Cheney turns on Mr. Ban All Muslims Trump

Trump is running a brilliant campaign.

He says something that is a little outrageous but has roots in what the American people would like to hear.

He gets tons of press when he makes the statement.

He then clarifies what he said and gets tons of more press explaining it.

Meanwhile more people come to his rallies and his poll numbers go up.

The Democrats and his Republican opponents are made to look weak by disagreeing with a suggestion that would make the US more secure even if it could never happen.

He is playing political correctness against the Liberals and they are too dumb to know it.

It is fun to watch.
He's also tearing down the excuses from the fence -sitters in the GOP Establishment.

You have to give it to the guy. He is running a brilliant campaign and it is not costing him very much money.

He is playing these politically correct Libtards and the Left leaning press like a cheap fiddle and they are too dumb to know it.

I agree he is making his Republicans oponents either shit or get off the pot and that is a good thing.

He will kick the Hildabeast's ass big time come the General Election and she will never know what happen, kinda like when Obama beat her.
Shotgun Dick shoots judges in the face. Nothing in the Constitution promises you the freedom to do that. However, freedom of religion is different.

IMO, Trump will be on an independent ticket in 2016. His only option, and that option closed the lid on his coffin.
You hope so.

I think the Republican voters are leaving the GOP behind because they're in bed with Democrats. It hard not to be cynical about the entire process right now. And Hillary thinks she's reaping some sort of windfall in all of this. Truth is, nobody trusts her...and that is no way to run a campaign.

We know Hillary is more of the same policies Obama practices...and Trump has foot-in-mouth desease, but people have too much reality hitting them in the face. So, Hillary isn't an option....unless you don't mind being served up for possible slaughter in the near future.

if Trumpie runs on an Indy ticket he's Toastie .. not that he isn't already.
Most Americans that recognize fascism will turn on Trump. Left, right or somewhere in the middle, fascism represents what America fought the NAZI's and Axis powers over in WWII.
Well, what if 40% or more gopers agree with him?
That will not give him enough to win. He is currently carrying a fourth to a third of Republican primary voters. Hype put aside, or at least into perspective, that only gives him less than 10% support from all voters on a national level.
Shotgun Dick shoots judges in the face. Nothing in the Constitution promises you the freedom to do that. However, freedom of religion is different.

IMO, Trump will be on an independent ticket in 2016. His only option, and that option closed the lid on his coffin.
You hope so.

I think the Republican voters are leaving the GOP behind because they're in bed with Democrats. It hard not to be cynical about the entire process right now. And Hillary thinks she's reaping some sort of windfall in all of this. Truth is, nobody trusts her...and that is no way to run a campaign.

We know Hillary is more of the same policies Obama practices...and Trump has foot-in-mouth desease, but people have too much reality hitting them in the face. So, Hillary isn't an option....unless you don't mind being served up for possible slaughter in the near future.

if Trumpie runs on an Indy ticket he's Toastie .. not that he isn't already.
He won't. ...because he knows we'll bail on him.
why so silent about this today.. last night the Television was smoking hot with news stories. Mr. Vice President came out of hiding and took a shot at our Hair Club President.

Hurt or help Donald's future in politics ?
Of course.....Cheney is part of the establishment.
From Cheney to Trump is jumping from the fire to the frying pan.

Look up malignant NPD when you get a chance. We don't need another narcissist (Dubya) for President. The people who suffer from this illness cast a glib and smooth charm over their audience. They can charm and woo a nun into "doing Vegas" if given enough time. They are great with a diatribe of anesthetizing words while they sedate you for their later performance which you won't like as much as the intro.

Trust me on this one. Trump ain't the guy. Trump has Cheney's style of selfish ambitions but just sold to you in a more glib and attractive wrapper.
That's as superficial an evaluation as I've ever heard.
Trump is to Republicans what Nader was to Democrats, a vote splitter, never a winner.
[Q We don't need another narcissist (Dubya) for President. T.

We sure as hell don't need another Obama and this incompetent untrustworthy corrupt and confused Hillary Bitch is very close to being one.

I am not going to vote for Trump because I think he will be too Liberal. However, I think he would be much better than any Democrat.

He understands capitalism and I think he will stimulate the economy like stupid socialistic Obama was never able to do it. The economy will probably boom under him. However, he will probably continue to grow the size of government and I suspect the debt and the welfare state will not be curtailed.

I think it is fun to see him run a brilliant campaign by using political correctness against the Libtards. It is hilarious to watch.
Most Americans that recognize fascism will turn on Trump. Left, right or somewhere in the middle, fascism represents what America fought the NAZI's and Axis powers over in WWII.
Well, what if 40% or more gopers agree with him?
That will not give him enough to win. He is currently carrying a fourth to a third of Republican primary voters. Hype put aside, or at least into perspective, that only gives him less than 10% support from all voters on a national level.
Yeah, but if he gets 40% of the gop primary vote, he could amass the most delegates and force a brokered convention.
You Libtards are falling for Trumps strategy to use political correctness against you.

Funny to watch! You are falling for it hook, line and sinker.
Most Americans that recognize fascism will turn on Trump. Left, right or somewhere in the middle, fascism represents what America fought the NAZI's and Axis powers over in WWII.
Well, what if 40% or more gopers agree with him?
That will not give him enough to win. He is currently carrying a fourth to a third of Republican primary voters. Hype put aside, or at least into perspective, that only gives him less than 10% support from all voters on a national level.
Yeah, but if he gets 40% of the gop primary vote, he could amass the most delegates and force a brokered convention.

I honestly believe the so called RINO's show up in force and quell Trump and his bullshit... another scenario the whacko's haven't considered ..
You Libtards are falling for Trumps strategy to use political correctness against you.

Funny to watch! You are falling for it hook, line and sinker.

opposed to being scared to death of Muslims?

Most Americans that recognize fascism will turn on Trump. Left, right or somewhere in the middle, fascism represents what America fought the NAZI's and Axis powers over in WWII.
Well, what if 40% or more gopers agree with him?
That will not give him enough to win. He is currently carrying a fourth to a third of Republican primary voters. Hype put aside, or at least into perspective, that only gives him less than 10% support from all voters on a national level.
Yeah, but if he gets 40% of the gop primary vote, he could amass the most delegates and force a brokered convention.

I honestly believe the so called RINO's show up in force and quell Trump and his bullshit... another scenario the whacko's haven't considered ..
I think Rubio can win the nomination w/o a brokered convention if Jeb, Kasich, Carley, Christie just get the hell out. I'm not sure that's gonna happen though.
Most Americans that recognize fascism will turn on Trump. Left, right or somewhere in the middle, fascism represents what America fought the NAZI's and Axis powers over in WWII.
Well, what if 40% or more gopers agree with him?
That will not give him enough to win. He is currently carrying a fourth to a third of Republican primary voters. Hype put aside, or at least into perspective, that only gives him less than 10% support from all voters on a national level.
Yeah, but if he gets 40% of the gop primary vote, he could amass the most delegates and force a brokered convention.
Oh, he can get the nomination. He can not win in the general. I am however reviewing the proper method of using the Nazi salute just in case. I already have a decent selection of brown shirts.
You Libtards are falling for Trumps strategy to use political correctness against you.

Funny to watch! You are falling for it hook, line and sinker.

opposed to being scared to death of Muslims?


The Libtards are scared to death of the right to keep and bear arms so what the hell?

I'm not a Libtard but I am a gun owner and I am NOT afraid of any Muslim in this country, nor am I afraid of ANYONE taking my guns, especialy Liberals.

morons paint liberals with the same broad brush they use to paint Muslims. Their hand is shaking from fear so much I'm surprised they can paint.

I'm not a Libtard but I am a gun owner and I am NOT afraid of any Muslim in this country, nor am I afraid of ANYONE taking my guns, especialy Liberals.

morons paint liberals with the same broad brush they use to paint Muslims. Their hand is shaking from fear so much I'm surprised they can paint.

If you are not a Libtard you sure act like one.

Most people don't feel the need to protect Muslims like the Obama Administration and the stupid ass Democrats in this country.

Trump is appealing to Americans that think Muslims are a threat and he is doing a brilliant job of capitalizing on that concern.

Now you may or may not agree with him but you have to give the boy credit. He is using political correctness against the Liberals very effectively.

I'm not a Libtard but I am a gun owner and I am NOT afraid of any Muslim in this country, nor am I afraid of ANYONE taking my guns, especialy Liberals.

morons paint liberals with the same broad brush they use to paint Muslims. Their hand is shaking from fear so much I'm surprised they can paint.

If you are not a Libtard you sure act like one.

Most people don't feel the need to protect Muslims like the Obama Administration and the stupid ass Democrats in this country.

Trump is appealing to Americans that think Muslims are a threat and he is doing a brilliant job of capitalizing on that concern.

Now you may or may not agree with him but you have to give the boy credit. He is using political correctness against the Liberals very effectively.

that's because idiots think like that ... and I don't protect Muslims. I respect their religion the same as I do yours. Last time I checked this is America, and religious freedom is a constitutional right.

That may not last too long if it's up to Trump and his ass kissing followers. Being anti constitutional is their forte' these days.

that's because idiots think like that ... and I don't protect Muslims. I respect their religion the same as I do yours. Last time I checked this is America, and religious freedom is a constitutional right.

That may not last too long if it's up to Trump and his ass kissing followers. Being anti constitutional is their forte' these days.

There are many people that would argue that the Muslims have lost the right to claim respect due to their fervor for destruction.

Your freedom of religion ends when you think you need to kill me in order to appease Allah for whatever demented reason you think.

Trump is running a campaign to get elected. In doing so he has he has been able to tap into that fear and distrust of Muslims and illegals and others that many Americans have.

Like I said before you may or may not agree with his anti political correctness campaign but it is effective and he is gaining ground and it isn't costing him very much money. Brilliant.

that's because idiots think like that ... and I don't protect Muslims. I respect their religion the same as I do yours. Last time I checked this is America, and religious freedom is a constitutional right.

That may not last too long if it's up to Trump and his ass kissing followers. Being anti constitutional is their forte' these days.

There are many people that would argue that the Muslims have lost the right to claim respect due to their fervor for destruction.

Your freedom of religion ends when you think you need to kill me in order to appease Allah for whatever demented reason you think.

Trump is running a campaign to get elected. In doing so he has he has been able to tap into that fear and distrust of Muslims and illegals and others that many Americans have.

Like I said before you may or may not agree with his anti political correctness campaign but it is effective and he is gaining ground and it isn't costing him very much money. Brilliant.

There are many people that would argue that the Muslims have lost the right to claim respect due to their fervor for destruction.

ALL Muslims ?

skip politics and concentrate on scared shitless ... you're a natural.

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