Cheney Calls for full Release of Memos

Where is all the fury over the fact that the war is still continuing and being funded? Where are the daily headlines about the numbers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan? They're still happening you know? Under Obama's watch. Where's the screams and the cries that I heard for nearly 8 years, why did they suddenly die on Jan. 19th, 2009, when nothing has 'changed'?

Good point.

Why do you presume that because I am anti-torture, I am also anti-war? Some wars are clearly justifiable. I fully support our guys bombing the bejeesuz out of the Taliban.

I have no problem with our troops being in Iraq and Afghanistan. I do have a huge problem with a U.S. president setting policies for U.S. agencies that are in violation of U.S. laws.
Where is all the fury over the fact that the war is still continuing and being funded? Where are the daily headlines about the numbers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan? They're still happening you know? Under Obama's watch. Where's the screams and the cries that I heard for nearly 8 years, why did they suddenly die on Jan. 19th, 2009, when nothing has 'changed'?

Good point.

I agree with him, but it is off topic.
Dick Cheney is what a colon doctor would call a "full release."

and you're what a proctologist would call a "trophy".

Cheney would like you.

A little OT, but I was watching a bit of the Hannity interview last night. Cheney sat there and said how worrisome the budget deficit was under Obama.

My jaw almost hit the floor. This guy's government inhereted a surplus and ran up $5 trillion in debt, almost doubling it. Not an iota of shame.
i would rather break a treaty and save lives...

and to those who think our actions dicate how the enemy treats us, i call bullshit...tell that to the families of those who have been beheaded...

Thank you.

The pedantic feel-goodism that permeates the participation of so many in here is astonishing in its simplistic and naive notions of war, and defense of country.
Not that it has anything to do with this thread but ...

A lot of those screams died when Bush finally got his head out of his ass, fired Rumsfeld, and actually changed policy in Iraq. We *gasp* talked to the terrorists and it's been successful. We aren't losing a hundred men and women a month. Car bombs killing dozens aren't going off daily. Etc.

And in case anybody missed it Obama has already announced the war will be ended next summer. He not going to just hastily yank the troops out of there.
You would care and you would do more than water boarding if terrorists were holding your child and threatening to cut off your baby's head with a dull knife, you would change your tune in an instant. It's very nice to hold ideologic views but reality is reality. You need to start thinking with your brain instead of your emotions. Picture that scenario in that liberal brain of yours.
i would rather break a treaty and save lives...

and to those who think our actions dicate how the enemy treats us, i call bullshit...tell that to the families of those who have been beheaded...

Thank you.

The pedantic feel-goodism that permeates the participation of so many in here is astonishing in its simplistic and naive notions of war, and defense of country.

So now my notions of war are naive? :cuckoo:
Personally I would rather be waterboarded than have my head cut off with a dull knife like Daniel Pearl did. But you libs think that you can make nice with these sadistic terrorists, you can't, they are obsessed with killing anyone they consider an infidel. There are no exceptions for LIBERALS.
You would care and you would do more than water boarding if terrorists were holding your child and threatening to cut off your baby's head with a dull knife, you would change your tune in an instant. It's very nice to hold ideologic views but reality is reality. You need to start thinking with your brain instead of your emotions. Picture that scenario in that liberal brain of yours.

If and when that happens, you have my permission to torture someone. Feel better now?

p.s. Lay off the youtube and the koolaid.
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Personally I would rather be waterboarded than have my head cut off with a dull knife like Daniel Pearl did. But you libs think that you can make nice with these sadistic terrorists, you can't, they are obsessed with killing anyone they consider an infidel. There are no exceptions for LIBERALS.

oh, snap! i've been outed as a liberal.
whatever will i do?
You would care and you would do more than water boarding if terrorists were holding your child and threatening to cut off your baby's head with a dull knife, you would change your tune in an instant. It's very nice to hold ideologic views but reality is reality. You need to start thinking with your brain instead of your emotions. Picture that scenario in that liberal brain of yours.

News Flash:

You are the one thinking emotionally here.
Personally I would rather be waterboarded than have my head cut off with a dull knife like Daniel Pearl did. But you libs think that you can make nice with these sadistic terrorists, you can't, they are obsessed with killing anyone they consider an infidel. There are no exceptions for LIBERALS.

oh, snap! i've been outed as a liberal.
whatever will i do?
Personally I would rather be waterboarded than have my head cut off with a dull knife like Daniel Pearl did. But you libs think that you can make nice with these sadistic terrorists, you can't, they are obsessed with killing anyone they consider an infidel. There are no exceptions for LIBERALS.

oh, snap! i've been outed as a liberal.
whatever will i do?

Move to Massachusetts


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