Check this out! Democrats calling for unrest/violence/protests

George Floyd.... cop kneels on his neck for 8 minutes. He was murdered. That really happened.
Election Fraud. Completely made up, Zero evidence of wide spread fraud. It's myth.

BLM....legitimate grievance. Rioters should be arrested and persecuted.
RWNJs...illegitimate premise. Rioters should be arrested and persecuted.
George Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose. Although the police should have recognized that he was ODing.
Inciting violence is illegal.

That's one of the few reasonable exceptions to freedom of expression.

Nail 'em.

Have you also warned the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left and their terrorist groups BLM and Antifa?
Seems their expression of "Freedom" has cost the injuries and lives of innocent Americans they've attacked over the last 4 years.
My views against domestic terrorism are consistent.

Are yours? I'm sure you've condemned what happened last week.
Who do you think you're fooling, asshole? You didn't have one negative thing to say about the Antifa and BLM terrorists burning down Seattle and Portland.
Which Democrats again? Names and places.
BLM/ANTIFA, Seattle, Portland, CHOP/CHAZ, six weeks, Portland over three months. Been sleeping under your doghouse again.

Still no recognizable Democrat politicians addressing a crowd of protestors encouraging them to move to a target and use combat?
democrat insurrectionists.jpg
Inciting violence is illegal.

That's one of the few reasonable exceptions to freedom of expression.

Nail 'em.

Have you also warned the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left and their terrorist groups BLM and Antifa?
Seems their expression of "Freedom" has cost the injuries and lives of innocent Americans they've attacked over the last 4 years.
My views against domestic terrorism are consistent.

Are yours? I'm sure you've condemned what happened last week.
Who do you think you're fooling, asshole? You didn't have one negative thing to say about the Antifa and BLM terrorists burning down Seattle and Portland.
Actually I did. If you'd like my opinion on them, start a thread and tag me.

But I doubt you have the balls to do that.

Meanwhile, you support domestic terrorism. You're just another Jihadi.
What is the point of this thread? Democrats calling for violence would be wrong and, in any case, have nothing to do with 01/06 (or, "ought-six", now). Is this trying to demonstrate that some people calling themselves or associated with what are called "Democrats" have been hypocritical? Everyone knows there have been hypocrites in that group, exactly as in other political groups. Nothing else, no action, is justified simply by this fact.
No, not exactly as in other groups. Democrat hypocrisy is off the scale.
Inciting violence is illegal.

That's one of the few reasonable exceptions to freedom of expression.

Nail 'em.


“This is a movement, I’m telling you. They’re not going to stop. And everyone beware, because they’re not going to stop. They’re not going to stop before Election Day in November, and they’re not going to stop after Election Day. And that should be — everyone should take note of that, on both levels, that they’re not going to let up, and they should not, and we should not.” - Kamala
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Which Democrats again? Names and places.
BLM/ANTIFA, Seattle, Portland, CHOP/CHAZ, six weeks, Portland over three months. Been sleeping under your doghouse again.

Still no recognizable Democrat politicians addressing a crowd of protestors encouraging them to move to a target and use combat?
...except the Democrat mayors of each of the burning cities last summer

Sure they did. Polly want a cracker?
Which Democrats again? Names and places.

How's this for starters.... Chuckie and Nancy covering for the acions of their Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat commie terrorist group.
Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer’s letter to President Trump can be found here and below:

June 8, 2020
The Honorable Donald J. Trump President of the United States
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Northwest
Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear Mr. President:
We call on you to immediately reopen Lafayette Square to the public, a place which has long been a venue where Americans can gather to freely exercise their constitutional rights in close proximity to the White House.​
On June 1, 2020, you were responsible for ordering federal officers to force peaceful protestors from the Square using tear gas and other violent means, in clear violation of the protestors’ First Amendment rights of free of speech and assembly. This deeply offensive action was taken in service of the regrettable political stunt you staged at St. John’s Church that evening.​
You have now erected heavy, semi-permanent steel fencing to wall off the Square. Your conversion of this unique public park in the heart of our Nation’s capital to what looks like a militarized zone denies citizens access to the park and sends the worst possible message to the American public and people around the world. Lafayette Square should be a symbol of freedom and openness, not a place behind which the leader of our Executive Branch cowers in fear of protesters who are crying out for justice.​
It is not sufficient for your Administration to claim that security needs somehow require the closing of Lafayette Square. The secure perimeter of the White House was expanded dramatically in 1995 with the closure of sections of Pennsylvania Avenue and E Street, NW. Those measures have for a quarter of a century been adequate to protect the White House complex from terrorism and all manner of other threats. It is simply not credible to claim that the current protests justify the oppressive walls you have erected in response.​
We therefore urge you to tear down these walls, reopen Lafayette Square, and allow the public to gather there for you and all the world to hear their voices.​

Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter of importance to our democracy.

Today they have erected a ten foot wall around the Capitol Building with posts embedded in concrete. The People's Capitol, nor the White House are no longer the People's Houses. They've become the Kremlin of America. Steeped deeply in Marxism....
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Which Democrats again? Names and places.
BLM/ANTIFA, Seattle, Portland, CHOP/CHAZ, six weeks, Portland over three months. Been sleeping under your doghouse again.

Still no recognizable Democrat politicians addressing a crowd of protestors encouraging them to move to a target and use combat?
...except the Democrat mayors of each of the burning cities last summer

Sure they did. Polly want a cracker?
As I've said before, Polly is a cracker.
Inciting violence is illegal.

That's one of the few reasonable exceptions to freedom of expression.

Nail 'em.

Saying "MAGA" is no inciting violence, Nazi.
Yes, agreed, Jihadi.
Weak. Dims are the ones who support Jihandis.
You are a terrorist. You support 'em, you are one.

Own it, Jihadi.
You support Antifa and BLM, you fucking Nazi.
Inciting violence is illegal.

That's one of the few reasonable exceptions to freedom of expression.

Nail 'em.

You mean like this guy?
View attachment 441813
The narrative of that guy in the image is one of a group of people that are targetted by police with an easily provable history of this being the case. Your narrative is that an election was stolen. Again, easily provable that this wasn't the case.
You are comparing apples and oranges.

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