Cheney calls Iran deal madness....

EVERYTHING that has gone wrong in almost 7 years comes down to this....

Cheney on Iran deal: 'It is madness' -

This coming from the man who lied us into the Iraq war. Credibility counts a lot and DICK, you have none!
When yo cant refute his argument you impugn his character. Typical.
Cheney is correct. What other agreement calls for self monitoring with a regine that has a history of lying and deception?
Obama was bent over the table and sodomized by the Iranians in this one. And thats probably how he likes it.
"I think they're in the last throes, if you will, of the insurgency." --Vice President Dick Cheney, on the Iraq insurgency, June 20, 2005 (Source)

Obama successfully ended that war. Right?

What do you consider a success and how many more lives were you willing to give to obtain it?
I'm going by his own words, do you disagree? How many more lives, or how many died in vain? Because Obama cut and ran?
I would have "cut and run", too!!

What? We were supposed to stay tied to RW madness?

You are insane!
Cheney on Iran deal: 'It is madness' -

This coming from the man who lied us into the Iraq war. Credibility counts a lot and DICK, you have none!

Your response ifs fueled by your dis-trust and dislike for Cheney and Bush.

I don't care who says it, allowing the world's leading exporter of terrorism... who continues to vow Israel's destruction and to nuke the US while chanting 'Death to America'... to keep uranium, thousands of uranium-processing centrifuges, allowing them to continue to process uranium, and entrust them to be responsible for inspecting and keeping themselves 'honest' IS 'madness'.

Allowing them to have billions of dollars, ending all sanctions, not even asking for the return of our American citizens being held captive, AND giving them about everything they wanted (to the point that when the deal was made it was reported that the Iranians were LITERALLY dancing in the streets_ IS 'madness'! Heck EVEN JIMMY CARTER asked for our hostages back, although Iran told him 'No'! Obama DIDN'T EVEN ASK!
Do we really want to trust the judgement of Dick Cheney?

Cheney has about 10 times more experience than Obamatard you fool.

The Dick is very experienced at killing innocent people and lying to America in order to line his own pockets.

Diplomacy, keeping America safe, going after terrorists, including bin Laden - not so much.

Its not often that we see truly evil people but Cheney is exactly that. The world will be a better place when he is gone.
"I think they're in the last throes, if you will, of the insurgency." --Vice President Dick Cheney, on the Iraq insurgency, June 20, 2005 (Source)

Obama successfully ended that war. Right?

What do you consider a success and how many more lives were you willing to give to obtain it?
I'm going by his own words, do you disagree? How many more lives, or how many died in vain? Because Obama cut and ran?
I would have "cut and run", too!!

What? We were supposed to stay tied to RW madness?

You are insane!

Besides - it was Bush who made that horrendous mess, decimated the country, then "cut and run". It was Bush who set that date.
Not a big Cheney fan, but everything about this deal stinks. Most supporting it got bought off or chose Party before Country. Hope it doesn't blow up in our face.
Cheney on Iran deal: 'It is madness' -

This coming from the man who lied us into the Iraq war. Credibility counts a lot and DICK, you have none!

Your response ifs fueled by your dis-trust and dislike for Cheney and Bush.

I don't care who says it, allowing the world's leading exporter of terrorism... who continues to vow Israel's destruction and to nuke the US while chanting 'Death to America'... to keep uranium, thousands of uranium-processing centrifuges, allowing them to continue to process uranium, and entrust them to be responsible for inspecting and keeping themselves 'honest' IS 'madness'.

Allowing them to have billions of dollars, ending all sanctions, not even asking for the return of our American citizens being held captive, AND giving them about everything they wanted (to the point that when the deal was made it was reported that the Iranians were LITERALLY dancing in the streets_ IS 'madness'! Heck EVEN JIMMY CARTER asked for our hostages back, although Iran told him 'No'! Obama DIDN'T EVEN ASK!

For the gazillionth time -

The US sends a lot of money to Israel and they have their own nukes to use against their own enemies. There are about 5 million soldiers in the Middle East countries and only 40K ISIL. Why do they need the US to fight their wars for them?

Sanctions harm only the poorest and most innocent people. Those in power in Iran don't care any more about them than Dick Cheney cares about the deaths he caused.

The Deal takes 98% of Iran's enriched uranium and leaves them nothing with which to build bombs.

The US has four choices:

Do nothing
The Deal

The Deal does not change those choices. Obama kept all of our power and gave up nothing.
I never liked Cheney. He is typical of an arrogant ex CEO who thinks he knows more than anyone else.

BUT, he is right on the Iran deal. This so-called deal will ensure that the Iranians get a nuclear bomb, it also releases billions of dollars that they will use for conventional weapons and to fund the terrorists who want all of us dead. Four americans remain in Iranian jails on false charges, a real deal would have them home by now.

We got nothing from this deal. You libs claim that it was this foolish deal or war. That is total bullshit.

You libs continue your false claim that Bush and Cheney lied about Iraq and WMDs, Well if they lied so did both Clintons, Kerry, Gore, the UN, the UK, the EU, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Germany, Spain, Japan, and the rest of the world. Saddam either had them or he made everyone believe that he had them. NO ONE LIED. Repeating something that you believe to be true is not lying.

I realize that you libs get off on bashing cheney and posting photoshops of him with blood dripping from his lips, and thats fine. But when obama's deal goes bad and thousands of americans or europeans die from a bomb made in Iran, the blood with be on your and obama's hands.

Don't need to photoshop cheney. He has a built in snarl.
Not a big Cheney fan, but everything about this deal stinks. Most supporting it got bought off or chose Party before Country. Hope it doesn't blow up in our face.

Being a professional poster doesn't make you an expert on international affairs you know.
Not a big Cheney fan, but everything about this deal stinks. Most supporting it got bought off or chose Party before Country. Hope it doesn't blow up in our face.

Being a professional poster doesn't make you an expert on international affairs you know.

They had to buy a whole lotta votes to get this dog passed. Many Democrats thought the deal was shite. But then they had a sudden change of heart. Go figure?

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