
Looks delicious! What kind of drink is it?

Long Island Iced Tea!!! :D
I drink alone.....yeah with nobody else. Cuz you know when I drink alone, I prefer to be by myself. looks like in Cheers that's pretty much a guarantee. :(

Well, at 4 in the morning on the East Coast of the USA, that might be a given. As with any bar, people come and go. You are always welcome here. Would you like something to drink?

Well, if that is what you like to drink, but I would recommend maybe a beer or some wine or some whiskey, perhaps.

Regardless whether people get along on the outside of the lounge or not, here everyone is treated in a friendly way. That includes you and me. Posting poisonous messages in Cheers! is not gonna cut it.

So, again, would you like something to drink? You are welcome and I will be glad to serve you.
Good morning, Stats.


Coffee? Is that a good remedy for hangovers?:lol:

How are you Pacer....hope you're having a good morning.
I'm fine, Mertex, thank you for asking. It's raining outside so I have a reason to procrastinate from doing what I should be doing. How is your day?

I have no excuse this's beautiful, sunny and cool.....

Yesterday we got rain, so I couldn't work much outside (good excuse) but today, other than having a bit of a headache still, I've got no excuses. I think my headache has something to do with my molar implant surgery last week....the area does not hurt at all, just this lingering headache.

I've got to go grab me some coffee......before I go to to you later...
I'm getting ready to go hunt down the cat. I hope I can find her cuz she has to be at the vets at 4:20.

Meanwhile...since this is a cyber bar, fix me up something that you think I would like, Stat. I like sweet drinks...not a lot of alcohol. Maybe a kahluah over ice with milk?
I'm getting ready to go hunt down the cat. I hope I can find her cuz she has to be at the vets at 4:20.

Meanwhile...since this is a cyber bar, fix me up something that you think I would like, Stat. I like sweet drinks...not a lot of alcohol. Maybe a kahluah over ice with milk?




Caramel hot cocoa with Kahlua!

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