Check this out! Democrats calling for unrest/violence/protests

Which Democrats again? Names and places.
BLM/ANTIFA, Seattle, Portland, CHOP/CHAZ, six weeks, Portland over three months. Been sleeping under your doghouse again.

Still no recognizable Democrat politicians addressing a crowd of protestors encouraging them to move to a target and use combat?
...except the Democrat mayors of each of the burning cities last summer

Sure they did. Polly want a cracker?

No, but it would be nice if you were honest. However, as you are a card carrying member of CACA, you are, by definition, dishonest.

I think for the most part you'all have been bamboozled by stories you've been expose to that conflate when these mayors were are talking about the protesters and when they were talking about the riots, arsonist and violence in general. But I could be wrong, I don't generally read every single mayors statement......

based on this response you are either a complete moron, or a paid chinese stooge.

Another punt.

So I take it you have no quotes from any of these mayor who said something like "Hey, some of these rioters, looters and arsonists are really good people too ya know...." and not " These rioters, looters, and arsonist do not represent the good people of xxxx who are out protesting....blah blah blah. Those violent offenders will be prosecuted to the full........"

It just doesn't fly.
Oh brother you libbers have no memories anymore.
It is amazing how that works. I am going to love refreshing their memories and calling out CCP Joe and Kameltoe all day, every day for the next four years. The democrats could not have chosen two more useless, unqualified people to run the country if they ran an ad worldwide.

As if anyone cares.
Which Democrats again? Names and places.
BLM/ANTIFA, Seattle, Portland, CHOP/CHAZ, six weeks, Portland over three months. Been sleeping under your doghouse again.

Still no recognizable Democrat politicians addressing a crowd of protestors encouraging them to move to a target and use combat?
...except the Democrat mayors of each of the burning cities last summer

Sure they did. Polly want a cracker?

No, but it would be nice if you were honest. However, as you are a card carrying member of CACA, you are, by definition, dishonest.

I think for the most part you'all have been bamboozled by stories you've been expose to that conflate when these mayors were are talking about the protesters and when they were talking about the riots, arsonist and violence in general. But I could be wrong, I don't generally read every single mayors statement......
Yep, you're wrong. I live in WA and I watched every night this summer. Not only did the mayors condone and support it, the governors and AG's actively supported it when they sued Trump for sending in federal troops to protect federal buildings because these democrats would not protect their citizenry.

Then surely you have some links to local papers that have the stories and the quotes from the mayors condoning\supporting the looting, arson and violence?
Which Democrats again? Names and places.
BLM/ANTIFA, Seattle, Portland, CHOP/CHAZ, six weeks, Portland over three months. Been sleeping under your doghouse again.

Still no recognizable Democrat politicians addressing a crowd of protestors encouraging them to move to a target and use combat?
...except the Democrat mayors of each of the burning cities last summer

Sure they did. Polly want a cracker?

No, but it would be nice if you were honest. However, as you are a card carrying member of CACA, you are, by definition, dishonest.

I think for the most part you'all have been bamboozled by stories you've been expose to that conflate when these mayors were are talking about the protesters and when they were talking about the riots, arsonist and violence in general. But I could be wrong, I don't generally read every single mayors statement......
Yep, you're wrong. I live in WA and I watched every night this summer. Not only did the mayors condone and support it, the governors and AG's actively supported it when they sued Trump for sending in federal troops to protect federal buildings because these democrats would not protect their citizenry.

Then surely you have some links to local papers that have the stories and the quotes from the mayors condoning\supporting the looting, arson and violence?
You're not bordering anymore troll. I am surely not going to do your research for you. No time for morons.
Inciting violence is illegal.

That's one of the few reasonable exceptions to freedom of expression.

Nail 'em.

Saying "MAGA" is no inciting violence, Nazi.
Yes, agreed, Jihadi.
Weak. Dims are the ones who support Jihandis.
View attachment 441826
Never Impeached...


Impeached once so far, second impeachment on its way tomorrow...


Ahhhhh, cute little triggered CACA stormpooper!
George Floyd.... cop kneels on his neck for 8 minutes. He was murdered. That really happened.
Election Fraud. Completely made up, Zero evidence of wide spread fraud. It's myth.

BLM....legitimate grievance. Rioters should be arrested and persecuted.
RWNJs...illegitimate premise. Rioters should be arrested and persecuted.

Of course it had nothing to do with the dose of fentanyl large enough to kill three people that he ate. :laughing0301:
Holy shit you leftist are stupid!!!
Which Democrats again? Names and places.
BLM/ANTIFA, Seattle, Portland, CHOP/CHAZ, six weeks, Portland over three months. Been sleeping under your doghouse again.

Still no recognizable Democrat politicians addressing a crowd of protestors encouraging them to move to a target and use combat?
...except the Democrat mayors of each of the burning cities last summer

Sure they did. Polly want a cracker?

No, but it would be nice if you were honest. However, as you are a card carrying member of CACA, you are, by definition, dishonest.

I think for the most part you'all have been bamboozled by stories you've been expose to that conflate when these mayors were are talking about the protesters and when they were talking about the riots, arsonist and violence in general. But I could be wrong, I don't generally read every single mayors statement......
Yep, you're wrong. I live in WA and I watched every night this summer. Not only did the mayors condone and support it, the governors and AG's actively supported it when they sued Trump for sending in federal troops to protect federal buildings because these democrats would not protect their citizenry.

Then surely you have some links to local papers that have the stories and the quotes from the mayors condoning\supporting the looting, arson and violence?
George Floyd.... cop kneels on his neck for 8 minutes. He was murdered. That really happened.
Election Fraud. Completely made up, Zero evidence of wide spread fraud. It's myth.

BLM....legitimate grievance. Rioters should be arrested and persecuted.
RWNJs...illegitimate premise. Rioters should be arrested and persecuted.
Fake news, bebunked a 100 times.
Inciting violence is illegal.

That's one of the few reasonable exceptions to freedom of expression.

Nail 'em.

Saying "MAGA" is no inciting violence, Nazi.
Yes, agreed, Jihadi.
Weak. Dims are the ones who support Jihandis.
View attachment 441826
Never Impeached...


Impeached once so far, second impeachment on its way tomorrow...

Which Democrats again? Names and places.
BLM/ANTIFA, Seattle, Portland, CHOP/CHAZ, six weeks, Portland over three months. Been sleeping under your doghouse again.

Still no recognizable Democrat politicians addressing a crowd of protestors encouraging them to move to a target and use combat?
...except the Democrat mayors of each of the burning cities last summer

Sure they did. Polly want a cracker?

No, but it would be nice if you were honest. However, as you are a card carrying member of CACA, you are, by definition, dishonest.

I think for the most part you'all have been bamboozled by stories you've been expose to that conflate when these mayors were are talking about the protesters and when they were talking about the riots, arsonist and violence in general. But I could be wrong, I don't generally read every single mayors statement......

based on this response you are either a complete moron, or a paid chinese stooge.

Another punt.

So I take it you have no quotes from any of these mayor who said something like "Hey, some of these rioters, looters and arsonists are really good people too ya know...." and not " These rioters, looters, and arsonist do not represent the good people of xxxx who are out protesting....blah blah blah. Those violent offenders will be prosecuted to the full........"

It just doesn't fly.
BLM/Antifa take over six blocks and declare CHOP/CHAZ where no police allowed. Indeed, the police precinct was abandoned after being attacked. The mayor, nor the governor offered NO RESPONSE. There have been NO arrests. The proof is in the pudding moron. Your denials are empty and border on trolling.

Oh my, the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone? I though you wanted to talk about mayors who supported the rioters, arsonist and general violence in the streets

The police took it back on July 1.
Inciting violence is illegal.

That's one of the few reasonable exceptions to freedom of expression.

Nail 'em.

Have you also warned the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left and their terrorist groups BLM and Antifa?
Seems their expression of "Freedom" has cost the injuries and lives of innocent Americans they've attacked over the last 4 years.
My views against domestic terrorism are consistent.

Are yours? I'm sure you've condemned what happened last week.

Was Corey Booker calling for domestic terrorism when he told you commies to go to the capitol and get in congressmens faces? Was he inciting an insurrection?

Today they have erected a ten foot wall around the Capitol Building with posts embedded in concrete. The People's Capitol, nor the White House are no longer the People's Houses. They've become the Kremlin of America.

Hahahaha, the Kremlin of merika huh. Trumps Orangeshirt_Mob_Brigade tries to violently seize control of Congress, execute the top leaders, and stop the EC vote count to install Trump as their leader. Erecting barriers to help prevent future fascist attacks make us ....... what other stupid shit you got today zippy?

Wow. You're suffering a massive CNN overdose.
Which Democrats again? Names and places.
BLM/ANTIFA, Seattle, Portland, CHOP/CHAZ, six weeks, Portland over three months. Been sleeping under your doghouse again.

Still no recognizable Democrat politicians addressing a crowd of protestors encouraging them to move to a target and use combat?
...except the Democrat mayors of each of the burning cities last summer

Sure they did. Polly want a cracker?

No, but it would be nice if you were honest. However, as you are a card carrying member of CACA, you are, by definition, dishonest.

I think for the most part you'all have been bamboozled by stories you've been expose to that conflate when these mayors were are talking about the protesters and when they were talking about the riots, arsonist and violence in general. But I could be wrong, I don't generally read every single mayors statement......
Yep, you're wrong. I live in WA and I watched every night this summer. Not only did the mayors condone and support it, the governors and AG's actively supported it when they sued Trump for sending in federal troops to protect federal buildings because these democrats would not protect their citizenry.

Then surely you have some links to local papers that have the stories and the quotes from the mayors condoning\supporting the looting, arson and violence?
You're not bordering anymore troll. I am surely not going to do your research for you. No time for morons.

So basically you concede, The mayors never voiced support for the violent rioters, arsonist and looters only support for the peoples right to protest. Which of course the media conflated for you......I've seen it happens all the time.
Which Democrats again? Names and places.
BLM/ANTIFA, Seattle, Portland, CHOP/CHAZ, six weeks, Portland over three months. Been sleeping under your doghouse again.

Still no recognizable Democrat politicians addressing a crowd of protestors encouraging them to move to a target and use combat?
...except the Democrat mayors of each of the burning cities last summer

Sure they did. Polly want a cracker?

No, but it would be nice if you were honest. However, as you are a card carrying member of CACA, you are, by definition, dishonest.

I think for the most part you'all have been bamboozled by stories you've been expose to that conflate when these mayors were are talking about the protesters and when they were talking about the riots, arsonist and violence in general. But I could be wrong, I don't generally read every single mayors statement......
Yep, you're wrong. I live in WA and I watched every night this summer. Not only did the mayors condone and support it, the governors and AG's actively supported it when they sued Trump for sending in federal troops to protect federal buildings because these democrats would not protect their citizenry.

Then surely you have some links to local papers that have the stories and the quotes from the mayors condoning\supporting the looting, arson and violence?
You're not bordering anymore troll. I am surely not going to do your research for you. No time for morons.

So basically you concede, The mayors never voiced support for the violent rioters, arsonist and looters only support for the peoples right to protest. Which of course the media conflated for you......I've seen it happens all the time.
??? So neither supporting nor condemning thuggery and murder is just fine with you right libber? How about the fact that you are an elected official with a sworn duty to protect the citizens who elected you?
Today they have erected a ten foot wall around the Capitol Building with posts embedded in concrete. The People's Capitol, nor the White House are no longer the People's Houses. They've become the Kremlin of America.

Hahahaha, the Kremlin of merika huh. Trumps Orangeshirt_Mob_Brigade tries to violently seize control of Congress, execute the top leaders, and stop the EC vote count to install Trump as their leader. Erecting barriers to help prevent future fascist attacks make us ....... what other stupid shit you got today zippy?

What a hyperbolic maroon.
George Floyd.... cop kneels on his neck for 8 minutes. He was murdered. That really happened.
Election Fraud. Completely made up, Zero evidence of wide spread fraud. It's myth.

BLM....legitimate grievance. Rioters should be arrested and persecuted.
RWNJs...illegitimate premise. Rioters should be arrested and persecuted.

You're a liar on both counts, Floyd died from a self induced fentanyl overdose and there's plenty of evidence that election integrity laws were not followed. I'm sure you'll continue your lies and propaganda in the face of the facts, so carry on. We know you have no integrity or intellectual honesty.

Was Corey Booker calling for domestic terrorism when he told you commies to go to the capitol and get in congressmens faces? Was he inciting an insurrection?
I'll need more information.

When Booker said that, was he standing in front of thousands of furious, aggressive, paranoid nutters whom he had been filling with disproven conspiracy theories for the last four years, after 60 courts had told them to shove it, as they held zip ties and planned to build a gallows and invade a federal building?

Let me know, thanks.
Was Corey Booker calling for domestic terrorism when he told you commies to go to the capitol and get in congressmens faces? Was he inciting an insurrection?
I'll need more information.

When Booker said that, was he standing in front of thousands of furious, aggressive, paranoid nutters whom he had been filling with disproven conspiracy theories for the last four years, after 60 courts had told them to shove it, as they held zip ties and planned to build a gallows and invade a federal building?

Let me know, thanks.

Doesn't matter WHERE he was standing hypocrite.

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