Chauvin juror: I didn't want to go thru the rioting

Uh, except we aren't having riots or the kind of plague numbers we had during Trump. Biden is actually SOLVING the problems... what a crazy idea. Doesn't he know the president's job is to write insane tweets at 3 AM in the morning.

What problem did that dementia patient ever solve? Portland is a mess, Minneapolis the same, protests from coast to coast. It's to the point Governor DeSantis had to sign a bill making it legal to run over protestors and rioters who block the streets in Florida. Oklahoma is in the process of doing the same, but they were invaded by a BLM's insurrection.

Biden has done nothing but piss people off. He's pissed off our neighbors in Canada, pissed off the workers who were working on the pipeline, some making six figure salaries, he's pissed off an American Indian tribe, pissed off the military, pissed off parents with daughters in school athletics, pissed off anybody who uses gasoline, pissed off our border patrol, pissed off ICE.......there are few people he hasn't pissed off and next will be our job creators.

The police unions...that's what's keeping them from reforming, and all the assholes who show up with Thin Blue Line flags.

Bullshit. If the unions had that much power the cities wouldn't be bringing their officers to trial. Now I understand the commies in Cincinnati want to bring charges against an officer that likely saved the life of a teen black girl. If they do, let's see how strong these police unions are.

Missed the point entirely. The fact is, he took a knee, and instead of the country saying, "Wow, this is a serious issue, let's engage in police reform", they said, "You bastard, get him off the field."

Yes, get off the field, or like the title of Laura Ingraham's book, Shut Up and Sing.

NFL ratings have been plummeting since, the NBA, and now MLB decided to destroy their industry as well. Brilliant.

If you can't send you kid out for candy without fear that he can be legally murdered by a racist, then you don't live in a civilized society. I'm all for this civilization stuff. When does it start?

When we can get rid of every Democrat in the country.

Do you know for a fact he was on Medicaid? I mean, look, Ray, we know you know more about the weflare system than I do....

I know more than you do with just about anything. The guy had no job, severely hooked on dope, and was so desperate he tried to pass a counterfeit 20 dollar bill which eventually led to his death. He had nothing. If he did get any medical care, it had to be through Medicaid. It wouldn't have done him any good anyhow because he refused to take care of himself. That's why he had three times the lethal dose of Fentanyl in his system at the time of his autopsy.

Moving the Rodney King case was a mistake.

As for the OJ Trial, the thinking there was that the small county courthouse in Brentwood couldn't accommodate the media circus that was going to follow. It had nothing to do with whether or not he would be given a "fair" trial.

That was only part of their excuse, but the other part was because of race. Need the links and I'll post them, but I'm not going to waste my time if you refuse to learn the truth about anything.
Well I have kids and I worry about them and I would say that. So worrying about my little girls makes me a coward? Say it to my face, resume writer.

What problem did that dementia patient ever solve? Portland is a mess, Minneapolis the same, protests from coast to coast. It's to the point Governor DeSantis had to sign a bill making it legal to run over protestors and rioters who block the streets in Florida. Oklahoma is in the process of doing the same, but they were invaded by a BLM's insurrection.

Biden has done nothing but piss people off. He's pissed off our neighbors in Canada, pissed off the workers who were working on the pipeline, some making six figure salaries, he's pissed off an American Indian tribe, pissed off the military, pissed off parents with daughters in school athletics, pissed off anybody who uses gasoline, pissed off our border patrol, pissed off ICE.......there are few people he hasn't pissed off and next will be our job creators.

yet he has a higher job approval than Trump ever did.
She thought he was guilty and would have voted that way, but she was an alternate and did not participate in the decision. The actual jurors' names have not been released.

Before the trial, she was asked if she wanted to be a juror, and said her feelings were mixed....but after she had sat through the trial she would have voted guilty anyway. So why a retrial?
She didn’t participate in deliberations.
why will he get an appeal...he is a white cop who killed a black man and got convicted...the powers that are cannot allow this...the implication of white men being held responsible for their actions wont fly...simple as that..
But the cop didn’t kill him. Floyd died from a drug overdose. This is where the verdicts make no sense.
Chauvin should have been held accountable for keeping him pinned down while and after he died. Completely different charge.
That’s what makes this an obvious mob intimidation issue.
It sounds like there was another set-up in the works, and it's getting busted big time.
Wrong. Convict on the maximum and hope to God you're not doxed and your family is not attacked. If I were in their shoes, that would be my thinking. Can't yell at me, I convicted the man on the maximum sentence I could. Black Lives Matter. Please don't hurt my family. That was their mindset. Stop being a dink.
Even a little worse than the usual dirty deals going down the DA's office.
Well I have kids and I worry about them and I would say that. So worrying about my little girls makes me a coward? Say it to my face, resume writer.
So you have a "daughter" ... ?
pissed off parents with daughters in school athletics
... and she's playing sports in high school, and older men are watching her?

The picture is clear now.
Clarify for me again at exactly what point was Floyd deceased?
When the drug overdose caused his heart to stop.
What seems to be omitted is did he or did he not die in the spot? We know about the repeated fakery of “can’t breathe” but I’ve never heard of delayed strangulation as a cause of death
The autopsy said drug overdose did him in and I thought it was while he was still on the ground.
Clarify for me again at exactly what point was Floyd deceased?
When the drug overdose caused his heart to stop.
What seems to be omitted is did he or did he not die in the spot? We know about the repeated fakery of “can’t breathe” but I’ve never heard of delayed strangulation as a cause of death
The autopsy said drug overdose did him in and I thought it was while he was still on the ground.
I think most of this has been offered up as he died while the policeman was kneeling on him
Is this just another feelings fake or emotional presumption that has been allowed to run wild as fact?
Clarify for me again at exactly what point was Floyd deceased?
When the drug overdose caused his heart to stop.
What seems to be omitted is did he or did he not die in the spot? We know about the repeated fakery of “can’t breathe” but I’ve never heard of delayed strangulation as a cause of death
The autopsy said drug overdose did him in and I thought it was while he was still on the ground.
I think most of this has been offered up as he died while the policeman was kneeling on him
Is this just another feelings fake or emotional presumption that has been allowed to run wild as fact?
If you find something different, post it.
One juror: "I did not want to go through rioting and destruction again and I was concerned about people coming to my house if they were not happy with the verdict."

Appeal on the way.

Do you think we are that dumb.

Kyle is a writer and producer for Fox News' #1 cable primetime show Hannity. He is a veteran of award-winning digital news startup Independent Journal Review. He was one of the initial hires as a freelance Content Creator and quickly became Senior Managing Editor and then Director of Viral Media.
Kyle Becker’s Biography | Muck Rack
Do we think you are dumb?

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Next question.

Really, all that is needed here is blabbering Maxine Waters threatening the world along with her side kicks Biden and Obama for an appeal.

The judge also chose not to sequester the jury, so they saw all of it.

You must think we , the democrats, are stupid.
there is no thinking about it....its a FACT
Justice served. The article was about an alternate juror who didn’t get a standing and said the cop was guilty. Separately the article throws in an anonymous “quote” from “one juror” that has no context and has a broken link for citation. BULLSHIT.
Bald garbage piece. Sounds like Breitbart.
Why don't you believe in Due Process?
I do believe in sound reporting though. And clear thinking.
So why do you think it's garage that a juror was concerned about riots in response to her verdict?
It's garbage that her consideration about that BEFORE the trial somehow means it influenced her final decision, or that it means ALL the actual jurors felt that way. Of course, anyone would think of that when they were called up. But at least this particular woman was relieved to find she didn't have to worry about it because he was clearly guilty.
well the consideration BEFORE the trial is the issue....if she wasn't concerned until after her job was don
Why? I don't get it.
surprise, surprise!!!!!

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