Cher wants people to take "dreamers" into their homes. That's a felony, dear.

You black hearted souls of the Republican party are going to pay a very heavy price for it.
Of all the BONE-HEADED dumb ass ideas I have heard in my life. We educate them here, then send them off to a foreign country so they can stimulate the economy and pay taxes there, instead of here.

HAHAHA. You think we educate illegals??? We let them infest our schools but to them it's just free day care and free meals. They don't even try to learn anything since their goal is just to go on welfare.

And the schools are dumbed down to accomodate these illegal morons which robs white and asian kids of a good education.
You black hearted souls of the Republican party are going to pay a very heavy price for it.
Of all the BONE-HEADED dumb ass ideas I have heard in my life. We educate them here, then send them off to a foreign country so they can stimulate the economy and pay taxes there, instead of here.

HAHAHA. You think we educate illegals??? We let them infest our schools but to them it's just free day care and free meals. They don't even try to learn anything since their goal is just to go on welfare.

And the schools are dumbed down to accomodate these illegal morons which robs white and asian kids of a good education.

You're done. Yes kids do get educated in this country, I have two nieces that are elementary school teachers. We have dreamers in University's and college campus's all over this country right now. They didn't get there because they didn't care about school in their elementary school years dumbass.

RONALD REAGAN is very well known as setting off the biggest & longest economic boom period in this nation's history. What was different about him than any other President. With a swipe of the pen he legalised all illegals in this country.


They came out of their hiding places, got real jobs, and started paying real taxes. They opened up their business's and hired other Americans. They bought American cars, built and bought homes, bought T.V.'s furniture & applicances--because they knew they were here to stay. They went to school and paid for college educations. They set off the greatest and longest economic boom period in this Nation's history.

If you don't remember who Ronald Reagan was, then you can listen to a 3 minute video from a long time friend and former staffer of Ronald Reagan.

Now the serious issue with SOCIAL SECURITY & MEDICARE

Back in the 1950's average family size was 4 kids. Over the last several decades kid size per family has been reduced to 2 or less. Today there are 10K babyboomers retiring into Social Security/Medicare on a daily basis and this will continue for the next 9 to 10 years, resulting in another 84 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities. Right now one working person is supporting 3 retirees on borrowed money from China, and it's also the reason we're constantly having to raise the debt ceiling. We are wholly short on younger working people right now. Eventually we won't even be able to pay our military.

So your options are:
1. Let Social Security/Medicare go bankrupt.
2. Cut benefits to the bone.
3. Raise the age of eligibility to 75 years old.
4. Means testing (meaning take from the weathier and give to the poorer)
5. Keep kids that grew up in this country and were educated in this country right here, so they can support these funds while paying Federal, State and Local taxes while also stimulating the economy.

There are NO other options. Let's see if you can get through this without your brain exploding with too much information.

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The Dirty Democrats have not always been against deporting illegal alien children. Remember how Bill Clinton had 5 year old Cuban Elián González deported at gun point.
Cher has the money to take lots of "dreamers" into her home. How many studs can she handle?
They will be called Anne Frank safe houses.

And Truncheon Trump will send out his little Sessions vampire to say "paper's please". And everyone will flip him off and tell him to go fuck himself this isn't Germany 80 years ago.
Section 1324 of title 8 of the US code makes it a felony to encourage illegals to live in america.

Cher offers "Dreamers" a place to take refuge - CBS News

sep 5 2017 Cher says she's ready to provide "sanctuary" after the Trump administration announced the decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that protects roughly 800,000 young immigrants who came to the U.S. as children. The singer tweeted that she will protect young "Dreamers" and let them stay at her home.

She wrote that people who can should take "Dreamers" into their homes and "protect them." She added that she was ready to do so herself.
I guess she cannot afford lawn service and maid service anymore. But that is a good idea. Having others to work for a roof over their heads. And now she doesn't have to pay for an escort service at night, to give an old lady what she needs to help her to go to sleep at night.


They will be called Anne Frank safe houses.

And Truncheon Trump will send out his little Sessions vampire to say "paper's please". And everyone will flip him off and tell him to go fuck himself this isn't Germany 80 years ago.

Germany had an immigration problem?
They will be called Anne Frank safe houses.

And Truncheon Trump will send out his little Sessions vampire to say "paper's please". And everyone will flip him off and tell him to go fuck himself this isn't Germany 80 years ago.
So Mexico is the equivalent of Nazi death camps?

Isn't that racist?
They came out of their hiding places, got real jobs, and started paying real taxes. They opened up their business's and hired other Americans. They bought American cars, built and bought homes, bought T.V.'s furniture & applicances--because they knew they were here to stay. They went to school and paid for college educations. They set off the greatest and longest economic boom period in this Nation's history.

They did? 3 million illegals set off the longest great economy in our nations history? I would sure love to see evidence of that. I would sure love to see that all 3 million never went on welfare or had welfare for their kids, never sent their money back to their homeland, never caused any trouble with our authorities or broke any serious laws. All 3 million either went to college or opened up their own business.

I'll anxiously await the evidence of your claim.
Section 1324 of title 8 of the US code makes it a felony to encourage illegals to live in america.

Cher offers "Dreamers" a place to take refuge - CBS News

sep 5 2017 Cher says she's ready to provide "sanctuary" after the Trump administration announced the decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that protects roughly 800,000 young immigrants who came to the U.S. as children. The singer tweeted that she will protect young "Dreamers" and let them stay at her home.

She wrote that people who can should take "Dreamers" into their homes and "protect them." She added that she was ready to do so herself.

Then why aren't our prisons filled with people who have given illegals jobs?

Good question. You won't get a good answer.
Illegals are here because a vast majority of people who don't clean their own houses or mow their own lawns or harvest agricultural produce want them here. It's just that simple.

A vast majority of people? We have over 315 million citizens in this country, and you're trying to tell us that a vast majority of them (say 200 million) depend on illegals?
You want to pay some entitled tattooed millennial to knock out that wall and carry off the debris? What happens when he fires the nail gun into his foot and his daddy sues you?

Construction contractors cannot sue a homeowner for such an accident. That's why there is workman's compensation.
Section 1324 of title 8 of the US code makes it a felony to encourage illegals to live in america.

Cher offers "Dreamers" a place to take refuge - CBS News

sep 5 2017 Cher says she's ready to provide "sanctuary" after the Trump administration announced the decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that protects roughly 800,000 young immigrants who came to the U.S. as children. The singer tweeted that she will protect young "Dreamers" and let them stay at her home.

She wrote that people who can should take "Dreamers" into their homes and "protect them." She added that she was ready to do so herself.
Why don't you get busy arresting the employers of these illegals?

I think that would be a tough case to make. How would an employer go about assuring that the employee he is hiring is legal? I don't think we have a full-proof system for that, and what we have now is not efficient.
They came out of their hiding places, got real jobs, and started paying real taxes. They opened up their business's and hired other Americans. They bought American cars, built and bought homes, bought T.V.'s furniture & applicances--because they knew they were here to stay. They went to school and paid for college educations. They set off the greatest and longest economic boom period in this Nation's history.

They did? 3 million illegals set off the longest great economy in our nations history? I would sure love to see evidence of that. I would sure love to see that all 3 million never went on welfare or had welfare for their kids, never sent their money back to their homeland, never caused any trouble with our authorities or broke any serious laws. All 3 million either went to college or opened up their own business.

I'll anxiously await the evidence of your claim.

If you got a link to deny those stats then go ahead and do it. We know for a fact that RONALD REAGAN set off the longest lasting economic boom in this nations history--are you denying that? We know what he did differently than other Presidents--he legalized all illegals.

As far as your welfare claims--Illegals are not eligible for welfare, and they never have been. Nor can they vote, and the last thing they're going to do is walk into a Welfare office or Voting precinct, to say "here I am come and get me."-:funnyface:- The biggest abuser of Welfare today are White's.

While we're discussing this, you might want to check out the price of beef in your nearest grocery store today. It's skyrocketing, and so will milk, eggs, chicken, fruit & vegi's. Those Migrant workers that cross the border every year, have decided not to cross the border to help farmers bring in their harvest, so we have fruit and vegi's rotting on the vine. Apparently American citizens won't do back breaking work for minimum wage. So enjoy your grocery bill--:badgrin:
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences
Maine farmers worry about workers’ future under Trump immigration policy
Dairy Farmers Fear Loss Of Labor Under Trump Immigration Actions


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Section 1324 of title 8 of the US code makes it a felony to encourage illegals to live in america.

Cher offers "Dreamers" a place to take refuge - CBS News

sep 5 2017 Cher says she's ready to provide "sanctuary" after the Trump administration announced the decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that protects roughly 800,000 young immigrants who came to the U.S. as children. The singer tweeted that she will protect young "Dreamers" and let them stay at her home.

She wrote that people who can should take "Dreamers" into their homes and "protect them." She added that she was ready to do so herself.

gotta love cher. she puts her money where her mouth is.

and she's a truly decent person, apparently.

unlike you, white trash boy

I did like Cher as a singer....

She was great......

As an activist...she sucks.

Just like you.
I guess she cannot afford lawn service and maid service anymore. But that is a good idea. Having others to work for a roof over their heads. And now she doesn't have to pay for an escort service at night, to give an old lady what she needs to help her to go to sleep at night.

But she's still committing a felony and T should have her prosecuted.

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