Chevy Volt Production Put On Five Week Hold

Car Review: New Car Test Drive

Below is a full, detailed review for the 2011 Chevrolet Volt written by the automotive experts at New Car Test Drive. A full evaluation of the driving experience, equipment and pricing are included from journalists with a wealth of experience.
Chevrolet Volt: Introduction

General Motors has been working for nearly four years to bring the Volt electric sedan to market, and, based on what we've experienced, the final result is a shockingly good, technologically brilliant electrically powered sedan. The Volt seats four.

The Chevrolet Volt uses a enormous 420-pound, T-shaped lithium-ion battery, mounted right in the center of the car, under the center console and rear seat, to power the car through a large 149-horsepower, 368 foot-pound AC-current electric motor with a planetary transmission and transaxle driving the front wheels. Chevrolet says a fully charged battery will run the car on electricity alone for nearly 47 miles.

The battery, co-developed with Korea's LG Chemical, a leader in this technology, uses 288 slim cells divided into four 72-cell packs. The battery has its own separate heating and cooling systems to allow it to operate efficiently in extremes of temperature. The battery can be fully charged on normal house current in 10-12 hours, said Chevrolet, and with a 240-volt charging station, in about four hours. Since electric power rates vary wildly across the country, Chevrolet estimated than an overnight charge will cost $1.00 to $1.50 per day, far less than the several gallons of gasoline it would take most commuters to get to work and back. Chevrolet will charge $490 for the fast-charging station, plus whatever your local power utility will charge for installation, and some power companies are prepared to offer rebates on installations to promote the idea. The first 4,400 Chevrolet Volt buyers will get the charging station free.

When impending battery depletion is sensed by the electronic control system that links the battery, motor, clutches, transaxle, and starter/generator together, the 1.4-liter gasoline engine starts, and converts the starter into a 55-kilowatt generator, which then supplies electrical power to the battery and the motor so that the journey can continue.

Travel can continue until the 9.3-gallon fuel tank runs out of fuel, a distance that Chevrolet calculates to be about 350 miles, or 47 miles on the battery and 310 miles using gasoline to charge the battery. The battery is never truly depleted, and operates continuously between 50 and 65 percent of its capacity, but the system is geared toward preserving the battery's life and condition under extremes of heat, cold and continuous duty.

Reviews - Review of New Cars - New York Times

- Review of New Cars - New York Times

Ignorant haters should stfu...ty

You have blamed Hannity, Limbaugh and others for VOLTS failure. Only a few more than 10,000 have sold. Now how many of the millions of liberals have purchased a VOLT? How is your VOLT running? Maybe instead of blaming others how about blaming the millions of liberals that aren't buying the car and are whining and crying because sales suck.
Congress is willfully refusing to supply petrol? You aren't even starting from a reasonable person standard.

Oil is running out. Even if we drilled every conceivable place in the US that there might be oil, it won't affect the price of gas that drastically. Oil, no matter where it comes from, goes into the global market. We don't have enough oil in our ground to make a dent.

We can make a difference right now today. For an investment equal to about what we spend in a week on oil in this country we can have battery swapping stations from coast to coast.

No, EVs won't replace ALL gas powered vehicles. Yes, people will still need their larger gas powered vehicles, but imagine if these EVs replaced 10% of gas powered vehicles for people on their daily, one person in their gas guzzling SU-fucking-V, commutes? How much would that reduce our dependency on oil?

The Volt is expensive. So's the Tesla. And? The Tesla, by the way, is developing a less expensive Sedan. Still in the over 35K range, but a far cry from what one of their Roadsters cost.

The cost will come down for these vehicles and their wonderful technology. Maybe if they got all the tax breaks and subsidies the oil companies get..:eusa_whistle:

yes, congress and namely the pres. have kept the industry in check, providing exploratory licenses is one thing, then granting production leases is wholly another.

The natural gas boom is being driven purely by private domain, federal lands account for less than 15% of the productive fields. Obama has zip to do with it BUT the EPA is doing their level best to interfere, but thats a great deal harder on privately leased land.

Even if we drilled every conceivable place in the US that there might be oil, it won't affect the price of gas that drastically

now you're just making things up....:doubt:

peak Oil or fossil fuel peak is BS, period.

the technology is not there yet, we have 5 national laboratories where in we spend billions to foster R&D on Green tech., they are on it.

When the tech. creates an efficient method of electrical power for vehicles, it won't be a secret, we are still at least a decade away.

Ecology has zip to do with it. The Volt is a mess, its cramped, its range is not very good, and the price precludes mass consumption, not even close to that. It is a boutique vehicle, GM did their level best with ala the federal help they needed to make it work, so IF IT COULD WORK, they wold not be pulling it.

Unless of course you are in favor of just paying GM outright to make them, AND then having them via a transfer of tax dollars to them, so they could drop the price to say 15-25k range....thats just nuts, period, why not just give them away.
I see nothing wrong with government providing some subsidy for an electric car, high efficiency light bulbs, recycling, or any new product or service that would benefit society as long as the subsidy has a limited life.


The same argument, in my mind, can be made about the government sponsoring contraceptives for women.

Government has no place in the bedroom. Either sponsoring or condemning what goes on. This isn't about social engineering; it's about economics.

Unwanted pregnancies will end up on the public dole in some form or fashion; food stamps, WIC, in prison, etc... The data is clear on that. You pay now or you pay later.

Unless you're just incapable of thinking through the entire argument, you can see that spending pennies on contraception today saves you thousands in aftercare later.

Put another way; if you prevent 30-40 unwanted pregnancies today, in 2018, you're going to have one fewer classroom full of kids. That allows the teachers--union or non-union--to pay closer attention to the kids who are there. So the quality of the education theoretically goes upward Or, shit, 30-40 fewer vouchers if we're using that model in 2018. So it saves you money in that bizarro universe. If your a foaming at the mouth conservative, you can even point out that you can now fire the teacher since they have that one fewer class. :lol:

So according to the ancient texts written down in 1787 that we have to live by for some bizarre reason, it isn't the job of government as if these flawed men had all of the answers--meh! In 2012 America, it makes perfect sense to pay pennies now and save dollars later on.
GM sold the most cars in the world last year, bravo for American ingenuity and the American worker.

Buy American = "Because Ford, GM and Chrysler conduct far more of their research, design, engineering, manufacturing and assembly work in the U.S. than foreign automakers do, buying a Ford, GM, or Chrysler supports almost three times as many jobs as buying the average foreign automobile. Some comparisons are even more striking. Buying a Ford supports 3.5 times more jobs than buying a Hyundai. Comparing a Honda and a Hyundai? Buying a Honda supports more than 2 times more jobs." The Level Field Institute

See a piece I wrote some time ago below for labor Day weekend.

'Join me, please this labor day weekend'

I was riding home today after a middle distance bicycle ride, tired and a bit out of shape when I started counting cars, America - foreign, American - foreign. It occurred to me if only a small percentage of these people, the people who can afford more than a used clunker, bought American there would be no problems in one of our largest industries today. And lots of people would have a job and lots of businesses would be OK. May even help those incompetent bankers.

So I started giving thumbs up for American and thumbs down for foreign. Hard to distinguish which foreign car is made here, but no need I am a bit of a hard core American when it comes to cars. My '55' Chevy was my first love.

I'm sure the people thought me spastic, as my left hand thumb pointed up, then down, then up as cars drove by. Did anyone figure it out I wondered. Who is this nut! So if the whiners who lost the election can out of the blue, protest taxes, can we not protest something that has been going on for years due to cheaper prices, support structures, and no pensions, but still is having an insidious effect on our industrial base?

So if you own foreign go to you nearest mirror and give yourself a thumbs down, and if you own American and thus support all of us and America, a thumbs up is due and thank you. Take to the streets and express yourself. The bankers thank you too.

Oh, and my bicycle(s) is made in America too.

MadeInUSA - Home- Recycling American Dollars Through Patriotic Spending
How Americans Can Buy American - helping patriotic consumers buy products made in America
American Made Products Directory - Made in USA, United States Manufacturers
THE AMERICAN LIST | A Continuous Lean.
Shirts Made in USA : All American Clothing
American and Unionmade Clothing by All USA Clothing

Quality! our Buicks are number one.

Buy American - support all Americans, including yourself.
Sorry, I'm not ????, I buy American.
Our children, our grandchildren, ourselves require we support each other, buy American.
When the ???? support my wife, kids, and I, I'll support them, until then I'll buy American.
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So you admit half the country won't buy it because of RW BS? That's a good start....and good night...

No, you are blaming people for not buying a car that you yourself won't buy. So, when you and your liberal buddies going to lead by example?
So you admit half the country won't buy it because of RW BS? That's a good start....and good night...

So, basically you are admitting that the RW and Rush Limbaugh are more powerful than you failed assed libtards are? That's fucking rich. Cause yer in power and you find yerselves impotent.. ya need ya some viagra? for da volt?
GM sold the most cars in the world last year, bravo for American ingenuity and the American worker.

Buy American = "Because Ford, GM and Chrysler conduct far more of their research, design, engineering, manufacturing and assembly work in the U.S. than foreign automakers do, buying a Ford, GM, or Chrysler supports almost three times as many jobs as buying the average foreign automobile. Some comparisons are even more striking. Buying a Ford supports 3.5 times more jobs than buying a Hyundai. Comparing a Honda and a Hyundai? Buying a Honda supports more than 2 times more jobs." The Level Field Institute

See a piece I wrote some time ago below for labor Day weekend.

'Join me, please this labor day weekend'

I was riding home today after a middle distance bicycle ride, tired and a bit out of shape when I started counting cars, America - foreign, American - foreign. It occurred to me if only a small percentage of these people, the people who can afford more than a used clunker, bought American there would be no problems in one of our largest industries today. And lots of people would have a job and lots of businesses would be OK. May even help those incompetent bankers.

So I started giving thumbs up for American and thumbs down for foreign. Hard to distinguish which foreign car is made here, but no need I am a bit of a hard core American when it comes to cars. My '55' Chevy was my first love.

I'm sure the people thought me spastic, as my left hand thumb pointed up, then down, then up as cars drove by. Did anyone figure it out I wondered. Who is this nut! So if the whiners who lost the election can out of the blue, protest taxes, can we not protest something that has been going on for years due to cheaper prices, support structures, and no pensions, but still is having an insidious affect on our industrial base?

So if you own foreign go to you nearest mirror and give yourself a thumbs down, and if you own American and thus support all of us and America, a thumbs up is due and thank you. Take to the streets and express yourself. The bankers thank you too.

Oh, and my bicycle(s) is made in America too.

MadeInUSA - Home- Recycling American Dollars Through Patriotic Spending
How Americans Can Buy American - helping patriotic consumers buy products made in America
American Made Products Directory - Made in USA, United States Manufacturers
THE AMERICAN LIST | A Continuous Lean.
Shirts Made in USA : All American Clothing
American and Unionmade Clothing by All USA Clothing

Quality! our Buicks are number one.

Buy American - support all Americans, including yourself.
Sorry, I'm not ????, I buy American.
Our children, our grandchildren, ourselves require we support each other, buy American.
When the ???? support my wife, kids, and I, I'll support them, until then I'll buy American.

I love Toyota. Know why? Cause you libtards tried to demonize and ruin Toyota.. but you failed. Know why? cause they build a superior product.. the Prius,, and they build it right here in America with American workers.
So you admit half the country won't buy it because of RW BS? That's a good start....and good night...

So, basically you are admitting that the RW and Rush Limbaugh are more powerful than you failed assed libtards are? That's fucking rich. Cause yer in power and you find yerselves impotent.. ya need ya some viagra? for da volt?

He proves the basis of liberalism, they want others to live the way they see fit and want, yet they are exempt from the rule. Yet, they will claim others ignorant for not wanting to follow an idea they themselves won't comply with. Look at health care, unions wanted and now want exemptions, why because it is for others to do, not they themselves. Those that voted for the health care bill are exempt, they have non-taxable cadillac plans, screw the rest of the country. They are slowly taking away liberty.
GM sold the most cars in the world last year, bravo for American ingenuity and the American worker.

Buy American = "Because Ford, GM and Chrysler conduct far more of their research, design, engineering, manufacturing and assembly work in the U.S. than foreign automakers do, buying a Ford, GM, or Chrysler supports almost three times as many jobs as buying the average foreign automobile. Some comparisons are even more striking. Buying a Ford supports 3.5 times more jobs than buying a Hyundai. Comparing a Honda and a Hyundai? Buying a Honda supports more than 2 times more jobs." The Level Field Institute

See a piece I wrote some time ago below for labor Day weekend.

'Join me, please this labor day weekend'

I was riding home today after a middle distance bicycle ride, tired and a bit out of shape when I started counting cars, America - foreign, American - foreign. It occurred to me if only a small percentage of these people, the people who can afford more than a used clunker, bought American there would be no problems in one of our largest industries today. And lots of people would have a job and lots of businesses would be OK. May even help those incompetent bankers.

So I started giving thumbs up for American and thumbs down for foreign. Hard to distinguish which foreign car is made here, but no need I am a bit of a hard core American when it comes to cars. My '55' Chevy was my first love.

I'm sure the people thought me spastic, as my left hand thumb pointed up, then down, then up as cars drove by. Did anyone figure it out I wondered. Who is this nut! So if the whiners who lost the election can out of the blue, protest taxes, can we not protest something that has been going on for years due to cheaper prices, support structures, and no pensions, but still is having an insidious affect on our industrial base?

So if you own foreign go to you nearest mirror and give yourself a thumbs down, and if you own American and thus support all of us and America, a thumbs up is due and thank you. Take to the streets and express yourself. The bankers thank you too.

Oh, and my bicycle(s) is made in America too.

MadeInUSA - Home- Recycling American Dollars Through Patriotic Spending
How Americans Can Buy American - helping patriotic consumers buy products made in America
American Made Products Directory - Made in USA, United States Manufacturers
THE AMERICAN LIST | A Continuous Lean.
Shirts Made in USA : All American Clothing
American and Unionmade Clothing by All USA Clothing

Quality! our Buicks are number one.

Buy American - support all Americans, including yourself.
Sorry, I'm not ????, I buy American.
Our children, our grandchildren, ourselves require we support each other, buy American.
When the ???? support my wife, kids, and I, I'll support them, until then I'll buy American.

what the heck does this have to do with the Volt?
GM sold the most cars in the world last year, bravo for American ingenuity and the American worker.

Buy American = "Because Ford, GM and Chrysler conduct far more of their research, design, engineering, manufacturing and assembly work in the U.S. than foreign automakers do, buying a Ford, GM, or Chrysler supports almost three times as many jobs as buying the average foreign automobile. Some comparisons are even more striking. Buying a Ford supports 3.5 times more jobs than buying a Hyundai. Comparing a Honda and a Hyundai? Buying a Honda supports more than 2 times more jobs." The Level Field Institute

See a piece I wrote some time ago below for labor Day weekend.

'Join me, please this labor day weekend'

I was riding home today after a middle distance bicycle ride, tired and a bit out of shape when I started counting cars, America - foreign, American - foreign. It occurred to me if only a small percentage of these people, the people who can afford more than a used clunker, bought American there would be no problems in one of our largest industries today. And lots of people would have a job and lots of businesses would be OK. May even help those incompetent bankers.

So I started giving thumbs up for American and thumbs down for foreign. Hard to distinguish which foreign car is made here, but no need I am a bit of a hard core American when it comes to cars. My '55' Chevy was my first love.

I'm sure the people thought me spastic, as my left hand thumb pointed up, then down, then up as cars drove by. Did anyone figure it out I wondered. Who is this nut! So if the whiners who lost the election can out of the blue, protest taxes, can we not protest something that has been going on for years due to cheaper prices, support structures, and no pensions, but still is having an insidious effect on our industrial base?

So if you own foreign go to you nearest mirror and give yourself a thumbs down, and if you own American and thus support all of us and America, a thumbs up is due and thank you. Take to the streets and express yourself. The bankers thank you too.

Oh, and my bicycle(s) is made in America too.

MadeInUSA - Home- Recycling American Dollars Through Patriotic Spending
How Americans Can Buy American - helping patriotic consumers buy products made in America
American Made Products Directory - Made in USA, United States Manufacturers
THE AMERICAN LIST | A Continuous Lean.
Shirts Made in USA : All American Clothing
American and Unionmade Clothing by All USA Clothing

Quality! our Buicks are number one.

Buy American - support all Americans, including yourself.
Sorry, I'm not ????, I buy American.
Our children, our grandchildren, ourselves require we support each other, buy American.
When the ???? support my wife, kids, and I, I'll support them, until then I'll buy American.

I love Toyota. Know why? Cause you libtards tried to demonize and ruin Toyota.. but you failed. Know why? cause they build a superior product.. the Prius,, and they build it right here in America with American workers.

Don't worry Japan prays each day your Japanese car doesn't kill you. Actually being mostly Buddhists maybe they just chant or something? Do you know which? Do you think some 'libtard' chanted as the cars went out of control? Any thoughts here? Lots of Toyotas made here so that sorta OK, but hey, some of us work at other things and unemployment is a bit high. But you knew that? Please continue chanting praying or whatever it is you do, hopefully the brakes will work. Oh and don't stick your foot out on the ground to stop, that doesn't work. ;)

...what the heck does this have to do with the Volt?

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It's STILL $32,500, dittoheads. And 95% of owners love it, saying they have cost us $250k each is unadulterated PUBCRAPPE, and they are as safe as any other car on the road, and there is no limit how far you can go... But thanks for your support, a-hole partisan un-American dittoheads...see sig pp3 for other examples of Pubcrappe that is un-patriotic....
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GM (Government Motors) has failed once again. But guess what? No more Corporate Welfare. They're on their own from now on. It's sink or swim time for Government Motors.
GM sold the most cars in the world last year, bravo for American ingenuity and the American worker.

Buy American = "Because Ford, GM and Chrysler conduct far more of their research, design, engineering, manufacturing and assembly work in the U.S. than foreign automakers do, buying a Ford, GM, or Chrysler supports almost three times as many jobs as buying the average foreign automobile. Some comparisons are even more striking. Buying a Ford supports 3.5 times more jobs than buying a Hyundai. Comparing a Honda and a Hyundai? Buying a Honda supports more than 2 times more jobs." The Level Field Institute

See a piece I wrote some time ago below for labor Day weekend.

'Join me, please this labor day weekend'

I was riding home today after a middle distance bicycle ride, tired and a bit out of shape when I started counting cars, America - foreign, American - foreign. It occurred to me if only a small percentage of these people, the people who can afford more than a used clunker, bought American there would be no problems in one of our largest industries today. And lots of people would have a job and lots of businesses would be OK. May even help those incompetent bankers.

So I started giving thumbs up for American and thumbs down for foreign. Hard to distinguish which foreign car is made here, but no need I am a bit of a hard core American when it comes to cars. My '55' Chevy was my first love.

I'm sure the people thought me spastic, as my left hand thumb pointed up, then down, then up as cars drove by. Did anyone figure it out I wondered. Who is this nut! So if the whiners who lost the election can out of the blue, protest taxes, can we not protest something that has been going on for years due to cheaper prices, support structures, and no pensions, but still is having an insidious affect on our industrial base?

So if you own foreign go to you nearest mirror and give yourself a thumbs down, and if you own American and thus support all of us and America, a thumbs up is due and thank you. Take to the streets and express yourself. The bankers thank you too.

Oh, and my bicycle(s) is made in America too.

MadeInUSA - Home- Recycling American Dollars Through Patriotic Spending
How Americans Can Buy American - helping patriotic consumers buy products made in America
American Made Products Directory - Made in USA, United States Manufacturers
THE AMERICAN LIST | A Continuous Lean.
Shirts Made in USA : All American Clothing
American and Unionmade Clothing by All USA Clothing

Quality! our Buicks are number one.

Buy American - support all Americans, including yourself.
Sorry, I'm not ????, I buy American.
Our children, our grandchildren, ourselves require we support each other, buy American.
When the ???? support my wife, kids, and I, I'll support them, until then I'll buy American.

what the heck does this have to do with the Volt?

Don't bother. Corporate Welfare is all the rage now with loony OWS/Obama-Bots. These Bots have no idea where they stand on anything. They only have their programming. :cuckoo:

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