Chicago bans indoor ecig use

I accept your apology.

It really isnt tobacco if the Nicotine is extracted and purified. When you use a Pot vaporizer you take actually marijuana and grind it up before placing it on the coils. With that you are smoking pot, If E-cigs just burn an extract, then you can't consider it tobacco anymore, especially if its purified.

I don't smoke tobacco so it not a problem for me but the real question is the second hand smoke of e-cig harmful to others.

It's not even smoke and there is no evidence it is harmful yet they still banned it
Is it a coincidence the two highest cigarette tax cities in the USA did this? I bet ecig use is cutting into tax revenues so they want to discourage ecig use
It really isnt tobacco if the Nicotine is extracted and purified. When you use a Pot vaporizer you take actually marijuana and grind it up before placing it on the coils. With that you are smoking pot, If E-cigs just burn an extract, then you can't consider it tobacco anymore, especially if its purified.

I don't smoke tobacco so it not a problem for me but the real question is the second hand smoke of e-cig harmful to others.

It's not even smoke and there is no evidence it is harmful yet they still banned it

No matter what it is I don't think they should ban it without proof, let alone in a private business.
If e-cig smokers have to smoke outside with the other smokers, I suspect they may find some futility in their smoking preference. I think ordinances like this would exacerbate tobacco-quitting efforts.
There is no smoke from an ecig, moron. So your "real" question is as real as any other LOLberal question.

FDA: Second-hand smoke from e-cigarettes may be harmful to your health

FDA: Second-hand smoke from e-cigarettes may be harmful to your health | Lifestyle | GMA News Online

I accept your apology.


Look, Dullard. There is no combustion from an Ecig. It's not smoke. Whether the federal morons say it, or their sycophants say it. It's vapor. As in, water vapor laced with nicotine. Extracted from the plant. There is no smoke, and there is no indication that the vapor is harmful to others. Except of course to ban happy LOLberal morons that make shit up as they go to pormote their draconian agenda of complete control of all aspects of human action.


Full Definition of SMOKE

a : the gaseous products of burning materials especially of organic origin made visible by the presence of small particles of carbon
b : a suspension of particles in a gas
a : a mass or column of smoke
b : smudge
: fume or vapor often resulting from the action of heat on moisture
: something of little substance, permanence, or value
: something that obscures
a (1) : something (as a cigarette) to smoke (2) : marijuana 2
b : an act of smoking tobacco; especially : a smoking break
a : a pale blue
b : any of the colors of smoke

Smoke - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

What now Biotch !
Maybe we should wait twenty to thirty years to find out the long term effects of E-Cigs before allowing people to smoke anywhere they want. Fifty years ago, most people thought it was safe to smoke cigarettes. I love how it's always about the rights of the smoker and never about the rights of the non-smokers.
Maybe we should wait twenty to thirty years to find out the long term effects of E-Cigs before allowing people to smoke anywhere they want. Fifty years ago, most people thought it was safe to smoke cigarettes. I love how it's always about the rights of the smoker and never about the rights of the non-smokers.

I had nothing against banning smoking at work, in planes, in schools, all those places.

But forcing bars to ban smoking is just silly. Plus, I really dont see any government agency with enforcement agents out at 3 AM laying down the law on this.
FDA: Second-hand smoke from e-cigarettes may be harmful to your health

FDA: Second-hand smoke from e-cigarettes may be harmful to your health | Lifestyle | GMA News Online

I accept your apology.


Look, Dullard. There is no combustion from an Ecig. It's not smoke. Whether the federal morons say it, or their sycophants say it. It's vapor. As in, water vapor laced with nicotine. Extracted from the plant. There is no smoke, and there is no indication that the vapor is harmful to others. Except of course to ban happy LOLberal morons that make shit up as they go to pormote their draconian agenda of complete control of all aspects of human action.


Full Definition of SMOKE

a : the gaseous products of burning materials especially of organic origin made visible by the presence of small particles of carbon
b : a suspension of particles in a gas
a : a mass or column of smoke
b : smudge
: fume or vapor often resulting from the action of heat on moisture
: something of little substance, permanence, or value
: something that obscures
a (1) : something (as a cigarette) to smoke (2) : marijuana 2
b : an act of smoking tobacco; especially : a smoking break
a : a pale blue
b : any of the colors of smoke

Smoke - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

What now Biotch !

What now? You go home, understand chemistry and thermodynamics. Come on back and ditch the faulty semantics. Lets be clear; is vapor a synonym of smoke? No? Is smoke a synonym of vapor? No?

Do you know why that is? Of course you dont.
They consider it tobacco despite it not being tobacco nor any proof it is harmful. They want to punish behavior they don't approve of but that doesn't make them bigots
Chicago Tribune

No, it's still tobacco.

no, it is NOT.

I am all for banning real cigarette smoking, including marijuana form public spaces, as it IS harmful, but e-cigarette is not.

I would even advertise it for those who need to quit or for those who want to have their joint - vaporiser is better for them as the smoke is eliminated and not interfering with others.

Oh, and it does not STINK :D
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Maybe we should wait twenty to thirty years to find out the long term effects of E-Cigs before allowing people to smoke anywhere they want. Fifty years ago, most people thought it was safe to smoke cigarettes. I love how it's always about the rights of the smoker and never about the rights of the non-smokers.

partially true.

but the area of interference of the vapor is different that area of interference of the smoke.

so if you are not in the very close proximity to the vapor-smoker, you should not be involved in any way.

Obviously if it is a very small room packed with e-smokers than you might have the influence, including the stink.

But I do not see as often repeated scenario.

Most people use e-cigarette to quit altogether.

and as Katzndogz said - sometimes it is nothing harmful at all, just the way to get the ingredients in.

Inhalation is one of the best routes to get medications in fast
I accept your apology.

It really isnt tobacco if the Nicotine is extracted and purified. When you use a Pot vaporizer you take actually marijuana and grind it up before placing it on the coils. With that you are smoking pot, If E-cigs just burn an extract, then you can't consider it tobacco anymore, especially if its purified.

I don't smoke tobacco so it not a problem for me but the real question is the second hand smoke of e-cig harmful to others.

You're a real treat. I can't believe liberal hippies like you are even tolerated in that state.
It really isnt tobacco if the Nicotine is extracted and purified. When you use a Pot vaporizer you take actually marijuana and grind it up before placing it on the coils. With that you are smoking pot, If E-cigs just burn an extract, then you can't consider it tobacco anymore, especially if its purified.

I don't smoke tobacco so it not a problem for me but the real question is the second hand smoke of e-cig harmful to others.

You're a real treat. I can't believe liberal hippies like you are even tolerated in that state.


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I don't smoke tobacco so it not a problem for me but the real question is the second hand smoke of e-cig harmful to others.

You're a real treat. I can't believe liberal hippies like you are even tolerated in that state.



No, seriously, I'm amazed you're still alive. And that's not to say you don't deserve to be alive, but that place is pretty backward in some areas. You might consider moving to CO.
I accept your apology.

It really isnt tobacco if the Nicotine is extracted and purified. When you use a Pot vaporizer you take actually marijuana and grind it up before placing it on the coils. With that you are smoking pot, If E-cigs just burn an extract, then you can't consider it tobacco anymore, especially if its purified.

I don't smoke tobacco so it not a problem for me but the real question is the second hand smoke of e-cig harmful to others.

It creates no smoke of any no.
Maybe we should wait twenty to thirty years to find out the long term effects of E-Cigs before allowing people to smoke anywhere they want. Fifty years ago, most people thought it was safe to smoke cigarettes. I love how it's always about the rights of the smoker and never about the rights of the non-smokers.

Are you LYING or just stupid?

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