Chauvin’s lawyer seeks new trial, hearing to impeach verdict

Chauvin's Lawyer is going to throw any shit against the wall to see what sticks.

None of it will because no judge is going to overturn this verdict.

Perhaps not overturn but certainly between this black activist and Waters, another activist who was shooting off her big mouth, is reason enough to declare a mistrial. Hopefully move the next one where no jurors will feel threatened.
The woman was in a crowd rampaging and storming a secure area of the US government, threatening to murder US officials. It wasn't like she was in a park playing with a toy.

So you still believe if you tell a lie enough times, people will start to believe it?
Alternate venue my ass, you wanted the trial moved to a right wing, racist county which would have got him off. Sorry not going to happen, he was judged where he committed the crime.

That would be fine if there were more civilized people there, but there aren't.
Are you really that slow.

Page 4 question 7. Did you or anybody you know participate IN ANY of the demonstration or marches against police brutality that took place in Minnesota after George Floyd's death?

The question doesn't say anywhere in the country, it specifically states the state of MINNESOTA.

Great. Another comprehension challenged leftist. Did all of you go to public school or something?
What a load of bullshit.

You lot are gunning for the policeman who shot Ashli Babbit.

And why not? When a white police officer shoots an unarmed black, it's protest and riot time. When a black police officer shoots and kills an unarmed white veteran woman, we are not even privileged to know his name yet alone an investigation or charges.

He attended an event in DC to honor MLK.

Yes he did. An MLK event titled get your knee off of my neck. Gee, I don't recall MLK ever having a situation with somebody's knee on his neck. :eusa_shhh: Look at the question again that your comrade provided: Did you participate in ANY protest or march. In case you're a little slow tonight, any also includes DC.

Are you really that slow.

Page 4 question 7. Did you or anybody you know participate IN ANY of the demonstration or marches against police brutality that took place in Minnesota after George Floyd's death?

The question doesn't say anywhere in the country, it specifically states the state of MINNESOTA.
LOL. like that's going to make any difference on the appeal. Between this, your hideous Auntie and the judges failure to provide an alternet venue outside the shithole of New Mogadishu, MN, the appeal be lost.

Alternate venue my ass, you wanted the trial moved to a right wing, racist county which would have got him off. Sorry not going to happen, he was judged where he committed the crime.
Just cuz no one had ever heard of you or your thuggery when you were called to court, that doesn't make the standard.

He wins on appeal easily and goes to retrial. Simple
Yea, yea, yea. The days of Roy Bryant and JW Milam are coming to an end.
I appears we are seeing more and more dems return to their mob rule mentality
So why would you want the trial moved from where the crime actually took place?
Why someone would want that, and why it happens from time to time, is to ensure the Defendant has a fair trial
Courts are funny things. They deal in facts. You can go on and on about your opinion but the fact remains he answered the questions truthfully as asked and it's doubtful that they will rule that he lied.

We can go round and round pointlessly but frankly you're boring as shit.

Get back to mean when a court has ruled

I don't think they have much of a choice. The Sixth amendment guarantees a defendant the right to an impartial jury. The attire this clown was wearing proves he was in no way impartial. Furthermore in an interview after the ruling, he stated he was in hopes the way they ruled would change how police departments conduct themselves. In other words that was his goal in the way he voted.

How he answered the question will be up to the court to charge him for perjury or not.
Big Al simply picked that date because it's when MLK gave his speech. But it had nothing to do with King.

The juror's continued dishonesty is alarming really...I mean if he simply came clean, and said yes I went to a might be less of an issue It certainly is putting up a red addition to the fact this is the juror that decided to come forward and go on Good Morning America (I believe, could have been the Today Show) after the other juror's interview came public when she mentioned how the riots and threat of more weighted on her mind.

He actually perjured himself because you fill out that questionnaire under oath. Then he tried to play it off saying that yes, he was there, but he wasn't wearing those clothes. What? We have a picture of you wearing those clothes dummy.

How did he lie, the question was did he attend any in Minnesota. He was in DC at that rally, you clowns are desperate to see Chauvin walk for the simple fact you are used to the police getting away with killing black folks.
He is lying now about the protest he did attend. Why?
What is he lying about?

That the march was about was the "Get Your Knee Off Our Necks" protest, organized by Al Shapton, and annoucned at George's funeral.


"The Rev. Al Sharpton and Martin Luther King III headline a march dubbed "Get Your Knee Off Our Necks" in Washington, D.C., on the anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington."

PHILONISE FLOYD: I wish George were here to see this right now. That's who I'm marching for. I'm marching for George, for Breonna, for Ahmaud, for Jacob, for Pamela Turner, for Michael Brown, Trayvon and anybody else who lost their lives.

SHAPIRO: And, of course, Philonise Floyd spoke on the 57th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s I Have a Dream speech, delivered on the same steps. NPR's Adrian Florido was at the Lincoln Memorial, and he joins us now. Hi, Adrian.


SHAPIRO: Just describe the crowd. Do you know how many people were there? What was the mood like?

FLORIDO: Well, you know, organizers called this march the Commitment March: Get Your Knee Off Our Necks, in reference to George Floyd's death under the knee of a Minneapolis police officer. The march aimed to draw on the legacy of that 1963 march on Washington, but this time with much of the focus on police killings of Black Americans."

Register for NAN’s​

Commitment March: Get Your Knee Off Our Necks!​

“Get Your Knee Off Our Necks” Rally Held on 57th Anniverary of March on Washington​

Jacob Blake Sr.: “We’re going to hold court today. We’re going to hold court on systematic racism. We’re going to have court right now. Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Racism against all of us. Guilty! Guilty! Racism against Trayvon Martin. We find them guilty! Racism against George Floyd. We find them guilty!”

The March itself was to commorate the March on Washington, events took place after the march was planned that added to the theme of the March. Also the march took place in DC not Minnesota which is where the questionnaire asked about.

I just highlighted you aren't telling the truth...literally read the links...stop the propaganda pushing the lie.

The entire protest was organized, literally the George F funeral. There was no plans to do anything about the 57th Anny for MLK's speech.
Big Al simply picked that date because it's when MLK gave his speech. But it had nothing to do with King.

The juror's continued dishonesty is alarming really...I mean if he simply came clean, and said yes I went to a might be less of an issue It certainly is putting up a red addition to the fact this is the juror that decided to come forward and go on Good Morning America (I believe, could have been the Today Show) after the other juror's interview came public when she mentioned how the riots and threat of more weighted on her mind.

He actually perjured himself because you fill out that questionnaire under oath. Then he tried to play it off saying that yes, he was there, but he wasn't wearing those clothes. What? We have a picture of you wearing those clothes dummy.

How did he lie, the question was did he attend any in Minnesota. He was in DC at that rally, you clowns are desperate to see Chauvin walk for the simple fact you are used to the police getting away with killing black folks.
He is lying now about the protest he did attend. Why?
Courts are funny things. They deal in facts. You can go on and on about your opinion but the fact remains he answered the questions truthfully as asked and it's doubtful that they will rule that he lied.

We can go round and round pointlessly but frankly you're boring as shit.

Get back to mean when a court has ruled
I honestly have no idea what the question was during vior dire.

I do know that he is lying now about the protest. I do wonder why
Courts are funny things. They deal in facts. You can go on and on about your opinion but the fact remains he answered the questions truthfully as asked and it's doubtful that they will rule that he lied.

We can go round and round pointlessly but frankly you're boring as shit.

Get back to mean when a court has ruled

I don't think they have much of a choice. The Sixth amendment guarantees a defendant the right to an impartial jury. The attire this clown was wearing proves he was in no way impartial. Furthermore in an interview after the ruling, he stated he was in hopes the way they ruled would change how police departments conduct themselves. In other words that was his goal in the way he voted.

How he answered the question will be up to the court to charge him for perjury or not.
So you know that the claim that the juror lied is bogus.

Thank you.

Now go away
The March itself was to commorate the March on Washington, events took place after the march was planned that added to the theme of the March. Also the march took place in DC not Minnesota which is where the questionnaire asked about.

Bullsthit and I used your own link to prove that was a lie.
That's more bullshit, the questionnaire was specific on the place.
What a load of bullshit.

You lot are gunning for the policeman who shot Ashli Babbit.

And why not? When a white police officer shoots an unarmed black, it's protest and riot time. When a black police officer shoots and kills an unarmed white veteran woman, we are not even privileged to know his name yet alone an investigation or charges.

He attended an event in DC to honor MLK.

Yes he did. An MLK event titled get your knee off of my neck. Gee, I don't recall MLK ever having a situation with somebody's knee on his neck. :eusa_shhh: Look at the question again that your comrade provided: Did you participate in ANY protest or march. In case you're a little slow tonight, any also includes DC.

Are you really that slow.

Page 4 question 7. Did you or anybody you know participate IN ANY of the demonstration or marches against police brutality that took place in Minnesota after George Floyd's death?

The question doesn't say anywhere in the country, it specifically states the state of MINNESOTA.
LOL. like that's going to make any difference on the appeal. Between this, your hideous Auntie and the judges failure to provide an alternet venue outside the shithole of New Mogadishu, MN, the appeal be lost.

Alternate venue my ass, you wanted the trial moved to a right wing, racist county which would have got him off. Sorry not going to happen, he was judged where he committed the crime.
Just cuz no one had ever heard of you or your thuggery when you were called to court, that doesn't make the standard.

He wins on appeal easily and goes to retrial. Simple
Yea, yea, yea. The days of Roy Bryant and JW Milam are coming to an end.
I appears we are seeing more and more dems return to their mob rule mentality
So why would you want the trial moved from where the crime actually took place?
To get a fair jury, obviously. You no, one that doesn't have BLM members or have to worry about their neighborhood being burned down by a bunch of thugs, in this case.
Fair trial? Really? You wanted it moved to a lily white neighborhood where he would be guaranteed to walk.
It's not a neighborhood idiot, it's another county/city far away, like Duluth.
Same thing Shithead. Predominately white city or county as I said.
No it is not the same thing. Any neighborhood in the area could have been torched by thugs. Duluth, for example, would be much safer and likely has fewer thugs/BLM members to impanel of the jury.
Get a new excuse, he got a fair trial and is headed straight to the big house.
Are you really that slow.

Page 4 question 7. Did you or anybody you know participate IN ANY of the demonstration or marches against police brutality that took place in Minnesota after George Floyd's death?

The question doesn't say anywhere in the country, it specifically states the state of MINNESOTA.

Great. Another comprehension challenged leftist. Did all of you go to public school or something?
Another Trump Humper who is in denial.
What a load of bullshit.

You lot are gunning for the policeman who shot Ashli Babbit.

And why not? When a white police officer shoots an unarmed black, it's protest and riot time. When a black police officer shoots and kills an unarmed white veteran woman, we are not even privileged to know his name yet alone an investigation or charges.

He attended an event in DC to honor MLK.

Yes he did. An MLK event titled get your knee off of my neck. Gee, I don't recall MLK ever having a situation with somebody's knee on his neck. :eusa_shhh: Look at the question again that your comrade provided: Did you participate in ANY protest or march. In case you're a little slow tonight, any also includes DC.

Are you really that slow.

Page 4 question 7. Did you or anybody you know participate IN ANY of the demonstration or marches against police brutality that took place in Minnesota after George Floyd's death?

The question doesn't say anywhere in the country, it specifically states the state of MINNESOTA.
LOL. like that's going to make any difference on the appeal. Between this, your hideous Auntie and the judges failure to provide an alternet venue outside the shithole of New Mogadishu, MN, the appeal be lost.

Alternate venue my ass, you wanted the trial moved to a right wing, racist county which would have got him off. Sorry not going to happen, he was judged where he committed the crime.
Just cuz no one had ever heard of you or your thuggery when you were called to court, that doesn't make the standard.

He wins on appeal easily and goes to retrial. Simple
Yea, yea, yea. The days of Roy Bryant and JW Milam are coming to an end.
I appears we are seeing more and more dems return to their mob rule mentality
So why would you want the trial moved from where the crime actually took place?
Why someone would want that, and why it happens from time to time, is to ensure the Defendant has a fair trial
That only holds for white folks, there is case after case that shows it's just the opposite for black folks.
Another Trump Humper who is in denial.

No a Trump humper that has comprehension abilities. The question was not which rally they went to, the question was formed to find out if the juror is a Floyd humper and had a bias from the get go. That's the information that was concerning for the courts.
You can use any excuse you want, those jurors weren't in fear of their lives. That bullshit is just a cop.out.

Those jurors were not scared because they already had their minds made up on how they were going to vote before the case even started. That's the problem here. No impartial juror would agree to be part of that jury if there was a chance they might find the officer not guilty, or guilty of manslaughter where he might only get a year or two in jail.
What a load of bullshit.

You lot are gunning for the policeman who shot Ashli Babbit.

And why not? When a white police officer shoots an unarmed black, it's protest and riot time. When a black police officer shoots and kills an unarmed white veteran woman, we are not even privileged to know his name yet alone an investigation or charges.

He attended an event in DC to honor MLK.

Yes he did. An MLK event titled get your knee off of my neck. Gee, I don't recall MLK ever having a situation with somebody's knee on his neck. :eusa_shhh: Look at the question again that your comrade provided: Did you participate in ANY protest or march. In case you're a little slow tonight, any also includes DC.

Are you really that slow.

Page 4 question 7. Did you or anybody you know participate IN ANY of the demonstration or marches against police brutality that took place in Minnesota after George Floyd's death?

The question doesn't say anywhere in the country, it specifically states the state of MINNESOTA.
LOL. like that's going to make any difference on the appeal. Between this, your hideous Auntie and the judges failure to provide an alternet venue outside the shithole of New Mogadishu, MN, the appeal be lost.

Alternate venue my ass, you wanted the trial moved to a right wing, racist county which would have got him off. Sorry not going to happen, he was judged where he committed the crime.
Just cuz no one had ever heard of you or your thuggery when you were called to court, that doesn't make the standard.

He wins on appeal easily and goes to retrial. Simple
Yea, yea, yea. The days of Roy Bryant and JW Milam are coming to an end.
I appears we are seeing more and more dems return to their mob rule mentality
So why would you want the trial moved from where the crime actually took place?
To get a fair jury, obviously. You no, one that doesn't have BLM members or have to worry about their neighborhood being burned down by a bunch of thugs, in this case.
Fair trial? Really? You wanted it moved to a lily white neighborhood where he would be guaranteed to walk.
It's not a neighborhood idiot, it's another county/city far away, like Duluth.
Same thing Shithead. Predominately white city or county as I said.
No it is not the same thing. Any neighborhood in the area could have been torched by thugs. Duluth, for example, would be much safer and likely has fewer thugs/BLM members to impanel of the jury.
Get a new excuse, he got a fair trial and is headed straight to the big house.
An affirmative action rookie lawyer could win this appeal. It's a slam duck.
No a Trump humper that has comprehension abilities. The question was not which rally they went to, the question was formed to find out if the juror is a Floyd humper and had a bias from the get go.
A juror is not expected to respond to the "intent" of a question. Only the facts

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