Chauvin juror: I didn't want to go thru the rioting

The crowd complained the officer was killing Floyd, not that he was comatose. The entire defense was based on Floyd struggling, which someone OD'ing on fentanyl would be incapable of minutes before dying.
Tell the coroner he was wrong.
Wrong about what? The coroner said that Chauvin killed Floyd. A homicide due to police action.

Dr. Baker described Mr. Floyd’s cause of death as “cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression.” The manner of death, he wrote, was homicide.
The crowd complained the officer was killing Floyd, not that he was comatose. The entire defense was based on Floyd struggling, which someone OD'ing on fentanyl would be incapable of minutes before dying.
Tell the coroner he was wrong.
Wrong about what? The coroner said that Chauvin killed Floyd. A homicide due to police action.

Dr. Baker described Mr. Floyd’s cause of death as “cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression.” The manner of death, he wrote, was homicide.
All of which complicated Floyd’s heart issues and drug dosage.
“Baker said Chauvin's knee appeared to be compressing Chauvin's neck, but qualified that this was his impression from looking at the video, not from conducting his autopsy. He said did not believe the pressure from the knee would cut off Floyd's airway.”
“Baker said Chauvin's knee appeared to be compressing Chauvin's neck, but qualified that this was his impression from looking at the video, not from conducting his autopsy. He said did not believe the pressure from the knee would cut off Floyd's airway.”
Approximately 5% of cases reportedly remain unknown after a complete autopsy.
The Frequency of Truly Unknown/Undetermined Deaths: A ...

The autopsy couldn't conclude a cause of death. So it's a good thing they caught the murder on video.
“Baker said Chauvin's knee appeared to be compressing Chauvin's neck, but qualified that this was his impression from looking at the video, not from conducting his autopsy. He said did not believe the pressure from the knee would cut off Floyd's airway.”
Approximately 5% of cases reportedly remain unknown after a complete autopsy.
The Frequency of Truly Unknown/Undetermined Deaths: A ...

The autopsy couldn't conclude a cause of death. So it's a good thing they caught the murder on video.
So how can you charge someone with murder if you can’t conclude they were murdered?
she couldn’t talk to the press before.

her thoughts show how how the rest of the jury felt about the threats from the leftist
Actually that presumption is that the jurors who discussed the case, violated the judges instructions, and their oath as jurors.
Even if we take your presumption as fact, and they didn't discuss the CASE, that still doesn't mean they didn't discuss the riots,insurrection, and violence from left that has impacted their city for months, including during the trial...and the threats from Dems that they will continue...and obviously, from this juror's interview, they were all aware of it.

Will be interesting what the Courts do on appeal.
You’re a nobody. Like I said don’t talk shit here since you’re fat and weak.

Hey, man, we get it, you're a coward for all your tough talk.

Me, I'd go into that jury and vote my conscience. if they had really, really proven Chauvin didn't do it, that's how I would have voted. Of course, they didn't... so it's a moot point.
See moron, in reality the appeals court judge must decide based on facts and evidence. Not your constant threats of violence if you don’t get your way. And there are too many factors in Chauvin’s favor for the appeals court to NOT send this back for a re-do. Not sequestering the jury, not changing venue, thank Maxine for her idiocy that may well clinch it for Chauvin.

Uh, buddy, the Appeals Court isn't going to stick their necks out for this guy, either.

There really are no factors in Chauvin's favor. There never wear.

The whole Chauvin Defense boiled down to..

1) Floyd was a very bad man.
2) Who you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?

This defense didn't work for Jason van Dyke in Chicago, why did you think it was going to work here.

Van Dyke had a moment of panic, this guy sat on the man's neck for nine fucking minutes. He had plenty of time to re-evaluate his actions.
The jurors had already been partially doxxed. Addresses, employers, etc. Questionable credibility? Chauvin’s witnesses at least spoke English fluently. So a bunch of paid “experts” who never looked at anything claimed murder and they knew “exactly when Floyd dies”. Bullshit. But you love it.

Uh, the witnesses for the prosecution actually examined the body.

The guy who brought up the debunked didn't. His testimony was so ridiculous that Maryland is actually now reviewing all his cases to make sure he didn't fuck those up.

Yes, his testimony was so bad, that all his life work is now being questioned.
Even if we take your presumption as fact, and they didn't discuss the CASE, that still doesn't mean they didn't discuss the riots,insurrection, and violence from left that has impacted their city for months, including during the trial...and the threats from Dems that they will continue...and obviously, from this juror's interview, they were all aware of it.

Will be interesting what the Courts do on appeal.

Why, do you think they want riots? Nobody is going to stick their neck out for this guy.
It cuts both ways. Someone sympathetic for Chauvin could have also lied in hopes causing a hung jury.

One has to assume they were honest voir dire, and took their oath seriously.

The difference is if somebody was sympathetic for Chauvin, they put their lives on the line voting not guilty. If somebody wanted to make sure he went to jail, they were praised by the other un-American animals.
Dipshit #449: Incorrect, Einstein. Fentanyl Floyd’s asphyxia suicide was already in progress (before [italics]) any of Chauvin’s asphyxia assistance. Cocksucker Floyd lied about drugs and paid the price. Chauvin added the ‘heroin’ only after the fact. Suicide-murder, not the other way around.
Baltimore / Ferntanyl Enhanced Brain Hypoxia
When pospotus and catholic-CIA puppet JoeXi calls Floyd’s family, one should not forget that the CIA’s complicity in global drug traffic is linked to the painting hanging in the White House dining room, which is also a CIA and Clinton crime family link. Was Floyd’s fentanyl Chinese?

23 Ap 2021 Record Amounts of Fentanyl, Crack Cocaine and Other Drugs Seized in and Around Montreal
’....Crescent Street....’
Even if we take your presumption as fact, and they didn't discuss the CASE, that still doesn't mean they didn't discuss the riots,insurrection, and violence from left that has impacted their city for months, including during the trial...and the threats from Dems that they will continue...and obviously, from this juror's interview, they were all aware of it.

Will be interesting what the Courts do on appeal.

Why, do you think they want riots? Nobody is going to stick their neck out for this guy.
Why do leftist want riots? I suppose to undermine the Republic, and the Justice system. I can understand how a resident of a city that has felt them would feel pressured to try and avoid them
Why do leftist want riots? I suppose to undermine the Republic, and the Justice system. I can understand how a resident of a city that has felt them would feel pressured to try and avoid them

The left are puppets of the MSM. The MSM knows if they can influence protests and riots it's good for the bottom line. The truth of the matter is more whites than blacks get killed by cops, and many more unarmed whites get killed by cops as well even though blacks make up the majority of our murders and violent crime in this country, but the MSM will not tell us these things. You need to go to a real news source like Fox to get that information.

When was the last time the national media did a story about a white suspect getting killed by police? Never. Because American whites would just sit back and say "The asshole must have deserved it." But they know they can rile up blacks and self-hating whites. Surveys show that most blacks believe the cops target blacks. Forget about the statistics. Most won't dig into those to understand the truth. The MSM leads them to believe police target blacks so in their minds, that's the truth.
Don’t forget that blm-antifa pre-emptive racist violence and destruction was occurring as a half-million Americans were being consumed by the bulemic, communist Chinese virus. They were too busy with their selfishness to notice or care.
Don’t forget that blm-antifa pre-emptive racist violence and destruction was occurring as a half-million Americans were being consumed by the bulemic, communist Chinese virus. They were too busy with their selfishness to notice or care.
Save the crazy for 8kun eh?
You’re a nobody. Like I said don’t talk shit here since you’re fat and weak.

Hey, man, we get it, you're a coward for all your tough talk.

Me, I'd go into that jury and vote my conscience. if they had really, really proven Chauvin didn't do it, that's how I would have voted. Of course, they didn't... so it's a moot point.
You don’t have kids. If I did not then I would do the same.

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