Cheney calls Iran deal madness....

He is lucky he is not in prison for war crimes

LOL name the crimes or admit you just have an irrational hatred for Cheney.

Lets have an international tribunal

You destroyed yourself with your own link fool, "The C.I.A. misled members of Congress and the White House" so how is this on Cheney? OH SNAP!

Why won't Cheney travel abroad?

Because he knows he might not be able to come back

I guess lib punks are too gutless to charge Cheney in the US?

Yes they were.......Obama did not want to drag the country through the mud recounting the crimes of Bush/Cheney

Republicans would never have offered him the same courtesy
LOL name the crimes or admit you just have an irrational hatred for Cheney.

Lets have an international tribunal

You destroyed yourself with your own link fool, "The C.I.A. misled members of Congress and the White House" so how is this on Cheney? OH SNAP!

Why won't Cheney travel abroad?

Because he knows he might not be able to come back

I guess lib punks are too gutless to charge Cheney in the US?

Yes they were.......Obama did not want to drag the country through the mud recounting the crimes of Bush/Cheney

Republicans would never have offered him the same courtesy

Or there weren't any crimes committed which is far more likely.




You should get down on your knees and thank VP Cheney for his long and loyal service to this country.

He is lucky he is not in prison for war crimes

LOL name the crimes or admit you just have an irrational hatred for Cheney.

Lets have an international tribunal

You destroyed yourself with your own link fool, "The C.I.A. misled members of Congress and the White House" so how is this on Cheney? OH SNAP!

Stop lying. Bush and Cheney ignored intelligence. Just because Cheney and Bush are liars does not mean you have to be a liar so stop lying.

The Bush White House Was Deaf to 9/11 Warnings - The ...

Study: Bush, aides made 935 false statements in run-up to ...


Dick Cheney's Biggest Lie - Newsweek
George W. Bush's CIA Briefer: Bush and Cheney Falsely ...
Lie by Lie: A Timeline of How We Got Into Iraq | Mother Jones

LOL name the crimes or admit you just have an irrational hatred for Cheney.

Lets have an international tribunal

You destroyed yourself with your own link fool, "The C.I.A. misled members of Congress and the White House" so how is this on Cheney? OH SNAP!

Why won't Cheney travel abroad?

Because he knows he might not be able to come back

I guess lib punks are too gutless to charge Cheney in the US?

Yes they were.......Obama did not want to drag the country through the mud recounting the crimes of Bush/Cheney

Republicans would never have offered him the same courtesy

He screwed up. Obama is a Boy Scout. Cheney, Bush and others should have faced a firing squad for war crimes.
You should get down on your knees and thank VP Cheney for his long and loyal service to this country.

He is lucky he is not in prison for war crimes

LOL name the crimes or admit you just have an irrational hatred for Cheney.

Lets have an international tribunal

You destroyed yourself with your own link fool, "The C.I.A. misled members of Congress and the White House" so how is this on Cheney? OH SNAP!

Stop lying. Bush and Cheney ignored intelligence. Just because Cheney and Bush are liars does not mean you have to be a liar so stop lying.

The Bush White House Was Deaf to 9/11 Warnings - The ...

Study: Bush, aides made 935 false statements in run-up to ...


Dick Cheney's Biggest Lie - Newsweek
George W. Bush's CIA Briefer: Bush and Cheney Falsely ...
Lie by Lie: A Timeline of How We Got Into Iraq | Mother Jones

Unless you worked in the Bush White House with high level access you don't know shit.

You destroyed yourself with your own link fool, "The C.I.A. misled members of Congress and the White House" so how is this on Cheney? OH SNAP!

Why won't Cheney travel abroad?

Because he knows he might not be able to come back

I guess lib punks are too gutless to charge Cheney in the US?

Yes they were.......Obama did not want to drag the country through the mud recounting the crimes of Bush/Cheney

Republicans would never have offered him the same courtesy

He screwed up. Obama is a Boy Scout. Cheney, Bush and others should have faced a firing squad for war crimes.

Yeah that's rational thinking /eyeroll
You destroyed yourself with your own link fool, "The C.I.A. misled members of Congress and the White House" so how is this on Cheney? OH SNAP!

Why won't Cheney travel abroad?

Because he knows he might not be able to come back

I guess lib punks are too gutless to charge Cheney in the US?

Yes they were.......Obama did not want to drag the country through the mud recounting the crimes of Bush/Cheney

Republicans would never have offered him the same courtesy

He screwed up. Obama is a Boy Scout. Cheney, Bush and others should have faced a firing squad for war crimes.

Yeah that's rational thinking /eyeroll

You should be in prison along with Cheney and his war profiteers.
Why won't Cheney travel abroad?

Because he knows he might not be able to come back

I guess lib punks are too gutless to charge Cheney in the US?

Yes they were.......Obama did not want to drag the country through the mud recounting the crimes of Bush/Cheney

Republicans would never have offered him the same courtesy

He screwed up. Obama is a Boy Scout. Cheney, Bush and others should have faced a firing squad for war crimes.

Yeah that's rational thinking /eyeroll

You should be in prison along with Cheney and his war profiteers.

LOL okay why?
Cheney on Iran deal: 'It is madness' -

This coming from the man who lied us into the Iraq war. Credibility counts a lot and DICK, you have none!

Credibility and Trust. Flushed down the tubes.

1) Poor tactics.

2) Poor procedure.

3) Failure at research.

4) Not enough facts to get the bill out of committee, before it goes to the floor to be considered and voted on.

5) Abandonment, neglect and disregard.

6) Poor intelligence ( laziness & incompetence ), Neglecting Intelligence, or failure of intelligence as a whole.

7) Believing, and/or wanting to believe something that is not true.

8) ABSOLUTE poor span of control. Failure to control subordinates ( Congress and Senate ).

9) No or lack of communication with the Justice Department.

10) At Martha's Vineyard while Congress is in ruins or arguing among one another. People stuck in a committee room while people are vacationing at Camp David !!!

11) An absolute failure, or partial breakdown in leadership.

12) Failure of maturity and responsibility.

13) Dereliction of duty.

14) Perjury.

15) Executive - Judicial and Legislative levels of Government......showing poor responsibility for their constituents. They are supposed to do their job to the best of their ability, and to perform faithfully and with sincerity.....and act impartial on behalf of the voters and constituents !!!

16) Failure to abide by checks and balances !!!

17) Gross and severe neglect of the Constitution, as well as abuse of powers.

Shadow 355
Democrats, committed cowards in regards to the war in Iraq, first they vote for the war then turn their backs on the soldiers putting their lives on the line to win an election, make excuses .. forgive themselves, then proceed to bankrupt the country... :eusa_snooty:
He is lucky he is not in prison for war crimes

LOL name the crimes or admit you just have an irrational hatred for Cheney.

Lets have an international tribunal

You destroyed yourself with your own link fool, "The C.I.A. misled members of Congress and the White House" so how is this on Cheney? OH SNAP!

Stop lying. Bush and Cheney ignored intelligence. Just because Cheney and Bush are liars does not mean you have to be a liar so stop lying.

The Bush White House Was Deaf to 9/11 Warnings - The ...

Study: Bush, aides made 935 false statements in run-up to ...


Dick Cheney's Biggest Lie - Newsweek
George W. Bush's CIA Briefer: Bush and Cheney Falsely ...
Lie by Lie: A Timeline of How We Got Into Iraq | Mother Jones

Unless you worked in the Bush White House with high level access you don't know shit.

I didn't work in the Bush White House, but just understanding the world situation, I realized they were full of shit. Saddam was not a threat outside his borders and Bush was threatening Armageddon. Bush thought he could invade and once in could find something....ANYTHING that would justify his invasion.....he didn't
More bizarre claims by the Rabbi that are totally unrelated to real life

Now, watch as he refuses to back up his wild claims

Hey Rabbi....prove me wrong
The Iran Nuclear Deal – A Simple Guide

The "real world" absent Rabbi fantasies

During the enrichment process, centrifuges are used to raise concentrations of U-235. For most power reactors in the West, uranium is enriched up to 5 percent. Bomb grade is above 90 percent and Iran had been processing ore to 20 percent enrichment.
The agreementIran has agreed to transform its deeply buried plant at Fordo into a center for science research. Another uranium plant, Natanz, is to be cut back rather than shut down. Some 5,000 centrifuges for enriching uranium will remain spinning there, about half the current number. Iran has also agreed to limit enrichment to 3.7 percent and to cap its stockpile of low-enriched uranium at 300 kilograms, or 660 pounds, for 15 years. That is considered insufficient for a bomb rush.
Did you get someone to read that to you?
Yes, IRan has made agreements not to do things here. They have also made similar agreements in the past, and broken them. Why will they not break these agreements? Of course they will.
Nutjobber unmasked as a moron once more.
Iran will not see sanctions lifted until the IAEA confirms that it has followed through with its end of the JCPOA. Should Iran violate any aspect of the deal, the UN sanctions will automatically "snap back" into place for 10 years, with the possibility of a five-year extension.
An eight-member Joint Commission comprising representatives of the P5+1 nations, the EU and Iran will be established to monitor compliance. If the commission cannot resolve a dispute, it will be referred to the UN Security Council.
Iran has also agreed to the continuation of the UN arms embargo on the country for up to five years,
IAEA has agreed to let Iran "self certify" their compliance. With all the companies rushing to make deals with Iram there will be no "snapback" any more than there were going to be "anytime, anywhere" inspections.

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