Chauvin juror: I didn't want to go thru the rioting

They should lose their seats if they don't follow the law. Lucky though, if he loses at the MN Court of Appeals, and State Supreme he can take it to Federal Court, and those Judges aren't elected....

I do agree once it's overturned the DA will likely offer a plea and not have a re-trial.
Actually federal judges give great deference to the opinion of the states highest court as to overseeing their court system. Such as when the Texas supreme court allowed a death sentence to stand where the guys lawyer was constantly falling asleep during the trial.

A federal judge threw out the conviction, but on appeal it was ultimately reinstated by the US supreme court, who relying on the Texas court said there was no proof given, that what the lawyer slept through would have changed the outcome of the case.
they follow the law. the issue on appeal was infective assistance of coucnel and the standard was would that have effected the outcome of the trial. that’s not the issue here
She was an alternate juror. The judge specifically told each juror and alternate NOT to discuss the case with the other jurors.

She could not have influenced the jurors who deliberated the case.
sure Judges do that all the time....doesn't mean they don't....moreover, her feelings are a great representation of how others in the pool thought. She didn't know, nor did any of the others now, who the alternatives were until right before they went back to deliberate. The fact she is an alternative is likely the only reason she has come forward about how the juroris were feelings about the threats.
Actually it just represents how SHE felt about the threats. As she and the other jurors were told not to discuss the case with the other jurors, they would have no idea how each other felt about the threats. Remember, she didn't express the concerns until after she was dismissed, and not able to share those concerns with the other jurors.

Your theory is based on the jurors disobeying the judges orders and instructions.
she couldn’t talk to the press before.

her thoughts show how how the rest of the jury felt about the threats from the leftist
Now if Floyd was otherwise just uncooperative and made no complaints that he couldn't breathe, then it would make a stronger case. But the fact it he was making the same complaints on the ground under Chauvin's knee that he was sitting in the back seat of the police car. Clearly it wasn't his knee that made him believe he couldn't breathe.

Uh, news alert.

The jury found Chauvin guilty on all counts.

Their case was strong enough.
You mean the the mob was substantial enough.
When you attack my family, I strike back. Butt out, leftist
Nobody attacked your family.

We made fun of you of being such a coward you would vote an innocent man guilty to appease the mob.
I was about to take his side. As it's a no-no to attack someones family on this forum.

If his claim of family attack is false, so is his credibility.
Read for yourself. I said I would not be able to fairly judge Chauvin because I would not want to put my daughters in jeopardy. He called that cowardice. You be the judge, leftist.
He'll get his appeal.
Might even get a new trial, IF HE WANTS ONE.

Do they REALLY want to give the prosecution another bite at the apple now that they know your defense?

But, his chances of winning a trial? None or less unless they get a jury of blind deaf people.
His chances of pulling a heavier sentence pretty good.

He'll get his appeal and may get a sentence reduction but there is no way he wants another trial.
In this atmosphere, yes, no way would he get a fair trial.
He got a fair trial.

He'd get a fair trial

But it may not be the trial he wants.
You never ever want to give the prosecution two bites at the apple.

ESPECIALLY since all that is needed for conviction is the video.
He'll get his appeal.
Might even get a new trial, IF HE WANTS ONE.

Do they REALLY want to give the prosecution another bite at the apple now that they know your defense?

But, his chances of winning a trial? None or less unless they get a jury of blind deaf people.
His chances of pulling a heavier sentence pretty good.

He'll get his appeal and may get a sentence reduction but there is no way he wants another trial.

If he doesn't appeal he'll likely have to spend the rest of his life in prison. He has nothing to lose.

10 years with parole eligibility after 5.
Justice served. The article was about an alternate juror who didn’t get a standing and said the cop was guilty. Separately the article throws in an anonymous “quote” from “one juror” that has no context and has a broken link for citation. BULLSHIT.
So your take is the jury was not intimidated ? I dont believe you .

10 years with parole eligibility after 5.
That could be his best option because he will never get a fair trial....At least in the near future. I would wait until the biased news cycle moves on and then maybe mount an appeal, but, I believe you are correct, it's probably best to serve 'good' time and possibly get out sooner.
Dr. David Fowler, a former Maryland chief medical examiner who is now with a consulting firm, said the fentanyl and methamphetamine in Floyd’s system, and possibly carbon monoxide poisoning from auto exhaust, were contributing factors in the 46-year-old Black man’s death last May.

“All of those combined to cause Mr. Floyd’s death,” he said on the second day of the defense case.

Fowler also testified that he would classify the manner of death “undetermined,” rather than homicide, as the county’s chief medical examiner ruled.
You know that Dr. Fowler was PAID to say what he said.
However you have brought it up repeatedly insinuating that Chauvin kept his knee on the suspect as if he knew he was dead. If you don't believe he knew, why keep bringing it up? It wasn't a factor in the case.
As I said, if there was any indication that Chauvin knew Floyd was dead while he had his knee on him, he would have been charged with 1st degree murder.
Dr. David Fowler, a former Maryland chief medical examiner who is now with a consulting firm, said the fentanyl and methamphetamine in Floyd’s system, and possibly carbon monoxide poisoning from auto exhaust, were contributing factors in the 46-year-old Black man’s death last May.

“All of those combined to cause Mr. Floyd’s death,” he said on the second day of the defense case.

Fowler also testified that he would classify the manner of death “undetermined,” rather than homicide, as the county’s chief medical examiner ruled.
You know that Dr. Fowler was PAID to say what he said.
Consultants get paid. Anything new?
One juror: "I did not want to go through rioting and destruction again and I was concerned about people coming to my house if they were not happy with the verdict."

Appeal on the way.

Do you think we are that dumb.

Kyle is a writer and producer for Fox News' #1 cable primetime show Hannity. He is a veteran of award-winning digital news startup Independent Journal Review. He was one of the initial hires as a freelance Content Creator and quickly became Senior Managing Editor and then Director of Viral Media.
Kyle Becker’s Biography | Muck Rack
Do you think we are that dumb.

Always you have proven time and again.
You can use the testimony of the pulmonologist, who identified Floyds time of death from the video. At a time Chauvin had his knee on Floyds neck, and continued to do so for another two minutes.
From drugs.
Actually if Floyd died from drugs while Chauvin had his knee on Floyds neck, there would have been no need for Chauvin to restrain Floyd. Someone OD'ing on fentanyl would have been near comatose long before Chauvin put Floyd on the ground.
That was what the bystanders were complaining about.
The autopsy report ruled that Floyd died from a drug overdose. How you get a murder charge let alone conviction for Chauvin is inexplicable.
they follow the law. the issue on appeal was infective assistance of coucnel and the standard was would that have effected the outcome of the trial. that’s not the issue here
And there is no proof that the fear of an alternate juror who did not participate, was shared by the 12 jurors that deliberated.
she couldn’t talk to the press before.

her thoughts show how how the rest of the jury felt about the threats from the leftist
Actually that presumption is that the jurors who discussed the case, violated the judges instructions, and their oath as jurors.
Read for yourself. I said I would not be able to fairly judge Chauvin because I would not want to put my daughters in jeopardy. He called that cowardice. You be the judge, leftist.
If you had a family member that would have influenced your ability to be a member of the jury, you would have answered that or brought it up voir dire.
So your take is the jury was not intimidated ? I dont believe you .
My point is that jury intimidation would have ended at second degree manslaughter. They wouldn't have let their fears push them beyond all justification.

This isn't the first time riots surrounded a criminal case, and never before have they had an impact on the jury.

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