Chicago #1 in Murders

This will keep on happening until
1. Ghetto culture is destroyed
2. our children are educationed enough to succeed

Oddly enough I agree with you on both points. The present neighborhoods where the shooting and crime are endemic are black. A century ago, they were Irish, with the same kind of statistics. And the Irish grew out of their self imposed poverty. As will the people of African-American heritage. And the path is your second point.

Yet, look at the group that is most opposed to the education of any our citizens. It is the GOP. Sad, but true. Especially sad, given that Eisenhower was a Republican President. The GOP needs to get back to the policies that he espoused. Then it would gain back respect from the populace. After all, name beloved Governors in the state of Oregon, and Tom McCalls name tops the list. A Republican governor in a Democratic state.

We need to develop a system of education that embraces all ages within the population. For, even in crafts, what you knew 20 years ago is no longer relevant to most of your craft. We have to develop a way of educating our people, even when they are adults with a family, that all can afford.
Old cocks, just exactly how are the blacks in the ghetto going to grow out of their "self-imposed poverty"?

I can't wait for this answer.

And BTW, I don't think it was self-imposed. I believe it was planned.
Check it out. If you go by state, Illinois is 31st. Which means there are more gun deaths in about every single Red State than in Illinois.

Isn't that fucking HILARIOUS!

Firearms Death Rate per 100,000 statistics - states compared - Crime data by state


Right wingers want to pick out ONE city when their states are fucking death traps and cess pools.

And look at these idiots patting each other on the back thinking they really got "something" here. God, making them look like fools isn't even fun anymore. Because it's simply too easy.

Interesting that NY, Conn and Mass have the least murders in 2007.
op 10 States withe highest Homicide rates:
1 Louisiana: HomicideRate 10.8
2 Mississippi: 7.4
3 Alabama: 7.1
4 Michigan 7.0
5 South Carolina 6.9
6 Missouri 6.5
7 Maryland 6.3
8 Delaware 6.2
9Tennessee 6.0
10 Georgia 5.9
- New Data: Homicide rate by state | WLWT Home - News

Illinois murder rate: 5.8
Michigan 7.0
NY 3.5

New York City, NY

The most populated city in the country ranks #77 in crime That probably makes it one of the safest places on earth per capita.
Highest Murder Rate US Cities - best, most, greatest of everything ranked User Contributed Rankings -
This is the latest report. Chicago is 21st in the nation, the right wingers like cherry picking and fudging stats to fit their propaganda. When in reality, when you mix stupid right wingers and guns, you get murder

Change of Subject: Wrongly accused --You wouldn?t know it, but Chicago isn?t even close to the most dangerous city in America

Don't get me wrong, I feel this thread is a complete non-issue. Just came here for general morbid curiosity.

Still, you should edit this. Chicago isn't 21st. Illinois, as a whole, is 21st. According the the FBI, Chicago is currently the murder capital of America. Luckily for Illinois's stats, the state's big enough and apparently calm enough outside of Chicago to bleed those murders out into a relatively low average. Nevertheless, Illinois as a whole aside, Chicago's fucked up.

You might want to re-read the link I posted. The city of chicago itself, not the whole state is 21st in per capita murders, nowhere near the top.

Aha. I stand corrected.
Check it out. If you go by state, Illinois is 31st. Which means there are more gun deaths in about every single Red State than in Illinois.

Isn't that fucking HILARIOUS!

Firearms Death Rate per 100,000 statistics - states compared - Crime data by state


Right wingers want to pick out ONE city when their states are fucking death traps and cess pools.

And look at these idiots patting each other on the back thinking they really got "something" here. God, making them look like fools isn't even fun anymore. Because it's simply too easy.

How fucking rediculous. Still trying to pin the majority of "gun deaths" on Republicans? Even red states have plenty of blacks and/or Mexicans. Half of all gun homicides are done by BLACKS in this country, and no if they happen to live in a "red state" it isn't going to stop them from acting like thugs. Hoods aren't just in large cities anymore, they exist in smaller towns now as well.

But hey, don't let that stop you and your gun grabber agenda. If Jerome kills Leeroy in Houston it's the Republicans' fault.

FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 3
Don't forget that the government conveniently classifies Hispanics and Latinos as either White or Unknown.

Carry on, dipshit.

Yea, but blacks and Hispanics aren't the "majority" of gun deaths. Two thirds of ALL gun deaths are suicide and most of those suicides are white guys in Red States. How do you explain that?

Hadn't thought about that. I wonder, if you removed suicides from this map, what would the revised map look like?

I also wonder how many of those suicides would have been prevented with more gun control legislation.
It seems Chicago has always had a lot of crime going back to Capone, Dillinger and my childhood hero, Basil, the owl, Bangart. I lost three friends all white by the time I was eighteen. I'm sure today there are more murders than when I was grew up in Englewood but now at my age I can understand a little better why.

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