Cheap Oil Is An Economic Time Bomb For America!

The whole energy issue is simply spinning a wheel. While nuclear energy is efficient and cheap, most plants were given a 30 year lifespan....that's overdue so I guess nuclear will be abandoned in another 10-15 years. I've always thought ocean tides and river currents should have been exploited...tremendous amount of wasted energy in moving water.

It's already been demonstrated that these technologies kill tremendous quantities of ocean life.

I don't see how that could happen....the turbine wheels would be inside a mesh cage...plankton maybe, not much more.

Actually they aren't. They're just big propellers spinning in the tide.
That's not counting the $1.2 trillion deficit for FY 2008
FY2008 deficit: $458B
FY2009 deficit: $1412B
The Obama signed FY2009 budget into law in march 2009.

Actually that's not true.

The last budget the bush boy wrote went from October 1, 2008 until September 31, 2009.

That budget deficit wasn't 1.2 trillion dollars. It was 1.4 trillion dollars. Which was a new historic high.

The first budget Obama wrote was in 2009 for fiscal year 2010.

Every single budget written in Obama's years didn't add anything to the budget deficit. In fact, with the exception of 2011 the budget deficit decreased. In 2011 it stayed the same as 2010.

As for the national debt. When reagan took office it was around 800 billion dollars. When reagan left office it was nearly 3 trillion. When the first bush left office it was around 5 trillion. When Clinton left office it was around 5.5 trillion. When the bush boy left office the actual honest amount was nearly 13 trillion. The reason for that is the bush boy never added is two wars and his prescription drug program to the budget. When Obama became president all that was added to the budget which made the debt jump over night to nearly 13 trillion dollars. Now it's near 18 trillion.

With the only reason it's increased that much is because the bush boy and gop economics (mostly deregulation) collapsed our economy and it cost trillions to dig out of.

Keep in mind, that budget deficit was created by the bush boy and his gop congress. Clinton left the bush boy a balanced budget, zero deficit and billions in surplus. He also left a plan to have the reagan/bush national debt paid off by 2010.

Too bad that the bush boy was just like reagan and his father before him, he never wrote a balanced budget and exploded both the deficit and debt while president.

Here's the numbers according to the Congressional Budget Office:

Budget Deficit History

Here's a breakdown of spending by Obama and the bush boy:

Adding to the deficit: Bush vs. Obama - The Washington Post
Actually they aren't. They're just big propellers spinning in the tide.

This kind would be easy to screen...

That's not counting the $1.2 trillion deficit for FY 2008
FY2008 deficit: $458B
FY2009 deficit: $1412B
The Obama signed FY2009 budget into law in march 2009.

Actually that's not true.

The last budget the bush boy wrote went from October 1, 2008 until September 31, 2009.

That budget deficit wasn't 1.2 trillion dollars. It was 1.4 trillion dollars. Which was a new historic high.

The first budget Obama wrote was in 2009 for fiscal year 2010.

Every single budget written in Obama's years didn't add anything to the budget deficit. In fact, with the exception of 2011 the budget deficit decreased. In 2011 it stayed the same as 2010.

As for the national debt. When reagan took office it was around 800 billion dollars. When reagan left office it was nearly 3 trillion. When the first bush left office it was around 5 trillion. When Clinton left office it was around 5.5 trillion. When the bush boy left office the actual honest amount was nearly 13 trillion. The reason for that is the bush boy never added is two wars and his prescription drug program to the budget. When Obama became president all that was added to the budget which made the debt jump over night to nearly 13 trillion dollars. Now it's near 18 trillion.

With the only reason it's increased that much is because the bush boy and gop economics (mostly deregulation) collapsed our economy and it cost trillions to dig out of.

Keep in mind, that budget deficit was created by the bush boy and his gop congress. Clinton left the bush boy a balanced budget, zero deficit and billions in surplus. He also left a plan to have the reagan/bush national debt paid off by 2010.

Too bad that the bush boy was just like reagan and his father before him, he never wrote a balanced budget and exploded both the deficit and debt while president.

Here's the numbers according to the Congressional Budget Office:

Budget Deficit History

Here's a breakdown of spending by Obama and the bush boy:

Adding to the deficit: Bush vs. Obama - The Washington Post

The stimulus was passed by the 111th United States Congress in February 2009 and signed into law on February 17, 2009, by President Barack Obama.

That effectively makes all spending after that date Obama's responsibility, not Bush's
Too bad that the bush boy was just like reagan and his father before him, he never wrote a balanced budget and exploded both the deficit and debt while president

I like you but I can't let your numbers slide....

From 13 October, 2013

When Mr. Obama became president in January 2009, the total federal debt stood at $10.6 trillion. This week, it hit $16.7 trillion — an increase of 57 percent. In the same time frame under President George W. Bush, total federal debt rose 38 percent. Under President Clinton, it rose 32 percent.

Read more: Obama s national debt rate on track to double - Washington Times

Clinton left Bush a mess by not stopping the 9/11 attacks (cost the economy $1T, and the scandal ($1T in venture capital lost)....Clinton was a traitor, a rapist, and a pig....if Newt hadn't reined him in, he'd have tripled the debt...after 1994 the budget was Newt's. Obozo has only offered ONE budget and it was voted down 98-2.
Now I've done it. I now have a craving for one of those chocolate dipped bananas.


The horrible thing about it is the only place a person can get that chocolate dipped apple banana is in Hawaii. Which I won't have the time to go until June.

I'm going to have that craving until June!

But seriously, the bananas grown in Hawaii are much better than the imported ones we get here.

I don't know about the bananas but you can order American grow coffee beans off line:

Kona Coffee, 100% Kona Coffee, Hawaiian coffee, Hawaiian Tea, Kona Coffee Bean Home Page
I don't get any of this...First of all, isn't cheap ANYTHING ( let alone petroleum) good for the consumer? Second of all, didn't oil companies push for fracking, and isn't that partially responsible for the low prices of petroleum? What is good for the economy is bad for it, cheap goods hurt us, we need to get used to high prices and bite the bullet and not do what's good for us because it's really bad for us.....WHAT? This sounds like the mad hatter's tea party here...
Actually they aren't. They're just big propellers spinning in the tide.

This kind would be easy to screen...

The tide is an awesome force.

That is very true. So are rivers.

My state gets the majority of our electricity (60%) from hydro electric dams.

We have one small nuclear plant out in the middle of nowhere in the eastern part of the state. It generates 10% of the state's energy. The rest is mostly generated from the wind.

We started building a wind farm in the 1990s. There are parts of my state that are considered the Saudi Arabia of wind in that it blows very hard 24-7 365 days a year. One of those places here is one of the best places for windsurfing in the nation. The other best place is in Maui. That wind farm has grown to be one of the largest wind farms in America. Windmills are added every year.

We have one coal fired plant left but it's being shut down now. The process started in 2005 and should be done soon. Depending on who you talk to.

Even though we don't have a lot of sunshine, we do have solar panels on buildings and homes too. Even on buildings in malls. There's solar panels on the posts that guide the ferries to dock. They're also on roadside signs.

So yes, it's possible to get off fossil fuels. The people of your state and our country just have to want to do it.

By the way, we have the 3rd lowest electric rates in America. We also have more electricity than we use and sell electricity to neighboring states.
That is very true. So are rivers.

My state gets the majority of our electricity (60%) from hydro electric dams.

We have one small nuclear plant out in the middle of nowhere in the eastern part of the state. It generates 10% of the state's energy. The rest is mostly generated from the wind.

We started building a wind farm in the 1990s. There are parts of my state that are considered the Saudi Arabia of wind in that it blows very hard 24-7 365 days a year. One of those places here is one of the best places for windsurfing in the nation. The other best place is in Maui. That wind farm has grown to be one of the largest wind farms in America. Windmills are added every year.

We have one coal fired plant left but it's being shut down now. The process started in 2005 and should be done soon. Depending on who you talk to.

Even though we don't have a lot of sunshine, we do have solar panels on buildings and homes too. Even on buildings in malls. There's solar panels on the posts that guide the ferries to dock. They're also on roadside signs.

So yes, it's possible to get off fossil fuels. The people of your state and our country just have to want to do it.

By the way, we have the 3rd lowest electric rates in America. We also have more electricity than we use and sell electricity to neighboring states.

I'm for "all the above"...they all have their drawbacks and problems but the more tools you have on your belt, the better chance the job gets down without having to climb up and down the damn ladder. Wind kills hawks and eagles, solar farms can literally set birds on fire in midair...coal is a wonderful substance but NG is cheaper and cleaner....believe it our not, us Cons want clean air and water too....and few of us have ever pushed granny over a cliff (except my brother Roadrunner but we don't talk about that) to shut down Social Security.. Hell, we hunters fund most of the forestry conservation with our license fees....we have no desire to hurt the environment but we also know some sacrifices have to be made to have an economy and a comfortable lifestyle. I can (and have) lived in the woods for days at a time (sometimes being shot at) and could tomorrow if I had to....I wonder how many city folks could gut a deer or make a fishing hook from a thorn branch. We're all in this thing together and if we could just LISTEN a little bit, we could accomplish great things like the generations before us did.
After the shale and fracking industries fail Saudi Arabia will have a monopoly and we'll see 10, 15 maybe 20 dollar a gallon gasoline.

Who should I thank for that? Obama? Saudi Arabia? Veterans?
After the shale and fracking industries fail Saudi Arabia will have a monopoly and we'll see 10, 15 maybe 20 dollar a gallon gasoline.

Who should I thank for that? Obama? Saudi Arabia? Veterans?

Not a chance in Hell....Saudi's can't live under $40...our frackers still make money at that price.....the a-rabs will blink first....if they don't we should consider it an act of war and light up their fields....there is a report that's being hidden about the Saudi involvement in 9/11....there are forces trying to open that's supposedly a death warrant for the kingdom when the American public finds out.
Actually they aren't. They're just big propellers spinning in the tide.

This kind would be easy to screen...

The tide is an awesome force.

That is very true. So are rivers.

My state gets the majority of our electricity (60%) from hydro electric dams.

We have one small nuclear plant out in the middle of nowhere in the eastern part of the state. It generates 10% of the state's energy. The rest is mostly generated from the wind.

We started building a wind farm in the 1990s. There are parts of my state that are considered the Saudi Arabia of wind in that it blows very hard 24-7 365 days a year. One of those places here is one of the best places for windsurfing in the nation. The other best place is in Maui. That wind farm has grown to be one of the largest wind farms in America. Windmills are added every year.

We have one coal fired plant left but it's being shut down now. The process started in 2005 and should be done soon. Depending on who you talk to.

Even though we don't have a lot of sunshine, we do have solar panels on buildings and homes too. Even on buildings in malls. There's solar panels on the posts that guide the ferries to dock. They're also on roadside signs.

So yes, it's possible to get off fossil fuels. The people of your state and our country just have to want to do it.

By the way, we have the 3rd lowest electric rates in America. We also have more electricity than we use and sell electricity to neighboring states.

Not many states have enough enough hydro power to get 60% of their power from it. Most western states are far dryer than Washington or Oregon. Even if they weren't, the environmental wackos obstruct any attempt to build dams.

Your claim is delusional and founded on ignorance.
After the shale and fracking industries fail Saudi Arabia will have a monopoly and we'll see 10, 15 maybe 20 dollar a gallon gasoline.

Who should I thank for that? Obama? Saudi Arabia? Veterans?

Not a chance in Hell....Saudi's can't live under $40...our frackers still make money at that price.....the a-rabs will blink first....if they don't we should consider it an act of war and light up their fields....there is a report that's being hidden about the Saudi involvement in 9/11....there are forces trying to open that's supposedly a death warrant for the kingdom when the American public finds out.

Why would we object to the Saudis selling us cheap oil?
After the shale and fracking industries fail Saudi Arabia will have a monopoly and we'll see 10, 15 maybe 20 dollar a gallon gasoline.

Who should I thank for that? Obama? Saudi Arabia? Veterans?

The shale and fracking industries will come right back. The history of all oil cartels is that they go belly up. It happened time and time again in the U.S. and it's already happened several times with OPEC.

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