
You had a long day, Gracie. Glad to hear your kitty is doing well. Time to have a nice drink and relax. If we depended on Stats to serve us, we'd be waiting a long time. :lol: What is your pleasure, Gracie and Mertex.

I better skip it now...I'm getting ready to go to choir practice....wouldn't want to stumble into church....that would not be good....:lol::lol:
For a fleeting moment, I am a mathematical rep palindrome!!

$SH 12021.png


Palindrome Champagne for everyone!!

I just got back from walking the dogs...and it was a LONG walk, too. My hip is on fire, but I DID IT!! I made it! No crying this time either. The dogs were really good. They waited as I gasped and rested my leg...they ran when I let them loose and came back immediately when I called them to leash them back up (I keep them leashed near roads), and in was a damn good walk.
And I both told them "Pretties All Gone" and they knew. They don't care. And I think that was the problem. Pretties needed a dog that was hers. Gracie was hers. So now Pretties is kneading biscuits at the vets (I went there to check on her today), happy to be near the other dogs being treated, kneading her blankey and getting her treatments.

Things couldn't better, and I am not as sad as I was last night. I asked for a miracle...and He came through like He always does. :)
You had a long day, Gracie. Glad to hear your kitty is doing well. Time to have a nice drink and relax. If we depended on Stats to serve us, we'd be waiting a long time. :lol: What is your pleasure, Gracie and Mertex.

Now, am I gonna have to spank you!!??!!

You had a long day, Gracie. Glad to hear your kitty is doing well. Time to have a nice drink and relax. If we depended on Stats to serve us, we'd be waiting a long time. :lol: What is your pleasure, Gracie and Mertex.

I better skip it now...I'm getting ready to go to choir practice....wouldn't want to stumble into church....that would not be good....:lol::lol:

"Hosianna in the high - *burp* - est"

I am feeling good. It is 71 degrees here and I just got back from a mile hike with my daughter and I'll be off to cook dinner soon.

A watermelon margarita ought to do the drink.

For a fleeting moment, I am a mathematical rep palindrome!!

View attachment 29859







Palindrome Champagne for everyone!!


cheers you rep stud!!!!! :)

Advancement from rep whore to rep stud duly noted, sir!!

I love promotions!!


Don't know how long I'm going to hang around earache seems to be getting worse...I did the "paper-cone fire lit on one end and other end in ear", but it didn't I dropped some Murine drops, but it feels like I have a spider web in the ear....and it hurts, too!

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