Chevy Volt Production Put On Five Week Hold

Why do enviro-nazis keep trying to cram their twisted ideology down our throats?

Why does the leftist President of the United States dump BILLIONS of dollars into "green" startup companies that go bankrupt, and bailout car companies who produce inferior "green" technology?

If "rightwinger" had a SHRED of integrity and objectivity in his soul, he would be asking these two questions.

Simply because the world is changing and we need to be at the forefront of emerging technology.

The days of drill, baby drill are numbered

When exactly were those "days of drill, baby drill"? Your leftist heroes have done everything in their power to STOP this country from being more energy independent.

Are you enjoying your $4.00 a gallon gasoline? Are YOU going to go out and buy a Chevy Volt so you can show everybody what a good little enviro-nazi you are? Of course you're NOT. You're just another HYPOCRITE..............don't do as you DO, do as you SAY, right Hugo?

Actually, I would enjoy having choices other than gasoline by now
The internal combustion engine is the past not the future. Conservatives are always looking to the past instead of the future.

Electric engines are older than internal combustion ones, progressives think going backwards is progress.
1807 - Francois Isaac de Rivaz of Switzerland invented the internal combustion engine.
1821 - Michael Faraday invented the first electric motors.

The term is electric motor not electric engine. A motor converts electric energy into mechanical energy. An engine converts chemical energy into mechanical energy.

However, the point is a gasoline engine is extremely inefficiency compared to an electric motor. Improvements in electric motors have resulted in efficiencies up to 96% while improvements in gasoline engines have resulted in efficiencies that run from 20 to 30%.

The gasoline engine is truly a Rube Goldberg machine with it's pumps and pistons, cooling and heating system, fuel injection system, electrical system, lubrication system, and exhaust system. It's a wonder it runs at all. Compare that to the electric motor with only one moving part. The electric motor is not only very efficient but can be extremely reliable.

Your figure for the "efficiency" of the electric motor doesn't count losses at the power station, which are only about 35% efficient, transmission losses, charging losses and then battery storage losses. When you add all that up, electric cars are far less efficient cars powered by internal combustion engines.

Once again, the supporters of "green energy" only manage to show their gross ignorance on the subject.
The fact is we are more energy independent and producing more petroleum products now, than before Obama took office.

The U.S. exported more gasoline, diesel and other fuels than it imported in 2011 for the first time since 1949, the Energy Department said. After declining in every year of the Bush administration, domestic field oil production has increased in every year of the Obama administration so far. And although Gulf oil production dipped last year, it was up in the two prior years under Obama, and the annual/monthly average production under Obama has been higher than under Bush.

U.S. Was Net Oil-Product Exporter for First Time Since 1949 - Bloomberg
Domestic Oil Production Has Increased Under Obama | farangbaa

Production increases have been entirely on privately own land. Obama had nothing to do with it. production from government leases has decreased dramatically. Giving Obama credit for production increases is the ultimate in chutzpah.
Simply because the world is changing and we need to be at the forefront of emerging technology.

The days of drill, baby drill are numbered

When exactly were those "days of drill, baby drill"? Your leftist heroes have done everything in their power to STOP this country from being more energy independent.

Are you enjoying your $4.00 a gallon gasoline? Are YOU going to go out and buy a Chevy Volt so you can show everybody what a good little enviro-nazi you are? Of course you're NOT. You're just another HYPOCRITE..............don't do as you DO, do as you SAY, right Hugo?

Actually, I would enjoy having choices other than gasoline by now

America has those choices now...

They choose not to embrace the failure you bitterly cling to...

Admit it is wrong and move on...
The internal combustion engine is the past not the future. Conservatives are always looking to the past instead of the future.

Electric engines are older than internal combustion ones, progressives think going backwards is progress.
1807 - Francois Isaac de Rivaz of Switzerland invented the internal combustion engine.
1821 - Michael Faraday invented the first electric motors.

The term is electric motor not electric engine. A motor converts electric energy into mechanical energy. An engine converts chemical energy into mechanical energy.

However, the point is a gasoline engine is extremely inefficiency compared to an electric motor. Improvements in electric motors have resulted in efficiencies up to 96% while improvements in gasoline engines have resulted in efficiencies that run from 20 to 30%.

The gasoline engine is truly a Rube Goldberg machine with it's pumps and pistons, cooling and heating system, fuel injection system, electrical system, lubrication system, and exhaust system. It's a wonder it runs at all. Compare that to the electric motor with only one moving part. The electric motor is not only very efficient but can be extremely reliable.

great thx for that...and??? your point is what? minus the capacitance and potential , it means do do....:lol:so? got something better? cauze the volt aint it......
Must whip unions into line
Must whip unions into line

Employer good....worker bad

Union thugs are bad, not workers. Union members don't work much.

Nope....takes three union workers to do the job of one non-union worker

Unions are EVIL

That's why we need to put our trust in the one percent. They have always taken care of us before
The internal combustion engine is the past not the future. Conservatives are always looking to the past instead of the future.

Electric engines are older than internal combustion ones, progressives think going backwards is progress.
1807 - Francois Isaac de Rivaz of Switzerland invented the internal combustion engine.
1821 - Michael Faraday invented the first electric motors.

The term is electric motor not electric engine. A motor converts electric energy into mechanical energy. An engine converts chemical energy into mechanical energy.

However, the point is a gasoline engine is extremely inefficiency compared to an electric motor. Improvements in electric motors have resulted in efficiencies up to 96% while improvements in gasoline engines have resulted in efficiencies that run from 20 to 30%.

The gasoline engine is truly a Rube Goldberg machine with it's pumps and pistons, cooling and heating system, fuel injection system, electrical system, lubrication system, and exhaust system. It's a wonder it runs at all. Compare that to the electric motor with only one moving part. The electric motor is not only very efficient but can be extremely reliable.

Faraday did not invent the electric motor, he just gets credit for it. The first electric car was built in 1828, the first internal combustion engine powered car was not built for another 60 years.

The point is that we still cannot magically generate electricity.
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So, you don't care about those 1,300 Employees your Government Motors just laid off? That's what i thought. Obama-Bots be craaaazy. :cuckoo:

For the billionth time, yes I do, and you're the dittohead a-hole who put them there.

How do you figure that, asshole? Did you buy a Volt?

Rush, Beck, Sean etc ruined the Volt's rep 24/7 and stupid dittoheads believe and repeat it. Total political BS. Figure that out yet? And who asked you, shyttehead? LOL!
Could be never and the "GM must fail" geeks will still be hoping for it's demise

I don't know about that, but the mailman just brought the April Consumer Reports, and page 15 has reader satisfaction scores which includes
Ford 60%
Chrysler 51%
GM 56%

Top was Subaru, 75% (replacing Honda)

Consumer Reports never rates American cars highly..........what else is shocking?

It seems you don't read CR....the rating in question is by the readers....those who own the cars in question.
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And the biggie here is the technology in the Volt. Even if the Volt itself ends production, the technology will go into other, hopefully less expensive, vehicles. People WANT these cars and with the price of oil doing nothing but climbing, demand will increase.

Time to start investing in solar charging and battery swap stations. We can do this now and decrease our demand for foreign oil by a HUGE margin...and the investment is small compared to what we pay for fossil fuels.

if there were so many people who did, they would sell, oh wait they are to expensive? well what do you know?:eek::rolleyes:

and theres a tiny weensy little issue regards technology , why it is you insist on fitting a round peg into a square hole.....oh becasue its 'good'....:lol:

people want these these cars becasue congress via CAFE standards distorts the market and willful refusal to provide for the supply of petrol that would keep them in the larger vehicles the really want.

Congress is willfully refusing to supply petrol? You aren't even starting from a reasonable person standard.

Oil is running out. Even if we drilled every conceivable place in the US that there might be oil, it won't affect the price of gas that drastically. Oil, no matter where it comes from, goes into the global market. We don't have enough oil in our ground to make a dent.

We can make a difference right now today. For an investment equal to about what we spend in a week on oil in this country we can have battery swapping stations from coast to coast.

No, EVs won't replace ALL gas powered vehicles. Yes, people will still need their larger gas powered vehicles, but imagine if these EVs replaced 10% of gas powered vehicles for people on their daily, one person in their gas guzzling SU-fucking-V, commutes? How much would that reduce our dependency on oil?

The Volt is expensive. So's the Tesla. And? The Tesla, by the way, is developing a less expensive Sedan. Still in the over 35K range, but a far cry from what one of their Roadsters cost.

The cost will come down for these vehicles and their wonderful technology. Maybe if they got all the tax breaks and subsidies the oil companies get..:eusa_whistle:
With gas nudging $4.50 where I am, my Prius has paid off BIG TIME. I still drive away from the pump with a smile. I think I spend more at Starbucks...

The Volt's technology will go into other vehicles. It's waiting for the market to catch up.

I live in California where it is not unusual for me to be surrounded by Priusi(?) on the freeway. I went to Florida last year and the kids tried to play "punch Prius"...nobody got a swing in.

We can reduce our dependence on foreign oil by huge degrees RIGHT NOW...we aren't even trying.

^ Sheer ignorance on display here folks ^

Well that was a thoughtful and logic filled post. I suppose you ave a differing opinion? Care to offer something to counter what I posted?
I don't know about that, but the mailman just brought the April Consumer Reports, and page 15 has reader satisfaction scores which includes
Ford 60%
Chrysler 51%
GM 56%

Top was Subaru, 75% (replacing Honda)

Consumer Reports never rates American cars highly..........what else is shocking?

It seems you don't read CR....the rating in question is by the readers....those who own the cars in question. provides owner reviews too. The Chevy volt gets 4.7 for the 2011 and 4.8 for the 2012 out of 5 stars.
I thought they just sold 1,200 for Feb.(not too good)...People don't want these as they're NOT relieable currently, but one good thing about this is it's forcing advancements in battries with news of a battrie that will cost half and have 3 times the energy density coming within the next year or year in a half. This maybe the tipping point! We should all hope for advancements, but the volt isn't it. The volt may of helped pull it over the line?

The problem isn't necessarily the reliability(it's too early to make that assumption), the problem is the price point. Our local Chevy Dealer has one, and Polly(my wife) and I stopped in to take a look at it, perhaps even take a test drive. It had a Sticker price of $43k. That's way too much to make a car like the Volt feasible for most people.

I am of the opinion that GM's approach should have been to lower the cost of the Volt by increasing the price of the gas hogs they make and applying that upcharge to the price of the Volt.

However, if it proves true that the Volt is unreliable, then it's all for naught anyway. But at least people would have only made a bad investment of $30k instead of 40+.
And the biggie here is the technology in the Volt. Even if the Volt itself ends production, the technology will go into other, hopefully less expensive, vehicles. People WANT these cars and with the price of oil doing nothing but climbing, demand will increase.

Time to start investing in solar charging and battery swap stations. We can do this now and decrease our demand for foreign oil by a HUGE margin...and the investment is small compared to what we pay for fossil fuels.

if there were so many people who did, they would sell, oh wait they are to expensive? well what do you know?:eek::rolleyes:

and theres a tiny weensy little issue regards technology , why it is you insist on fitting a round peg into a square hole.....oh becasue its 'good'....:lol:

people want these these cars becasue congress via CAFE standards distorts the market and willful refusal to provide for the supply of petrol that would keep them in the larger vehicles the really want.

Congress is willfully refusing to supply petrol? You aren't even starting from a reasonable person standard.

Oil is running out. Even if we drilled every conceivable place in the US that there might be oil, it won't affect the price of gas that drastically. Oil, no matter where it comes from, goes into the global market. We don't have enough oil in our ground to make a dent.

We can make a difference right now today. For an investment equal to about what we spend in a week on oil in this country we can have battery swapping stations from coast to coast.

No, EVs won't replace ALL gas powered vehicles. Yes, people will still need their larger gas powered vehicles, but imagine if these EVs replaced 10% of gas powered vehicles for people on their daily, one person in their gas guzzling SU-fucking-V, commutes? How much would that reduce our dependency on oil?

The Volt is expensive. So's the Tesla. And? The Tesla, by the way, is developing a less expensive Sedan. Still in the over 35K range, but a far cry from what one of their Roadsters cost.

The cost will come down for these vehicles and their wonderful technology. Maybe if they got all the tax breaks and subsidies the oil companies get..:eusa_whistle:

yes, congress and namely the pres. have kept the industry in check, providing exploratory licenses is one thing, then granting production leases is wholly another.

The natural gas boom is being driven purely by private domain, federal lands account for less than 15% of the productive fields. Obama has zip to do with it BUT the EPA is doing their level best to interfere, but thats a great deal harder on privately leased land.

Even if we drilled every conceivable place in the US that there might be oil, it won't affect the price of gas that drastically

now you're just making things up....:doubt:

peak Oil or fossil fuel peak is BS, period.

the technology is not there yet, we have 5 national laboratories where in we spend billions to foster R&D on Green tech., they are on it.

When the tech. creates an efficient method of electrical power for vehicles, it won't be a secret, we are still at least a decade away.

Ecology has zip to do with it. The Volt is a mess, its cramped, its range is not very good, and the price precludes mass consumption, not even close to that. It is a boutique vehicle, GM did their level best with ala the federal help they needed to make it work, so IF IT COULD WORK, they wold not be pulling it.

Unless of course you are in favor of just paying GM outright to make them, AND then having them via a transfer of tax dollars to them, so they could drop the price to say 15-25k range....thats just nuts, period, why not just give them away.
We can reduce our dependence on foreign oil now, by producing more domestically. The regime is just too intent on destruction to do that.

We are producing more domestically. Drilling is WAY up.

Is gas more expensive here or in Canada? The answer is Canada. Did you know that Canada is a net exporter of oil? That's right, they produce about 3.3 million barrels a day and consume about 2.2 million. So, they produce more than they consume in their country.

They pay more for a gallon of gas in Canada than they do in the United States.

Is the picture coming clearer to anyone?
Ditto heads here are at their logical best. Screaming about the high price of gas, and stating that the President or Congress needs to ramp up drilling or refining, even as Gasoline and Diesel have become our biggest export. This is the free market, folks, the very market you wished for.

Of course, the idea of vehicles that use less fuel is an anthema to them. Imagine driving a vehicle that has a far higher dependibility rating and gets double the mileage. What a horrible thought. Just scream about non-existant policies that are driviing up the fuel costs.

Very high capacity batteries are just around the corner. Batteries that will cost 50% less and carry 3 to 5 times as many kwh by weight. As they come onto the market, the ICE will die. It will take a generation and a half, but that is the future.
I thought they just sold 1,200 for Feb.(not too good)...People don't want these as they're NOT relieable currently, but one good thing about this is it's forcing advancements in battries with news of a battrie that will cost half and have 3 times the energy density coming within the next year or year in a half. This maybe the tipping point! We should all hope for advancements, but the volt isn't it. The volt may of helped pull it over the line?

The problem isn't necessarily the reliability(it's too early to make that assumption), the problem is the price point. Our local Chevy Dealer has one, and Polly(my wife) and I stopped in to take a look at it, perhaps even take a test drive. It had a Sticker price of $43k. That's way too much to make a car like the Volt feasible for most people.

I am of the opinion that GM's approach should have been to lower the cost of the Volt by increasing the price of the gas hogs they make and applying that upcharge to the price of the Volt.

However, if it proves true that the Volt is unreliable, then it's all for naught anyway. But at least people would have only made a bad investment of $30k instead of 40+.

I am of the opinion that GM's approach should have been to lower the cost of the Volt by increasing the price of the gas hogs they make and applying that upcharge to the price of the Volt.

earth to steeplate- CAFE standards have been forcing them to do that for decades....hello, having to conform to a fleet gas mileage standard by building smaller cars that make little to no profit so they can make their money on the 'gas hogs'...comrade.

You know why we have the fucking doughnut spare tire? take a guess....

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