Chauvin juror: I didn't want to go thru the rioting

But the cop didn’t kill him. Floyd died from a drug overdose.
He's black. The cops have been drug-overdosing blacks for years, while whites are high on heroin all day long and the cops don't do shit.
Quotable quotes (exclusive Gary Busey edition):

"You're lucky those pork chops didn't shoot you and say you was crazy on PCP cuz thats what they say about everybody they shoot and I think they're lacing the bullets with PCP cuz then they got an alibi for killin' everybody! Think about that!"
You can use the testimony of the pulmonologist, who identified Floyds time of death from the video. At a time Chauvin had his knee on Floyds neck, and continued to do so for another two minutes.
From drugs.
Actually if Floyd died from drugs while Chauvin had his knee on Floyds neck, there would have been no need for Chauvin to restrain Floyd. Someone OD'ing on fentanyl would have been near comatose long before Chauvin put Floyd on the ground.
Funny, the prosecutions medical examiners said that such conclusions were outside their field. As they explained, their experience is limited to the dead, you would need a practicing physician to come to conclusions about the living.

Okay, try it yourself. Try panting or talking while holding your breath.
The pulmonary specialist pinpointed the second that Floyd died. And that Chauvin continued to keep his knee on Floyd for two minutes after that.

Because you really think that Chavin knew he was dead, right? I don't recall in that video Chauvin listening to his heart or talking a pulse.
As they explained, their experience is limited to the dead, you would need a practicing physician to come to conclusions about the living.
Okay, try it yourself. Try panting or talking while holding your breath.
You confuse a partial obstruction with a total obstruction. Total obstruction makes someone unable to make a sound, but a partial one makes speech difficult but possible. And especially in this case where Chauvins weight and his prone position made it hard to breathe in.
The pulmonary specialist pinpointed the second that Floyd died. And that Chauvin continued to keep his knee on Floyd for two minutes after that.
Because you really think that Chavin knew he was dead, right? I don't recall in that video Chauvin listening to his heart or talking a pulse.
It doesn't make a difference if Chauvin knew Floyd was dead. He knew Floyd wasn't moving or breathing or putting up a fight.
You confuse a partial obstruction with a total obstruction. Total obstruction makes someone unable to make a sound, but a partial one makes speech difficult but possible. And especially in this case where Chauvins weight and his prone position made it hard to breathe in.

Dr. David Fowler, a former Maryland chief medical examiner who is now with a consulting firm, said the fentanyl and methamphetamine in Floyd’s system, and possibly carbon monoxide poisoning from auto exhaust, were contributing factors in the 46-year-old Black man’s death last May.

“All of those combined to cause Mr. Floyd’s death,” he said on the second day of the defense case.

Fowler also testified that he would classify the manner of death “undetermined,” rather than homicide, as the county’s chief medical examiner ruled. He said Floyd’s death had too many conflicting factors, some of which could be ruled homicide and some that could be considered accidental.

But Fowler said that Chauvin’s knee on Floyd was “nowhere close to his airway” and that Floyd’s speaking and groaning showed that his airway was still open. He also testified that Chauvin’s knee was not applied with enough pressure to cause any bruises or scrapes on Floyd’s neck or back.

Now if Floyd was otherwise just uncooperative and made no complaints that he couldn't breathe, then it would make a stronger case. But the fact is he was making the same complaints on the ground under Chauvin's knee that he was sitting in the back seat of the police car. Clearly it wasn't his knee that made him believe he couldn't breathe.
Now if Floyd was otherwise just uncooperative and made no complaints that he couldn't breathe, then it would make a stronger case. But the fact it he was making the same complaints on the ground under Chauvin's knee that he was sitting in the back seat of the police car. Clearly it wasn't his knee that made him believe he couldn't breathe.

Uh, news alert.

The jury found Chauvin guilty on all counts.

Their case was strong enough.
Because Chauvin killed Floyd, whether or not he knew it at the time is irrelevant, except on determining the degree of murder.

However you have brought it up repeatedly insinuating that Chauvin kept his knee on the suspect as if he knew he was dead. If you don't believe he knew, why keep bringing it up? It wasn't a factor in the case.
Well, gee, thanks for telling me something I didn't know. :rolleyes:

Let me correct you here: The jury felt threatened enough to find him guilty on all counts.

Why would they feel threatened? Nobody knows who they are, unless they come forward and give interviews.

Point was, the prosecution had that tape.
They had his superiors saying his actions were wrong.
They had medical experts saying he killed Floyd.

Chauvin had a bunch of paid-for witnesses of questionable credibility.

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