Chauvin juror: I didn't want to go thru the rioting

Sounds like about what you'd get paid on Disability... They don't pay $2000.00 a month. So essentially, you'd rather collect welfare than work.

No, by the time they take out taxes I'd do better on disability. That's besides the fact once you work full-time, you better make sure it's a great promising job because you can never go back. Plus these ads mention nothing about benefits. Since that Kenyan lawn jockey Fd up our healthcare so badly in this country, it's one more company that no longer offers them, and as long as I'm on disability, I get Medicare next year. Commie Care offers no reasonable plans for my health facility. If you like your hospital you can keep your hospital was nothing but another leftist lie.

When this Covid thing is all over or I get the vaccines (If I get them) then I'll consider working lower wage jobs within the constraints of what they allow me to make which I don't have a figure on that yet. Between disability and working part-time, I can probably bring home nearly the same money as driving a truck full time, so accepting a full time low wage job would be the stupidest thing I could ever do. Plus next year I am applicable for a homestead exemption on the house I live in (not my other rental houses) so I'd be ahead there as well as I'll be paying less property tax.

Yup, Ray, you always have an excuse. I think you just like being unhappy.

Thanks OCD, but I've never been happier.

I was a buyer and performed dozens of plant visits in my career.. I doubt you saw much of what was going on from the loading dock where they could hardly wait to get rid of you.

Oh please. Where do you think we truck drivers go to the bathroom at? Most places, the manufacturing is by the dock anyhow.

Actually, obsesity is a medical condition... but never mind. And most people on assistance aren't on it for more than a few years.

Bullshit. That may be true for food stamps but that's about it. These HUD people lived here for a few years. What do you think happened to them, they lost weight and got their own apartment or bought a house overnight? They went to another HUD house, hopefully in the hood so they don't cause problems in another suburban neighborhood.

Um you realize the police are the government, right?

The police are city government, not federal. It's the federal government that permits or denies firearm purchases.
No, by the time they take out taxes I'd do better on disability. That's besides the fact once you work full-time, you better make sure it's a great promising job because you can never go back. Plus these ads mention nothing about benefits. Since that Kenyan lawn jockey Fd up our healthcare so badly in this country, it's one more company that no longer offers them, and as long as I'm on disability, I get Medicare next year. Commie Care offers no reasonable plans for my health facility. If you like your hospital you can keep your hospital was nothing but another leftist lie.

So essentially, you are gaming the system like a HUD tenant.

Nice. Just don't come here whining about "Communism" when you do.

Bullshit. That may be true for food stamps but that's about it. These HUD people lived here for a few years. What do you think happened to them, they lost weight and got their own apartment or bought a house overnight? They went to another HUD house, hopefully in the hood so they don't cause problems in another suburban neighborhood.

The research finds that the typical household in assisted housing now stays for about 6 years. The length of stay varies by household type. Elderly households stay longer, about 9 years, while nonelderly families with children stay about 4 years. The average length of stay varies across the major HUD programs. Households in the Housing Choice Voucher program stayed the longest, with 2015 leavers staying an average of 6.6 years and a median of 4.8 years. Households in public housing that exited in 2015 stayed an average of 5.9 years and a median of 3.0 years. Section 8 project-based households that left in 2015 had slightly shorter stays, with an average of 5.3 years and a median of 3.0 years. In each program, a substantial fraction of households have tenures exceeding the 13-year cutoff used for the survival analysis.

They'll be off welfare long before you are.
Liberals have contorted employment into something that fits into their perpetual victimization
You work for the party who owns the place; not the reverse. You are beholding to him or her; not the reverse. You get paid to do that but there is no further implication or responsibility for or from the job. YOU need to be responsible and plan your life and finances; not the boss. Better planning accompanied with responsibility will always yield better results
Jobs are not designed to assure you can get a place on your own, car, travel, etc.

Maybe they should be.

I'm not sure when we all decided that 99% of us should toil away our whole lives to make the 1% rich.
You love “maybe” land. That’s a feelings characteristic of underachievers. Maybe shit should taste good too.
Liberals have contorted employment into something that fits into their perpetual victimization
You work for the party who owns the place; not the reverse. You are beholding to him or her; not the reverse. You get paid to do that but there is no further implication or responsibility for or from the job. YOU need to be responsible and plan your life and finances; not the boss. Better planning accompanied with responsibility will always yield better results

Guy, it shouldn't be a liberal/conservative thing.

Used to be, both parties agreed that working people should make living wages.

then the Crazies took over the GOP, and you guys are now fine with slave wages.

The problem is, those fucking poor people just refuse to dutifully starve, which is why so many entitlement programs have expanded.
Maybe shit should taste good too

So I'm just wondering, why do you think its awesome that working people can't make ends meet?
The person needs to organize their life so that the employment they choose can take care of them
The person is irresponsible when they expect the employment to fulfill their aspirations from the get go. Cart before the horse.
You do live in feelings land and “maybe it should ism” but you do present counter points instead if name calling .
I would say your analysis of employment is exactly the reverse of reality, the cart before the horse
Maybe they should be.

I'm not sure when we all decided that 99% of us should toil away our whole lives to make the 1% rich.

When you purchase gasoline for your car. When you pay the bill for this internet you're on. When you buy a Big Mac, Whopper, or Wendy's double combo. When you buy a new computer. When you pay your cell phone bill. When you pay your cable or satellite bill. When you buy your favorite soda, beer or other alcohol beverage. When you pay your gas and/or electric bill.

If you don't want the 1% to have 1%, quit giving them all your money. The Amish and Quakers don't.
So essentially, you are gaming the system like a HUD tenant.

Nice. Just don't come here whining about "Communism" when you do.

How am I gaming the system? Government put me out of a job and career and they accepted my application for compensation that I paid into my entire life.

The research finds that the typical household in assisted housing now stays for about 6 years. The length of stay varies by household type. Elderly households stay longer, about 9 years, while nonelderly families with children stay about 4 years. The average length of stay varies across the major HUD programs. Households in the Housing Choice Voucher program stayed the longest, with 2015 leavers staying an average of 6.6 years and a median of 4.8 years. Households in public housing that exited in 2015 stayed an average of 5.9 years and a median of 3.0 years. Section 8 project-based households that left in 2015 had slightly shorter stays, with an average of 5.3 years and a median of 3.0 years. In each program, a substantial fraction of households have tenures exceeding the 13-year cutoff used for the survival analysis.

They'll be off welfare long before you are.

I'm not on welfare, I'm on disability, and technically I'll only be on it for two years since I was going to retire next year anyway.
The way to not care about cocksucking ghetto trash is to have your own so that you can choose where to be. Until you eliminate the sewage slime from your lifespace, they will continue to manipulate your attention.
How am I gaming the system? Government put me out of a job and career and they accepted my application for compensation that I paid into my entire life.

Right, you are gaming the system. You should either wait until you are old enough to retire or get back to us when you have a real disability.

You'll get back everything you paid into it in five years.

I'm not on welfare, I'm on disability, and technically I'll only be on it for two years since I was going to retire next year anyway.

Uh, huh. It's all welfare, buddy. You can call it an "entitlement" but make sure you check your privilege first.
Right, you are gaming the system. You should either wait until you are old enough to retire or get back to us when you have a real disability.

You'll get back everything you paid into it in five years.

So what did you get from my medical records? Oh, that's right, you never seen them, but criticize the government medical professionals that I did submit them to for their decision. Like I said OCD, you find me a job that pays a "living" wage that will hire a 61 year old with no experience at anything except for what he did for a living for over 30 years. You've failed at every attempt and will continue to as long as you try.

Uh, huh. It's all welfare, buddy. You can call it an "entitlement" but make sure you check your privilege first.

My privilege is no different than any other applicant. They never once asked for my race or ethnicity on the application.
So what did you get from my medical records? Oh, that's right, you never seen them, but criticize the government medical professionals that I did submit them to for their decision. Like I said OCD, you find me a job that pays a "living" wage that will hire a 61 year old with no experience at anything except for what he did for a living for over 30 years. You've failed at every attempt and will continue to as long as you try.

You can keep repeating the same thing, but you don't tell a consistant story. According to you, you could got back to work tomorrow but the mean old government won't let you. That tells me you aren't disabled. My late sister was effectively blind, and it took her years to get the bureaucrats to sign off on her disability.

My privilege is no different than any other applicant. They never once asked for my race or ethnicity on the application.

Again, either you support welfare or you don't. Welfare for me but not for thee isn't a logical position. You don't want to live in the world you advocate.
You can keep repeating the same thing, but you don't tell a consistant story. According to you, you could got back to work tomorrow but the mean old government won't let you. That tells me you aren't disabled. My late sister was effectively blind, and it took her years to get the bureaucrats to sign off on her disability.

Yes, I could do my job if I could go back tomorrow because I did it for over 30 years. An employer would pay me a decent wage because of my experience and outstanding attendance and driving record. However if I just got out of school with no experience, in spite of having a license and the need for tractor-trailer drivers, I wouldn't stand a chance at getting a job making reasonable money. An employer would look at the cost to provide me with healthcare insurance given my age and preexisting conditions, and also have to consider my age since I could retire next year and it would be a waste of time training me only to have to do it all over again in a year from now. Even in my profession those would still be serious hurdles and considerations.

Your problem is anger transference; your built up hostility over your sisters situation that you never released and taking out on mine. You really do need a lot of psychiatric help.

Again, either you support welfare or you don't. Welfare for me but not for thee isn't a logical position. You don't want to live in the world you advocate.

So who made you God to give me or anybody what choices we are allowed to have? I'm for giving aid to people who need it. I'm not for giving aid to young or otherwise physically and mentally capable people with reasonable intelligence who have all the choices in the world before them. And in fact I'd be more willing to see below average intelligence people who work getting subsidies over those other people because I've worked with them in the past. They have no chance at ever making a decent wage because of their intellectual limitations that is no fault of their own but still are hard workers.
Relevant reading...

Juror who vowed impartiality in George Floyd case, despite donning BLM shirt, now touts jury duty as activism

One of the jurors in the murder trial of former Minneapolis policeman Derek Chauvin may have misled the judge about his knowledge of the case, and said in an interview that serving on such panels is a form of community activism.

Brandon Mitchell, the first juror to come out publicly and do media interviews about the Chauvin trial, told syndicated radio host Erica Campbell this week that serving on juries is important “if we wanna see change, we wanna see some things going different.” He added, “We gotta get out there and get into these avenues, get into these rooms to try to spark some change. Jury duty is one of those things – jury duty, voting. All of those things we gotta do.”

Mitchell described in other media interviews how he and all but one of the other 11 jurors were quickly ready to convict Chauvin on all charges (second-degree murder, third-degree murder and manslaughter) in connection with the death last May of George Floyd.

And yet Mitchell, a 31-year-old black man who coaches high school basketball in Minneapolis, where Floyd's infamous death occurred, reportedly told Judge Peter Cahill during jury selection in March that he hadn't heard anything about the George Floyd civil case. He said he may have heard some basic information in news reports about trial dates, but nothing that would prevent him from serving as an impartial juror.

Mitchell also told Chauvin's defense lawyer during questioning that he didn't know whether Chauvin did anything wrong and that he believed the officer had no intention of harming anyone.

However, a Facebook post last August by Travis Mitchell, uncle of Brandon Mitchell, appears to show the future juror wearing a BLM hat and a BLM T-shirt with a message that alluded specifically to the George Floyd incident: “Get your knee off our necks.” Floyd died after Chauvin pinned him to the pavement, pressing his knee against his neck for more than nine minutes.

Yes, I could do my job if I could go back tomorrow because I did it for over 30 years. An employer would pay me a decent wage because of my experience and outstanding attendance and driving record. However if I just got out of school with no experience, in spite of having a license and the need for tractor-trailer drivers, I wouldn't stand a chance at getting a job making reasonable money. An employer would look at the cost to provide me with healthcare insurance given my age and preexisting conditions, and also have to consider my age since I could retire next year and it would be a waste of time training me only to have to do it all over again in a year from now. Even in my profession those would still be serious hurdles and considerations.

Your problem is anger transference; your built up hostility over your sisters situation that you never released and taking out on mine. You really do need a lot of psychiatric help.

Naw, I'm not upset because of that. I am amused that you get on here all day whining like a little bitch about government and HUD neighbors and "commies", but the MINUTE you hit a setback in life, you go running off looking for a bag of government cheese.

So who made you God to give me or anybody what choices we are allowed to have? I'm for giving aid to people who need it. I'm not for giving aid to young or otherwise physically and mentally capable people with reasonable intelligence who have all the choices in the world before them. And in fact I'd be more willing to see below average intelligence people who work getting subsidies over those other people because I've worked with them in the past. They have no chance at ever making a decent wage because of their intellectual limitations that is no fault of their own but still are hard workers.

So subsidizing Corky the Retard to bag groceries is okay, but man, don't you complain about 400 years of institutionalized racism because Ray doesn't want to think that exists when he compares people of color to animals... um. Right.
Naw, I'm not upset because of that. I am amused that you get on here all day whining like a little bitch about government and HUD neighbors and "commies", but the MINUTE you hit a setback in life, you go running off looking for a bag of government cheese.

Of course you're upset. That's why it has such a major effect on your OCD. You've been bringing it up in nearly every post for a year and a half. It kills you that SS gave your sister such a hard time and they gave it to me with no problems. Government cheese? You mean the same government cheese I've been funding for over 40 years? Like I said, if there were a job available to a guy my age making even close to the same money I made before, I would have taken it. You leftists don't live in the real world--we conservatives do. You live in this make believe world in your heads.

So subsidizing Corky the Retard to bag groceries is okay, but man, don't you complain about 400 years of institutionalized racism because Ray doesn't want to think that exists when he compares people of color to animals... um. Right.

What happened before I was born had no effect on my life, nor does it for black people. In fact, they have an advantage with reverse discrimination. To avoid any lawsuits, an employer MUST hire a minority over a white if they have equal or better qualifications. In fact companies that use blue collar work often pick minorities over whites because they will work for less money.
Of course you're upset. That's why it has such a major effect on your OCD. You've been bringing it up in nearly every post for a year and a half. It kills you that SS gave your sister such a hard time and they gave it to me with no problems. Government cheese? You mean the same government cheese I've been funding for over 40 years? Like I said, if there were a job available to a guy my age making even close to the same money I made before, I would have taken it. You leftists don't live in the real world--we conservatives do. You live in this make believe world in your heads.

Yeah, you always have an excuse... Point is, there is plenty of work you can do... but my sister really couldn't do anything... you know, being blind and all. They tried to make her work at a computer answering medical questions over the phone... but that didn't work out so well.

But you keep collecting that government Cheese, Welfare Ray.

What happened before I was born had no effect on my life, nor does it for black people. In fact, they have an advantage with reverse discrimination. To avoid any lawsuits, an employer MUST hire a minority over a white if they have equal or better qualifications. In fact companies that use blue collar work often pick minorities over whites because they will work for less money.

Not really. In fact, even with Affirmative Action, blacks are less likely to get hired. The biggest winners with affirmative action have been WHITE WOMEN. You get just as many points for hiring a white chick that you get for hiring a black person, that's the thing... and they really do work for less.

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