Chevy Volt Production Put On Five Week Hold

They are shutting down specifically because of new EPA regulations, moron. Even Obama admits that. It doesn't matter how you characterize them. The fact is they will have to be replaced. The cost of that will be $billions of dollars instead of zero, and the cost will be laid on the consumers, the people turds like you claim to care about so much.

Liberals are so full of crap their eyes are brown.

It is the cost of dumping shit into our air.

Wrong, asshole. It's the cost of allowing morons like you to make decisions for the rest of us.

It sucks when you can't do what you want doesn't it?

Yeah, and it sure sucked for black slaves when they had to do what their owners wanted.

You're such a despicable servile bootlicking toady that it makes my stomach turn to read anything you post.
We can reduce our dependence on foreign oil now, by producing more domestically. The regime is just too intent on destruction to do that.

We are producing more domestically. Drilling is WAY up.

Is gas more expensive here or in Canada? The answer is Canada. Did you know that Canada is a net exporter of oil? That's right, they produce about 3.3 million barrels a day and consume about 2.2 million. So, they produce more than they consume in their country.

They pay more for a gallon of gas in Canada than they do in the United States.

Is the picture coming clearer to anyone?

why do they pay more? hummm?

Without the additional taxes, they would pay what, about the same as we do, right? How can that be if they are a net EXPORTER of oil?
Old, inefficient and dirty. If they wanted to keep up with current standards, they could have

the standards were changed numbskull.....

Sucks don't it?

Making profit off of dumping shit in our air

then lets just shut them all down, ratchet the standards so high no one can comply? who'll heat your basement then? Or provide power for your internet access? Grandma won't be able to afford it.....unless you get a job that is. :eusa_whistle:
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They are shutting down specifically because of new EPA regulations, moron. Even Obama admits that. It doesn't matter how you characterize them. The fact is they will have to be replaced. The cost of that will be $billions of dollars instead of zero, and the cost will be laid on the consumers, the people turds like you claim to care about so much.

Liberals are so full of crap their eyes are brown.

It is the cost of dumping shit into our air.

Wrong, asshole. It's the cost of allowing morons like you to make decisions for the rest of us.

It sucks when you can't do what you want doesn't it?

Yeah, and it sure sucked for black slaves when they had to do what their owners wanted.

You're such a despicable servile bootlicking toady that it makes my stomach turn to read anything you post.

And those slave owners whined just like you do....

Mean old GUBMINT is telling me what to do and keeping me from making a profit provides owner reviews too. The Chevy volt gets 4.7 for the 2011 and 4.8 for the 2012 out of 5 stars.

So folks aren't buying because.......????

Negative press affects sales. Negative press, like Volts are exploding, that isn't even true. Imagine that...

The price has a lot to do with it too. I know I can't afford a $40k+ car when I can get a Toyota Prius for $26k and still enjoy terrific Gas Mileage in a car that will fit my 6'4"/300lb body comfortably.

The Volt's a great idea an electric vehicle that has a 300 mile range(using gas to keep the batteries charged beyond the initial 40 miles).... it's just too damned expensive.
the standards were changed numbskull.....

Sucks don't it?

Making profit off of dumping shit in our air

then lets just shut them all down, ratchet the standards so high no one can comply? who'll heat your basement then? Or provide power for your internet access? Grandma won't be able to afford it.....unless you get a job that is. :eusa_whistle:

Coal plants have complained for forty years that tougher environmental standards are impossible to meet. They have managed to meet the standards and those too dirty have shut down........and we are all better for it
It is the cost of dumping shit into our air.

Wrong, asshole. It's the cost of allowing morons like you to make decisions for the rest of us.

It sucks when you can't do what you want doesn't it?

Yeah, and it sure sucked for black slaves when they had to do what their owners wanted.

You're such a despicable servile bootlicking toady that it makes my stomach turn to read anything you post.

And those slave owners whined just like you do....

Mean old GUBMINT is telling me what to do and keeping me from making a profit

Your arguments are becoming increasingly pathetic,

Just an observation.................
No, I'm not. Read my last post.

And, naturally, you can provide scientists to support your claim that Peak Oil is "BS" (one that doesn't work for Exxon, if you please).

Has the World Already Passed “Peak Oil”?

I just mentioned the technology we have now. We have the technology for battery swapping stations and solar charging stations. If these industries were subsidized like the oil industry is...imagine how far along we'd be.

and your article? here, for you, only becasue you've been civil, I will help you out;

Reading Comprehension Connection: Home

subsidies :lol: I knew it, do you know what the differences are between a subsidy and a grant, or hand out? Or a TAX DEDUCTIONS?

What about my article? Did you miss it or do you have information to counter it. If you missed it, here it is again.

Has the World Already Passed “Peak Oil”?

It's from National Geographic.

Oil is subsidized and given tax breaks other industries do not get. I am merely suggesting that these technologies and industries be given the same advantages.

Why wait until we are completely out of oil before taking steps to reduce our dependency on it? Why is this such a ludicrous concept?

no I read links partner, and one more time,

Reading Comprehension Connection: Home

Oil is subsidized and given tax breaks other industries do not get.

And those slave owners whined just like you do....

Mean old GUBMINT is telling me what to do and keeping me from making a profit

In this scenario, you're the slave owner, dipshit. You and your fellow morons are forcing us to pay higher prices for electricity.

It's pointless to argue with people who are too stupid to follow an analogy.

The power utilities will make a profit regardless of whatever costs the EPA imposes on them. You and I are the ones who will pay the cost. That's the point that you are too stupid to get.
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Sucks don't it?

Making profit off of dumping shit in our air

then lets just shut them all down, ratchet the standards so high no one can comply? who'll heat your basement then? Or provide power for your internet access? Grandma won't be able to afford it.....unless you get a job that is. :eusa_whistle:

Coal plants have complained for forty years that tougher environmental standards are impossible to meet. They have managed to meet the standards and those too dirty have shut down........and we are all better for it

you know, I KNOW you don't read squat, really. you come here and just blast away, ist triemsome and you open yourself up to this derision....

the new regs are not logical and I am not the only one how thinks so, even the epas own side investigatory council how pulled all of the data together said they thought that they were to harsh, or there was a lack of justification for such stringency, they never did a cost analysis (which they are mandated to do ) on the price of controls, etc etc ...go, educate yourself becasue I am tired of educating you.....

just sit back and throw your poop at your monitor, same effect really.....
So folks aren't buying because.......????

Negative press affects sales. Negative press, like Volts are exploding, that isn't even true. Imagine that...

The price has a lot to do with it too. I know I can't afford a $40k+ car when I can get a Toyota Prius for $26k and still enjoy terrific Gas Mileage in a car that will fit my 6'4"/300lb body comfortably.

The Volt's a great idea an electric vehicle that has a 300 mile range(using gas to keep the batteries charged beyond the initial 40 miles).... it's just too damned expensive.

Yes, it is expensive, but take a look around you on the freeway. How many 40K cars whiz around you? Now granted, I live in one of the wealthiest counties in CA so the cars that whiz around me might be different than yours. ;)

But the FACT is that it is negative press that has affected sales.

According to GM's Peterson, dealers are waiting for the swirling misinformation to "settle down," before stepping up sales efforts for the Chevy Volt.

Chevy Volt Misinformation Is Affecting Sales

I'm a proud Prius owner too. Bought mine in 2005, the last time gas prices were high, but before they came out with the new, larger options. I'd like to get a straight EV for my next commuter car, but I have range traffic, but a long commute.
Sucks don't it?

Making profit off of dumping shit in our air

then lets just shut them all down, ratchet the standards so high no one can comply? who'll heat your basement then? Or provide power for your internet access? Grandma won't be able to afford it.....unless you get a job that is. :eusa_whistle:

Coal plants have complained for forty years that tougher environmental standards are impossible to meet. They have managed to meet the standards and those too dirty have shut down........and we are all better for it

Since you're opposed to allowing coal plants to dump even one gram of pollution into the air, you should agree with shutting them all down immediately. Right?

What possible argument could you have against shutting them down?
and your article? here, for you, only becasue you've been civil, I will help you out;

Reading Comprehension Connection: Home

subsidies :lol: I knew it, do you know what the differences are between a subsidy and a grant, or hand out? Or a TAX DEDUCTIONS?

What about my article? Did you miss it or do you have information to counter it. If you missed it, here it is again.

Has the World Already Passed “Peak Oil”?

It's from National Geographic.

Oil is subsidized and given tax breaks other industries do not get. I am merely suggesting that these technologies and industries be given the same advantages.

Why wait until we are completely out of oil before taking steps to reduce our dependency on it? Why is this such a ludicrous concept?

no I read links partner, and one more time,

Reading Comprehension Connection: Home

Sorry, guess I'm just too stupid to get it. You questioned my statement that we are at peak oil without providing ANY evidence that we aren't. I provided evidence that we are actually past peak oil and instead you provide a non sequitur article about reading comprehension.

Do you have evidence to the contrary that shows we haven't reached Peak Oil (that wasn't brought to us by the fossil fuel industry)?

Oil is subsidized and given tax breaks other industries do not get.

An April 14 report by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) titled, "Energy Tax Policy: Issues in the 112th Congress," details seven federal tax breaks explicitly targeted to the oil and gas industry

Environmental Law Institute: Subsidies To Fossil Fuel Industry "Totaled Approximately $72 Billion" Between 2002 And 2008.

Tax breaks that are "oil specific"

  • The "Deduction For Intangible Drilling And Development Costs"
  • The "Percentage Depletion Allowance For Oil And Gas Wells"
  • The "Outer Continental Shelf Deep Water And Deep Gas Royalty Relief"

Close Big Oil Tax Loopholes Act
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