.

The reality- They simply didn't want the expense of changing drivers every time they hit a border. There are probably just as many American drivers in Mexico and Canada as there are Mexican drivers in the US.

According to a new report by the Joint Committee on Taxation, the 80 million tax filers making $40,000 or less will collectively pay no federal income tax and many will even receive cash payments from the IRS in 2015. But they will pay $121 billion in Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes (including the employer share, which most economists believe falls on workers).

Uh, yeah, that's the problem. Half our workers make LESS than 40K a year. That's fucking obscene in and of itself.
Oh, come on, Trump's WHOLE SCHTICKLE was that Mean Old Mexicans were taking jobs away from Americans because of this awful trade treaty that Clinton signed. So when he renegotiated it, that really should have been something he fixed. Or at least the people he hired to renegotiate the thing, because Trump only hires the best people.

The reality- They simply didn't want the expense of changing drivers every time they hit a border. There are probably just as many American drivers in Mexico and Canada as there are Mexican drivers in the US.

I have no problem with them driving, I have a problem of them not being trained or passing all of our tests like Americans have to. I have a problem with them not knowing our language and driving on our roads only guessing what those signs mean. That goes double for immigrants that are not bringing in freight from another country, and only coming here to to make money.

You don't have to "switch drivers" for anything. All you do is drop the trailer and somebody else will pick it up. It only takes a minute to drop or pickup a trailer.

Uh, yeah, that's the problem. Half our workers make LESS than 40K a year. That's fucking obscene in and of itself.

It is in a commie city and state like yours, but in free America, you can get by making just under 40K a year. 40K a year is over $19.00 an hour. Most welfare people will not make anywhere near that wage which is why I said they will never put back into the system that which they took out.

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