Chemtrails real or not?

I recall working in Pasadena and not being able to see across a 4 lane street, that was quite a while back. I'm thinking things have improved since then.
Those look like contrails to me. When you see gigantic contrails in the shape of an X, and many of them, get inside and don't go out until they dissipate or you will get awfully sick.
Lol man that must be a hard life needing to deal with such irrational fears every day.
We all have seen a cloudy sky on a day when the weather channel predicted to be clear. We might not notice it but the streaks in the sky sometimes blend together and turn a bright blue sky to something resembling dirty yellow. The stuff that fuels planes is similar to the stuff that makes us choke when we sit behind a diesel truck on the highway. The ironic thing is tha environmentalists dismiss plane exhaust while they curse at truck exhaust.
Those look like contrails to me. When you see gigantic contrails in the shape of an X, and many of them, get inside and don't go out until they dissipate or you will get awfully sick.
Lol man that must be a hard life needing to deal with such irrational fears every day.

[ame=""]U.S Army Tests Bio-Weapons on U.S. Citizens[/ame]

why irrational when its admitted?

are you in denial?
A typical 747 burns a gallon of av-gas every second and there are about 5,000 planes in the air at all times. The radical environmentalists tend to dismiss exhaust from planes because the elitists among them do not want to jeopardize their access to air transportation. The double talk is that con-trails consist of ice crystals which is true but the con-trails also contain typical fossil fuel pollution at the rate of 30,000 gallons in ten hours.
why irrational when its admitted?

are you in denial?
You suffer from correlation problems. The government has not admitted to currently loading airplanes with chemicals to crisscross our skies spraying us with chemicals.

Well, in additional to the psychotic issues that are prevalent in people who subscribe to any conspiracy theory that comes down the pipe no matter how implausible.
it dose not look right when you see all them plane's making all them lines above our place. Then the lines spread out and cover the sun and blue sky's. happened here all summer long. only takes one normal plane to fly. yeah the you tube videos on this is non stop if any one wants to watch them I did once.
I dont know anybody that subscribes to every conspiracy theory that comes down the pipe no matter how implausible do you?
Yup, many right in this forum.

That is what is so amusing about tin-hatters, they'll buy into anything no matter how unrelated because it feeds whatever need they have to feel in on the big secret and stokes their paranoia issues.

Show me someone who believes the WTC was an inside job and the majority of the time they are also anti-vaccine. Unrelated but they'll latch onto both.
I don't think that con-trail plane exhaust qualifies as a conspiracy. It's just an example of low information. A typical 747 burns a gallon of stuff similar to kerosene per second. Does anybody think plane exhaust is free of pollution? We accept con-trails as a fact of life but they can turn a pretty blue sky into a dismal grey cloud under certain conditions and the invisible pollution rains down on us just like truck exhaust..
I noticed that there are alot of chemtrails in the sky over CT this morning. So should I be worried or are they just BS?

Danger In The Sky - The Chemtrail Phenomenon - YouTube

I have become facinated with this. So far here is what I have been told about them

1. From the Alex Jones worshippers, They are germ/chemical warfare used in mind control.

2. From George Noory (the snooron) they are spraying chemicals that are part of a teraforming program of men from space.

3. That its chemicals that.patch holes in the Ozone layer.

4. That its stuff used to bounce radio waves off of as part of the HARP program.

Personally, I don't feel there is anything evil going on, and the conspiracy nuts need a new thing to scare their followers into buying their shit.
I noticed that there are alot of chemtrails in the sky over CT this morning. So should I be worried or are they just BS?

Danger In The Sky - The Chemtrail Phenomenon - YouTube

I have become facinated with this. So far here is what I have been told about them

1. From the Alex Jones worshippers, They are germ/chemical warfare used in mind control.

2. From George Noory (the snooron) they are spraying chemicals that are part of a teraforming program of men from space.

3. That its chemicals that.patch holes in the Ozone layer.

4. That its stuff used to bounce radio waves off of as part of the HARP program.

Personally, I don't feel there is anything evil going on, and the conspiracy nuts need a new thing to scare their followers into buying their shit.

unless there is a law says they cannot do such things there is no conspiracy. Of course that has never stopped the loving government from doing anything. some things may be harmless than again others not.

How do you enforce accountability without laws in place to do so?
There is absolute, irrefutable fact that this idea has been created and tested. There was an article a few years ago, a UN document I believe, that stated the cost would be around 100 billion a year. They could not have arrived at that conclusion without testing the theory.

Nevertheless, most of what you see is simply the result of too much air traffic
Well, I can see them being some cloud to bounce radio waves off of, bt the rest is just stupidity. Specally since the ones who push it sell vitamins and supplements that the govrenment don't want us to know about that will counteract the tlxic effects of this stuff.
Yep....we can all be real sure this is just some guy being paid to write "Marry Me?!!" in the sky!!!


The airlines just like to make the sky pretty for the people!!!

Who cant see that??:2up:

Most people just will always refuse to believe anything except what is accepted by the conformists. Geo-engineering has been going on since just after the 2nd World War
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Very good skooker, you have found a video of contrails coming off of that KC-10.

Funniest is when that video does a freeze and points out the "spray nozzles" under the wings. Here are your nozzles from a better angle, man they suddenly stop looking like nozzles...


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