Cheney in WSJ op-ed says the January 6th committee will not be intimidated

Why not? The protestors did us a great favor by thoroughly documenting their crimes.

What crimes?
Certainly not insurrection which is what all you dipshits are claiming.
And what happened to the right of a speedy trial? They've had people locked up for over a year and havent charged them.
Are you okay with that?
One could offer a couple of pargraphs of reasoned commentary on the WSJ opinion piece, or one could just do 'driving range' exercises with various responses offered in the thread.
I considered doing both.
But have decided to just hit balls.
Let's go:

J6 is a contrived issue.
Ummm, good poster, I saw it. I saw it with my own eyes. In real time. As it happened. About 13 months ago. If you didn't see it, well, you can Youtube it in a micro second. In my humble opinion, it didn't looked contrived whatsoever.
Too, if you were a Capitol cop how do you contrive getting a face full of high-strenth MACE? Who would freely volunteer for that assignment? How do you contrive getting beat to the ground and tortured with lasers?

Why did Schiff have to change emails to look the opposite of what it meant
I had not heard that or seen that.
So, you are asserting he changed emails to be convey the opposite of their intended meaning?
That's a helluva an assertion.
Please show the forum evidence of what you are alleging?
That's the way debate forums operate.
Show us.

Impeachment, Part III
In truth, MM, there is a constituency out there that sincerely wonders why DTrump wasn't impeached every 4 months. I ain't sayin' I'm one of them....but I'm pretty sure it exists.

How could it be a coup if it wouldn't overturn the government which was in power at the time, i.e. Trump?
C'mon, poster Marty. You have, in the past, demonstrated more intelligence than that. What happened? You know better. Think about it.
I don't wanna be disappointed in your avatar.
this is nothing but a partisan witch hunt
Well, actually, no it is not. There are 9 members on the Committee. Two of them quite 25%....of 'em are long standing Republican members of Congress. That makes it ...'bi-partisan'.
Liz Cheney was a leader of the Republican Caucus. And she has a long long long record of working with and for Republican candidates and issue. Sounds, pretty Republican to me. Kinziger, ran as a Republican, in a Republican district, and won as a Republican. And caucused with the Republicans. Sounds pretty Republican to me.
Sounds bi-partisan to me.
Americans care more about how much they are paying for gas, groceries, etc
I agree.
But though Americans are dwelling....rightfully.....on the cost of living, and making a living, and staying healthy from Covid. They can also.....chew gum at the same time. Trust me.
an investigation into the Democrat Cult Leader Pelosi's role in the cover-up of the shooting of a protester.
Sure, why not. That is what the Select Committee on January 6th is intended to do. Find ALL the threads, nuances, players, decisions, and actions that brought that humiliating dangerous event to America's door.
Write your Congressman, your two Senators. Share your letter, if you would.
all they did way delay a procedural vote for a few hours.
Marty, see my post above.
You are smarter than that.
You've shown that you are in the year I've been reading this foroum.
Don't begin to disappoint now.
Be a better you. I am confident you can be.

The bloodiness and the destruction of that day will live in infamy
I agree.
They had no such plans, and no such means. Delaying the vote in question a few hours did nothing to overturn the election.
See the two previous comments on your effort here, Marty.
I'm serious. Don't double down on this.
You can be better than what you have been today.
Maybe an off day?
When politicians go on the offensive with op-ed's like this it means that they aren't confident about their position.
Well, I demur.
If you haven't read it, well, the Republican Naitonal Committee (the 50 state chairs of the Party) voted to censure the two long time Republican members of the Commission. One of which is Cheney. She is the ranking minority member of the Committee. The RNC also attempted (with unfortunate results for them) to reframe the attack and criminal assault on the Capitol by a MAGAMob and seditious Oathkeepers as merely "legitimate political discourse".
Again, if you had been staying current on the will know that didn't go well for the RNC.
So, I would suggest that the OpEd was to speed-bump the re-framing and to pushback agains any attempt to intimidate ANY member of the 9 member panel.....including the 7 Democrats and the 2 Republicans.
Why isn't there a November 3rd committee investigating the stolen election?
Well, good poster Lenny, I personally do not know.
However, you have been one of the most persistent, vocal, and frequent complainers about November 3rd on this venue.
Yet.....we never hear of your efforts to actually do anything about it, other than whine incessantly and anonymously on an internet gossipboard while using a fake name.
So c'mon man! You could and should do better.
You don't want a reputation as being a do-nothing ineffective complainer that just shrilly hissyfits over a slight that you think you perceive.
Man up. Cowboy up. Put your big-boy boxers on, Lenny, and show the forum you can be a man of resolve, action, and accomplishment. A git'er done kind of guy.

Batter up. Saddle up. Gogetemsicem!
And keep us informed.

Good luck. :thup:
They've had people locked up for over a year and havent charged them.
I, for one, do not believe the good poster WeGo that his assertion is correct.
Can he prove that any...all?, some?.....have not been charged?

He alleges they have not. Accordingly, the forum would expect him to show us his hand when he has been called.

Whatcha got?
How many?
Who are they?
The MAGA Mafia smeared themselves..they were the ones who attacked the People's House.

Yes but obviously not OUR people! So which "people" are you talking about?

Pelosi's Pinkertons? Cheney's Commies? Kinsinger's Kamikazes?
What crimes?
Certainly not insurrection which is what all you dipshits are claiming.
And what happened to the right of a speedy trial? They've had people locked up for over a year and havent charged them.
Are you okay with that?
Beating police officers with baseball bats.

For example.

No one has been locked up for a year without a charge. That’s a lie.
I, for one, do not believe the good poster WeGo that his assertion is correct.
Can he prove that any...all?, some?.....have not been charged?

He alleges they have not. Accordingly, the forum would expect him to show us his hand when he has been called.

Whatcha got?
How many?
Who are they?

Use the google.
Beating police officers with baseball bats.

For example.

No one has been locked up for a year without a charge. That’s a lie.
Of course that is a lie. People don't get "locked up" without being charged...MORON.....except maybe Gitmo.
One could offer a couple of pargraphs of reasoned commentary on the WSJ opinion piece, or one could just do 'driving range' exercises with various responses offered in the thread.
I considered doing both.
But have decided to just hit balls.
Let's go:

Ummm, good poster, I saw it. I saw it with my own eyes. In real time. As it happened. About 13 months ago. If you didn't see it, well, you can Youtube it in a micro second. In my humble opinion, it didn't looked contrived whatsoever.
Too, if you were a Capitol cop how do you contrive getting a face full of high-strenth MACE? Who would freely volunteer for that assignment? How do you contrive getting beat to the ground and tortured with lasers?


I had not heard that or seen that.
So, you are asserting he changed emails to be convey the opposite of their intended meaning?
That's a helluva an assertion.
Please show the forum evidence of what you are alleging?
That's the way debate forums operate.
Show us.


In truth, MM, there is a constituency out there that sincerely wonders why DTrump wasn't impeached every 4 months. I ain't sayin' I'm one of them....but I'm pretty sure it exists.

C'mon, poster Marty. You have, in the past, demonstrated more intelligence than that. What happened? You know better. Think about it.
I don't wanna be disappointed in your avatar.

Well, actually, no it is not. There are 9 members on the Committee. Two of them quite 25%....of 'em are long standing Republican members of Congress. That makes it ...'bi-partisan'.
Liz Cheney was a leader of the Republican Caucus. And she has a long long long record of working with and for Republican candidates and issue. Sounds, pretty Republican to me. Kinziger, ran as a Republican, in a Republican district, and won as a Republican. And caucused with the Republicans. Sounds pretty Republican to me.
Sounds bi-partisan to me.

I agree.
But though Americans are dwelling....rightfully.....on the cost of living, and making a living, and staying healthy from Covid. They can also.....chew gum at the same time. Trust me.

Sure, why not. That is what the Select Committee on January 6th is intended to do. Find ALL the threads, nuances, players, decisions, and actions that brought that humiliating dangerous event to America's door.
Write your Congressman, your two Senators. Share your letter, if you would.

Marty, see my post above.
You are smarter than that.
You've shown that you are in the year I've been reading this foroum.
Don't begin to disappoint now.
Be a better you. I am confident you can be.

I agree.

See the two previous comments on your effort here, Marty.
I'm serious. Don't double down on this.
You can be better than what you have been today.
Maybe an off day?

Well, I demur.
If you haven't read it, well, the Republican Naitonal Committee (the 50 state chairs of the Party) voted to censure the two long time Republican members of the Commission. One of which is Cheney. She is the ranking minority member of the Committee. The RNC also attempted (with unfortunate results for them) to reframe the attack and criminal assault on the Capitol by a MAGAMob and seditious Oathkeepers as merely "legitimate political discourse".
Again, if you had been staying current on the will know that didn't go well for the RNC.
So, I would suggest that the OpEd was to speed-bump the re-framing and to pushback agains any attempt to intimidate ANY member of the 9 member panel.....including the 7 Democrats and the 2 Republicans.

Well, good poster Lenny, I personally do not know.
However, you have been one of the most persistent, vocal, and frequent complainers about November 3rd on this venue.
Yet.....we never hear of your efforts to actually do anything about it, other than whine incessantly and anonymously on an internet gossipboard while using a fake name.
So c'mon man! You could and should do better.
You don't want a reputation as being a do-nothing ineffective complainer that just shrilly hissyfits over a slight that you think you perceive.
Man up. Cowboy up. Put your big-boy boxers on, Lenny, and show the forum you can be a man of resolve, action, and accomplishment. A git'er done kind of guy.

Batter up. Saddle up. Gogetemsicem!
And keep us informed.

Good luck. :thup:
LOL. The longstanding Republicans you are talking about are anti-Trumpers. Absolutely every single person on the committee is an anti-Trumper. That's the way Pelosi wanted it. How can the investigation be fair if every single person on the committee is an anti-Trumper and then they want to release the results of the investigation just before the midterms.
Wrong as usual. That's the way Kevin McCarthy wanted it. So that he could fool you Rubes into thinking it was the Democrats on a partisan Witch Hunt. Being rubes you are, it, of course, Worked to perfection.
They will all start wearing their orange friendship rings any day now.
I. An assertion of fact, an allegation:

  • "They've had people locked up for over a year and haven't charge them."
II, Which was queried with:
  • Locked up for a year?
  • Where?
  • Who?
  • How do you know?
III. And to which we get:
"Use the google."

"Use Google?"

Umm, nope poser WeGo.
YOU....use google.
YOU asserted it.
YOU need prove your assertion.
Lest posters begin to believe an avatar ain't got no there there? A phoney. A fake? All hat, no cows?

So, like in poker or euchre or any number of such.....when your hand has been called to 'show' -----
YOU gotta show.

It's sort of a binary condundrum for such folks,,,,,,, 'Show or Go".

So, whatcha got poster WeGo?
I. An assertion of fact, an allegation:

II, Which was queried with:
  • Locked up for a year?
  • Where?
  • Who?
  • How do you know?
III. And to which we get:


"Use Google?"

Umm, nope poser WeGo.
YOU....use google.
YOU asserted it.
YOU need prove your assertion.
Lest posters begin to believe an avatar ain't got no there there? A phoney. A fake? All hat, no cows?

So, like in poker or euchre or any number of such.....when your hand has been called to 'show' -----
YOU gotta show.

It's sort of a binary condundrum for such folks,,,,,,, 'Show or Go".

So, whatcha got poster WeGo?

Look it up ya stupid motherfucker!!!
Being the election was illegal, questioning the results is certainly within their rights commie. What country do you live in? Your babbling is a lie not to mention really stupid.
Questioning it is fine. Breaking into the building and attacking police officers is not within their rights. That’s why they’re in prison.
It's my opinion that it was not legal by any stretch of the imagination of course, but the Trumpests were pushing it as legal to poor Mike. I think he realized that he would play Trumpybears' fall guy in the end anyway. After order was restored all Neo-GOP fingers would point to Pence, He's the one, it's his fault, look what he

Still doesn't make any insurrection or coup possible. What happened was a protest that got out of hand.
One could offer a couple of pargraphs of reasoned commentary on the WSJ opinion piece, or one could just do 'driving range' exercises with various responses offered in the thread.
I considered doing both.
But have decided to just hit balls.
Let's go:

Ummm, good poster, I saw it. I saw it with my own eyes. In real time. As it happened. About 13 months ago. If you didn't see it, well, you can Youtube it in a micro second. In my humble opinion, it didn't looked contrived whatsoever.
Too, if you were a Capitol cop how do you contrive getting a face full of high-strenth MACE? Who would freely volunteer for that assignment? How do you contrive getting beat to the ground and tortured with lasers?


I had not heard that or seen that.
So, you are asserting he changed emails to be convey the opposite of their intended meaning?
That's a helluva an assertion.
Please show the forum evidence of what you are alleging?
That's the way debate forums operate.
Show us.


In truth, MM, there is a constituency out there that sincerely wonders why DTrump wasn't impeached every 4 months. I ain't sayin' I'm one of them....but I'm pretty sure it exists.

C'mon, poster Marty. You have, in the past, demonstrated more intelligence than that. What happened? You know better. Think about it.
I don't wanna be disappointed in your avatar.

Well, actually, no it is not. There are 9 members on the Committee. Two of them quite 25%....of 'em are long standing Republican members of Congress. That makes it ...'bi-partisan'.
Liz Cheney was a leader of the Republican Caucus. And she has a long long long record of working with and for Republican candidates and issue. Sounds, pretty Republican to me. Kinziger, ran as a Republican, in a Republican district, and won as a Republican. And caucused with the Republicans. Sounds pretty Republican to me.
Sounds bi-partisan to me.

I agree.
But though Americans are dwelling....rightfully.....on the cost of living, and making a living, and staying healthy from Covid. They can also.....chew gum at the same time. Trust me.

Sure, why not. That is what the Select Committee on January 6th is intended to do. Find ALL the threads, nuances, players, decisions, and actions that brought that humiliating dangerous event to America's door.
Write your Congressman, your two Senators. Share your letter, if you would.

Marty, see my post above.
You are smarter than that.
You've shown that you are in the year I've been reading this foroum.
Don't begin to disappoint now.
Be a better you. I am confident you can be.

I agree.

See the two previous comments on your effort here, Marty.
I'm serious. Don't double down on this.
You can be better than what you have been today.
Maybe an off day?

Well, I demur.
If you haven't read it, well, the Republican Naitonal Committee (the 50 state chairs of the Party) voted to censure the two long time Republican members of the Commission. One of which is Cheney. She is the ranking minority member of the Committee. The RNC also attempted (with unfortunate results for them) to reframe the attack and criminal assault on the Capitol by a MAGAMob and seditious Oathkeepers as merely "legitimate political discourse".
Again, if you had been staying current on the will know that didn't go well for the RNC.
So, I would suggest that the OpEd was to speed-bump the re-framing and to pushback agains any attempt to intimidate ANY member of the 9 member panel.....including the 7 Democrats and the 2 Republicans.

Well, good poster Lenny, I personally do not know.
However, you have been one of the most persistent, vocal, and frequent complainers about November 3rd on this venue.
Yet.....we never hear of your efforts to actually do anything about it, other than whine incessantly and anonymously on an internet gossipboard while using a fake name.
So c'mon man! You could and should do better.
You don't want a reputation as being a do-nothing ineffective complainer that just shrilly hissyfits over a slight that you think you perceive.
Man up. Cowboy up. Put your big-boy boxers on, Lenny, and show the forum you can be a man of resolve, action, and accomplishment. A git'er done kind of guy.

Batter up. Saddle up. Gogetemsicem!
And keep us informed.

Good luck. :thup:

First, respond to each person's posts individually you lazy fuck.

If you do that I will grace you with my response.

Until then, pound sand.

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