Cheney calls Iran deal madness....



OH STOP! In the weeks leading up to the FINAL Benghazi attack, the compound had been attacked TWICE before, the 2nd time leaving a 3-foot hole in the compound wall...and in that time the State Department reduced the number of US Security Personnel there...despite the KNOWN THREATS we now know they knew about. One of those threats was an Al Qaeida call for the murder of Stevens on 9/11/12 in retaliation for the killing of an Al Qaeida leader FROM Benghazi several weeks earlier in a drone strike.

This reduction in security also came days after the AL QAEIDA-ASSOCIATED MILITIA THEY HAD HIRED TO PROTECT STEVENS reportedly quit, saying they could no longer protect him (which they completely FAILED to do anyway during the 2 previous attacks mentioned above - they showed up an hour after the attacks). The REASON was because of the Al Qaeida leader's call for Stevens' death on 9/11/12! NO EFFORT was made to increase security after FACT, as mentioned above, they DECREASED his security detail further by reducing the number of US security members as well.

ALSO, are you telling me the administration that added over $6 TRILLION in the 1st 4 years of Obama's term - the President who signed a Stimulus bill that cost almost a TRILLION DOLLARS and contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-Only Pork - was suddenly SO worried about the deficit and budget that they were willing to DECREASE the number of US Security Personnel assigned to protect a US Ambassador who had already been attacked TWICE before, when they KNEW Al Qaeida had called for his assassination on 9/11/12, and when they already KNEW that Al Qaeida had called for a Middle East-Wide attack on US Embassies for 9/11/12?! REALLY? If there wasn't enough money in the budget for more security, where was Obama's pen and telephone when he knew Steven's life was in jeopardy? Stevens himself wrote the State Dept and warned that if a 3rd attack occurred and he did not have more security HE WOULD DIE!
-- 20 US Embassies were simultaneously attacked on 9/11/12, 4 overrun, and 4 Americans were killed. Obama/Hillary initially said the Benghazi attack was the result of a protest over a VIDEO...but nothing was ever mentioned about the other 19 simultaneous terrorist attacks on US Embassies throughout the Middle East on that day...WERE THEY PROTESTS OVER A VIDEO, TOO? WHY is it that other nations / people were aware that this Middle East-wide attack had been called for on 9/11/12...why - if it the case - was Obama and the State Department so UNAWARE of it? Were they really THAT incompetent / in the dark?

And if the budget was so tight that they could not afford to adequately provide security for and defend the Ambassador, WHY DIDN'T THEY SIMPLY FLY HIM OUT OF BENGHAZI BEFORE 9/11/12? They could have taken him out of harm's way after the 1st two attacks on his compound. If they KNEW - which it is proven that they DID know - an attack was called for on 9/11/12, why not take him out of Benghazi - be anywhere else but there - 0n 9/11/12, instead having him at a much safer least for that day? THEY DID NOT DO SO.
-- LET ME GUESS, NO ONE IN THE Obama ADMINISTRATION HAD ENOUGH MONEY FOR THE COST OF A PLANE TICKET TO FLY THE AMBASSADOR TO SAFETY, while Obama and his family had been flying around taking multiple million+ dollar vacations?! Obama and his family could afford to take 4+ multi-million dollar vacations that year, but neither he nor Hillary could afford to hire a few extra security guards or a plane ticket to fly Stevens out of Benghazi before he was murdered?!

No, once again we see Liberals trying to 'pass the buck' and blame anyone else for THEIR failures!
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"I think they're in the last throes, if you will, of the insurgency." --Vice President Dick Cheney, on the Iraq insurgency, June 20, 2005 (Source)

Obama successfully ended that war. Right?

What do you consider a success and how many more lives were you willing to give to obtain it?
I'm going by his own words, do you disagree? How many more lives, or how many died in vain? Because Obama cut and ran?
I would have "cut and run", too!!

What? We were supposed to stay tied to RW madness?

You are insane!

Besides - it was Bush who made that horrendous mess, decimated the country, then "cut and run". It was Bush who set that date.
So Obama can't make deals?
For the gazillionth time -

The US sends a lot of money to Israel and they have their own nukes to use against their own enemies. There are about 5 million soldiers in the Middle East countries and only 40K ISIL. Why do they need the US to fight their wars for them?

Sanctions harm only the poorest and most innocent people. Those in power in Iran don't care any more about them than Dick Cheney cares about the deaths he caused.

The Deal takes 98% of Iran's enriched uranium and leaves them nothing with which to build bombs.

The US has four choices:

Do nothing
The Deal

The Deal does not change those choices. Obama kept all of our power and gave up nothing.

Israel is not the leading exporter of terrorism are they?

Israel is not calling for the genocide of any other nation/people and is not chanting 'Death to America', are they?

Only a small minority of Germans were Nazis, too, and look how THAT turned out? Those '40k' ISIL members have already killed MORE men / women / children than 3 times their own number. They are inventing new ways to kill people in the most barbaric ways, yet Obama believes they are a 'JV Team'...yeah, and they are HIS 'JV Team', as he armed the Syrian rebels and terrorists who became ISIS. Maybe that is why he refused to target and strike their long convoys as they initially made their way into Iraq?! Didn't want to see all his monetary and military investment go to waste by being destroyed...

Those Billions Iran was just given has already gone to purchase more advanced defense systems, to surrogate terrorist organizations for the perpetration of terrorist acts....the end of sanctions may HURT Iranian citizens, but it ends up KILLING other nations' citizens!

WRONG - the Iranians get to KEEP their uranium (just reported / uncovered), they get to keep thousands of centrifuges, and they get to keep enriching the the point where - at the end of this treaty - it would only take them several months to enrich the uranium to weapons-grade. EVEN if they get to keep just enough Uranium to create a DIRTY BOMB, not even a full nuke, such a weapon could be use to kill a LOT of people and render Tel Aviv un-inhabitable for years!

Maintaining Sanctions prevented BILLIONS from being used to support terrorism and to continue to fund development of a nuclear device, NOT to feed or care for the citizens, who never saw that money anyway. It kept up pressure from the international community. It may not have prevented them from getting a nuke, but removing the sanctions just made it a whole lot easier.

Invasion was NEVER on the table to begin with. Anyone who knows anything about Iran's geography or knows enough about our recent history in war knows we were never going to invade. Anyone saying otherwise is either stupid or just spewing political rhetoric.

If bombing Iran's nuclear facilities would prevent one of the world's largest threats and perpetrators / enablers of terrorism in our time from having a nuclear device, with which they have sworn to commit the genocide of Israel and nuke the US, then it would be a much better option that giving Iran exactly what it wants, ensuring a nuclear arms race in the Middle East and a future war, just to 'secure Obama's legacy'!

The deal is a treasonous PO$, one that will go through with only a MINORITY of US representatives agreeing with it. It will not even have a MAJORITY approval vote, let alone a 2/3rds majority vote which is usually required to approve a treaty - thanks to the GOP-led Congress forfeiting their power/responsibility to approve all treaties, which they do not have the authority to forfeit according to the Constitution!
-- If Obama's deal was SO great, why did he have to craft it in secret? Why did he have to fight so hard to keep it considered a 'deal' (which this is NOT) just so he could get it approved without even a majority approval? Why did he have to keep it secret from the American people?

The reason is because every intelligent human being with even an ounce of common sense KNOWS this deal is the worst deal ever struck, let alone with one of our enemies. Even the majority of Democrats, those proven not being paid by an Pro-Iran Lobbyist or getting something for their votes, are against this deal! THE FACT THAT THE MAJORITY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND THE MAJORITY OF CONRESS IS AGAINST THIS ILLEGAL/UN-CONSTITUTIONAL TREATY SAYS IT ALL.
Cheney on Iran deal: 'It is madness' -

This coming from the man who lied us into the Iraq war. Credibility counts a lot and DICK, you have none!

Your response ifs fueled by your dis-trust and dislike for Cheney and Bush.

I don't care who says it, allowing the world's leading exporter of terrorism... who continues to vow Israel's destruction and to nuke the US while chanting 'Death to America'... to keep uranium, thousands of uranium-processing centrifuges, allowing them to continue to process uranium, and entrust them to be responsible for inspecting and keeping themselves 'honest' IS 'madness'.

Allowing them to have billions of dollars, ending all sanctions, not even asking for the return of our American citizens being held captive, AND giving them about everything they wanted (to the point that when the deal was made it was reported that the Iranians were LITERALLY dancing in the streets_ IS 'madness'! Heck EVEN JIMMY CARTER asked for our hostages back, although Iran told him 'No'! Obama DIDN'T EVEN ASK!

For the gazillionth time -

The US sends a lot of money to Israel and they have their own nukes to use against their own enemies. There are about 5 million soldiers in the Middle East countries and only 40K ISIL. Why do they need the US to fight their wars for them?

Sanctions harm only the poorest and most innocent people. Those in power in Iran don't care any more about them than Dick Cheney cares about the deaths he caused.

The Deal takes 98% of Iran's enriched uranium and leaves them nothing with which to build bombs.

The US has four choices:

Do nothing
The Deal

The Deal does not change those choices. Obama kept all of our power and gave up nothing.

You can continue to ignore the responses that destroy your statement and continue to post the same thing over and over, but it does not make you right. It makes you delusional and intentionally ignorant by refusing to acknowledge the facts.
Cheney on Iran deal: 'It is madness' -

This coming from the man who lied us into the Iraq war. Credibility counts a lot and DICK, you have none!

Your response ifs fueled by your dis-trust and dislike for Cheney and Bush.

I don't care who says it, allowing the world's leading exporter of terrorism... who continues to vow Israel's destruction and to nuke the US while chanting 'Death to America'... to keep uranium, thousands of uranium-processing centrifuges, allowing them to continue to process uranium, and entrust them to be responsible for inspecting and keeping themselves 'honest' IS 'madness'.

Allowing them to have billions of dollars, ending all sanctions, not even asking for the return of our American citizens being held captive, AND giving them about everything they wanted (to the point that when the deal was made it was reported that the Iranians were LITERALLY dancing in the streets_ IS 'madness'! Heck EVEN JIMMY CARTER asked for our hostages back, although Iran told him 'No'! Obama DIDN'T EVEN ASK!

For the gazillionth time -

The US sends a lot of money to Israel and they have their own nukes to use against their own enemies. There are about 5 million soldiers in the Middle East countries and only 40K ISIL. Why do they need the US to fight their wars for them?

Sanctions harm only the poorest and most innocent people. Those in power in Iran don't care any more about them than Dick Cheney cares about the deaths he caused.

The Deal takes 98% of Iran's enriched uranium and leaves them nothing with which to build bombs.

The US has four choices:

Do nothing
The Deal

The Deal does not change those choices. Obama kept all of our power and gave up nothing.
That isnt true in the least. The deal leaves Iran with its uranium in return for a promise from them not to enrich further. But it also leaves the centrifuges and no means of checking whether they are abiding by the deal.
And a fallacy of limited choices is noted.
Cheney on Iran deal: 'It is madness' -

This coming from the man who lied us into the Iraq war. Credibility counts a lot and DICK, you have none!

Your response ifs fueled by your dis-trust and dislike for Cheney and Bush.

I don't care who says it, allowing the world's leading exporter of terrorism... who continues to vow Israel's destruction and to nuke the US while chanting 'Death to America'... to keep uranium, thousands of uranium-processing centrifuges, allowing them to continue to process uranium, and entrust them to be responsible for inspecting and keeping themselves 'honest' IS 'madness'.

Allowing them to have billions of dollars, ending all sanctions, not even asking for the return of our American citizens being held captive, AND giving them about everything they wanted (to the point that when the deal was made it was reported that the Iranians were LITERALLY dancing in the streets_ IS 'madness'! Heck EVEN JIMMY CARTER asked for our hostages back, although Iran told him 'No'! Obama DIDN'T EVEN ASK!

For the gazillionth time -

The US sends a lot of money to Israel and they have their own nukes to use against their own enemies. There are about 5 million soldiers in the Middle East countries and only 40K ISIL. Why do they need the US to fight their wars for them?

Sanctions harm only the poorest and most innocent people. Those in power in Iran don't care any more about them than Dick Cheney cares about the deaths he caused.

The Deal takes 98% of Iran's enriched uranium and leaves them nothing with which to build bombs.

The US has four choices:

Do nothing
The Deal

The Deal does not change those choices. Obama kept all of our power and gave up nothing.
That isnt true in the least. The deal leaves Iran with its uranium in return for a promise from them not to enrich further. But it also leaves the centrifuges and no means of checking whether they are abiding by the deal.
And a fallacy of limited choices is noted.

More bizarre claims by the Rabbi that are totally unrelated to real life

Now, watch as he refuses to back up his wild claims

Hey Rabbi....prove me wrong
Obama successfully ended that war. Right?

What do you consider a success and how many more lives were you willing to give to obtain it?
I'm going by his own words, do you disagree? How many more lives, or how many died in vain? Because Obama cut and ran?
I would have "cut and run", too!!

What? We were supposed to stay tied to RW madness?

You are insane!

Besides - it was Bush who made that horrendous mess, decimated the country, then "cut and run". It was Bush who set that date.
So Obama can't make deals?
Thats obvious. From the Olympic bid, to the missile defense shield for Poland and Czech Republic, to negotiations with the GOP in Congress where he was asked to leave the room so they could hammer out a deal, to Bo Bergdahl, to the Crimea, to the Syrian red line deal etc etc Obama has proven himself the worst deal maker in history.
Cheney on Iran deal: 'It is madness' -

This coming from the man who lied us into the Iraq war. Credibility counts a lot and DICK, you have none!

Your response ifs fueled by your dis-trust and dislike for Cheney and Bush.

I don't care who says it, allowing the world's leading exporter of terrorism... who continues to vow Israel's destruction and to nuke the US while chanting 'Death to America'... to keep uranium, thousands of uranium-processing centrifuges, allowing them to continue to process uranium, and entrust them to be responsible for inspecting and keeping themselves 'honest' IS 'madness'.

Allowing them to have billions of dollars, ending all sanctions, not even asking for the return of our American citizens being held captive, AND giving them about everything they wanted (to the point that when the deal was made it was reported that the Iranians were LITERALLY dancing in the streets_ IS 'madness'! Heck EVEN JIMMY CARTER asked for our hostages back, although Iran told him 'No'! Obama DIDN'T EVEN ASK!

For the gazillionth time -

The US sends a lot of money to Israel and they have their own nukes to use against their own enemies. There are about 5 million soldiers in the Middle East countries and only 40K ISIL. Why do they need the US to fight their wars for them?

Sanctions harm only the poorest and most innocent people. Those in power in Iran don't care any more about them than Dick Cheney cares about the deaths he caused.

The Deal takes 98% of Iran's enriched uranium and leaves them nothing with which to build bombs.

The US has four choices:

Do nothing
The Deal

The Deal does not change those choices. Obama kept all of our power and gave up nothing.
That isnt true in the least. The deal leaves Iran with its uranium in return for a promise from them not to enrich further. But it also leaves the centrifuges and no means of checking whether they are abiding by the deal.
And a fallacy of limited choices is noted.

More bizarre claims by the Rabbi that are totally unrelated to real life

Now, watch as he refuses to back up his wild claims

Hey Rabbi....prove me wrong
Cheney on Iran deal: 'It is madness' -

This coming from the man who lied us into the Iraq war. Credibility counts a lot and DICK, you have none!

Your response ifs fueled by your dis-trust and dislike for Cheney and Bush.

I don't care who says it, allowing the world's leading exporter of terrorism... who continues to vow Israel's destruction and to nuke the US while chanting 'Death to America'... to keep uranium, thousands of uranium-processing centrifuges, allowing them to continue to process uranium, and entrust them to be responsible for inspecting and keeping themselves 'honest' IS 'madness'.

Allowing them to have billions of dollars, ending all sanctions, not even asking for the return of our American citizens being held captive, AND giving them about everything they wanted (to the point that when the deal was made it was reported that the Iranians were LITERALLY dancing in the streets_ IS 'madness'! Heck EVEN JIMMY CARTER asked for our hostages back, although Iran told him 'No'! Obama DIDN'T EVEN ASK!

For the gazillionth time -

The US sends a lot of money to Israel and they have their own nukes to use against their own enemies. There are about 5 million soldiers in the Middle East countries and only 40K ISIL. Why do they need the US to fight their wars for them?

Sanctions harm only the poorest and most innocent people. Those in power in Iran don't care any more about them than Dick Cheney cares about the deaths he caused.

The Deal takes 98% of Iran's enriched uranium and leaves them nothing with which to build bombs.

The US has four choices:

Do nothing
The Deal

The Deal does not change those choices. Obama kept all of our power and gave up nothing.
That isnt true in the least. The deal leaves Iran with its uranium in return for a promise from them not to enrich further. But it also leaves the centrifuges and no means of checking whether they are abiding by the deal.
And a fallacy of limited choices is noted.

Iran IS allowed to not only KEEP but also to continue to enrich their own uranium...just 'not to weapons-grade levels'! And of COURSE they are going to continue to enrich their uranium.
Cheney on Iran deal: 'It is madness' -

This coming from the man who lied us into the Iraq war. Credibility counts a lot and DICK, you have none!

Your response ifs fueled by your dis-trust and dislike for Cheney and Bush.

I don't care who says it, allowing the world's leading exporter of terrorism... who continues to vow Israel's destruction and to nuke the US while chanting 'Death to America'... to keep uranium, thousands of uranium-processing centrifuges, allowing them to continue to process uranium, and entrust them to be responsible for inspecting and keeping themselves 'honest' IS 'madness'.

Allowing them to have billions of dollars, ending all sanctions, not even asking for the return of our American citizens being held captive, AND giving them about everything they wanted (to the point that when the deal was made it was reported that the Iranians were LITERALLY dancing in the streets_ IS 'madness'! Heck EVEN JIMMY CARTER asked for our hostages back, although Iran told him 'No'! Obama DIDN'T EVEN ASK!

For the gazillionth time -

The US sends a lot of money to Israel and they have their own nukes to use against their own enemies. There are about 5 million soldiers in the Middle East countries and only 40K ISIL. Why do they need the US to fight their wars for them?

Sanctions harm only the poorest and most innocent people. Those in power in Iran don't care any more about them than Dick Cheney cares about the deaths he caused.

The Deal takes 98% of Iran's enriched uranium and leaves them nothing with which to build bombs.

The US has four choices:

Do nothing
The Deal

The Deal does not change those choices. Obama kept all of our power and gave up nothing.
That isnt true in the least. The deal leaves Iran with its uranium in return for a promise from them not to enrich further. But it also leaves the centrifuges and no means of checking whether they are abiding by the deal.
And a fallacy of limited choices is noted.

More bizarre claims by the Rabbi that are totally unrelated to real life

Now, watch as he refuses to back up his wild claims

Hey Rabbi....prove me wrong

The "real world" absent Rabbi fantasies

During the enrichment process, centrifuges are used to raise concentrations of U-235. For most power reactors in the West, uranium is enriched up to 5 percent. Bomb grade is above 90 percent and Iran had been processing ore to 20 percent enrichment.
The agreementIran has agreed to transform its deeply buried plant at Fordo into a center for science research. Another uranium plant, Natanz, is to be cut back rather than shut down. Some 5,000 centrifuges for enriching uranium will remain spinning there, about half the current number. Iran has also agreed to limit enrichment to 3.7 percent and to cap its stockpile of low-enriched uranium at 300 kilograms, or 660 pounds, for 15 years. That is considered insufficient for a bomb rush.
Hey Rabbi....prove me wrong

EVERY promise, everything Iran has to do is UN-PROVEABLE because Iran gets to inspect itself, NO ONE is allowed into the Iranian military installations, and Iran must be given 24 days notice before anyone is allowed into a NON-military installation (and will not be allowed into any other facility other than the one requested 24 days earlier. That means if you request to visit a facility 24 days out, and Iran decides to move things to another facility, you can not ask to see that facility on the spur of the moment - you have to re-submit another request to visit that facility and wait 24 days before you can have access. You don't think they will be moving / hiding things during that 24 days?

COME ON! EVERY thing agreed to spelled out in this 'fairy tale' is based on being FORCED to TRUST Iran, again the leading exporter of terrorism who has sworn to destroy Israel and nuke the US, to 'police' themselves and NOT to violate the agreement.

What the NYT does NOT say is that we already KNOW that Iran violated the TEMP AGREEMENTS put in place before this final deal was agreed to. THEY HAVE ALREADY PROVEN THEY CAN NOT BE TRUSTED!
I call another 2-3 trillion dollars fightening iran madness. I say madness as our country falls part, our educational system turns to shit and all we care about is another fucking war. Of course, spending this money or acting like we give a shit is somehow "progressive" and wrong. jezzz.
Iran nuclear deal: Key details - BBC News

There are two uranium enrichment facilities in Iran - Natanz and Fordo - where uranium hexafluoride gas is fed into centrifuges to separate out the most fissile isotope U-235. Low-enriched uranium, which has a 3%-4% concentration of U-235, can be used to produce fuel for nuclear power plants. But it can also be enriched to the 90% needed to produce nuclear weapons.
Iran currently has almost 20,000 centrifuges. Under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) agreed on 14 July, it will be limited to installing no more than 5,060 of the oldest and least efficient centrifuges at Natanz for 10 years.
Image copyrightBBC Sport
Iran's uranium stockpile will also be reduced by 98% to 300kg (660lbs) for 15 years. It must also keep its level of enrichment at 3.67%.
The "real world" absent Rabbi fantasies

During the enrichment process, centrifuges are used to raise concentrations of U-235. For most power reactors in the West, uranium is enriched up to 5 percent. Bomb grade is above 90 percent and Iran had been processing ore to 20 percent enrichment.
The agreementIran has agreed to transform its deeply buried plant at Fordo into a center for science research. Another uranium plant, Natanz, is to be cut back rather than shut down. Some 5,000 centrifuges for enriching uranium will remain spinning there, about half the current number. Iran has also agreed to limit enrichment to 3.7 percent and to cap its stockpile of low-enriched uranium at 300 kilograms, or 660 pounds, for 15 years. That is considered insufficient for a bomb rush.

Experts have already testified to the FACT that under this deal Iran is being allowed to enrich their uranium to a point where, at the end of the deal, it would only take several months for them to further enrich their uranium to weapons grade level. In the meantime, in the years during the deal, Iran can completely build up its defenses to where striking the facilities and stopping them at that point is almost impossible.

Furthermore, Iran does not need to enrich it's uranium to full weapons grade level...not to build a dirty bomb capable of killing millions and making location un-livable. Iran carries out terrorist actions through surrogates now - others who they arm and fund. Iran could give uranium / a dirty bomb to one of its terrorist groups, allow them to carry out an attack, then deny they had anything to do with it. Iran has sworn Israel's destruction and currently funds / arms Hamas. Providing them with what they need to do so is not unimaginable.

Finally, WHY do you think Iran is working on building ICBMs, missiles capable of reaching the US? It sure isn't to strike any surrounding nations in the Middle East, which they can already do with their ballistic missiles. Intelligent people already now the answer while ignorant persons will deny and bury their heads.
What happens under the current Republican plan.....

As it stands, Iran has a large stockpile of enriched uranium and nearly 20,000 centrifuges, enough to create eight to 10 bombs, according to the White House. US experts believe that if Iran decided to rush to make a bomb without the deal in place, it would take two to three months until it had enough 90%-enriched uranium to build a nuclear weapon - the so-called "break-out time".
Do we really want to trust the judgement of Dick Cheney?

Cheney has about 10 times more experience than Obamatard you fool.

The Dick is very experienced at killing innocent people and lying to America in order to line his own pockets.

Diplomacy, keeping America safe, going after terrorists, including bin Laden - not so much.

Its not often that we see truly evil people but Cheney is exactly that. The world will be a better place when he is gone.

We are still waiting for examples, so far you Cheney haters have yet to provide even one.
Iran will not see sanctions lifted until the IAEA confirms that it has followed through with its end of the JCPOA. Should Iran violate any aspect of the deal, the UN sanctions will automatically "snap back" into place for 10 years, with the possibility of a five-year extension.
An eight-member Joint Commission comprising representatives of the P5+1 nations, the EU and Iran will be established to monitor compliance. If the commission cannot resolve a dispute, it will be referred to the UN Security Council.
Iran has also agreed to the continuation of the UN arms embargo on the country for up to five years,
Do we really want to trust the judgement of Dick Cheney?

Cheney has about 10 times more experience than Obamatard you fool.

The Dick is very experienced at killing innocent people and lying to America in order to line his own pockets.

Diplomacy, keeping America safe, going after terrorists, including bin Laden - not so much.

Its not often that we see truly evil people but Cheney is exactly that. The world will be a better place when he is gone.

We are still waiting for examples, so far you Cheney haters have yet to provide even one.



Do we really want to trust the judgement of Dick Cheney?

Cheney has about 10 times more experience than Obamatard you fool.

The Dick is very experienced at killing innocent people and lying to America in order to line his own pockets.

Diplomacy, keeping America safe, going after terrorists, including bin Laden - not so much.

Its not often that we see truly evil people but Cheney is exactly that. The world will be a better place when he is gone.

We are still waiting for examples, so far you Cheney haters have yet to provide even one.




You should get down on your knees and thank VP Cheney for his long and loyal service to this country.

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