Chelsea Following In Mom And Dad's Footsteps


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Anybody else as surprised as I am?

I mean, who would have thought something like this is possible?

Chelsea Clinton's Claim That An Independent Watchdog Rated the Clinton Foundation As Among the World's Most Transparent Organizations is, Get This, a Complete Lie
Ace of Spades HQ

Says who?

Says NPR.

I'd like to give Hillary Clinton a special The Balls On That Woman Award for sending out not Susan Rice as a human shield to lie for her, but her own f***ing daughter.

Chelsea Clinton, daughter of Bill and Hillary, sought to tamp down new allegations that rich foreign donors had influenced her mother while she was secretary of state by noting that an international anti-corruption group had endorsed the foundation's disclosure practices.

"What the Clinton foundation has said is that we will be kind of even more transparent," said the former first daughter, now vice chairman of the foundation, at an event sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations. "Even though Transparency International and others have said we're among the most transparent foundations, we'll disclose donors on a quarterly basis, not just an annual basis."

The problem with that, though, is Transparency International never cited the Clinton foundation. It did award Hillary Clinton its 2012 TI-USA Integrity Award when Clinton was secretary of state for "recognizing her contributions as secretary of state in raising the importance of transparency and anticorruption as elements of U.S. policy," Claudia Dumas, president of Transparency International, told NPR. (The organization put out a fuller statement Monday.)


She never mentioned the Clinton foundation, and Dumas' organization is focused on promoting government transparency.

"We do not do an examination or any ranking of foundations," said Dumas, who noted that Chelsea Clinton may have simply made an innocent mistake.

Yes I think that's exactly what it must have been.

From Morgen Richmond (@morgenR), who has more:

Btw, the Clinton Foundation has an affiliate operation in Sweden whose primary purpose is...fundraising


Oh, and they also have a separate operation set-up in the UK for, you guessed it...fundraising

Clinton Foundation's Swedish operation was registered while Hillary was Secretary of State (2010)

There's a lot more at the link but I'm taking it easy because I don't want our board dims reporting this and insisting that it be sent to the Flame Zone where it belongs because, you know, it's telling the truth about dimocraps.

And we cant have that, can we?

Posted by Ace at 05:34 PM Comments

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