
I went and bought more annuals to plant....put some color in my garden. I'm so glad that winter is over....(it is, isn't it?).

Feel like crap still.....I thought when my ear cleared up I was going to be ok, but now this cold has settled in my chest and is making me feel like crap.

Have to go to a dinner I'll do my damage here early...:D
I went and bought more annuals to plant....put some color in my garden. I'm so glad that winter is over....(it is, isn't it?).

Feel like crap still.....I thought when my ear cleared up I was going to be ok, but now this cold has settled in my chest and is making me feel like crap.

Have to go to a dinner I'll do my damage here early...:D

Really hoping you get to feeling better very soon, Mertex. Prayers for you. Spring colds suck.

Ok, so its Friday. my boss says "I am going home and will be online. If you want to, drive home, log on and if I need you I can call you."

So here I sit.


Hey, [MENTION=44344]Smilebong[/MENTION], thanks for coming to Cheers!!

Here's a whiskey on me:


I went and bought more annuals to plant....put some color in my garden. I'm so glad that winter is over....(it is, isn't it?).

Feel like crap still.....I thought when my ear cleared up I was going to be ok, but now this cold has settled in my chest and is making me feel like crap.

Have to go to a dinner I'll do my damage here early...:D

Really hoping you get to feeling better very soon, Mertex. Prayers for you. Spring colds suck.


I know...didn't get a single cold all through winter and now this....I'm really dragging.
Ok, so its Friday. my boss says "I am going home and will be online. If you want to, drive home, log on and if I need you I can call you."

So here I sit.

Here I sit right along with you, Smilebong. Just got back from having lunch with a friend, someone I haven't seen in over two years. It was a beautiful afternoon...lot of catching up and reminiscing. :) And now I'm going to have a nice cold Bud Light. :)
Ok, so its Friday. my boss says "I am going home and will be online. If you want to, drive home, log on and if I need you I can call you."

So here I sit.

Here I sit right along with you, Smilebong. Just got back from having lunch with a friend, someone I haven't seen in over two years. It was a beautiful afternoon...lot of catching up and reminiscing. :) And now I'm going to have a nice cold Bud Light. :)

Cheers. I want another, but my son is singing tonight in a concert and I want to be clear headed.
I went and bought more annuals to plant....put some color in my garden. I'm so glad that winter is over....(it is, isn't it?).

Feel like crap still.....I thought when my ear cleared up I was going to be ok, but now this cold has settled in my chest and is making me feel like crap.

Have to go to a dinner I'll do my damage here early...:D

Really hoping you get to feeling better very soon, Mertex. Prayers for you. Spring colds suck.


I know...didn't get a single cold all through winter and now this....I'm really dragging.

There are of course some homeopathic things you can do, but aside from bedrest and meds from the doc, here are three things that are critical (this is how I get my High-C back quickly):

-Inhalation of steam - brings the swelling of the vocal folds (from coughing and/or infection) down, helps the body to produce a newer thin layer of mucous on top of the vocal folds and the false folds, helps to loosen up stuff in the chest.

-Keeping the nose open at night is THE critical element in beating a cold fast. If the nose is stuffed up, then bacteria behind the stoppage multiplies really fast and the cilia of the nose doesn't get a chance to heal. This also forces you to sleep with your mouth open, where there is no cilia to help block more incoming bacteria and it dries you out. So, a good nose spray about 40 minutes before you sleep is highly recommended.

-Sleep in an ever-so slightly elevated position.

Other than that, you know the old saying: 14 days or two weeks, whichever comes first.


Get well!
Really hoping you get to feeling better very soon, Mertex. Prayers for you. Spring colds suck.


I know...didn't get a single cold all through winter and now this....I'm really dragging.

There are of course some homeopathic things you can do, but aside from bedrest and meds from the doc, here are three things that are critical (this is how I get my High-C back quickly):

-Inhalation of steam - brings the swelling of the vocal folds (from coughing and/or infection) down, helps the body to produce a newer thin layer of mucous on top of the vocal folds and the false folds, helps to loosen up stuff in the chest.

-Keeping the nose open at night is THE critical element in beating a cold fast. If the nose is stuffed up, then bacteria behind the stoppage multiplies really fast and the cilia of the nose doesn't get a chance to heal. This also forces you to sleep with your mouth open, where there is no cilia to help block more incoming bacteria and it dries you out. So, a good nose spray about 40 minutes before you sleep is highly recommended.

-Sleep in an ever-so slightly elevated position.

Other than that, you know the old saying: 14 days or two weeks, whichever comes first.


Get well!

I remember you posting this (but it was longer) some time back....I should have copied and printed it out....but thanks I'll try anything, just to get a little relief...
I went and bought more annuals to plant....put some color in my garden. I'm so glad that winter is over....(it is, isn't it?).

Feel like crap still.....I thought when my ear cleared up I was going to be ok, but now this cold has settled in my chest and is making me feel like crap.

Have to go to a dinner I'll do my damage here early...:D

Hope you feel better soon! :smiliehug:

So sick of people who don't know how to do their own jobs and make unnecessary work for others.

Patron double on the rocks, please!
Cheers. I want another, but my son is singing tonight in a concert and I want to be clear headed.
Yes, best to stay clear-headed, Smile. These things only come around once. :)

Yes, he is my last. He sang at Orchestra Hall last Sunday night and I missed it.
Most kids dream of becoming rock stars. You never know; you may have a rock star on your hands. Enjoy the concert. We'll be here when you get back. :)
Yes, best to stay clear-headed, Smile. These things only come around once. :)

Yes, he is my last. He sang at Orchestra Hall last Sunday night and I missed it.
Most kids dream of becoming rock stars. You never know; you may have a rock star on your hands. Enjoy the concert. We'll be here when you get back. :)

Thanks. Sunday it was a choice between that and my daughter playing college softball 4.5 hours away. I chose softball. She's a freshman, so there will be more. And my son is a junior. And he plays the guitar fairly well. Has a a good voice, or at least that is what his choir director says.
Yes, he is my last. He sang at Orchestra Hall last Sunday night and I missed it.
Most kids dream of becoming rock stars. You never know; you may have a rock star on your hands. Enjoy the concert. We'll be here when you get back. :)

Thanks. Sunday it was a choice between that and my daughter playing college softball 4.5 hours away. I chose softball. She's a freshman, so there will be more. And my son is a junior. And he plays the guitar fairly well. Has a a good voice, or at least that is what his choir director says.
All the best to your son and daughter. They obviously have a very good influence. :)

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