Chevy Volt Production Put On Five Week Hold

#399-Listen, stupid- most people who own a Volt use it 95% electricity only, and a gigantic powerplant is so much more efficient than your car is at getting power from fossil fuel, it's ridiculous.
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It's STILL $32,500, dittoheads. And 95% of owners love it, saying they have cost us $250k each is unadulterated PUBCRAPPE, and they are as safe as any other car on the road, and there is no limit how far you can go... But thanks for your support, a-hole partisan un-American dittoheads...see sig pp3 for other examples of Pubcrappe that is un-patriotic....

Where are your enlightened liberals? Why aren't they supporting the VOLT? Why can you lazy liberals get off your asses and buy the VOLT and practice what you preach, instead of blaming others? You have yet to explain your double standard.
Why do conservatives cheer the failure of an alternative to the gasoline engine?

That is because instead of providing funding for research to find other alternatives and allowing the free market decide which is feasible. The left chooses to try and force something the market disagrees with and proceeds to throw tax payer money down the drain.
Why do conservatives cheer the failure of an alternative to the gasoline engine?

That is because instead of providing funding for research to find other alternatives and allowing the free market decide which is feasible. The left chooses to try and force something the market disagrees with and proceeds to throw tax payer money down the drain.

Why are liberals not buying the car? Why are they choosing other vehicles? Why don't they care about the environment, why are they cheering the failure of an alternative fuel vehicle, they just are not going to buy it, even knowing what they are doing to the environment!
Why do conservatives cheer the failure of an alternative to the gasoline engine?

That is because instead of providing funding for research to find other alternatives and allowing the free market decide which is feasible. The left chooses to try and force something the market disagrees with and proceeds to throw tax payer money down the drain.

Why are liberals not buying the car? Why are they choosing other vehicles? Why don't they care about the environment, why are they cheering the failure of an alternative fuel vehicle, they just are not going to buy it, even knowing what they are doing to the environment!

They are, but they're only 22% of the country. The rest appear to be the idiot pawns of lying bought off Pub pundits and the cowardly corporate media, and all the laughing hyena moron bigot ugly 'merican dittoheads. Getting it yet? LOL!
#399-Listen, stupid- most people who own a Volt use it 95% electricity only, and a gigantic powerplant is so much more efficient than your car is at getting power from fossil fuel, it's ridiculous.

so in other words, 99% of the time they can only go 35 miles.

Love the name calling, BTW. I used to do that when I was younger. Sort of made me feel BIG...

Anyway....I'll tell ytou what. I will concede on this debate and allow you to have the last word. I know that will help you sleep at night.

But your last word will have to be a response to this:

If you are so "right" in what you say and feel, why did they feel the need to halt production on the car?

Seems not too many agree with you.
You dupes hate the Volt because Rush/Sean/Pubs etc tell you to- ther IS no othre reason.. You're brainwashed AGAIN!!

The Fisker Karma, that Rush etc has also been trying to sabotage, also can keep going as long as you put gas in it. Gorgeous...

You're a hateful Bigot who supports Corporate Welfare. Shame on you. :mad:

The only people against the Volt are brainwashed dittoheads. I hate lies...period.Corporate welfare my azz. I guess you're just for subsidizing Big Oil by bought off Pub cronies, not future industries competing with the highly subsidized rest of the world. A) Corrupt, and B) STUPID.
Volt is unique among electric vehicles because you have two sources of energy. You have an electric source–a battery–that allows you to drive gas–free for an EPA–estimated 35 miles. And there's also an onboard gas generator that produces electricity so you can go up to a total of 375 additional miles on a full tank of gas4.

2012 Chevy Volt | Electric Car | Chevrolet

410 miles on a full charge and a full tank of gas! That takes care of any range concerns.

now take this into consideration...

35 miles takes electricity that comes from oil....

The rest...or 375 miles comes from gasoline...a bi product of oil refining.

So exactly how is that helping our dependency on oil?

What is the cost of dismantling these things when they reach the end of their lifespans? Not like they can go to the crusher.

You take the battery out first. Duh duh duh dittohead. Why don't you find out instead of asking stupid fear mongering questions, Rush?
God damnit, i was looking to spend $42,000 on a car so i could save money on gas.
$40,000, and then a $7,500 rebate, bringing it down to $32,500.

Still a little pricey for a Chevy with new technology and no track record. The Nissan Leaf is a better deal, and at today's gas prices, you would break even in seven years.

From 2011:

At the $3.54 per gallon national average on Mar. 10, a typical car buyer would break even in seven years and save almost $6,000 over 12 years, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance.
God damnit, i was looking to spend $42,000 on a car so i could save money on gas.
$40,000, and then a $7,500 rebate, bringing it down to $32,500.

Still a little pricey for a Chevy with new technology and no track record. The Nissan Leaf is a better deal, and at today's gas prices, you would break even in seven years.

From 2011:

At the $3.54 per gallon national average on Mar. 10, a typical car buyer would break even in seven years and save almost $6,000 over 12 years, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance.

The 'REBATE' isn't from GM, but taxpayer dollars from the government. IOW, those that can't afford that type of sticker price are helping foot the bill for the RICH. Indeed, Obama wants to make it $10k in taxpayer cash to the buyers.
God damnit, i was looking to spend $42,000 on a car so i could save money on gas.
$40,000, and then a $7,500 rebate, bringing it down to $32,500.

Still a little pricey for a Chevy with new technology and no track record. The Nissan Leaf is a better deal, and at today's gas prices, you would break even in seven years.

From 2011:

At the $3.54 per gallon national average on Mar. 10, a typical car buyer would break even in seven years and save almost $6,000 over 12 years, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance.

That is, you would break even if it wasn't for all the towing you will have to pay for because your car is constantly running out of juice.
God damnit, i was looking to spend $42,000 on a car so i could save money on gas.
$40,000, and then a $7,500 rebate, bringing it down to $32,500.

Still a little pricey for a Chevy with new technology and no track record. The Nissan Leaf is a better deal, and at today's gas prices, you would break even in seven years.

From 2011:

At the $3.54 per gallon national average on Mar. 10, a typical car buyer would break even in seven years and save almost $6,000 over 12 years, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance.

That is, you would break even if it wasn't for all the towing you will have to pay for because your car is constantly running out of juice.

Full charge + full gas tank= 410 miles. Must be a long trip! :eek: I agree that GM shouldn't be getting tax payer dollars, but Toyota doesn't get any money and they have a electric car...If theres market for such, why not make them? As tech advances then maybe one day they will take over!

I was reading that a new "battery" is about ready to come out over the next year or so that will cut the cost(1/2) and expand the energy density(3 times). So you'd think electric cars are only going to get better!
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The Leaf has about an 80 mile range before recharging. The Volt is not a toy size and can run on its gas generator forever. W/o going against Newton's 2nd law of thermodynamics (for the idiots)...

I wouldn't hold your breath on that new battery- these things are far from certain and could be ANOTHER RW plot against the Volt. I don't kid lol.
The Leaf has about an 80 mile range before recharging. The Volt is not a toy size and can run on its gas generator forever. W/o going against Newton's 2nd law of thermodynamics (for the idiots)...

I wouldn't hold your breath on that new battery- these things are far from certain and could be ANOTHER RW plot against the Volt. I don't kid lol.

For the ignoramuses, Newton's Second Law has nothing to do with thermodynamics.

For the idiots, nothing runs forever, and the second law of thermodynamics has nothing to do with that simple statement of fact.
God damnit, i was looking to spend $42,000 on a car so i could save money on gas.
$40,000, and then a $7,500 rebate, bringing it down to $32,500.

Still a little pricey for a Chevy with new technology and no track record. The Nissan Leaf is a better deal, and at today's gas prices, you would break even in seven years.

From 2011:

At the $3.54 per gallon national average on Mar. 10, a typical car buyer would break even in seven years and save almost $6,000 over 12 years, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance.

The 'REBATE' isn't from GM, but taxpayer dollars from the government. IOW, those that can't afford that type of sticker price are helping foot the bill for the RICH. Indeed, Obama wants to make it $10k in taxpayer cash to the buyers.
Did I claim the rebate was from GM? No.

Wingnut FAIL.
How crazy is this
Obama pushes the volt that is a coal powered vehicle (electric car) and then his EPA shuts down coal mines all over the place.

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