Cheney calls Iran deal madness....

What happens under the current Republican plan.....

As it stands, Iran has a large stockpile of enriched uranium and nearly 20,000 centrifuges, enough to create eight to 10 bombs, according to the White House. US experts believe that if Iran decided to rush to make a bomb without the deal in place, it would take two to three months until it had enough 90%-enriched uranium to build a nuclear weapon - the so-called "break-out time".

This is a LIE. As I pointed out, experts have testified that if Iran is allowed to continue enriching uranium according to the deal that at the end of the duration of the deal Iran would be several months away from reaching that number, the ability to create weapons. It is not that close now.

Obama promised it would do ANYTHING - whatever it took - to ensure Iran does not get a nuke. Just like every other promise, Obama lied and has broken this one as well. Hell, Obama couldn't even back up his own 'Syrian Red Line' and became the world's laughing stock, emboldening all of our enemies around the world...and that situation didn't even involve nuclear weapons.

Bottom line is Obama is IMPOSING this deal on the nation with a MINORITY approval of Congress. He does not have a majority of Congressional approval - only a minority. The majority of Americans disapprove of this deal. Even with the ACA Obama did not have a majority of Americans who approved of the deal but at least had a majority of Congress that approved it - a Congressional majority made up of Democrats. The majority of his own party refuses to approve this deal because they know it is insane! ...but you keep railing on about how this is such an awesome deal and how you, Obama, and the rest of the massive minority in this country is so much smarter than the approx. 70% of the country that disapproves of it.
Do we really want to trust the judgement of Dick Cheney?

Cheney has about 10 times more experience than Obamatard you fool.

The Dick is very experienced at killing innocent people and lying to America in order to line his own pockets.

Diplomacy, keeping America safe, going after terrorists, including bin Laden - not so much.

Its not often that we see truly evil people but Cheney is exactly that. The world will be a better place when he is gone.

We are still waiting for examples, so far you Cheney haters have yet to provide even one.




You should get down on your knees and thank VP Cheney for his long and loyal service to this country.

He is lucky he is not in prison for war crimes
Your response ifs fueled by your dis-trust and dislike for Cheney and Bush.

I don't care who says it, allowing the world's leading exporter of terrorism... who continues to vow Israel's destruction and to nuke the US while chanting 'Death to America'... to keep uranium, thousands of uranium-processing centrifuges, allowing them to continue to process uranium, and entrust them to be responsible for inspecting and keeping themselves 'honest' IS 'madness'.

Allowing them to have billions of dollars, ending all sanctions, not even asking for the return of our American citizens being held captive, AND giving them about everything they wanted (to the point that when the deal was made it was reported that the Iranians were LITERALLY dancing in the streets_ IS 'madness'! Heck EVEN JIMMY CARTER asked for our hostages back, although Iran told him 'No'! Obama DIDN'T EVEN ASK!

For the gazillionth time -

The US sends a lot of money to Israel and they have their own nukes to use against their own enemies. There are about 5 million soldiers in the Middle East countries and only 40K ISIL. Why do they need the US to fight their wars for them?

Sanctions harm only the poorest and most innocent people. Those in power in Iran don't care any more about them than Dick Cheney cares about the deaths he caused.

The Deal takes 98% of Iran's enriched uranium and leaves them nothing with which to build bombs.

The US has four choices:

Do nothing
The Deal

The Deal does not change those choices. Obama kept all of our power and gave up nothing.
That isnt true in the least. The deal leaves Iran with its uranium in return for a promise from them not to enrich further. But it also leaves the centrifuges and no means of checking whether they are abiding by the deal.
And a fallacy of limited choices is noted.

More bizarre claims by the Rabbi that are totally unrelated to real life

Now, watch as he refuses to back up his wild claims

Hey Rabbi....prove me wrong

The "real world" absent Rabbi fantasies

During the enrichment process, centrifuges are used to raise concentrations of U-235. For most power reactors in the West, uranium is enriched up to 5 percent. Bomb grade is above 90 percent and Iran had been processing ore to 20 percent enrichment.
The agreementIran has agreed to transform its deeply buried plant at Fordo into a center for science research. Another uranium plant, Natanz, is to be cut back rather than shut down. Some 5,000 centrifuges for enriching uranium will remain spinning there, about half the current number. Iran has also agreed to limit enrichment to 3.7 percent and to cap its stockpile of low-enriched uranium at 300 kilograms, or 660 pounds, for 15 years. That is considered insufficient for a bomb rush.
Did you get someone to read that to you?
Yes, IRan has made agreements not to do things here. They have also made similar agreements in the past, and broken them. Why will they not break these agreements? Of course they will.
Nutjobber unmasked as a moron once more.
Nothing like throwing in something completely off topic / little bit of 'Bush hatin''...

Waterboarding, that does not jeopardizes a person's life being compared to cutting off people's heads, burning them at the stake, roasting them over an open flame, placing them in cages and lowering them under the water to drown them is moronic and proves a lack of my humble opinion.
Iran nuclear deal: Key details - BBC News

There are two uranium enrichment facilities in Iran - Natanz and Fordo - where uranium hexafluoride gas is fed into centrifuges to separate out the most fissile isotope U-235. Low-enriched uranium, which has a 3%-4% concentration of U-235, can be used to produce fuel for nuclear power plants. But it can also be enriched to the 90% needed to produce nuclear weapons.
Iran currently has almost 20,000 centrifuges. Under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) agreed on 14 July, it will be limited to installing no more than 5,060 of the oldest and least efficient centrifuges at Natanz for 10 years.
Image copyrightBBC Sport
Iran's uranium stockpile will also be reduced by 98% to 300kg (660lbs) for 15 years. It must also keep its level of enrichment at 3.67%.
And of course we know all of Iran's sites for nuclear research, right?
U.S. Officials: How We Discovered Iran's Secret Nuclear Site
Butwinger is the biggest sucker on this board.
Nothing like throwing in something completely off topic / little bit of 'Bush hatin''...

Waterboarding, that does not jeopardizes a person's life being compared to cutting off people's heads, burning them at the stake, roasting them over an open flame, placing them in cages and lowering them under the water to drown them is moronic and proves a lack of my humble opinion.
Libs like Nutwinger get their facts and opinions from cartoons and reality TV.
Nothing like throwing in something completely off topic / little bit of 'Bush hatin''...

Waterboarding, that does not jeopardizes a person's life being compared to cutting off people's heads, burning them at the stake, roasting them over an open flame, placing them in cages and lowering them under the water to drown them is moronic and proves a lack of my humble opinion.

Crossing the line of torture is not justified because you did not cut off someones head
For the gazillionth time -

The US sends a lot of money to Israel and they have their own nukes to use against their own enemies. There are about 5 million soldiers in the Middle East countries and only 40K ISIL. Why do they need the US to fight their wars for them?

Sanctions harm only the poorest and most innocent people. Those in power in Iran don't care any more about them than Dick Cheney cares about the deaths he caused.

The Deal takes 98% of Iran's enriched uranium and leaves them nothing with which to build bombs.

The US has four choices:

Do nothing
The Deal

The Deal does not change those choices. Obama kept all of our power and gave up nothing.
That isnt true in the least. The deal leaves Iran with its uranium in return for a promise from them not to enrich further. But it also leaves the centrifuges and no means of checking whether they are abiding by the deal.
And a fallacy of limited choices is noted.

More bizarre claims by the Rabbi that are totally unrelated to real life

Now, watch as he refuses to back up his wild claims

Hey Rabbi....prove me wrong

The "real world" absent Rabbi fantasies

During the enrichment process, centrifuges are used to raise concentrations of U-235. For most power reactors in the West, uranium is enriched up to 5 percent. Bomb grade is above 90 percent and Iran had been processing ore to 20 percent enrichment.
The agreementIran has agreed to transform its deeply buried plant at Fordo into a center for science research. Another uranium plant, Natanz, is to be cut back rather than shut down. Some 5,000 centrifuges for enriching uranium will remain spinning there, about half the current number. Iran has also agreed to limit enrichment to 3.7 percent and to cap its stockpile of low-enriched uranium at 300 kilograms, or 660 pounds, for 15 years. That is considered insufficient for a bomb rush.
Did you get someone to read that to you?
Yes, IRan has made agreements not to do things here. They have also made similar agreements in the past, and broken them. Why will they not break these agreements? Of course they will.
Nutjobber unmasked as a moron once more.
Iran will not see sanctions lifted until the IAEA confirms that it has followed through with its end of the JCPOA. Should Iran violate any aspect of the deal, the UN sanctions will automatically "snap back" into place for 10 years, with the possibility of a five-year extension.
An eight-member Joint Commission comprising representatives of the P5+1 nations, the EU and Iran will be established to monitor compliance. If the commission cannot resolve a dispute, it will be referred to the UN Security Council.
Iran has also agreed to the continuation of the UN arms embargo on the country for up to five years,
That isnt true in the least. The deal leaves Iran with its uranium in return for a promise from them not to enrich further. But it also leaves the centrifuges and no means of checking whether they are abiding by the deal.
And a fallacy of limited choices is noted.

More bizarre claims by the Rabbi that are totally unrelated to real life

Now, watch as he refuses to back up his wild claims

Hey Rabbi....prove me wrong

The "real world" absent Rabbi fantasies

During the enrichment process, centrifuges are used to raise concentrations of U-235. For most power reactors in the West, uranium is enriched up to 5 percent. Bomb grade is above 90 percent and Iran had been processing ore to 20 percent enrichment.
The agreementIran has agreed to transform its deeply buried plant at Fordo into a center for science research. Another uranium plant, Natanz, is to be cut back rather than shut down. Some 5,000 centrifuges for enriching uranium will remain spinning there, about half the current number. Iran has also agreed to limit enrichment to 3.7 percent and to cap its stockpile of low-enriched uranium at 300 kilograms, or 660 pounds, for 15 years. That is considered insufficient for a bomb rush.
Did you get someone to read that to you?
Yes, IRan has made agreements not to do things here. They have also made similar agreements in the past, and broken them. Why will they not break these agreements? Of course they will.
Nutjobber unmasked as a moron once more.
Iran will not see sanctions lifted until the IAEA confirms that it has followed through with its end of the JCPOA. Should Iran violate any aspect of the deal, the UN sanctions will automatically "snap back" into place for 10 years, with the possibility of a five-year extension.
An eight-member Joint Commission comprising representatives of the P5+1 nations, the EU and Iran will be established to monitor compliance. If the commission cannot resolve a dispute, it will be referred to the UN Security Council.
Iran has also agreed to the continuation of the UN arms embargo on the country for up to five years,
IAEA has agreed to let Iran "self certify" their compliance. With all the companies rushing to make deals with Iram there will be no "snapback" any more than there were going to be "anytime, anywhere" inspections.
More bizarre claims by the Rabbi that are totally unrelated to real life

Now, watch as he refuses to back up his wild claims

Hey Rabbi....prove me wrong

The "real world" absent Rabbi fantasies

During the enrichment process, centrifuges are used to raise concentrations of U-235. For most power reactors in the West, uranium is enriched up to 5 percent. Bomb grade is above 90 percent and Iran had been processing ore to 20 percent enrichment.
The agreementIran has agreed to transform its deeply buried plant at Fordo into a center for science research. Another uranium plant, Natanz, is to be cut back rather than shut down. Some 5,000 centrifuges for enriching uranium will remain spinning there, about half the current number. Iran has also agreed to limit enrichment to 3.7 percent and to cap its stockpile of low-enriched uranium at 300 kilograms, or 660 pounds, for 15 years. That is considered insufficient for a bomb rush.
Did you get someone to read that to you?
Yes, IRan has made agreements not to do things here. They have also made similar agreements in the past, and broken them. Why will they not break these agreements? Of course they will.
Nutjobber unmasked as a moron once more.
Iran will not see sanctions lifted until the IAEA confirms that it has followed through with its end of the JCPOA. Should Iran violate any aspect of the deal, the UN sanctions will automatically "snap back" into place for 10 years, with the possibility of a five-year extension.
An eight-member Joint Commission comprising representatives of the P5+1 nations, the EU and Iran will be established to monitor compliance. If the commission cannot resolve a dispute, it will be referred to the UN Security Council.
Iran has also agreed to the continuation of the UN arms embargo on the country for up to five years,
IAEA has agreed to let Iran "self certify" their compliance. With all the companies rushing to make deals with Iram there will be no "snapback" any more than there were going to be "anytime, anywhere" inspections.

Not on all inspections, just noncritical ones

IAEA knows their shit and are not going to rubber stamp compliance. Until Iran shows removal of enriched uranium and dismantling of centerfuges, no sanctions will be lifted
Cheney has about 10 times more experience than Obamatard you fool.

The Dick is very experienced at killing innocent people and lying to America in order to line his own pockets.

Diplomacy, keeping America safe, going after terrorists, including bin Laden - not so much.

Its not often that we see truly evil people but Cheney is exactly that. The world will be a better place when he is gone.

We are still waiting for examples, so far you Cheney haters have yet to provide even one.




You should get down on your knees and thank VP Cheney for his long and loyal service to this country.

He is lucky he is not in prison for war crimes

LOL name the crimes or admit you just have an irrational hatred for Cheney.
Cheney on Iran deal: 'It is madness' -

This coming from the man who lied us into the Iraq war. Credibility counts a lot and DICK, you have none!

He doesn't grasp that the DNC views the destruction of the Constitutional Republic as their primary objective. Iran with the Obamanuke will of course attack Israel, then perhaps a terrorist cell supported by Iran might set one off in fly over country - the dream of the left...
The Dick is very experienced at killing innocent people and lying to America in order to line his own pockets.

Diplomacy, keeping America safe, going after terrorists, including bin Laden - not so much.

Its not often that we see truly evil people but Cheney is exactly that. The world will be a better place when he is gone.

We are still waiting for examples, so far you Cheney haters have yet to provide even one.




You should get down on your knees and thank VP Cheney for his long and loyal service to this country.

He is lucky he is not in prison for war crimes

LOL name the crimes or admit you just have an irrational hatred for Cheney.

Lets have an international tribunal
We are still waiting for examples, so far you Cheney haters have yet to provide even one.




You should get down on your knees and thank VP Cheney for his long and loyal service to this country.

He is lucky he is not in prison for war crimes

LOL name the crimes or admit you just have an irrational hatred for Cheney.

Lets have an international tribunal

You destroyed yourself with your own link fool, "The C.I.A. misled members of Congress and the White House" so how is this on Cheney? OH SNAP!

You should get down on your knees and thank VP Cheney for his long and loyal service to this country.

He is lucky he is not in prison for war crimes

LOL name the crimes or admit you just have an irrational hatred for Cheney.

Lets have an international tribunal

You destroyed yourself with your own link fool, "The C.I.A. misled members of Congress and the White House" so how is this on Cheney? OH SNAP!

I supported the war but 10 years of nation building and now this??? Lets not do it again.

You should get down on your knees and thank VP Cheney for his long and loyal service to this country.

He is lucky he is not in prison for war crimes

LOL name the crimes or admit you just have an irrational hatred for Cheney.

Lets have an international tribunal

You destroyed yourself with your own link fool, "The C.I.A. misled members of Congress and the White House" so how is this on Cheney? OH SNAP!

Why won't Cheney travel abroad?

Because he knows he might not be able to come back
You should get down on your knees and thank VP Cheney for his long and loyal service to this country.

He is lucky he is not in prison for war crimes

LOL name the crimes or admit you just have an irrational hatred for Cheney.

Lets have an international tribunal

You destroyed yourself with your own link fool, "The C.I.A. misled members of Congress and the White House" so how is this on Cheney? OH SNAP!

Why won't Cheney travel abroad?

Because he knows he might not be able to come back

I guess lib punks are too gutless to charge Cheney in the US?

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