
Good morning. Is the coffee crisp?

Yes!!! And big, too!!!

[ame=]Coyote Ugly - YouTube[/ame]

Well that was rambunctious......

How's everyone doing? I spent most of the day blowing leaves and raking them into a leaf pile area....trying to get them out of my flower beds before I mulch the beds. Hard work, I'm all pooped....just want to relax...a Margarita would be really nice about right now.
I just got back from walking the dogs...and it was a LONG walk, too. My hip is on fire, but I DID IT!! I made it! No crying this time either. The dogs were really good. They waited as I gasped and rested my leg...they ran when I let them loose and came back immediately when I called them to leash them back up (I keep them leashed near roads), and in was a damn good walk.
And I both told them "Pretties All Gone" and they knew. They don't care. And I think that was the problem. Pretties needed a dog that was hers. Gracie was hers. So now Pretties is kneading biscuits at the vets (I went there to check on her today), happy to be near the other dogs being treated, kneading her blankey and getting her treatments.

Things couldn't better, and I am not as sad as I was last night. I asked for a miracle...and He came through like He always does. :)
I just got back from walking the dogs...and it was a LONG walk, too. My hip is on fire, but I DID IT!! I made it! No crying this time either. The dogs were really good. They waited as I gasped and rested my leg...they ran when I let them loose and came back immediately when I called them to leash them back up (I keep them leashed near roads), and in was a damn good walk.
And I both told them "Pretties All Gone" and they knew. They don't care. And I think that was the problem. Pretties needed a dog that was hers. Gracie was hers. So now Pretties is kneading biscuits at the vets (I went there to check on her today), happy to be near the other dogs being treated, kneading her blankey and getting her treatments.

Things couldn't better, and I am not as sad as I was last night. I asked for a miracle...and He came through like He always does. :)

So glad to hear that Pretties is doing okay, still.....reading your post I was getting teary thinking you had the vet put her down.....but it sounds like they are still working with her and that is good. I hope she makes it....she has a lot of years still left in her.....pretty Pretties.....:)

Well that was rambunctious......

How's everyone doing? I spent most of the day blowing leaves and raking them into a leaf pile area....trying to get them out of my flower beds before I mulch the beds. Hard work, I'm all pooped....just want to relax...a Margarita would be really nice about right now.
I did a friend's income tax today, went to have it printed at the UPS store, and then went grocery shopping. Yesterday, I was thinking about a friend I hadn't seen in about 15 years and, today, I was shocked to bump into her at the grocery store. Incredible! Synchronicity in action. I'll have a Bud Light, Stats, please.
I just got back from walking the dogs...and it was a LONG walk, too. My hip is on fire, but I DID IT!! I made it! No crying this time either. The dogs were really good. They waited as I gasped and rested my leg...they ran when I let them loose and came back immediately when I called them to leash them back up (I keep them leashed near roads), and in was a damn good walk.
And I both told them "Pretties All Gone" and they knew. They don't care. And I think that was the problem. Pretties needed a dog that was hers. Gracie was hers. So now Pretties is kneading biscuits at the vets (I went there to check on her today), happy to be near the other dogs being treated, kneading her blankey and getting her treatments.

Things couldn't better, and I am not as sad as I was last night. I asked for a miracle...and He came through like He always does. :)
You had a long day, Gracie. Glad to hear your kitty is doing well. Time to have a nice drink and relax. If we depended on Stats to serve us, we'd be waiting a long time. :lol: What is your pleasure, Gracie and Mertex.
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Pretties no longer belongs to me, Mertex. She is now the owner of the Veterinary Hospital and my Lady Vet. Once they get her all fixed up with treatments (expensive ones), the gal that works there will be taking her home to a new family of dogs and cats. My vet went above and beyond. They wanted her and took her. And I gave her. I felt really felt I betrayed Gracie. But Pretties is being treated now and will have a new family once released. No Gracie any more...and no Pretties any more. Both gone. That is the part I am having problems. But...Pretties has been adopted by people who can help matter the cost. And she is out of this house...where she is CONSTANTLY reminded of She Who Is No Longer Here. I mourn the loss of Pretties. But I am happy she will find new life, a new dog to call Mama, and new adventures.
I just got back from walking the dogs...and it was a LONG walk, too. My hip is on fire, but I DID IT!! I made it! No crying this time either. The dogs were really good. They waited as I gasped and rested my leg...they ran when I let them loose and came back immediately when I called them to leash them back up (I keep them leashed near roads), and in was a damn good walk.
And I both told them "Pretties All Gone" and they knew. They don't care. And I think that was the problem. Pretties needed a dog that was hers. Gracie was hers. So now Pretties is kneading biscuits at the vets (I went there to check on her today), happy to be near the other dogs being treated, kneading her blankey and getting her treatments.

Things couldn't better, and I am not as sad as I was last night. I asked for a miracle...and He came through like He always does. :)

First, I hope your hip will not experience any more pain.

Glad to hear about Pretties getting treatment.

Thinking of you, Gracie.

Well that was rambunctious......

How's everyone doing? I spent most of the day blowing leaves and raking them into a leaf pile area....trying to get them out of my flower beds before I mulch the beds. Hard work, I'm all pooped....just want to relax...a Margarita would be really nice about right now.
I did a friend's income tax today, went to have it printed at the UPS store, and then went grocery shopping. Yesterday, I was thinking about a friend I hadn't seen in about 15 years and, today, I was shocked to bump into her at the grocery store. Incredible! Synchronicity in action. I'll have a Bud Light, Stats, please.

Thank you, Stats. I was only teasing you about having to wait a long time to get served. :)
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Pretties no longer belongs to me, Mertex. She is now the owner of the Veterinary Hospital and my Lady Vet. Once they get her all fixed up with treatments (expensive ones), the gal that works there will be taking her home to a new family of dogs and cats. My vet went above and beyond. They wanted her and took her. And I gave her. I felt really felt I betrayed Gracie. But Pretties is being treated now and will have a new family once released. No Gracie any more...and no Pretties any more. Both gone. That is the part I am having problems. But...Pretties has been adopted by people who can help matter the cost. And she is out of this house...where she is CONSTANTLY reminded of She Who Is No Longer Here. I mourn the loss of Pretties. But I am happy she will find new life, a new dog to call Mama, and new adventures.

I'm sorry to hear that Pretties is no longer yours, but very glad to hear that she's doing okay and someone is looking after her in the manner that she needs to be looked after. Sometimes we just can invest that much money into our pets and it's a good thing that someone was able to step up to it and do it. It will be sad for a while, I'm sure, but don't you have a couple of dogs still with you? They will take your mind off Pretties, and knowing that she's still alive should make up for the sadness of losing her.
Dang, I think I'm developing an ear's not really bad right now, just feels like it's plugged up and I can't hear clearly through it....and a little soreness. Hope it doesn't turn into a full blown earache, I've had those and they are hell...

I'm off to go practice singing....I'll see ya all later tonight.....:smiliehug:
I have Karma and Moki left. Last year..I had 4 kids and we were happy. Now, I have 2 and am not so happy but...I will get there. Thanks, sweety. Just being around you folks helps.
Dang, I think I'm developing an ear's not really bad right now, just feels like it's plugged up and I can't hear clearly through it....and a little soreness. Hope it doesn't turn into a full blown earache, I've had those and they are hell...

I'm off to go practice singing....I'll see ya all later tonight.....:smiliehug:

Have a good rehearsal, Mertex! Sing well. :)

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