chemical weapon

I only pointed out that the picture was a stock posed one as even for a nebuliser you MUST be sat up. The mask is a large adult size and so will fail to deliver as the medication will be escaping round the perimeter. Posed by actors to represent what is happening in the real world, not for propaganda. When I had my respiratory arrest last month only the crash team were allowed near my bed, everyone else was put in the corridor including the nurses.
While it's entirely possible the picture was staged, it's also possible (and, IMO, more likely) that the mask was the only one they had.

Let's not forget that not only was this taken in a third world shithole, but also in a war zone. Supplies are scarce. I have little doubt they reuse needles too since it's either clean needles for reuse or don't use any at all.


They should have peadiatric supplies that they can reuse if needed, the way it was shown that child was at greater risk of dying than if they had done nothing. Far too many pictures are posed because the press cant get access to ICU/ITU departments in hospitals without risking patients lives. Nebulisers dont work with the patient laid down the atomisation cant take place. The forced air has to pass over the top of the liquid to lift it as droplets ( seen as a mist) lay down and the liquid is no longer on contact with the air. Look at the one in the picture above held upright so the bronchiodilator medicine becomes a mist and not a liquid.
They should have peadiatric supplies that they can reuse if needed, the way it was shown that child was at greater risk of dying than if they had done nothing. Far too many pictures are posed because the press cant get access to ICU/ITU departments in hospitals without risking patients lives. Nebulisers dont work with the patient laid down the atomisation cant take place. The forced air has to pass over the top of the liquid to lift it as droplets ( seen as a mist) lay down and the liquid is no longer on contact with the air. Look at the one in the picture above held upright so the bronchiodilator medicine becomes a mist and not a liquid.
Operative word being "should". They shouldn't have to treat children for gunshot wounds, shrapnel wounds and being gassed either, but they do.

The point being that in a poor country beset by civil war, medical supplies are in short supply.
I only pointed out that the picture was a stock posed one as even for a nebuliser you MUST be sat up. The mask is a large adult size and so will fail to deliver as the medication will be escaping round the perimeter. Posed by actors to represent what is happening in the real world, not for propaganda. When I had my respiratory arrest last month only the crash team were allowed near my bed, everyone else was put in the corridor including the nurses.
While it's entirely possible the picture was staged, it's also possible (and, IMO, more likely) that the mask was the only one they had.

Let's not forget that not only was this taken in a third world shithole, but also in a war zone. Supplies are scarce. I have little doubt they reuse needles too since it's either clean needles for reuse or don't use any at all.

No third world shithole. Health complicated due to sanctions but Syria is known for its pharmaceutical industry. However, terrorists usually exploit everything and sell it to Turkey.
As for your assumption: Of course it is staged. And if they have only one mask it is staged more than ever.
But this is war. Before the war, Syria was a thriving zero debt nation. Islamism grew over the past decades, especially the last 10 years, though. This all might be in store for Europe as well.
Correct, but now it's a war-torn Third World shithole.

Fuck the Russians.
You must provide a reason. Is it because they participate in the real war on terror?

So the Internet cafes called in thousands of Nato airstrikes and armed Islamist extremists in 2011?
Provide a reason of what? That the Russians are fuckwads? That Syria has turned itself into a Third World shithole? Speak English like it was your first language, please.

No. Aside from providing airstrikes in Libya, where did "Nato" provide "thousands of Nato airstrikes and armed Islamist extremists"? Do you even understand what "Arab Spring" was? Here, let me help you:
What Is the Arab Spring?
The Arab Spring was a series of anti-government protests, uprisings and armed rebellions that spread across the Middle East in early 2011. But their purpose, relative success and outcome remain hotly disputedin Arab countries, among foreign observers, and between world powers looking to cash in on the changing map of the Middle East.

2011 Arab Uprisings: Why the Name the “Arab Spring”?
The term “Arab Spring” was popularized by the Western media in early 2011, when the successful uprising in Tunisia against former leader Zine ElAbidine Ben Ali emboldened similar anti-government protests in most Arab countries.

The term was a reference to the turmoil in Eastern Europe in 1989, when seemingly impregnable Communist regimes began falling down under pressure from mass popular protests in a domino effect. In a short period of time, most countries in the former Communist bloc adopted democratic political systems with a market economy.

But the events in the Middle East went in a less straightforward direction.

Egypt, Tunisia and Yemen entered an uncertain transition period, Syria and Libya were drawn into a civil conflict, while the wealthy monarchies in the Persian Gulf remained largely unshaken by the events. The use of the term the “Arab Spring” has since been criticized for being inaccurate and simplistic......
and yet again Assad uses chemicals

Assad used chemical weapons again, This time in #Saraqib, world heritage town in Idleb


we will be hearing more in the days to come.

Your photo is a fake as the mask would deliver no oxygen to that baby, must be a stock photo that you are using of a posed situation. The mask should make a full seal around the nose and mouth so that the oxygen enriched air can be breathed in and not just vented into the room. The "doctors" hand is covering the venturi so stopping the device from working as it should, this means that there is no actual oxygen being delivered. This is why they prefer nasal canula's for administering oxygen for babies.

Just thought I would let you know for future reference. ( being a long term oxygen user who need the therapy 24/7 I should know these things

thousands and thousands of people across the country

have oxygen delivered to their systems without the supply being seal to their faces


check it out

plus there are several factors missing to the situation

like maybe that is all the medical center treating the baby

is limited on the available medical equipment
No third world shithole......
It is now.


More extensive than Lebanon in a quarter the time.
At least in Lebanon the military was kept out of most of the fighting except by Gen. Aoun, the potential next president who was exiled from Lebanon for 14 yrs for the massacre by his 17,000 troops and now a supporter of hezbullah.

Bashar has taken the actions of his father in Syria and Lebanon and become so much worse. Now he has the help of Russia as well to kill his own people.
They should have peadiatric supplies that they can reuse if needed, the way it was shown that child was at greater risk of dying than if they had done nothing. Far too many pictures are posed because the press cant get access to ICU/ITU departments in hospitals without risking patients lives. Nebulisers dont work with the patient laid down the atomisation cant take place. The forced air has to pass over the top of the liquid to lift it as droplets ( seen as a mist) lay down and the liquid is no longer on contact with the air. Look at the one in the picture above held upright so the bronchiodilator medicine becomes a mist and not a liquid.
Operative word being "should". They shouldn't have to treat children for gunshot wounds, shrapnel wounds and being gassed either, but they do.

The point being that in a poor country beset by civil war, medical supplies are in short supply.

And that is why they are beset by civil war, and the children are used as pawns by both sides.
and yet again Assad uses chemicals

Assad used chemical weapons again, This time in #Saraqib, world heritage town in Idleb


we will be hearing more in the days to come.

Your photo is a fake as the mask would deliver no oxygen to that baby, must be a stock photo that you are using of a posed situation. The mask should make a full seal around the nose and mouth so that the oxygen enriched air can be breathed in and not just vented into the room. The "doctors" hand is covering the venturi so stopping the device from working as it should, this means that there is no actual oxygen being delivered. This is why they prefer nasal canula's for administering oxygen for babies.

Just thought I would let you know for future reference. ( being a long term oxygen user who need the therapy 24/7 I should know these things

thousands and thousands of people across the country

have oxygen delivered to their systems without the supply being seal to their faces


check it out

plus there are several factors missing to the situation

like maybe that is all the medical center treating the baby

is limited on the available medical equipment

It is not oxygen that is being administered but medications, would you inject without a needle, prescribe morphine and hand out aspirin because that is the difference here.

I use a canula 24/7 and it wastes 75% of the oxygen it delivers, I use a face mask that is not sealed and it wastes 50% of the oxygen it delivers. Niether are any use as carriers for medication as they waste so much, so sealed masks are used for maximum dosage. Did you miss the part where I explained that I am a long term oxygen user and my time away from the oxygen concentrators and on bottled is 45 minutes. Now that I have LOX I can go 2.5 hrs before running out of oxygen and needing medical attention. I also use two different types of nebuliser that use compressed air not oxygen to deliver a fast acting bronchiodilater and them a hypertonic saline inhalant to free up the phlegm in my lungs. All this because I worked in an industry that released carcinogens into the workplace and it was a lottery if you were infected or not.

As I said the method used was more damaging and could create long term problems for the child, much better to just use palliative care and see what happens until a paediatric mask is available. How would a child cope it the only mask they had was one fitted with a demand valve and it did not open ?
and yet again Assad uses chemicals

Assad used chemical weapons again, This time in #Saraqib, world heritage town in Idleb


we will be hearing more in the days to come.

Your photo is a fake as the mask would deliver no oxygen to that baby, must be a stock photo that you are using of a posed situation. The mask should make a full seal around the nose and mouth so that the oxygen enriched air can be breathed in and not just vented into the room. The "doctors" hand is covering the venturi so stopping the device from working as it should, this means that there is no actual oxygen being delivered. This is why they prefer nasal canula's for administering oxygen for babies.

Just thought I would let you know for future reference. ( being a long term oxygen user who need the therapy 24/7 I should know these things

thousands and thousands of people across the country

have oxygen delivered to their systems without the supply being seal to their faces


check it out

plus there are several factors missing to the situation

like maybe that is all the medical center treating the baby

is limited on the available medical equipment

It is not oxygen that is being administered but medications, would you inject without a needle, prescribe morphine and hand out aspirin because that is the difference here.

I use a canula 24/7 and it wastes 75% of the oxygen it delivers, I use a face mask that is not sealed and it wastes 50% of the oxygen it delivers. Niether are any use as carriers for medication as they waste so much, so sealed masks are used for maximum dosage. Did you miss the part where I explained that I am a long term oxygen user and my time away from the oxygen concentrators and on bottled is 45 minutes. Now that I have LOX I can go 2.5 hrs before running out of oxygen and needing medical attention. I also use two different types of nebuliser that use compressed air not oxygen to deliver a fast acting bronchiodilater and them a hypertonic saline inhalant to free up the phlegm in my lungs. All this because I worked in an industry that released carcinogens into the workplace and it was a lottery if you were infected or not.

As I said the method used was more damaging and could create long term problems for the child, much better to just use palliative care and see what happens until a paediatric mask is available. How would a child cope it the only mask they had was one fitted with a demand valve and it did not open ?
and yet again Assad uses chemicals

Assad used chemical weapons again, This time in #Saraqib, world heritage town in Idleb


we will be hearing more in the days to come.

Your photo is a fake as the mask would deliver no oxygen to that baby, must be a stock photo that you are using of a posed situation. The mask should make a full seal around the nose and mouth so that the oxygen enriched air can be breathed in and not just vented into the room. The "doctors" hand is covering the venturi so stopping the device from working as it should, this means that there is no actual oxygen being delivered. This is why they prefer nasal canula's for administering oxygen for babies.

Just thought I would let you know for future reference. ( being a long term oxygen user who need the therapy 24/7 I should know these things

that adult size venturi may be ALL THEY HAD ON HAND---the oxygen instilled will not all vent OUT----it will enrich the air
that the baby is breathing and maybe they are giving the infants some mist too. The kid is getting what amounts to
an oxygen tent set up. Do not give up hope----we don't even know what happened to the baby. A nasal cannula does the same thing-----just raises the partial pressure of the O2
Chlorine Toxicity Treatment & Management: Approach Considerations ...
Dec 11, 2015 - Chlorine gas was used as a chemical weapon in World War I. ... Children. Cases of chronic reactive airway disease after acute exposures to ...
Chlorine Toxicity: Practice Essentials, Background, Pathophysiology
Dec 11, 2015 - Chlorine gas is a pulmonary irritant with intermediate water solubility that causes ...Children. See Treatment and Medication for more detail.
Chlorine Poisoning: Symptoms. Diagnosis & Treatments - Healthline › Reference Library
Healthline Networks
The information in this article is not intended to treat poison exposure. ... Take children who show signs of chlorine poisoning to a hospital or emergency room ...
Chlorine Gas Inhalation - NCBI - National Institutes of Health
National Center for Biotechnology Information
by CW White - ‎2010 - ‎Cited by 89 - ‎Related articles
Humans can come into contact with chlorine gas during short-term, high-level exposures ... Acute exposures can result in symptoms of acute airway obstruction including ..... In a small study of twelve surviving children and adults, patients were ...
You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 8/2/16
and yet again Assad uses chemicals

Assad used chemical weapons again, This time in #Saraqib, world heritage town in Idleb


we will be hearing more in the days to come.

Your photo is a fake as the mask would deliver no oxygen to that baby, must be a stock photo that you are using of a posed situation. The mask should make a full seal around the nose and mouth so that the oxygen enriched air can be breathed in and not just vented into the room. The "doctors" hand is covering the venturi so stopping the device from working as it should, this means that there is no actual oxygen being delivered. This is why they prefer nasal canula's for administering oxygen for babies.

Just thought I would let you know for future reference. ( being a long term oxygen user who need the therapy 24/7 I should know these things

that adult size venturi may be ALL THEY HAD ON HAND---the oxygen instilled will not all vent OUT----it will enrich the air
that the baby is breathing and maybe they are giving the infants some mist too. The kid is getting what amounts to
an oxygen tent set up. Do not give up hope----we don't even know what happened to the baby. A nasal cannula does the same thing-----just raises the partial pressure of the O2

All I said is it looks to be a posed stock picture, to show that the sides are not concerned with saving lives just putting out propaganda.
and yet again Assad uses chemicals

Assad used chemical weapons again, This time in #Saraqib, world heritage town in Idleb


we will be hearing more in the days to come.

Your photo is a fake as the mask would deliver no oxygen to that baby, must be a stock photo that you are using of a posed situation. The mask should make a full seal around the nose and mouth so that the oxygen enriched air can be breathed in and not just vented into the room. The "doctors" hand is covering the venturi so stopping the device from working as it should, this means that there is no actual oxygen being delivered. This is why they prefer nasal canula's for administering oxygen for babies.

Just thought I would let you know for future reference. ( being a long term oxygen user who need the therapy 24/7 I should know these things

that adult size venturi may be ALL THEY HAD ON HAND---the oxygen instilled will not all vent OUT----it will enrich the air
that the baby is breathing and maybe they are giving the infants some mist too. The kid is getting what amounts to
an oxygen tent set up. Do not give up hope----we don't even know what happened to the baby. A nasal cannula does the same thing-----just raises the partial pressure of the O2

All I said is it looks to be a posed stock picture, to show that the sides are not concerned with saving lives just putting out propaganda.

could be----both sides are doing it------I am not surprised
and yet again Assad uses chemicals

Assad used chemical weapons again, This time in #Saraqib, world heritage town in Idleb


we will be hearing more in the days to come.

Your photo is a fake as the mask would deliver no oxygen to that baby, must be a stock photo that you are using of a posed situation. The mask should make a full seal around the nose and mouth so that the oxygen enriched air can be breathed in and not just vented into the room. The "doctors" hand is covering the venturi so stopping the device from working as it should, this means that there is no actual oxygen being delivered. This is why they prefer nasal canula's for administering oxygen for babies.

Just thought I would let you know for future reference. ( being a long term oxygen user who need the therapy 24/7 I should know these things

thousands and thousands of people across the country

have oxygen delivered to their systems without the supply being seal to their faces


check it out

plus there are several factors missing to the situation

like maybe that is all the medical center treating the baby

is limited on the available medical equipment

It is not oxygen that is being administered but medications, would you inject without a needle, prescribe morphine and hand out aspirin because that is the difference here.

I use a canula 24/7 and it wastes 75% of the oxygen it delivers, I use a face mask that is not sealed and it wastes 50% of the oxygen it delivers. Niether are any use as carriers for medication as they waste so much, so sealed masks are used for maximum dosage. Did you miss the part where I explained that I am a long term oxygen user and my time away from the oxygen concentrators and on bottled is 45 minutes. Now that I have LOX I can go 2.5 hrs before running out of oxygen and needing medical attention. I also use two different types of nebuliser that use compressed air not oxygen to deliver a fast acting bronchiodilater and them a hypertonic saline inhalant to free up the phlegm in my lungs. All this because I worked in an industry that released carcinogens into the workplace and it was a lottery if you were infected or not.

As I said the method used was more damaging and could create long term problems for the child, much better to just use palliative care and see what happens until a paediatric mask is available. How would a child cope it the only mask they had was one fitted with a demand valve and it did not open ?

now i am wondering if you really have a grasp on what your saying

dude i was on liquid oxygen myself 24/7 at one point my life

requiring 6 or more lpm

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