Checks on 'Joe' more extensive than first acknowledged

Sam Warzelbach, who DOES NOT have a plumbing liscence is going by his middle name of "Joseph", shortened to Joe.

And that just the start of the lies.......

By the way, it was either yesterday or today during a rally for McCan't, when McStupid started to call out for Joe the Plumber, someone had to tell him that he wasn't there. McInsane was expecting him to be there so he could trot him out like the good little political lapdog that Joe has turned into. However, Sam (Joe) is supposed to be at a rally being held tomorrow.

He's also negotiating a book deal, looking for record deals, as well as lots of other stuff. For someone who was worried about his taxes going up under Obama, looks like it may happen, because Joe is going to negotiate as much bank as he can possibly get his pandering grubby dick skinners on.
it's amazing we know more info on "joe the plumber" in 2 weeks then we do about obama in 2 years
my friends little brother goes by his middle name so i guess we should illegally get all his private info, you know DMV and tax records and plaster them all over the internet.
my friends little brother goes by his middle name so i guess we should illegally get all his private info, you know DMV and tax records and plaster them all over the internet.

Only if he goes out and lies about his job while supporting a politician.

Until then, he gets a pass.
Note to Paperboy:

Joe is pushing Joe and he is happy as a pig in shit. This is his 15 minutes of fame. Don't be a dork. He planned this whole thing to get in the limelight. He succeeded for now, but will fade away from what he has shown so far.
Actually, there's such a great antipathy towards Joe the Plumber, even on the most right-wing conservative forums, that Joe the Plumber's 15 minutes of fame is running out quite soon. People connect with honesty and sincereity, not media hogs.

Oh, I forgot you have me on block. Can someone reply to this message so paperboy can see it? :D

Lol. If the liberal media had spent 1/100th the time and energy they spent on Joe staking out Ayers' house and digging up dirt on him instead, this election would be over. THe Dems would have yanked Obama off the ticket and thrown Hillary in.
He planned for Obama to walk by his house?

In a manner of speaking, yes. The McInsane campaign probably got a copy of the route that Obama was going to be canvassing that day (candidates have their days carefully scheduled), and then called up people in that area looking for McInsane supporters, of which they found Sam the (not) plumber. He was then coached (probably) by some of the McStupid campaign people, and he went out and got his start on his career as a media whore.

At least, that's how I think it happened.
In a manner of speaking, yes. The McInsane campaign probably got a copy of the route that Obama was going to be canvassing that day (candidates have their days carefully scheduled), and then called up people in that area looking for McInsane supporters, of which they found Sam the (not) plumber. He was then coached (probably) by some of the McStupid campaign people, and he went out and got his start on his career as a media whore.

At least, that's how I think it happened.

You have no fucking proof, just a theory and a disdain for the common man. Did Joe buy his house and move his family in as well?

Actually, It is very unlikely that Obama's security detail would allow his campaign to publish their intended route in advance.
I didn't say published Nailed Cock, I said they found out because a candidates day is planned well in advance. far as buying his house in advance? Did you listen? I said that the McStupid campaign probably found out, then called all the people in that area, and looked for McCain supporters.

Fuck Cock.....are you really that dense?
I'll defend Joe the Plumber from snooping, as soon as McBush fans admit that Joe was a complete hack who lied about who he was and what his intentions were so he could score some cheap political points and milk his 5 minutes of fame.

Who cares, he raised a legitimate question and Obama's response Exposed him for the Marxist he is.

It does not matter one bit if Joe was for real, or Made up. The question was valid, and Obama's response is valid as well.
Only if he goes out and lies about his job while supporting a politician.

Until then, he gets a pass.

He is still a private citizen and he still has first amendment rights.

I'll give the illegal obtaining of documents a pass if the same is done to BHO supporters.

Quid quo pro.
In a manner of speaking, yes. The McInsane campaign probably got a copy of the route that Obama was going to be canvassing that day (candidates have their days carefully scheduled), and then called up people in that area looking for McInsane supporters, of which they found Sam the (not) plumber. He was then coached (probably) by some of the McStupid campaign people, and he went out and got his start on his career as a media whore.

At least, that's how I think it happened.

you spend a lot of money on tin foil?
From Columbus Dispatch

Full story here

Funny she, Helen Jones-Kelly ( the one who authorized the search) is an avid Obama supporter as shown by her donations to him:

Jones-Kelley, Helen
Dayton,OH 45415 State of Ohio 7/31/08 $2,300 Obama, Barack (D)
Jones-Kelley, Helen
Dayton,OH 45415 State of Ohio 7/31/08 $200 Obama, Barack (D)

I would like to know why everyone sees this man as such a great threat. He asked a question that was answered honestly by Obama—an answer which came off badly.
He's not much of a threat, because a week after Joe the Plumber stories started showing up everywhere, they asked him again who he would benefit under the most, and he said OBAMA!
it's amazing we know more info on "joe the plumber" in 2 weeks then we do about obama in 2 years

It's called deflecting. If the Obama camp can keep us from digging into his past by bringing completely irrelevant crap about irrelevant people into the campaign, he's going to run with it.

Like I said, why is the press so fascinated with Joe, when they've avoided Ayers like the plague? What's so fascinating about Joe, compared to Wright? Or even Obama himself? I have yet to see a detailed report of exactly what Obama did all those years when he was a community activist. Just vagueries and innuendo. Nothing solid, nothing real.

But by golly, they've got Joe down!

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