Chicago Beating of Honor Student, demostrates the Problem with Schools Today!

Private school teachers get paid less and have less funds; however, they get run more efficiently and the students get a better and safer education! Go figure!
I used to do skate school for school kids, the private school kids were always the rudiest!

Don't hold it against them because of your flaws. After all, they are like that only because you are not worthy of being in their presence.

You should meet my twin tall blonde neices that go to a private catholic high school and they drive a 25,000 dollar car. They are good kids but alittle stuck up.
This sounds like a great plan to create a caste system with the top level made up of elitist that have never been exposed to the general population.

Yeah, but in all fairness, I think we already have that....just those people go to private schools.

Private school teachers get paid less and have less funds; however, they get run more efficiently and the students get a better and safer education! Go figure!
Except for the ones that have to worry about the priests. :eusa_eh:
I don't worry about priests Ravi. There are none in my kids' school and I'm a little sick and tired of that mud slinging. Public school teachers have abused far more kids than priests. Look it up.

Money is not the answer. NJ spends over 10K per student and 20K for special ed. Many of our kids still can't read or tell time.

The single biggest difference between private and public schools is parental involvement. Schools can only do so much when kids don't show up for school, don't do homework, or show up stoned. Some states fine parents for incorrigible behavior. I think its an outstanding motivator.

Forget about segregation. The ADA is a serious law.
So, according to your system a 9 year old that may be acting out because his parents are divorcing, is a lost cause for the rest of his life......yeah, that's the ticket.
In my plan children get evaluated from from 4-9! So hopefully kids wouldn't fall through the cracks, but even after 9 kids could move to the good schools! Sorry, but in highschool I knew a ton of kids that got divorce, usually the one's that where assholes after were assholes before. Usually the one's that weren't assholes where just depressed! Even so a divorce shouldn't be the reason a kid is a behavior problem and in any system outside factors would always have discri

How about we have discipline in schools instead? No more allowing kids to taunt each other, strict supervision at all times while at school and if you don't finish your schoolwork in class, you stay after. What an idea? The schools doing what they get paid to do?
Sounds good to me!

Of course no teacher wants to stay after just because one of their students is having trouble with the curriculum so it will never happen.
Give them overtime!
You should meet my twin tall blonde neices that go to a private catholic high school and they drive a 25,000 dollar car. They are good kids but alittle stuck up.

Are you trying to set me up with them?

I think a better idea would be to have lower tolerance for children that are violent or agressive in school, and once expelled from the normal school, they would be placed in a transitional school that would be more able to give them what they need in terms of help, whether it be with a learning disability, or behavioral problems, or environmental problems (such as home life).

Some of the kids that excel in these programs would be transitioned back into the mainstream school.

The main reason to do this is that the troubled kids may detract from the education of those that are not aggressive or causing problems. The mainstream school would not be for only the smart kids, but for smart and dumb alike, as long as they are able to control themselves.

The problem that I see with making a school of smart kids and a school of less smart kids is that the smart kids will not know how to interact with members of the general public who are less intelligent than them when they finally become adults and get into the real world.

Problem is that it doesn't fix the problem of intercity kids receiving a far inferior education to the burb kids! On top of that intercity schools have more than their share of troubled kids. On top of that many teachers are afraid of these kids and won't discipline them!
I don't worry about priests Ravi. There are none in my kids' school and I'm a little sick and tired of that mud slinging. Public school teachers have abused far more kids than priests. Look it up.

Money is not the answer. NJ spends over 10K per student and 20K for special ed. Many of our kids still can't read or tell time.

The single biggest difference between private and public schools is parental involvement. Schools can only do so much when kids don't show up for school, don't do homework, or show up stoned. Some states fine parents for incorrigible behavior. I think its an outstanding motivator.

Forget about segregation. The ADA is a serious law.

Are you saying intelligence and/or behavior is a disability? The ADA has to deal with employment, public utility access (such as ramps), but doesn't have to deal with schools!

I hope you don't mean the Civil Rights Act, because that disallows segregation based on race, color, religion, national origin, familial status, age or sex!

I think you need to actually read these laws! :eusa_hand:
I don't worry about priests Ravi. There are none in my kids' school and I'm a little sick and tired of that mud slinging. Public school teachers have abused far more kids than priests. Look it up.

Money is not the answer. NJ spends over 10K per student and 20K for special ed. Many of our kids still can't read or tell time.

The single biggest difference between private and public schools is parental involvement. Schools can only do so much when kids don't show up for school, don't do homework, or show up stoned. Some states fine parents for incorrigible behavior. I think its an outstanding motivator.

Forget about segregation. The ADA is a serious law.

Are you saying intelligence and/or behavior is a disability? The ADA has to deal with employment, public utility access (such as ramps), but doesn't have to deal with schools!

I hope you don't mean the Civil Rights Act, because that disallows segregation based on race, color, religion, national origin, familial status, age or sex!

I think you need to actually read these laws! :eusa_hand:

The Individuals with Disabillities Education Act (IDEA)is an offshoot of the ADA. And Section 504 of the Civil Rights Act covers students with ADHD and other medical problems.

Students are classified according by IQ scores and achievement; and "emotionally disturbed" covers a range of behavioral issues. And of course, many of the behavior problems can be attributed to ADHD, which is reaching epidemic proportions.

Pursuant to IDEA, discipline of a child with a disability must take that disability into account. For example, if a child with Asperger syndrome is sensitive to loud noises, and if the child runs out of a room filled with loud noises, any discipline of that child for running out of the room must take into account the sensitivity and whether appropriate accommodations were in place. According to the United States Department of Education, for children with disabilities who have been suspended for 10 days total for each school year, including partial days, the local education agency (LEA) must hold a manifestation determination hearing within 10 school days of any decision to change the placement of a child with a disability because of a violation of a code of student conduct following either the Stay Put law which states that the child shall not be moved from his or her current placement or interim services in an alternative placement if the infraction was deemed to cause danger to other students.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some psychologists have tried to argue that cursing, fighting, and drug use are merely "manifestations of their disability" and therefore the student may not be punished for that behavior.

25% of my school is classified. Prob. less than half of my students have true learning disabilities. The rest are troublemakers. Special ed. is a dumping ground, and the law is on their side. They may not be suspended for more than 10 days in a school year, or we must provide private tutoring at the student's home. $50 an hour. Our teachers are raking it in.

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