Chauvin juror: I didn't want to go thru the rioting

Actually if Floyd died from drugs while Chauvin had his knee on Floyds neck, there would have been no need for Chauvin to restrain Floyd. Someone OD'ing on fentanyl would have been near comatose long before Chauvin put Floyd on the ground.
That was what the bystanders were complaining about.
The autopsy report ruled that Floyd died from a drug overdose. How you get a murder charge let alone conviction for Chauvin is inexplicable.
The crowd complained the officer was killing Floyd, not that he was comatose. The entire defense was based on Floyd struggling, which someone OD'ing on fentanyl would be incapable of minutes before dying.
So your take is the jury was not intimidated ? I dont believe you .
My point is that jury intimidation would have ended at second degree manslaughter. They wouldn't have let their fears push them beyond all justification.

This isn't the first time riots surrounded a criminal case, and never before have they had an impact on the jury.
Name a few.
Read for yourself. I said I would not be able to fairly judge Chauvin because I would not want to put my daughters in jeopardy. He called that cowardice. You be the judge, leftist.
If you had a family member that would have influenced your ability to be a member of the jury, you would have answered that or brought it up voir dire.
Bingo and he said it was cowardice. He also calls me “big nose” LOL. Why? Cause I am Jewish. His posts have a lot of anti Jewish rhetoric. Search for yourself and see. Yep that’s your fellow Democrat.
If you had a family member that would have influenced your ability to be a member of the jury, you would have answered that or brought it up voir dire.
Bingo and he said it was cowardice.
He should have said it would have been your lying to the lawyers questioning prospective jurors.

If you had close relatives who would have an effect on your ability to be impartial, you would have volunteered that as a disqualifier.
If you had a family member that would have influenced your ability to be a member of the jury, you would have answered that or brought it up voir dire.

Correct, which simply means the only people willing to be a juror were those who's minds were already made up before they participated in the trial.
If you had a family member that would have influenced your ability to be a member of the jury, you would have answered that or brought it up voir dire.
Correct, which simply means the only people willing to be a juror were those who's minds were already made up before they participated in the trial.
Read the questionnaire jurors have to answer. Any potential juror who already made up their mind was excluded. Or in legal terms excused for cause.

- The law sets forth a number of reasons why jurors may be excused "for cause," that is, for a specified reason, such as bias or prejudice. For example, a juror who is related to or employed by one of the parties in the case may be excused for cause. There is no limit to the number of challenges for cause.
I think jurors fears developed as the trial moved along. They are not in a vacumn

May 26, 2020

The protests began in Minneapolis on May 26, 2020, the day after George Floyd, an African-American man, was killed during a police arrest. On June 6, an estimated half a million people joined protests in 550 places across the country.
I think jurors fears developed as the trial moved along. They are not in a vacumn

May 26, 2020

The protests began in Minneapolis on May 26, 2020, the day after George Floyd, an African-American man, was killed during a police arrest. On June 6, an estimated half a million people joined protests in 550 places across the country.
Any warnings about resisting arrest?
The mob ruled over those jurors.

Actually the opposite, as the alternate juror explained.

Raguse asked her whether she thought “outside forces would’ve played a role at all in your decision.”

“I don’t,” she responded. “I feel like we took this trial very seriously, we didn’t want anything to go wrong. I feel like none of us watched the news or were on our phones [on] social media or anything. We did not discuss it among any of us, so I wasn’t aware until afterwards, when I got released, the magnitude of everything.”

Christensen did say that after hearing the evidence presented at the trial, she “would have said guilty” if she had been part of the deliberations.

I think jurors fears developed as the trial moved along. They are not in a vacumn

May 26, 2020

The protests began in Minneapolis on May 26, 2020, the day after George Floyd, an African-American man, was killed during a police arrest. On June 6, an estimated half a million people joined protests in 550 places across the country.
And looted and burned and maimed.
I expect the State Attorney to offer a plea when the Appeals Court orders a new trial. I don't think they State wants to deal with the expense of a new trial, stress on the family of the victim, or worry of more riots and insurrections by the Dems
Do you think there is an appeals judge who wants to be the most hated man in America by giving Chauvin a new trial?

There isn't.

Here's what's going to happen. He's going to get a sentence, and then the prison system will declare him reformed after serving half his term, because prisons don't like guarding ex-cops from the other prisoners.
See moron, in reality the appeals court judge must decide based on facts and evidence. Not your constant threats of violence if you don’t get your way. And there are too many factors in Chauvin’s favor for the appeals court to NOT send this back for a re-do. Not sequestering the jury, not changing venue, thank Maxine for her idiocy that may well clinch it for Chauvin.
One juror: "I did not want to go through rioting and destruction again and I was concerned about people coming to my house if they were not happy with the verdict."

Appeal on the way.

Obviously this is going to mistrial and because of political pressure retrial.
Mistrial? The trial is over. There is no mistrial possible. Perhaps you are thinking about an appeal instead?
Actually you are wrong---a mistrial can be declared after a verdict if the judge becomes aware of jury tampering------

think the threats and intimidation count clearly.
Read the questionnaire jurors have to answer. Any potential juror who already made up their mind was excluded. Or in legal terms excused for cause.

And by your comment you are stating that if a potential juror had a hardon for Chauvin, they answered honestly? I bet you really believe that, don't you?
Well, gee, thanks for telling me something I didn't know. :rolleyes:

Let me correct you here: The jury felt threatened enough to find him guilty on all counts.

Why would they feel threatened? Nobody knows who they are, unless they come forward and give interviews.

Point was, the prosecution had that tape.
They had his superiors saying his actions were wrong.
They had medical experts saying he killed Floyd.

Chauvin had a bunch of paid-for witnesses of questionable credibility.
The jurors had already been partially doxxed. Addresses, employers, etc. Questionable credibility? Chauvin’s witnesses at least spoke English fluently. So a bunch of paid “experts” who never looked at anything claimed murder and they knew “exactly when Floyd dies”. Bullshit. But you love it.
Actually if Floyd died from drugs while Chauvin had his knee on Floyds neck, there would have been no need for Chauvin to restrain Floyd. Someone OD'ing on fentanyl would have been near comatose long before Chauvin put Floyd on the ground.
That was what the bystanders were complaining about.
The autopsy report ruled that Floyd died from a drug overdose. How you get a murder charge let alone conviction for Chauvin is inexplicable.
The crowd complained the officer was killing Floyd, not that he was comatose. The entire defense was based on Floyd struggling, which someone OD'ing on fentanyl would be incapable of minutes before dying.
Tell the coroner he was wrong.
And by your comment you are stating that if a potential juror had a hardon for Chauvin, they answered honestly? I bet you really believe that, don't you?
It cuts both ways. Someone sympathetic for Chauvin could have also lied in hopes causing a hung jury.

One has to assume they were honest voir dire, and took their oath seriously.
Chauvin’s witnesses at least spoke English fluently. So a bunch of paid “experts” who never looked at anything claimed murder and they knew “exactly when Floyd dies”. Bullshit. But you love it.
The only paid experts were bought by the defense.

The prosecution didn't pay anybody for their testimony.

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